diff options
authorRogueAI422017-04-14 19:38:37 +1000
committerRogueAI422017-04-14 19:38:37 +1000
commitc628faa5fdc33afab6fb96612557a6c4e12daf97 (patch)
initial commit
2 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6b25a6c644b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+pkgbase = dockingstation
+ pkgdesc = Artificial life game based on Creatures 3
+ pkgver = 195
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = custom
+ depends = lib32-gtk
+ depends = lib32-sdl
+ depends = lib32-zlib
+ options = !strip
+ source = dockingstation_195_64.tar.bz2::
+ source =
+ source = SDL-1.2.9.tar.gz::
+ md5sums = 90a7ab012bbd4530b63c1ed64fb94464
+ md5sums = b7329fc00444cd1c8d78e5440e287461
+ md5sums = 80919ef556425ff82a8555ff40a579a0
+ sha1sums = ce488f713a65fe8745198a37d6be4711e492cc9b
+ sha1sums = 4957d39661c883d7a813ed06d818315beda47914
+ sha1sums = 8140de00e73ccdbdee196fa8fd9952ddb3cc75f1
+ sha224sums = eaaa71ccecdbef227c3370c3ee9f509eddeeabeba503075b301b7b57
+ sha224sums = b9bb1c0f0b21e035cfedca9eeb8551d4aaef310988d58832b5f1a16a
+ sha224sums = 2c020aaef1ef80d1ddb4f348381e8c841447f3eb0b6f96f3b7a2a825
+ sha256sums = 1647ca502b6b7944b84752b88ef0e039a8468725ffaed59fd97eb4eb70b03978
+ sha256sums = eb1a7deeec5b6dd77b2025bb20f5dc110c67ef521c3f9b30e8c63e6f78bd89bf
+ sha256sums = d5a168968051536641ab5a3ba5fc234383511c77a8bc5ceb8bed619bdd42e5f9
+ depends_i686 = gtk
+ depends_i686 = sdl
+ depends_i686 = zlib
+pkgname = dockingstation
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55bada1e4a4a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Maintainer: Declan Hoare <declanhoare at exemail dot com dot au>
+pkgdesc="Artificial life game based on Creatures 3"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends_i686=('gtk' 'sdl' 'zlib')
+depends_x86_64=('lib32-gtk' 'lib32-sdl' 'lib32-zlib')
+ ""
+ "SDL-1.2.9.tar.gz::")
+ 'b7329fc00444cd1c8d78e5440e287461'
+ '80919ef556425ff82a8555ff40a579a0')
+ '4957d39661c883d7a813ed06d818315beda47914'
+ '8140de00e73ccdbdee196fa8fd9952ddb3cc75f1')
+ 'b9bb1c0f0b21e035cfedca9eeb8551d4aaef310988d58832b5f1a16a'
+ '2c020aaef1ef80d1ddb4f348381e8c841447f3eb0b6f96f3b7a2a825')
+ 'eb1a7deeec5b6dd77b2025bb20f5dc110c67ef521c3f9b30e8c63e6f78bd89bf'
+ 'd5a168968051536641ab5a3ba5fc234383511c77a8bc5ceb8bed619bdd42e5f9')
+prepare() {
+ cd dockingstation_195_64
+ # Remove installer relaunches (these require user input)
+ sed -i -e '/NEW_SUM=/,/fi/d' \
+ -e '/if \[ ! -z "\$CD_PATH"/,/fi/d' dstation-install
+ # Disable updater (Servers are down - updating breaks the game)
+ pushd ports/linux_x86_glibc21_64
+ bunzip2 dstation-install.bz2
+ sed -i '/[ -z "$NO_CHECK" ] && update/d' dstation-install
+ # Repack and update filelist
+ _new_size=$(stat -c "%s" dstation-install)
+ _new_sum=$(md5sum -b dstation-install 2>&1 | cut "-d " -f1)
+ bzip2 dstation-install
+ bunzip2 file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt.bz2
+ sed -i "s|.*dstation-install.*|$_new_size $(stat -c "%s" dstation-install.bz2) $_new_sum dstation-install|" file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt
+ bzip2 file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt
+ popd
+ # Install offline mode patch
+ # (Again, servers are down. Without this patch, you can't play.)
+ pushd "dsbuild 195"/global
+ pushd Bootstrap/"010 Docking Station"
+ rm zzz_gamestart_login.cos.bz2
+ cp "$srcdir"/zzz_gamestart_login.cos .
+ bzip2 zzz_gamestart_login.cos
+ popd
+ pushd Images
+ rm -f MNBdontlogin.c16.bz2
+ cp "$srcdir"/MNBdontlogin.c16 .
+ bzip2 MNBdontlogin.c16
+ popd
+ # Update filelist
+ bunzip2 file_list.txt.bz2
+ sed -i -e "s|.*zzz_gamestart_login.cos.*|$(stat -c "%s" "$srcdir"/zzz_gamestart_login.cos) $(stat -c "%s" Bootstrap/"010 Docking Station"/zzz_gamestart_login.cos.bz2) $(md5sum -b "$srcdir"/zzz_gamestart_login.cos | cut "-d " -f1) Bootstrap/010 Docking Station/zzz_gamestart_login.cos|" \
+ -e "/Images\/Cursor.c16/a $(stat -c "%s" "$srcdir"/MNBdontlogin.c16) $(stat -c "%s" Images/MNBdontlogin.c16.bz2) $(md5sum -b "$srcdir"/MNBdontlogin.c16 | cut "-d " -f1) Images/MNBdontlogin.c16" file_list.txt
+ bzip2 file_list.txt
+ popd
+ # Remove outdated Linux include from XF86DGA.c
+ # (and use the fallback intended for other platforms)
+ cd ../SDL-1.2.9
+ sed -i "/asm\/page.h/d" src/video/XFree86/Xxf86dga/XF86DGA.c
+build() {
+ # Build SDL 1.2.9
+ # (The included SDL doesn't play sound on modern systems.
+ # SDL 1.2.10 and up are not compatible with the game.)
+ cd SDL-1.2.9
+ ./configure --disable-video-fbcon CFLAGS="-m32"
+ make
+ # Install new SDL
+ cd ../dockingstation_195_64/ports/linux_x86_glibc21_64
+ rm
+ cp "$srcdir"/SDL-1.2.9/src/.libs/
+ bzip2
+ # Update filelist
+ bunzip2 file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt.bz2
+ sed -i "s|.**|$(stat -c "%s" "$srcdir"/SDL-1.2.9/src/.libs/ $(stat -c "%s" $(md5sum -b "$srcdir"/SDL-1.2.9/src/.libs/ | cut "-d " -f1)|" file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt
+ bzip2 file_list_linux_x86_glibc21.txt
+package() {
+ cd dockingstation_195_64
+ mkdir -pv "$pkgdir"/{usr/{bin,share/licenses/dockingstation},opt/dockingstation}
+ INSTALL_DEST="$pkgdir/opt/dockingstation" BIN_DEST="$pkgdir/usr/bin" ./dstation-install nolaunch
+ # Correct symlink
+ pushd "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+ rm -f dockingstation
+ ln -s /opt/dockingstation/dstation-install dockingstation
+ popd
+ # Extract & install license
+ grep -A34 "End-User Software License Agreement" dstation-install > "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"