diff options
authorfelics@felics-tablet2016-10-25 20:24:47 +0200
committerfelics@felics-tablet2016-10-25 20:24:47 +0200
commit72ebf4134d21e71fe6624e643d46163ab9012cf0 (patch)
Initial commit.
5 files changed, 1088 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eda4f98109b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+pkgbase = adhocspot-script
+ pkgdesc = Bash script to easily configure your interface to share your internet connection and configure a DHCP and DNS and TFTP boot server to listen on it. IP, DHCP, DNS can be configured, and for WiFi interfaces also wireless mode and encryption.
+ pkgver = 20161025.1
+ pkgrel = 2
+ epoch = 0
+ install = adhocspot-script.install
+ arch = any
+ license = custom: Public Domain
+ depends = bash
+ depends = dnsmasq
+ depends = net-tools
+ depends = wireless_tools
+ depends = wpa_supplicant
+ source =
+ source = copying.txt
+ source = adhocspot-script.install
+ sha256sums = 777d22e0def2e66613e42531c8d1a802bbdce7cd9cf90ec1acd5981f7a981476
+ sha256sums = c3cbff25307e905545788f5c74cc137d79706c60549092f2a37919b93cf55ee3
+ sha256sums = f05052583b9d7ba8215897bc621fea38d18fea20e1040fcbda4fd2ab76fc8867
+pkgname = adhocspot-script
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d30007e9368a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Maintainer: dreieck
+pkgdesc="Bash script to easily configure your interface to share your internet connection and configure a DHCP and DNS and TFTP boot server to listen on it. IP, DHCP, DNS can be configured, and for WiFi interfaces also wireless mode and encryption."
+license=('custom: Public Domain')
+ )
+ "bash"
+ "dnsmasq"
+ "net-tools"
+ "wireless_tools"
+ "wpa_supplicant"
+ ""
+ "copying.txt"
+ "adhocspot-script.install"
+ "777d22e0def2e66613e42531c8d1a802bbdce7cd9cf90ec1acd5981f7a981476"
+ "c3cbff25307e905545788f5c74cc137d79706c60549092f2a37919b93cf55ee3"
+ "f05052583b9d7ba8215897bc621fea38d18fea20e1040fcbda4fd2ab76fc8867"
+package() {
+ _licdirbase="/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+ _licdir="${pkgdir}/${_licdirbase}"
+ _execdirbase='/usr/bin'
+ _execdir="${pkgdir}/${_execdirbase}"
+ _rundirbase="/run/adhocspot"
+ _rundir="${pkgdir}/${_rundirbase}"
+ install -v -D -m755 "${srcdir}/" "${_execdir}/"
+ install -v -D -m644 "${srcdir}/copying.txt" "${_licdir}/copying.txt"
+ install -v -d -m755 "${_rundir}"
diff --git a/adhocspot-script.install b/adhocspot-script.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55ef2fa52689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adhocspot-script.install
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+post_install() {
+ post_upgrade
+post_upgrade() {
+ echo ""
+ echo "========"
+ echo " Default values for the adhocspot-script are hard-coded within the script."
+ echo " If you want to change settings, override defaults on the command line, or"
+ echo " write a wrapper script which uses your preferred defaults."
+ echo " If you really want to change the defaults within the script, you have to"
+ echo " edit it."
+ echo "========"
+ echo ""
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..69f38a58a2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+##### Dependencies. #####
+# On Arch Linux, this script depends on the following packages (in brackets the bare commands it uses):
+# * dnsmasq: For DHCP and DNS. ('dnsmasq')
+# * net-tools: For configuring IP information of the network interface. ('ifconfig')
+# * wireless_tools: For configuration of wireless network interface. ('iwconfig')
+# * wpa_supplicant: For WPA-encryption. ('wpa_supplicant', 'wpa_passphrase')
+##### #####
+# set -e
+_datetime="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
+# Default values. Can be overridden by commandline options.
+_macaddress_default='<not change>'
+_no_wifi_default="false" # Set to true if we do not wifi-configure the interface (e.g. if already configured or it's not wifi).
+_no_ipconfig_default="false" # Set to true if we do not want to ip-configure the interface (e.g. if already configured).
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ echo "$@"
+ else
+ cat
+ fi
+ prefix="$1"
+ while read line; do
+ echo "${prefix}${line}"
+ done
+verbose() {
+ if "${_verbose}"; then
+ msg "$@"
+ fi
+debug() {
+ if "${_debug}"; then
+ msg "$@"
+ fi
+errmsg() {
+ msg "$@" > /dev/stderr
+exiterror() {
+ if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
+ _exitcode="$2"
+ else
+ _exitcode=1
+ fi
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _msg="$1"
+ else
+ _msg="$0: Unspecified Error. Aborting."
+ fi
+ errmsg "${_msg}"
+ exit "${_exitcode}"
+make_newip_from_suffix() {
+ # Takes as $1 an IPv4-address, as $2 a last part of an IPv4-address, and replaces the last part of $1 with $2.
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'make_newip_from_suffix': Error: Need IP-address and a suffix as options."
+ fi
+ _ip="$1"
+ _sfx="$2"
+ echo "$(echo "${_ip}" | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3}').${_sfx}"
+get_macaddress() {
+ # Returns the MAC-address of the interface specified in $1.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'get_macaddress': Error: Need to specify a network interface as option."
+ fi
+ ifconfig "$1" | grep -E '\<ether\>' | sed 's|^.*ether[[:space:]]*\([0-9a-f:]*\)[[:space:]].*$|\1|g'
+is_interface_up() {
+ # Returns 0 if interface $1 is up, otherwise 1.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'is_interface_up': Error: Need to specify a network interface as option."
+ fi
+ ifconfig "$1" | tr '[[:space:]]' '\n' | grep 'flags=' | grep -q UP
+set_macaddress() {
+ # Sets the MAC-address of the network interface $1 to $2.
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'set_macaddress': Error: Need interface and MAC-address as options."
+ fi
+ verbose "Setting MAC address of $1 to $2."
+ if is_interface_up "$1"; then
+ _isup=true
+ else
+ _isup=false
+ fi
+ # debug "DEBUG: Interface is up, need to be temporarily down to change MAC address."
+ if "${_isup}"; then
+ ifconfig "$1" down
+ fi
+ # debug "DEBUG: Interface was brought down. Now changing MAC address."
+ ifconfig "$1" hw ether "$2"
+ # debug "DEBUG: Bringing interface up again."
+ if "${_isup}"; then
+ ifconfig "$1" up
+ fi
+ # debug "DEBUG: Interface brought up."
+get_netmask() {
+ # Returns the netmask of network interface $1.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'get_netmask': Error: Need to specify a network interface as option."
+ fi
+ _nmask="$(ifconfig "$1" | grep -E '\<netmask\>' | sed 's|^.*netmask[[:space:]]*\([0-9a-f\.]*\)[[:space:]].*$|\1|g')"
+ echo "${_nmask}"
+get_ipaddress() {
+ # Returns the IP address of network interface $1.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'get_ipaddress': Error: Need to specify a network interface as option."
+ fi
+ _ipaddr="$(ifconfig "$1" | grep -E '\<inet\>' | sed 's|^.*inet[[:space:]]*\([0-9a-f\.]*\)[[:space:]].*$|\1|g')"
+ if [ -z "${_ipaddr}" ]; then
+ _ipaddr=''
+ fi
+ echo "${_ipaddr}"
+get_ipconfig() {
+ # Outputs the ip config state of network interface $1. Output format: 'inet <ip> netmask <netmask> [up/down]' (so we could direktly feed back into ifconfig).
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'get_ipconfig': Error: Need to specify a network interface as option."
+ fi
+ if is_interface_up "$1"; then
+ _updown='up'
+ else
+ _updown='down'
+ fi
+ _ipaddr="$(get_ipaddress "$1")"
+ _nmask="$(get_netmask "$1")"
+ if [ -z "${_ipaddr}" ]; then
+ _ipaddr=''
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${_nmask}" ]; then
+ _nmtext="netmask ${_nmask} "
+ else
+ _nmtext=""
+ fi
+ echo "inet ${_ipaddr} ${_nmtext}${_updown}"
+configure_ip() {
+ # Configures the network interface $1. Expects as argument $2 a string acceptible to ifconfig (e.g. of the format 'inet <IP> netmask <netmask> [up/down]').
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_ip': Error: Need interface, and configuration as options."
+ fi
+ verbose "Setting network interface $1 to $2."
+ ifconfig "$1" $2
+configure_wifi_basics() {
+ # Configures the WiFi interface $1 for mode $2, ESSID $3, channel $4.
+ if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi_basics': Error: Need interface, mode, ESSID and channel as options."
+ fi
+ verbose "Configuring $1 for WiFi mode $2, ESSID $3 and channel $4."
+ iwconfig "$1" mode "$2" essid "$3" channel "$4"
+configure_wifi_wep() {
+ # Configures the WiFi interface $1 for WEP-encryption with password $2.
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi_wep': Error: Need interface and WEP-password as options."
+ fi
+ verbose "Setting encryption of $1 to WEP restricted, with password $2."
+ iwconfig "$1" key restricted s:"$2"
+configure_wifi_wpa() {
+ # Configures the WiFi interface $1 for WPA-encryption with ESSID $2 and password $3. $4 specifies the WiFi-Mode we operate (e.g. ad-hoc or master).
+ if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi_wpa': Error: Need interface, ESSID, WEP-password and WiFi-mode as options."
+ fi
+ _wpaiface="$1"
+ _wpaessid="$2"
+ _wpapasswd="$3"
+ _wpawifimode="$4"
+ _wpadriver="wext"
+ _wpapsk="$(wpa_passphrase "${_wpaessid}" "${_wpapasswd}" | grep -Ev '^[[:space:]]*\#' | grep '^[[:space:]]psk\=' | cut -d'=' -f2)"
+ _wpa_group="$(id -gn)"
+ case "${_wpawifimode}" in
+ "ad-hoc")
+ _mode=1
+ _ap_scan=2
+ _key_mgmt='WPA-NONE'
+ _pairwise='NONE'
+ ;;
+ "master")
+ exiterror "$0: Error: WPA encryption together with mode 'master' is not implemented yet. Aborting." 99
+ _mode=1
+ _ap_scan=1
+ _key_mgmt='WPA-NONE'
+ _pairwise='NONE'
+ ;;
+ "managed")
+ _mode=0
+ _ap_scan=1
+ _key_mgmt='WPA-PSK'
+ _pairwise='NONE'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi_wpa': Error: Not supported WiFi-mode "${_wpawifimode}" specified."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ _wpaconf="
+ ctrl_interface=DIR=${_wpa_ctrl} GROUP=${_wpa_group}
+ ap_scan=${_ap_scan}
+ network={
+ ssid=\"${_wpaessid}\"
+ mode="${_mode}"
+ proto=WPA
+ key_mgmt=${_key_mgmt}
+ pairwise=${_pairwise}
+ group=TKIP
+ psk=${_wpapsk}
+ }
+ if "${_debug}"; then
+ _wpadebug="-dd"
+ elif "${_verbose}"; then
+ _wpadebug="-d"
+ else
+ _wpadebug=""
+ fi
+ verbose "Starting wpa_supplicant for interface ${_wpaiface}."
+ debug ""
+ debug "=== Using the following configuration file for wpa_supplicant: ==="
+ debug ""
+ debug "${_wpaconf}"
+ debug ""
+ debug "=== End of wpa_supplicant's config file. ==="
+ debug ""
+ echo "${_wpaconf}" | wpa_supplicant ${_wpadebug} -P "${_wpa_pidfile}" -t -f "${_wpa_logfile}" -B -c"/dev/stdin" -i "${_wpaiface}" -D "${_wpadriver}" || {
+ _wpa_error="$?"
+ exiterror "$0: Error: wpa_supplicant failed to start with exitcode ${_wpa_error}. Aborting." "${_wpa_error}"
+ }
+configure_wifi() {
+ # Configures the WiFi interface. Arguments:
+ # $1: Interface
+ # $2: Mode
+ # $3: ESSID
+ # $4: Channel
+ # $5: Encryption type
+ # $6: Encryption password
+ if [ $# -lt 6 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi': Error: Need interface, mode, ESSID, channel, encryption type and encryption password as options."
+ fi
+ _wifi_iface="$1"
+ _wifi_mode="$2"
+ _wifi_essid="$3"
+ _wifi_channel="$4"
+ _wifi_enctype="$5"
+ _wifi_encpasswd="$6"
+ configure_wifi_basics "${_wifi_iface}" "${_wifi_mode}" "${_wifi_essid}" "${_wifi_channel}"
+ case "${_wifi_enctype}" in
+ "wep")
+ configure_wifi_wep "${_wifi_iface}" "${_wifi_encpasswd}"
+ ;;
+ "wpa")
+ configure_wifi_wpa "${_wifi_iface}" "${_wifi_essid}" "${_wifi_encpasswd}" "${_wifi_mode}"
+ ;;
+ "off")
+ true # Do not configure encryption.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'configure_wifi': Selected unsupported encryption type '${_wifi_enctype}'. Aborting."
+ ;;
+ esac
+start_dnsmasq() {
+ _dnsmasq_iface="${_iface}"
+ _dnsmasq_tftproot="${_tftp_root}"
+ if [ "$(grep dnsmasq /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1 )" == dnsmasq ]; then
+ _dnsmasq_user=dnsmasq
+ else
+ _dnsmasq_user=nobody
+ fi
+ if [ "$(grep dnsmasq /etc/group | cut -d':' -f1 )" == dnsmasq ]; then
+ _dnsmasq_group=dnsmasq
+ else
+ _dnsmasq_group=nobody
+ fi
+ if "${_debug}"; then
+ _dnsmasq_debug_options=(
+ "--log-queries=extra"
+ "--log-dhcp"
+ )
+ elif "${_verbose}"; then
+ _dnsmasq_debug_options=(
+ "--log-dhcp"
+ )
+ else
+ _dnsmasq_debug_options=()
+ fi
+ _dnsmasq_general_options=(
+ "--no-hosts"
+ "--log-facility=${_dnsmasq_logfile}"
+ "--pid-file=${_dnsmasq_pidfile}"
+ "--user=${_dnsmasq_user}"
+ "--group=${_dnsmasq_group}"
+ "--interface=${_dnsmasq_iface}"
+ "--bind-dynamic"
+ # "--bind-interfaces"
+ "--dhcp-range=${_dhcprange_lower},${_dhcprange_upper},24h"
+ "--read-ethers"
+ "--enable-tftp"
+ "--tftp-root=${_dnsmasq_tftproot}"
+ "--tftp-no-fail"
+ "--conf-file=/dev/null"
+ )
+ verbose "Starting dnsmasq."
+ dnsmasq "${_dnsmasq_debug_options[@]}" "${_dnsmasq_general_options[@]}" || {
+ _dnsmasq_error="$?"
+ exiterror "$0: Error: dnsmasq failed to start with exitcode ${_dnsmasq_error}. Aborting." "${_dnsmasq_error}"
+ }
+kill_by_pidfile() {
+ # Kills a process by the PID within the file $1. Optional argument $2: A 'fancy name' of the process to use in error messages.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'kill_by_pidfile': Error: Need a PID-file as option."
+ fi
+ if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
+ _fancyname="$2"
+ else
+ _fancyname="process"
+ fi
+ _pid="$(cat "$1")"
+ verbose "Killing ${_fancyname} (PID ${_pid})."
+ if [ -d "/proc/${_pid}" ]; then
+ kill "${_pid}" || {
+ kill -9 "${_pid}" || {
+ errmsg "$0: Failed to kill ${_fancyname} (PID "${_pid}")".
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: ${_fancyname}'s PID-file $1 is present, but no process under that PID (${_pid}) is running."
+ fi
+string_whitelist() {
+ # Checks the string $1 against a whitelist: Returns one if the string passes, zero if it contains any character not in the whitelist.
+ # As optional argument $2 a whitelist to be fed to tr can be used, if not specified a default is used.
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ exiterror "$0: In function 'string_whitelist': Error: Need a string to test as option."
+ fi
+ if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
+ _whitelist="$2"
+ else
+ _whitelist='[a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]'
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$(echo "$1" | tr -d "${_whitelist}")" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# _dhcprange_lower is set after parsing the options.
+# _dhcprange_upper is set after parsing the options.
+printusage() {
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " $0 action [arguments ...]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Actions (exactly one required):"
+ echo " up | start Start the thing."
+ echo " down | stop Stop the thing."
+ echo " stat | status | state | show Show the status of the thing."
+ echo " -h | --help | help Print this message and exit."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Arguments (all optional):"
+ echo " -h | --help | help Print this message and exit."
+ echo " -v | --verbose Print information as we go on/ start daemons verbosely."
+ echo " -d | --debug Print debug output/ start daemons with debug output."
+ echo " Implies verbose."
+ echo " -i | --iface <iface> Interface to use (default: ${_iface_default})."
+ echo " Only characters out of the set [a-zA-Z0-9\._\-] are allowed."
+ echo " -ip | --ip <ip> IPv4-address to set the interface to (default: ${_ip_default})."
+ echo " -nm | --netmask <netmask> Netmask to use (default: ${_netmask_default})."
+ echo " -m | --mac <MAC-address> Set the MAC-address of the interface (defaults to"
+ echo " the interface's native MAC-address)."
+ echo " -ni | --no-ipconfig If specified, do not configure IP information for the"
+ echo " interface. Useful e.g. if already configured."
+ echo " Specifying this option, the following won't be configured:"
+ echo " IP-address, netmask, MAC-address."
+ echo " -dl | --dhcp-lower <dhcp-ip> Lower end of the range of IP-addresses to assign to"
+ echo " clients. The default is the first three numbers of our"
+ echo " IP-address, and then ${_dhcprange_lower_suffix_default}, e.g. ${_dhcprange_lower}"
+ echo " -du | --dhcp-upper <dhcp-ip> Upper end of the range of IP-addresses to assign to"
+ echo " clients. The default is the first three numbers of our"
+ echo " IP-address, and then ${_dhcprange_upper_suffix_default}, e.g. ${_dhcprange_upper}"
+ echo " -wm | --wifi-mode <mode> The WiFi-mode to set the interface to. Allowed modes:"
+ echo " 'ad-hoc', 'master', 'managed'. (Default: ${_wifimode_default}.)"
+ echo " -e | --essid <ESSID> Set the WiFi ESSID to use (default: ${_essid_default})."
+ echo " -c | --channel <wifi-channel> Set the WiFi channel to use (default: ${_channel_default})."
+ echo " -enc | --enc <encryption-type> Set the type of WiFi encryption to use. Possible values:"
+ echo " 'off', 'wep', 'wpa'. (Default: ${_encryption_default})."
+ echo " -key | --key <enc-password> Set the password to use for the WiFi encryption key"
+ echo " (default: ${_enckey_default})."
+ echo " NOTE: For WEP, the password has to be 5 or 13 characters long."
+ echo " For WPA, it has to be between 8 ans 63 characters long."
+ echo " -nw | --no-wifi If specified, do not wifi-configure the interface. Useful"
+ echo " e.g. if already configured or it's not a WiFi interface."
+ echo " Specifying this option, the following won't be configured:"
+ echo " WiFi-mode, ESSID, channel, encryption type, encryption key."
+ echo " -tf | --tftp-root <dir> Directory where to serve files for TFTP network boot from"
+ echo " (default: ${_tftp_root_default}). Set to something nonextisting"
+ echo " to disable functionality."
+ echo " -r | --rundir <directory> Where to store and look for runtime information"
+ echo " (default: ${_rundir_base_default}). It get's created if nonextisting."
+ echo ""
+ echo "(Info: We were started at ${_datetime}.)"
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Need at least one action specified."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "Try option '-h' for a help."
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 10
+case "${_action}" in
+ "up"|"start")
+ _action="up"
+ ;;
+ "down"|"stop")
+ _action="down"
+ ;;
+ "stat"|"status"|"state"|"show")
+ _action="status"
+ ;;
+ "-h"|"--help"|"help")
+ printusage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Invalid action '${_action}' specified."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 10
+ ;;
+while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ "-h"|"--help"|"help")
+ shift
+ printusage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ "-i"|"--iface")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _iface="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-i' or '--iface': Need to specify an interface."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 11
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-ip"|"--ip")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _ip="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-ip' or '--ip': Need to specify an IPv4-address."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 12
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-nm"|"--netmask")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _netmask="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-nm' or '--netmask': Need to specify a netmask."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 13
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-ni"|"--no-ipconfig")
+ shift
+ _no_ipconfig='true'
+ ;;
+ "-dl"|"--dhcp-lower")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _dhcprange_lower="$1"
+ _dhcp_lower_explicitly_set=true
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-dl' or '--dhcp-lower': Need to specify an IPv4-address."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 14
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-du"|"--dhcp-upper")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _dhcprange_upper="$1"
+ _dhcp_upper_explicitly_set=true
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-du' or '--dhcp-upper': Need to specify an IPv4-address."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 15
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-m"|"--mac")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _macaddress_change='true'
+ _macaddress="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-m' or '--mac': Need to specify a MAC-address."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 17
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-wm"|"--wifi-mode")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _wifimode="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-wm' or '--wifi-mode': Need to specify a WiFi mode."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 18
+ fi
+ case "${_wifimode}" in
+ "ad-hoc"|"master"|"managed")
+ true # Everything is fine.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ errmsg "$0: Not allowed WiFi-mode '${_wifimode}' specified for the '-wm' or '--wifi-mode'-option."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-e"|"--essid")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _essid="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-e' or '--essid': Need to specify a WiFi ESSID."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 19
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-c"|"--channel")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _channel="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-c' or '--channel': Need to specify a WiFi channel."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 20
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-enc"|"--enc")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _encryption="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-enc' or '--enc': Need to specify a WiFi encryption type."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 21
+ fi
+ case "${_encryption}" in
+ "off"|"wep"|"wpa")
+ true # Everything is fine.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ errmsg "$0: Not allowed WiFi encryption type '${_encryption}' specified for the '-enc' or '--enc'-option."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-key"|"--key")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _enckey="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-key' or '--key': Need to specify a WiFi encryption password."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 22
+ fi
+ _enckeylength="$(echo -n "${_enckey}" | wc -c)"
+ case "${_encryption}" in
+ "wep")
+ if [ ${_enckeylength} -ne 5 ] && [ ${_enckeylength} -ne 13 ]; then
+ errmsg "$0: Error: For WEP-encryption, the length of the password has to be 5 or 13 characters. Yours was ${_enckeylength}."
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "wpa")
+ if [ ${_enckeylength} -lt 8 ] || [ ${_enckeylength} -gt 63 ]; then
+ errmsg "$0: Error: For WPA-encryption, the length of the password has to be between 8 and 63 characters. Yours was ${_enckeylength}."
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ true # Everything is fine since there is no encryption, so the password does not matter.
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-nw"|"--no-wifi")
+ shift
+ _no_wifi='true'
+ ;;
+ "-v"|"--verbose")
+ shift
+ _verbose='true'
+ ;;
+ "-d"|"--debug")
+ shift
+ _verbose='true'
+ _debug='true'
+ ;;
+ "-tf"|"--tftp-root")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _tftp_root="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-tf' or '--tftp-root': Need to specify a directory."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 23
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-r"|"--rundir")
+ shift
+ if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+ _rundir_base="$1"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Too few arguments for option '-r' or '--rundir': Need to specify a directory."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 24
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _unknownarg="$1"
+ shift
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Unrecognised argument '${_unknownarg}'."
+ errmsg ""
+ errmsg "$(printusage)"
+ errmsg ""
+ exiterror "Aborting." 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+if ! "${_dhcp_lower_explicitly_set}"; then
+ _dhcprange_lower="$(make_newip_from_suffix "${_ip}" ${_dhcprange_lower_suffix_default})"
+if ! "${_dhcp_upper_explicitly_set}"; then
+ _dhcprange_upper="$(make_newip_from_suffix "${_ip}" ${_dhcprange_upper_suffix_default})"
+string_whitelist "${_iface}" || {
+ errmsg "$0: Error: Interface name '${_iface}' (specified via the '-i' or '--iface'-option or set as a default) contains invalid characters."
+ errmsg "See help."
+ exiterror "Aborting."
+if "${_verbose}"; then
+ _mkdirverbose="-v"
+ _rmverbose="-v"
+verbose "Started at ${_datetime}."
+case "${_action}" in
+ "up")
+ mkdir ${_mkdirverbose} -p "${_rundir}"
+ cd "${_rundir}"
+ echo "${_datetime}" > "${_startedatfile}"
+ if "${_macaddress_change}"; then
+ get_macaddress "${_iface}" > "${_origmacfile}"
+ set_macaddress "${_iface}" "${_macaddress}"
+ fi
+ if ! "${_no_wifi}"; then
+ echo "We configured WiFi, so we take it down afterwards. (In fact, only the existence of this file matters, not it's content.)" > "${_wificonfiguredfile}"
+ configure_wifi "${_iface}" "${_wifimode}" "${_essid}" "${_channel}" "${_encryption}" "${_enckey}"
+ fi
+ if ! "${_no_ipconfig}"; then
+ get_ipconfig "${_iface}" > "${_origifconfigfile}"
+ configure_ip "${_iface}" "inet ${_ip} netmask ${_netmask} up"
+ fi
+ start_dnsmasq
+ ;;
+ "down")
+ if [ -d "${_rundir}" ]; then
+ cd "${_rundir}"
+ else
+ errmsg "$0: Cannot bring down, since specified runtime information directory ${_rundir} does not exist."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_wpa_pidfile}" ]; then
+ kill_by_pidfile "${_wpa_pidfile}" "wpa_supplicant"
+ rm -f "${_wpa_pidfile}"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_dnsmasq_pidfile}" ]; then
+ kill_by_pidfile "${_dnsmasq_pidfile}" "dnsmasq"
+ rm -f "${_dnsmasq_pidfile}"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_origifconfigfile}" ]; then
+ configure_ip "${_iface}" "$(cat "${_origifconfigfile}")"
+ rm -f "${_origifconfigfile}"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_wificonfiguredfile}" ]; then
+ configure_wifi "${_iface}" managed any 0 off "${_enckey_default}"
+ rm -f "${_wificonfiguredfile}"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${_origmacfile}" ]; then
+ set_macaddress "${_iface}" "$(cat "${_origmacfile}")"
+ rm -f "${_origmacfile}"
+ fi
+ rm -f "${_startedatfile}"
+ rm -Rf "${_rundir}"/*
+ rmdir ${_rmverbose} "${_rundir}"
+ ;;
+ "status")
+ _instances="$(find "${_rundir_base}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)"
+ if [ -z "${_instances}" ]; then
+ echo "No runtime information present at '${_rundir_base}/'. Probably nothing running."
+ else
+ cd "${_rundir_base}"
+ for _inst in ${_instances}; do
+ _inst="$(basename "${_inst}")"
+ _instdir="${_rundir_base}/${_inst}"
+ echo "${_inst}:"
+ {
+ [ -e "${_instdir}/${_startedatfilebase}" ] && echo "Started: $(cat "${_instdir}/${_startedatfilebase}")" || true
+ echo -n "$(get_ipconfig "${_inst}")"; [ -e "${_instdir}/${_origifconfigfilebase}" ] && {
+ echo -n " (Old: $(cat "${_instdir}/${_origifconfigfilebase}")),"
+ } || true
+ echo -n " "
+ echo -n "ether $(get_macaddress "${_inst}")"; [ -e "${_instdir}/${_origmacfilebase}" ] && {
+ echo -n " (Old: $(cat "${_instdir}/${_origmacfilebase}"))"
+ } || true
+ echo ""
+ [ -e "${_instdir}/${_wpa_pidfilebase}" ] && {
+ echo -n "wpa_supplicant: PID: $(cat "${_instdir}/${_wpa_pidfilebase}"), "; [ -d "/proc/$(cat "${_instdir}/${_wpa_pidfilebase}")" ] && echo -n "Running." || echo -n "Not running."
+ } || {
+ echo -n "wpa_supplicant: Could not determine PID."
+ }
+ [ -e "${_instdir}/${_wpa_logfilebase}" ] && echo -n " Logfile: '${_instdir}/${_wpa_logfilebase}'." || true
+ echo ""
+ echo -n "dnsmasq: "; [ -e "${_instdir}/${_dnsmasq_pidfilebase}" ] && {
+ echo -n "PID: $(cat "${_instdir}/${_dnsmasq_pidfilebase}"), "; [ -d "/proc/$(cat "${_instdir}/${_dnsmasq_pidfilebase}")" ] && echo -n "Running." || echo -n "Not running."
+ } || {
+ echo -n "Could not determine PID."
+ }
+ [ -e "${_instdir}/${_dnsmasq_logfilebase}" ] && echo -n " Logfile: '${_instdir}/${_dnsmasq_logfilebase}'." || true
+ echo ""
+ } | stdout_prefix " "
+ echo ""
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exiterror "$0: Error: Unknown action '${_action}'. Aborting."
+ ;;
diff --git a/copying.txt b/copying.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a731621ccfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/copying.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This software is put in the public domain by it's author.