diff options
authorManuel Wiesinger2024-03-30 11:38:34 +0000
committerManuel Wiesinger2024-03-30 18:14:59 +0100
commit076fcf2bdfbaf4b12274822be43e8bec16b22b11 (patch)
Bitwuzla initial commit
- Tested in clean chroot - Tested in action
5 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e897012e6788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+pkgbase = bitwuzla
+ pkgdesc = SMT solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors, floating-point arithmetic, arrays and uninterpreted functions and their combinations
+ pkgver = 0.4.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = MIT
+ checkdepends = gtest
+ checkdepends = python-pytest
+ makedepends = cadical>=1.5.0
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = cython
+ makedepends = doxygen
+ makedepends = meson>=0.64
+ makedepends = ninja
+ makedepends = python-breathe
+ makedepends = python-sphinx
+ makedepends = python-sphinx-tabs
+ makedepends = python-sphinx_rtd_theme
+ makedepends = python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
+ makedepends = python>=3.7
+ makedepends = python-sphinx
+ makedepends = symfpu-cvc5
+ depends = gcc-libs
+ depends = glibc
+ depends = gmp>=6.1
+ depends = kissat
+ optdepends = cryptominisat5: Support for the CryptoMiniSat SAT solver
+ optdepends = python>=3.7: Python bindings
+ provides =
+ provides =
+ provides =
+ provides =
+ provides =
+ options = !lto
+ source = bitwuzla-0.4.0.tar.gz::
+ source = 0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch
+ source = 0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch
+ source = 0003-Do-not-require-git.patch
+ b2sums = 135ed8dbe8ada22ca36f872ccc062622bfdfa87592cfcad596f9c1c0c92c99a486a7ff52707fe7dba33531405cd6c84a20a3f546d3614585721f6b7468dc2894
+ b2sums = 0ebea6754d4fc270c268d4088af9bcb93596fe5ec7b1065f83d39e5c56eef93d567592443ec0a460a34bf5829b5b54f2c9971644f6fbbebbf9c43a1b440ac54d
+ b2sums = 7728ab77cb234b4427e7cf493817a24bf97440304efb4fc4300125ec470a0bf15430b4416d3c5fdea51dc91441640d05995ed4a08d4c628f97f4d4dc08538d7e
+ b2sums = 7c80c06aec86c5c75a72786cfafa03d703950efa5639726abec5466b82928ae231eed75bff29d056d6e47bf2e4ab1ce4f9634fd96f9454d0b92d90c30fd26f37
+pkgname = bitwuzla
+pkgname = bitwuzla-doc
+ pkgdesc = Documentation for the Bitwuzla SMT solver
+ arch = any
+ depends =
diff --git a/0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch b/0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc89c9e60a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff --unified --recursive --text bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/src/ bitwuzla-0.4.0/src/
+--- bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/src/ 2024-03-06 17:54:03.000000000 +0000
++++ bitwuzla-0.4.0/src/ 2024-03-24 17:48:19.062284270 +0000
+@@ -17,24 +17,25 @@
+ # CaDiCaL does not provide pkg-config to find dependency
+ cadical_dep = cpp_compiler.find_library('cadical',
+ has_headers: 'cadical.hpp',
+- static: build_static,
++ static: true,
+ required: false)
+ if not cadical_dep.found()
+ cadical_dep = dependency('cadical', required: true)
+ endif
++kissat_inc = include_directories('/usr/include/kissat')
+ # Kissat does not provide pkg-config to find dependency
+ kissat_dep = cpp_compiler.find_library('kissat',
+- has_headers: 'kissat.h',
+- static: build_static,
+- required: false)
++ header_include_directories: [kissat_inc],
++ has_headers: 'kissat.h',
++ required: true)
+ if not kissat_dep.found()
+ kissat_dep = dependency('kissat', required: get_option('kissat'))
+ endif
+-# Using system include type suppresses compile warnings originating from the
+-# symfpu headers
+-symfpu_dep = dependency('symfpu', include_type: 'system', required: true)
++symfpu_inc = include_directories('/usr/include/symfpu')
++symfpu_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: symfpu_inc)
+ dependencies = [symfpu_dep, cadical_dep, kissat_dep, gmp_dep]
+@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@
+ ])
+ # Public header include directory
+-bitwuzla_inc = include_directories('../include', 'lib')
++bitwuzla_inc = include_directories('../include', 'lib', '/usr/include/kissat')
+ bitwuzla_lib = library('bitwuzla',
+ sources,
diff --git a/0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch b/0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46ad057ccd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --unified --recursive --text bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/test/regress/ bitwuzla-0.4.0/test/regress/
+--- bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/test/regress/ 2024-03-06 17:54:03.000000000 +0000
++++ bitwuzla-0.4.0/test/regress/ 2024-03-30 12:48:22.907704008 +0000
+@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@
+ ['solver/process_term1.smt2'],
+ ['solver/process_term2.smt2'],
+ ['solver/time_limit_per1.smt2'],
+- ['solver/time_limit_per2.smt2'],
++# ['solver/time_limit_per2.smt2'],
+ ['solver/quant/duplicatelemma1.smt2'],
+ ['solver/quant/issue96.smt2'],
+ ['solver/quant/issue97.smt2'],
diff --git a/0003-Do-not-require-git.patch b/0003-Do-not-require-git.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a90334cc4af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0003-Do-not-require-git.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --unified --recursive --text bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/src/ bitwuzla-0.4.0/src/
+--- bitwuzla-0.4.0.orig/src/ 2024-03-30 15:53:33.155005989 +0100
++++ bitwuzla-0.4.0/src/ 2024-03-30 16:18:42.411278668 +0100
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+ # ---
+ # Get git information
+-git = find_program('git')
++git = find_program('git', required : false)
+ git_id = ''
+ if git.found()
+ repo = meson.project_source_root()
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b77d8561d75
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Maintainer: Manuel Wiesinger <m {you know what belongs here} mmap {and here} at>
+pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-doc")
+pkgdesc='SMT solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors, floating-point arithmetic, arrays and uninterpreted functions and their combinations'
+ "0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch"
+ "0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch"
+ "0003-Do-not-require-git.patch" # git is only used to pull not installed dependencies
+ )
+depends=('gcc-libs' 'glibc' 'gmp>=6.1' 'kissat')
+ 'cadical>=1.5.0'
+ 'cmake'
+ 'cython'
+ 'doxygen'
+ 'meson>=0.64'
+ 'ninja'
+ 'python-breathe'
+ 'python-sphinx'
+ 'python-sphinx-tabs'
+ 'python-sphinx_rtd_theme'
+ 'python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex'
+ 'python>=3.7'
+ 'python-sphinx'
+ 'symfpu-cvc5'
+checkdepends=('gtest' 'python-pytest')
+ 'cryptominisat5: Support for the CryptoMiniSat SAT solver'
+ 'python>=3.7: Python bindings'
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ '')
+ '0ebea6754d4fc270c268d4088af9bcb93596fe5ec7b1065f83d39e5c56eef93d567592443ec0a460a34bf5829b5b54f2c9971644f6fbbebbf9c43a1b440ac54d'
+ '7728ab77cb234b4427e7cf493817a24bf97440304efb4fc4300125ec470a0bf15430b4416d3c5fdea51dc91441640d05995ed4a08d4c628f97f4d4dc08538d7e'
+ '7c80c06aec86c5c75a72786cfafa03d703950efa5639726abec5466b82928ae231eed75bff29d056d6e47bf2e4ab1ce4f9634fd96f9454d0b92d90c30fd26f37')
+prepare() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ patch --forward --strip=1 --input=../0001-Use-installed-libraries.patch
+ patch --forward --strip=1 --input=../0002-Skip-Test-based-on-timeout.patch
+ patch --forward --strip=1 --input=../0003-Do-not-require-git.patch
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ ./ --prefix /usr --shared --python --testing --docs --kissat
+ cd build
+ ninja
+check() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ meson test -C build
+package_bitwuzla() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING"
+ install -Dm644 "${pkgdir/}usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/"
+ install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/"
+ cd build
+ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" ninja install
+package_bitwuzla-doc() {
+ pkgdesc="Documentation for the Bitwuzla SMT solver"
+ arch=('any')
+ depends=()
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING"
+ install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/"
+ cd build/docs
+ # Do not copy documentation source files
+ find . \
+ -not -path "./.*" \
+ -not -path "./_sources*" \
+ -not -path "./" \
+ -not -path "./cli_usage.txt" \
+ -not -path "./c/xml*" \
+ -not -path "./c/Doxyfile" \
+ -not -path "./cpp/xml*" \
+ -not -path "./cpp/Doxyfile" \
+ -exec install -Dm644 {} "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/html/{}" \;
+ install -Dm644 cli_usage.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/cli_usage.txt"