AgeCommit messageAuthor
2019-09-18Fix intel-media-sdk pkgconfig pathDaniel Bermond
2019-07-15Improve pkgver(). Cosmetic changes.Daniel Bermond
2018-11-19Change source to httpsDaniel Bermond
2018-11-09Add jack. https url. Drop avresample. Do not rename source clone.Daniel Bermond
2018-10-17Update conflictsDaniel Bermond
2018-10-15Remove makepkg internal function. Update provides and conflicts.Daniel Bermond
2018-07-04Add aom support to match official repository packageDaniel Bermond
2018-05-13Match latest repository changes (notably nvidia hwaccel support)Daniel Bermond
2018-05-11Fix buildDaniel Bermond
2017-02-22Forked from ffmpeg-git and updated to build support for Intel QSVepitron