Package Details: vmware-workstation 17.5.2-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: vmware-workstation
Description: The industry standard for running multiple operating systems as virtual machines on a single Linux PC.
Upstream URL:
Keywords: dkms ovftool player vmplayer vmware workstation
Licenses: custom
Conflicts: vmware-modules-dkms, vmware-ovftool, vmware-patch, vmware-systemd-services
Provides: vmware-ovftool
Submitter: synthead
Maintainer: jihem
Last Packager: jihem
Votes: 192
Popularity: 3.87
First Submitted: 2017-02-10 19:04 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-05-16 21:20 (UTC)

Sources (22)

Pinned Comments

jihem commented on 2020-02-10 17:29 (UTC) (edited on 2021-06-19 13:19 (UTC) by jihem)

After the first installation, please:

1) install the appropriate headers package(s) for your installed kernel(s): linux-headers for default kernel, linux-lts-headers for LTS kernel...

2) reboot or load vmw_vmci and vmmon kernel modules (modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon)

3) Enable the services you need (using .service units to activate them during boot or .path units to activate them when a VM is started) :

  • vmware-networks: to have network access inside VMs

  • vmware-usbarbitrator: to connect USB devices inside VMs

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Gex commented on 2024-06-01 08:32 (UTC)

I'm having trouble installing this package. Running makepg ends with: ==> Starting prepare()... Extracting VMware Installer...done. ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). Aborting...

I can't even extract the bundle manually: % sh src/VMware-Workstation-17.5.2-23775571.x86_64.bundle --extract /tmp Extracting VMware Installer...done. % echo $? 1 It results in exit code 1 and /tmp stays untouched.

GoldenDreamcast commented on 2024-05-25 17:27 (UTC)

Is it possible to have this installed along side vmware-vmrc? I get similar conflicts to rado84, but it tells me the files are already owned by vmware-vmrc

jihem commented on 2024-05-20 16:45 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-20 16:47 (UTC) by jihem)

when the bundle tries to install

The bundle should never try to install anything. You shouldn't manually start the bundle if you want to install VMware from this AUR package, and the PKGBUILD only extracts the files from the bundle to install them using its own script (it doesn't start the bundle installation).

Unfortunately, IDK how to force the aur helper (trizen) to write on the root partition. AFAIK trizen can not be run as sudo.

After re-reading your first comment, I think you don't understand how AUR works. To install this package, you should only start the command trizen -S vmware-workstation (or something similar, I don't know trizen syntax). Then trizen downloads the PKGBUILD in a directory, starts makepkg in this direcory and when the package is built, trizen uses pacman to install the package. Only pacman needs root privileges and is able to write files anywhere on the filesystem (I guess trizen uses sudo pacman -U, makepkg -i or something like that to run pacman with root privileges).

If you are sure to use trizen correctly, then maybe this is a trizen bug, so try with the manual method:

cryptodan commented on 2024-05-20 14:02 (UTC)

rado84, Are you using any other AUR packages that maybe in conflict, because your issue doesn't happen with my systems.

rado84 commented on 2024-05-20 13:06 (UTC)

@jihem, yes and I deleted them manually one by one, thus cleaning the system from everything vmware related. And then at the end of the installation the story repeats itself. So I backed up the current system, installed a fresh Arch with nothing else but the desktop and video driver and tried installing VMWare again - same thing: at the end of the installation "these files exist in the filesystem". Clearly one of the other files in the above list provides these files prematurely and when the bundle tries to install, it can't because of these conflicts. It's pointless, I'll use vbox. VMWare has become (to me) the same thing Skype did ever since MS bought it - something not to touch, if I wanna keep my sanity intact.

jihem commented on 2024-05-20 11:30 (UTC)

@ihipop No, the only language available is english.

@rado84 As yurikoles said, these files were created when you tried to install the bundle, even if the bundle was unable to finish the installation.

You can remove these files using this process: but if the installation was not finished, I am not sure it will work.

Otherwise, you can remove most of the files with the command rm -r /etc/vmware-installer /usr/lib/vmware-installer and force installing the package using the command given in yurikoles link: pacman -U --overwrite \* vmware-workstation-17.5.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

ihipop commented on 2024-05-20 02:02 (UTC)

Any way to change the localization language?

yurikoles commented on 2024-05-19 22:25 (UTC) (edited on 2024-05-19 22:42 (UTC) by yurikoles)

I see file conflicts in the rado84's pastebin, so you definitely installed VMware Workstation from bundle before installing this package.

Any AUR helper, including trizen, don't write system files directly, they delegate this to the pacman. So if you have these files in the system but pacman doesn't know about them, this means they didn't came from this package.

That's not a fault of package author, nor trizen nor pacman or Arch Linux, but the user who installed files to the system without leveraging package manager.

Please consult with Arch Wiki about pacman file conflicts

rado84 commented on 2024-05-19 21:02 (UTC)

@jihem, yeah, I tested it and it didn't cry about GCC version but something else happened. Just at the end of the installation it showed a bunch of errors unable to write ANYTHING in the root partition (ALL of the vmware packages, icons, files, etc) and the installation was terminated. Unfortunately, IDK how to force the aur helper (trizen) to write on the root partition. AFAIK trizen can not be run as sudo.

Up until the moment it asks whether I wanna install vmware-workstation (Yes/No) - it's ok. If I type "Y" and press enter, then the nightmare begins. I created a pastebin for you to see it. Keep in mind that that's on a system which didn't have vmware before and all of these files came from the AUR package. Now I'll have to delete each one manually...

If it can't be fixed - f*ck it, I can live without VMWare. I needed it to test something but I guess I won't.

jihem commented on 2024-05-19 16:12 (UTC)

@rado84 I don't understand exactly what happens for you with the bundle, but this package works with GCC 14 without any problem.