# Enchant Aur A wrapper library for generic spell checking. * Uses the following third party elements: * Building the packages is enhanced and partially automated by [grunt][] ## Getting started The following commands are needed to get a certain degree of automation into the process: * Install npm : **npm Install** * Make sure that the Gruntfile.js contains other needed tasks. * Only if you start this as a fresh project: Initialize the git environment. This includes adding the defined repository as origin: **grunt init**. * Install the grunt hooks into the local repo: **grunt hooks** ## Building the package: The following commands have you covered: * Just building a tar package: grunt archive * Tagging the current HEAD commit with the version information from the package.json and archiving it into a tar package: * grunt prerelease : Bumps the version to the next prerelease (prev) version. * grunt prepatch : Bumps the version to the next prerelease patch version (increases the patch number) * grunt preminor: Bumps the version to the next prereleae minor version. * grunt premajor : Bumps the version to the next prerelease major version. * grunt release: Bumps the version to the next proper patch version. * grunt releaseminor: Bumps the version to the next proper minor version. * grunt releasemajor: Bumps the version to the next proper major version. ## Changelog [Grunt]: http://gruntjs.com/ "Grunt Task Runner"