diff options
authorStick2023-12-10 08:26:54 -0500
committerStick2023-12-10 08:26:54 -0500
commitaac9f5570f78465697de51d5ae5572514276573a (patch)
parent54578ee4e7867f5914cfdb413661a39d7d10a297 (diff)
add nerd-fonts
2 files changed, 148 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 8463759ee1bd..16db0db08ee4 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
pkgbase = all-repository-fonts
pkgdesc = Meta package for all fonts in the official repositories.
- pkgver = 20231209
+ pkgver = 20231210
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = any
@@ -30,18 +30,31 @@ pkgbase = all-repository-fonts
depends = noto-fonts-emoji
depends = noto-fonts-extra
depends = opendesktop-fonts
+ depends = otf-aurulent-nerd
depends = otf-cascadia-code
+ depends = otf-codenewroman-nerd
+ depends = otf-comicshanns-nerd
+ depends = otf-commit-mono-nerd
depends = otf-cormorant
+ depends = otf-droid-nerd
depends = otf-fantasque-sans-mono
depends = otf-fira-mono
depends = otf-fira-sans
+ depends = otf-firamono-nerd
depends = otf-font-awesome
+ depends = otf-geist-mono-nerd
+ depends = otf-hasklig-nerd
+ depends = otf-hermit-nerd
depends = otf-ipaexfont
depends = otf-ipafont
depends = otf-ipamjfont
depends = otf-latin-modern
depends = otf-latinmodern-math
+ depends = otf-monaspace-nerd
+ depends = otf-opendyslexic-nerd
depends = otf-overpass
+ depends = otf-overpass-nerd
+ depends = perl-font-ttf
depends = powerline-fonts
depends = terminus-font
depends = tex-gyre-fonts
@@ -69,49 +82,109 @@ pkgbase = all-repository-fonts
depends = ttc-iosevka-ss16
depends = ttc-iosevka-ss17
depends = ttc-iosevka-ss18
+ depends = ttf-0xproto-nerd
+ depends = ttf-3270-nerd
+ depends = ttf-agave-nerd
depends = ttf-anonymous-pro
+ depends = ttf-anonymouspro-nerd
+ depends = ttf-arimo-nerd
depends = ttf-arphic-ukai
depends = ttf-arphic-uming
+ depends = ttf-atkinson-hyperlegible
depends = ttf-baekmuk
+ depends = ttf-bigblueterminal-nerd
depends = ttf-bitstream-vera
+ depends = ttf-bitstream-vera-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-caladea
depends = ttf-carlito
depends = ttf-cascadia-code
+ depends = ttf-cascadia-code-nerd
+ depends = ttf-cascadia-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-cormorant
+ depends = ttf-cousine-nerd
+ depends = ttf-crimson
+ depends = ttf-crimson-pro
+ depends = ttf-crimson-pro-variable
depends = ttf-croscore
+ depends = ttf-d2coding-nerd
+ depends = ttf-daddytime-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-dejavu
+ depends = ttf-dejavu-nerd
depends = ttf-droid
+ depends = ttf-envycoder-nerd
depends = ttf-eurof
+ depends = ttf-fantasque-nerd
depends = ttf-fantasque-sans-mono
depends = ttf-fira-code
depends = ttf-fira-mono
depends = ttf-fira-sans
+ depends = ttf-firacode-nerd
depends = ttf-font-awesome
+ depends = ttf-go-nerd
depends = ttf-hack
+ depends = ttf-hack-nerd
depends = ttf-hanazono
depends = ttf-hannom
+ depends = ttf-heavydata-nerd
+ depends = ttf-iawriter-nerd
depends = ttf-ibm-plex
+ depends = ttf-ibmplex-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-inconsolata
+ depends = ttf-inconsolata-go-nerd
+ depends = ttf-inconsolata-lgc-nerd
+ depends = ttf-inconsolata-nerd
depends = ttf-indic-otf
+ depends = ttf-input
+ depends = ttf-intone-nerd
+ depends = ttf-iosevka-nerd
+ depends = ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd
depends = ttf-jetbrains-mono
+ depends = ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-joypixels
depends = ttf-junicode
+ depends = ttf-junicode-variable
depends = ttf-khmer
depends = ttf-lato
+ depends = ttf-lekton-nerd
depends = ttf-liberation
+ depends = ttf-liberation-mono-nerd
+ depends = ttf-lilex-nerd
+ depends = ttf-linux-libertine
+ depends = ttf-linux-libertine-g
+ depends = ttf-martian-mono-nerd
+ depends = ttf-meslo-nerd
+ depends = ttf-monaspace-variable
depends = ttf-monofur
+ depends = ttf-monofur-nerd
depends = ttf-monoid
+ depends = ttf-monoid-nerd
+ depends = ttf-mononoki-nerd
+ depends = ttf-mplus-nerd
depends = ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
depends = ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common
depends = ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono
+ depends = ttf-noto-nerd
depends = ttf-opensans
+ depends = ttf-overpass
+ depends = ttf-profont-nerd
depends = ttf-proggy-clean
+ depends = ttf-proggyclean-nerd
depends = ttf-roboto
depends = ttf-roboto-mono
+ depends = ttf-roboto-mono-nerd
depends = ttf-sarasa-gothic
depends = ttf-sazanami
+ depends = ttf-scheherazade-new
+ depends = ttf-sharetech-mono-nerd
+ depends = ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd
+ depends = ttf-space-mono-nerd
+ depends = ttf-terminus-nerd
depends = ttf-tibetan-machine
+ depends = ttf-tinos-nerd
depends = ttf-ubuntu-font-family
+ depends = ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd
+ depends = ttf-ubuntu-nerd
+ depends = ttf-victor-mono-nerdxorg-fonts-type1
depends = wqy-bitmapfont
depends = wqy-microhei
depends = wqy-microhei-lite
@@ -120,6 +193,5 @@ pkgbase = all-repository-fonts
depends = xorg-fonts-75dpi
depends = xorg-fonts-cyrillic
depends = xorg-fonts-misc
- depends = xorg-fonts-type1
pkgname = all-repository-fonts
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index ddc2df411636..b3bfec4d1376 100644
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Contributor: Wyatt J. Brown <sushidudeteam at gmail dot com>
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2148,SC2154
pkgdesc='Meta package for all fonts in the official repositories.'
@@ -34,18 +34,31 @@ depends=(
+ 'otf-aurulent-nerd'
+ 'otf-codenewroman-nerd'
+ 'otf-comicshanns-nerd'
+ 'otf-commit-mono-nerd'
+ 'otf-droid-nerd'
+ 'otf-firamono-nerd'
+ 'otf-geist-mono-nerd'
+ 'otf-hasklig-nerd'
+ 'otf-hermit-nerd'
+ 'otf-monaspace-nerd'
+ 'otf-opendyslexic-nerd'
+ 'otf-overpass-nerd'
+ 'perl-font-ttf'
@@ -73,49 +86,109 @@ depends=(
+ 'ttf-0xproto-nerd'
+ 'ttf-3270-nerd'
+ 'ttf-agave-nerd'
+ 'ttf-anonymouspro-nerd'
+ 'ttf-arimo-nerd'
+ 'ttf-atkinson-hyperlegible'
+ 'ttf-bigblueterminal-nerd'
+ 'ttf-bitstream-vera-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-cascadia-code-nerd'
+ 'ttf-cascadia-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-cousine-nerd'
+ 'ttf-crimson'
+ 'ttf-crimson-pro'
+ 'ttf-crimson-pro-variable'
+ 'ttf-d2coding-nerd'
+ 'ttf-daddytime-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-dejavu-nerd'
+ 'ttf-envycoder-nerd'
+ 'ttf-fantasque-nerd'
+ 'ttf-firacode-nerd'
+ 'ttf-go-nerd'
+ 'ttf-hack-nerd'
+ 'ttf-heavydata-nerd'
+ 'ttf-iawriter-nerd'
+ 'ttf-ibmplex-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-inconsolata-go-nerd'
+ 'ttf-inconsolata-lgc-nerd'
+ 'ttf-inconsolata-nerd'
+ 'ttf-input'
+ 'ttf-intone-nerd'
+ 'ttf-iosevka-nerd'
+ 'ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd'
+ 'ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-junicode-variable'
+ 'ttf-lekton-nerd'
+ 'ttf-liberation-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-lilex-nerd'
+ 'ttf-linux-libertine'
+ 'ttf-linux-libertine-g'
+ 'ttf-martian-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-meslo-nerd'
+ 'ttf-monaspace-variable'
+ 'ttf-monofur-nerd'
+ 'ttf-monoid-nerd'
+ 'ttf-mononoki-nerd'
+ 'ttf-mplus-nerd'
+ 'ttf-noto-nerd'
+ 'ttf-overpass'
+ 'ttf-profont-nerd'
+ 'ttf-proggyclean-nerd'
+ 'ttf-roboto-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-scheherazade-new'
+ 'ttf-sharetech-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd'
+ 'ttf-space-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-terminus-nerd'
+ 'ttf-tinos-nerd'
+ 'ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd'
+ 'ttf-ubuntu-nerd'
+ 'ttf-victor-mono-nerd''xorg-fonts-type1'
@@ -124,5 +197,4 @@ depends=(
- 'xorg-fonts-type1'