AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-09-19R2023aMarco Rubin
2023-04-23Restore checksums and products listMarco Rubin
2023-04-23Add symlink to /usr/local used by python-matlabengineMarco Rubin
2023-04-232023aMarco Rubin
2023-01-17Bale out when installer failsMarco Rubin
2023-01-07Update to latest R2022b point release, use echo instead of msg2, install to /optMarco Rubin
2023-01-07Add -desktop option to .desktop file to run MATLAB without controlling terminalMarco Rubin
2022-09-17Face lift, force usage of system libtiff to run MATLABWindowMarco Rubin
2022-09-16Default installation as MATLAB interactive installer to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2022bMarco Rubin
2022-09-16R2022bMarco Rubin