diff options
authorBruno Pagani2017-06-04 19:31:07 +0200
committerBruno Pagani2017-06-04 19:31:07 +0200
commit246f199eb76e588cce7675cc114617efe21becc6 (patch)
parent7467d2130697dfbc5a3b14971539cf16dec4b615 (diff)
upgpkg: cozy 2.0-1
upstream release
8 files changed, 96 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index eae42c31280c..5f7a410067f8 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,41 +1,39 @@
-# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
-# Tue Mar 15 18:40:44 UTC 2016
pkgbase = cozy
pkgdesc = A personal cloud you can hack, host and delete.
pkgver = 2.0
- pkgrel = 2
+ pkgrel = 1
url =
- install = cozy.install
- arch = any
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
license = GPL3
- depends = ca-certificates
- depends = couchdb
- depends = supervisor
- depends = bash
- depends = curl
+ depends = python2
depends = git
depends = imagemagick
- depends = coffee-script
- depends = openssl
+ depends = curl
+ depends = sqlite
+ depends = sudo
depends = libxml2
depends = libxslt
- depends = python2
- depends = python2-setuptools
- depends = python2-virtualenv
- depends = sqlite
- depends = nodejs-lts-bin
- depends = pwgen
- depends = pngcrush
- depends = lsof
- depends = cozy-management
+ depends = nodejs-lts-argon
+ depends = npm
+ depends = couchdb
+ depends = coffee-script
+ optdepends = cozy-management: Helper to manage Cozy
optdepends = libjpeg-turbo: Needed for the Kresus app
optdepends = libyaml: Needed for the Kresus app
- provides = cozy
- conflicts = cozy
- source =
- source = configure-cozy-domain
- md5sums = SKIP
- md5sums = 603ae0e25b7bf756b3bdc5da20efeec5
+ optdepends = weboob-git: Needed for the Kresus app
+ source = cozy-controller-2.5.10.tar.gz::
+ source = cozy-monitor-1.3.9.tar.gz::
+ source = cozy.tmpfiles
+ source = cozy.sysusers
+ source = cozy-controller.service
+ source = controller.json
+ sha256sums = 6988e5d1f0a7aa652af3e4dce9fce917de48f79910b853f7941cf84e0c765698
+ sha256sums = 76d0a3e2335a79b653f271c8d4ec1f16ece5dd1fb7fa4091175c6db1b4f8cabb
+ sha256sums = 8866cfac6282d851753c1e124b1c5732688b9e5bc709193fd7b4d9cc4d7bf277
+ sha256sums = 7b6ee2a5b91b900c81df700351ac9f3b6303c7bf3848c6d644a160c6c41e2db1
+ sha256sums = e4f492e528dc83c65424c48b14d26f843f1aa454ab83d5de629e70127053b8d0
+ sha256sums = f7e63b06690ba414f490f0e84bc0a3ca2328f72d690498873f4cafcd34a2749d
pkgname = cozy
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 29ae164d2264..5d7079b871b3 100644
@@ -1,42 +1,49 @@
-# Maintainer: Brendan Abolivier <>
+# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani (a.k.a. ArchangeGabriel) <>
+# Contributor: Brendan Abolivier <>
pkgdesc="A personal cloud you can hack, host and delete."
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('ca-certificates' 'couchdb' 'supervisor' 'bash' 'curl' 'git' 'imagemagick' 'coffee-script'
- 'openssl' 'libxml2' 'libxslt' 'python2' 'python2-setuptools' 'python2-virtualenv' 'sqlite'
- 'nodejs-lts-bin' 'pwgen' 'pngcrush' 'lsof' 'cozy-management')
-optdepends=('libjpeg-turbo: Needed for the Kresus app'
- 'libyaml: Needed for the Kresus app')
- "configure-cozy-domain")
- "603ae0e25b7bf756b3bdc5da20efeec5")
-build() {
- echo "Hello world" > /dev/null
+depends=('python2' 'git' 'imagemagick' 'curl' 'sqlite' 'sudo'
+ 'libxml2' 'libxslt' 'nodejs-lts-argon' 'npm'
+ 'couchdb' 'coffee-script')
+optdepends=('cozy-management: Helper to manage Cozy'
+ 'libjpeg-turbo: Needed for the Kresus app'
+ 'libyaml: Needed for the Kresus app'
+ 'weboob-git: Needed for the Kresus app')
+ ${_pkgmntr}-${_vermntr}.tar.gz::"${pkgname}/${_pkgctrl}/archive/v${_vermntr}.tar.gz"
+ "${pkgname}.tmpfiles"
+ "${pkgname}.sysusers"
+ "${_pkgctrl}.service"
+ 'controller.json')
+ '76d0a3e2335a79b653f271c8d4ec1f16ece5dd1fb7fa4091175c6db1b4f8cabb'
+ '8866cfac6282d851753c1e124b1c5732688b9e5bc709193fd7b4d9cc4d7bf277'
+ '7b6ee2a5b91b900c81df700351ac9f3b6303c7bf3848c6d644a160c6c41e2db1'
+ 'e4f492e528dc83c65424c48b14d26f843f1aa454ab83d5de629e70127053b8d0'
+ 'f7e63b06690ba414f490f0e84bc0a3ca2328f72d690498873f4cafcd34a2749d')
package() {
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/cozy
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/cozy
+ cd ${_pkgctrl}-${_verctrl}
+ npm install --cache "${srcdir}"/npm-cache -g --user root --prefix "${pkgdir}"/usr
+ cd "${srcdir}"/${_pkgmntr}-${_vermntr}
+ npm install --cache "${srcdir}"/npm-cache -g --user root --prefix "${pkgdir}"/usr
+ rmdir "${pkgdir}"/usr/etc
- cp supervisor-cozy-controller $pkgdir/usr/share/cozy
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin
- cp configure-cozy-domain $pkgdir/usr/bin
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ install -Dm644 controller.json -t "${pkgdir}"/etc/cozy/
+ install -Dm644 ${_pkgctrl}.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/
+ install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.tmpfiles "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${pkgname}.conf
+ install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.sysusers "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/${pkgname}.conf
diff --git a/configure-cozy-domain b/configure-cozy-domain
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a7d18bf4f2b..000000000000
--- a/configure-cozy-domain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
- CURRENT_DOMAIN=`/usr/bin/cozy_management get_cozy_param domain`
- if [ "$CURRENT_DOMAIN" = "$COZY_DOMAIN" ]; then
- echo "Cozy already configured with domain: $COZY_DOMAIN"
- else
- echo "Configuring Cozy with domain: $COZY_DOMAIN"
- coffee /usr/local/cozy/apps/home/ setdomain $COZY_DOMAIN
- fi
- echo 'Generating SSL keys and certificates...'
- if [ ! -f /etc/cozy/dh.pem ]; then
- openssl dhparam -out /etc/cozy/dh.pem -outform PEM -2 2048
- chmod 400 /etc/cozy/dh.pem
- fi
- if [ ! -f /etc/cozy/server.crt ]; then
- cozy_management normalize_cert_dir
- cozy_management generate_certificate ${COZY_DOMAIN}
- fi
- echo "Usage: /usr/bin/configure-cozy-domain cozy.example.tld"
- echo "Replace \"cozy.example.tld\" by your Cozy's own domain"
diff --git a/controller.json b/controller.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7d56952261ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "dir_app_log": "/var/log/cozy",
+ "dir_app_bin": "/var/lib/cozy/apps",
+ "dir_app_data": "/var/lib/cozy/data",
+ "restart_cmd": "/usr/bin/systemctl restart cozy-controller",
+ "env": {
+ "kresus": {
+ "KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR": "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weboob/"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/cozy-controller.service b/cozy-controller.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03b297a98677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cozy-controller.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=Cozy Controller
diff --git a/cozy.install b/cozy.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d5fb515c80..000000000000
--- a/cozy.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# Install scripts for Cozy
-# Maintainer: Brendan Abolivier <>
-# Fancy message is fancy
-msg() {
- printf "${blue}==>${bold} $1${all_off}\n"
-all_off="$(tput sgr0)"
-bold="${all_off}$(tput bold)"
-blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)"
-post_install() {
- msg "Please not that this package comes from the Cozy community and is not an official Cozy port. Please report any trouble to the maintainer in the ways discribed at"
- msg "Checking ports availability"
- lsof -i :9002 > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = "0" ]; then
- msg "Port 9002 (used by the Cozy controller) is already in use on this machine."
- exit 1
- fi
- lsof -i :9101 > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = "0" ]; then
- msg "Port 9101 (used by the Cozy Data System) is already in use on this machine."
- exit 1
- fi
- lsof -i :9103 > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = "0" ]; then
- msg "Port 9103 (used by the Cozy Home) is already in use on this machine."
- exit 1
- fi
- lsof -i :9104 > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = "0" ]; then
- msg "Port 9104 (used by the Cozy authentication proxy) is already in use on this machine."
- exit 1
- fi
- msg 'Installing NPM dependencies...'
- npm config set python /usr/bin/python2
- [ ! -d /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cozy-controller ] && npm install -g cozy-controller
- [ ! -d /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cozy-monitor ] && npm install -g cozy-monitor
- msg 'Creating UNIX users...'
- id cozy >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy
- id cozy-data-system >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy-data-system
- id cozy-home >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -M cozy-home
- chown -hR cozy /etc/cozy
- if [ ! -f /etc/cozy/couchdb.login ]; then
- if [ ! -f /tmp/couchdb.login ]; then
- msg 'Generating CouchDB tokens...'
- pwgen -1 > /etc/cozy/couchdb.login && \
- pwgen -1 >> /etc/cozy/couchdb.login
- else
- msg 'Found tokens from previous installation'
- cp /tmp/couchdb.login /etc/cozy/couchdb.login
- fi
- msg 'Enabling CouchDB'
- systemctl enable couchdb
- systemctl restart couchdb
- COUNT=0;MAX=20
- while ! curl -s >/dev/null; do
- let "COUNT += 1"
- msg "Waiting for CouchDB to start... ($COUNT/$MAX)"
- if [[ $COUNT -ge $MAX ]]; then
- msg "CouchDB is too long to start"
- exit 1
- fi
- sleep 5
- done
- if [ ! -f /tmp/couchdb.login ]; then
- curl -s -X PUT$(head -n1 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login) -d "\"$(tail -n1 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login)\""
- fi
- fi
- chown cozy-data-system /etc/cozy/couchdb.login
- chmod 640 /etc/cozy/couchdb.login
- msg 'Configuring Cozy Controller...'
- CONFIGFILE=/etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini
- if [ -f $CONFIGFILE ]; then
- echo "Old configuration moved to /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini.old"
- mv /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini.old
- fi
- mv /usr/share/cozy/supervisor-cozy-controller /etc/supervisor.d/cozy-controller.ini
- msg 'Starting supervisor'
- systemctl enable supervisord
- systemctl restart supervisord
- COUNT=0;MAX=20
- while ! curl -s >/dev/null; do
- let "COUNT += 1"
- msg "Waiting for Cozy Controller to start... ($COUNT/$MAX)"
- if [[ $COUNT -ge $MAX ]]; then
- msg "Cozy Controller is too long to start"
- exit 1
- fi
- sleep 5
- done
- msg 'Installing Cozy Platform apps...'
- if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/data-system ]; then
- cozy-monitor install-cozy-stack
- if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi
- fi
- cozy-monitor start data-system
- if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/home ]; then
- cozy-monitor install home
- if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi
- fi
- cozy-monitor start home
- if [ ! -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/proxy ]; then
- cozy-monitor install proxy
- if [ $? = "1" ]; then echo "Error while installing the platform" && exit 1; fi
- fi
- cozy-monitor start proxy
- CURRENT_BACKGROUND=`/usr/bin/cozy_management get_cozy_param background`
- if [ "$CURRENT_BACKGROUND" != "None" ]; then
- echo "Cozy already configured with a background: $CURRENT_BACKGROUND"
- else
- echo "Configure Cozy with default background"
- curl -X POST http://localhost:9103/api/instance -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"background":"background-07"}'
- fi
- # Correcting display here
- echo ""
- msg "Installing default apps"
- for app in calendar contacts photos emails files sync; do
- if [ ! -f /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app ]; then
- if [ -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/$app ]; then
- touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app
- else
- cozy-monitor install $app && touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-$app
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ ! -f /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google ]; then
- if [ -d /usr/local/cozy/apps/import-from-google ]; then
- touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google
- else
- cozy-monitor install import-from-google -r && touch /usr/local/cozy/apps/.first-install-import-from-google
- fi
- fi
- msg "This package does not come with any configuration for reverse proxying, which is crucial for Cozy's well behaviour. In order for the platform to work, please configure a reverse proxy.\nFor more information, please visit"
- echo "Before being able to use Cozy, you need to run the first-time-configuration script:"
- echo " # /usr/bin/configure-cozy-domain cozy.example.tld"
- echo "With your Cozy's own domain instead of \"cozy.example.tld\""
-pre_remove() {
- which cozy-monitor >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$RESULT" = "0" ]; then
- APPS="$(cozy-monitor status | grep -vE '(mta|postfix|couch|controller|data-system|ds|home|proxy|error)' | sed 's/:.*//;s/\[Error//' | xargs echo)"
- APPS="$APPS proxy home data-system"
- for app in $APPS ; do cozy-monitor uninstall $app ; done
- fi
- which supervisorctl >/dev/null 2>&1 && supervisorctl stop cozy-controller
-post_remove() {
- mv /etc/cozy/couchdb.login /tmp/couchdb.login
- [ -d /etc/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /etc/cozy directory" && rm -rf /etc/cozy
- [ -d /usr/local/var/log/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /usr/local/var/log/cozy directory" && rm -rf /usr/local/var/log/cozy
- [ -d /usr/local/cozy ] && msg "Deleting /usr/local/cozy directory" && rm -rf /usr/local/cozy
- msg "Erasing scripts and folders"
- [ -f /usr/local/sbin/ ] && rm -f /usr/local/sbin/
- [ -d /usr/local/var/cozy ] && rm -rf /usr/local/var/cozy
- [ -d /usr/share/cozy ] && rm -rf /usr/share/cozy
- msg "Removing NPM dependencies"
- [ -f /usr/bin/cozy-controller ] && npm remove -g cozy-controller
- [ -f /usr/bin/cozy-monitor ] && npm remove -g cozy-monitor
- msg "Removing supervisor configuration"
- test -e /etc/supervisor.d/cozy* && rm /etc/supervisor.d/cozy*
- supervisorctl reload
- echo "The Cozy database contains all your user data. Keeping it could be troublesome for further installations. However, it will not be removed, unless you do it manually."
- echo "Moved the admin logins to /tmp/couchdb.login"
- echo "Please don't forget to move it elsewhere if you don't want to lose access to your whole database."
-post_upgrade() {
- # Check if the install went well
- cozy-monitor status > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? != "0" ]; then
- post_install
- else
- # Do update here
- echo "Hello world" > /dev/null
- fi
diff --git a/cozy.sysusers b/cozy.sysusers
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c40293bcdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cozy.sysusers
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+u cozy - "Cozy Cloud" /var/lib/cozy/
diff --git a/cozy.tmpfiles b/cozy.tmpfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad39ebe249ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cozy.tmpfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+d /var/lib/cozy 0755 cozy cozy
+d /var/log/cozy 0755 cozy cozy
+d /etc/cozy 0755 cozy cozy
+x /var/lib/cozy
+x /var/log/cozy
+x /etc/cozy
+z /etc/cozy/controller.json - cozy cozy