AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-08-13remove aerc makefile patchMoritz Poldrack
2023-06-22fix aerc makefile patchMoritz Poldrack
2023-02-15enable RELRO for CMoritz Poldrack
2023-01-26update makefile patchMoritz Poldrack
2023-01-24remove use of libexecMoritz Poldrack
2023-01-24fixed dual compilationMoritz Poldrack
2022-04-24Fix Go link step failing because of build flagsGokberk Yaltirakli
2021-12-21Switch to "rjarry" fork used by Arch and Alpine reposGokberk Yaltirakli
2020-05-14Adopt to new package guidelinesStefan Tatschner
2020-04-11BumpStefan Tatschner