Package Details: icecat 115.11.0-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: icecat
Description: GNU version of the Firefox ESR browser
Upstream URL:
Keywords: browser esr gnuzilla web
Licenses: MPL-2.0
Submitter: None
Maintainer: figue (xiota)
Last Packager: xiota
Votes: 251
Popularity: 0.49
First Submitted: 2007-12-09 10:12 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-05-16 04:30 (UTC)

Dependencies (51)

Sources (6)

Pinned Comments

xiota commented on 2024-02-26 07:32 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-15 05:23 (UTC) by xiota)

PKGBUILD has been updated. Major changes:

  • Downloads Firefox ESR and localization using the source array. Files are saved for reuse.
  • Saves freshly patched IceCat sources in a tarball for reuse.
  • Saves the PGO profile for reuse.


  • Wayland users, consider setting _build_pgo_xvfb=false. This will use xwayland-run for profiling.
  • PGO should work now, but if it doesn't and you're willing to go without, try _build_pgo=false.
  • Running out of RAM? Try adding mk_add_options MOZ_PARALLEL_BUILD=___ around line 300. Pick a value less than number of cores and free RAM in GB. For example, on a system with 8 cores, 64GB total RAM, but only 6 GB free, the value should be set to 4 or 5.
    • If a few people can confirm this is helpful, I will consider adding it as an additional option.
    • Main resource hog seems to be linking Leave a comment if you have a potential solution.

Having problems? Please provide details: processor make and model, number of cores, free -m, full log in pastebin, whether using AUR helper/makepkg/clean chroot, etc.

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ecolinux commented on 2010-07-20 09:18 (UTC)


ecolinux commented on 2010-07-20 09:05 (UTC)

Hello, i don't understand what you say about xulrunner. xulrunner- work with icecat 3.6.4 . where is the problème ? but i compil with autoconf (who replace autoconf2.13) and xulrunner-19.2.6 _xulver= depends=('xulrunner=' 'desktop-file-utils' 'mime-types' 'shared-mime-info') makedepends=('zip' 'libgnomeui>=2.22.1' 'python' 'wireless_tools' 'autoconf') Icecat seem work fine

cb474 commented on 2010-07-01 00:46 (UTC)

@Ravenman: Or you could download the older version of xulrunner from Arch Rollback Machine: Use "pacman -U" to install it. Then edit the IgnorePkg line in pacman.conf and add xulrunner, so it doesn't get upgraded, with system upgrades. That's what I do when I'm waiting for Icecat to get upgraded to the latest version. Usually Icecat upgrades right away or withing a couple days, but this time the GNU OS people seem to be taking a longer time.

figue commented on 2010-06-30 22:29 (UTC)

@Ravenman, IceCat needs exactly its xulrunner version, but you can use IceCat with lastest xulrunner, though. It isn't recommended, just "it works". I've been playing a bit and IceCat seems to be stable. Quick steps: - pacman -Sd xulrunner - Download lastest tarball and untar it. - makepkg -d - pacman -U icecat-3.6.4-1-${arch}.pkg.tar.xz or just you can wait until Giuseppe release lastest version ;)

Ravenman commented on 2010-06-30 19:07 (UTC)

The package xulrunner has been updated from to version and I can't install IceCat by the dependencies. What can I do?

figue commented on 2010-06-27 08:20 (UTC)

i18n package was splitted. Please, check your language package: icecat-${langpack}. Much better, I think.

wonder commented on 2010-06-24 10:19 (UTC)

i was talking only about icecat and firefox. if you use firefox, pacman will never fetch libgnomeui and after compiling icecat you do pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qdtq) will clean that crap too.

tjwoosta commented on 2010-06-24 08:00 (UTC)

Am I really though? I have gtk-qt-engine running just fine without libbonoboui or kdelibs (which both pull in a ton of unnescessary depends), and I have icecat running just fine without libgnomeui. Both of which were built without those packages and without the need for --disable flags or otherwise pkgbuild modification except removing/replacing deps. If this is possible, why should they be required? How about this from the gtk-qt-engine readme? Prerequisites: CMake 2.4 Qt 4.3 developement package GTK developement package I dont see any libgnomeui or kdelibs, no affiliation with any DE at all. or how about this from the icecat readme? The default configuration of IceCat uses the following libraries: libpango libpangoxft libpangoft2 libfreetype libxft libgtk2 libx11 wheres libgnomeui? The configure script checks for it sure, but it doesnt require it, not for building or otherwise. Only gnome users might want this, but even then its not required. Its like an optbuilddep because its optional, but if you choose to use it it should be installed before you compile like a builddep. This could easily be covered in the optdep details (libgnomeui: for gnome integration, requires rebuilding the package)