diff options
authorzxp198210052023-07-14 11:18:32 +0800
committerzxp198210052023-07-14 11:18:32 +0800
commit4ef212cbc1863ba6aceabedb0c965b8d714d3970 (patch)
parent5e672efacc2e4bf29651e7d18f91705433758145 (diff)
update to 2023.07.15
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 661c48d18a68..9732d5688ce5 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,60 +1,71 @@
pkgbase = dooble-bin
pkgdesc = Web browser based on QtWebEngine
- pkgver = 2023.05.31
- pkgrel = 3
+ pkgver = 2023.07.15
+ pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = x86_64
license = custom
makedepends = findutils
+ makedepends = gendesk
+ depends = dbus
+ depends = gpgme
+ depends = qt6-webengine
+ depends = libglvnd
depends = libxshmfence
- depends = xcb-util-image
- depends = libxi
- depends = xcb-util-cursor
- depends = libxdamage
- depends = gstreamer
- depends = freetype2
- depends = libcups
- depends = libxcomposite
depends = libx11
- depends = qt6-declarative
- depends = gdk-pixbuf2
- depends = gcc-libs
- depends = glibc
- depends = nspr
- depends = gtk3
- depends = at-spi2-core
- depends = xcb-util-keysyms
+ depends = gst-plugins-base-libs
depends = bash
- depends = cairo
+ depends = gdk-pixbuf2
depends = libdrm
- depends = gst-plugins-base-libs
- depends = libxfixes
- depends = libglvnd
- depends = libxcb
- depends = fontconfig
- depends = libxkbcommon
- depends = xcb-util-wm
- depends = nss
- depends = alsa-lib
- depends = dbus
- depends = qt6-base
+ depends = zlib
+ depends = libxkbfile
+ depends = libassuan
+ depends = glib2
+ depends = expat
depends = krb5
- depends = libxkbcommon-x11
+ depends = qt6-multimedia
+ depends = at-spi2-core
+ depends = libxcb
+ depends = gtk3
+ depends = libxi
+ depends = libxdamage
+ depends = libgpg-error
+ depends = sqlite
+ depends = wayland
depends = xcb-util-renderutil
- depends = glib2
- depends = libxrandr
+ depends = fontconfig
+ depends = qt6-positioning
depends = libxrender
- depends = wayland
+ depends = qt6-webchannel
+ depends = freetype2
depends = libxtst
- depends = expat
- depends = libxext
- depends = zlib
- depends = libxkbfile
+ depends = nss
+ depends = xcb-util-cursor
+ depends = unixodbc
+ depends = libxfixes
+ depends = glibc
+ depends = libxkbcommon
+ depends = libxrandr
+ depends = qt6-base
depends = pango
+ depends = gcc-libs
+ depends = qt6-declarative
+ depends = alsa-lib
+ depends = libxext
+ depends = gstreamer
+ depends = xcb-util-image
+ depends = libcups
+ depends = xcb-util-keysyms
+ depends = libxkbcommon-x11
+ depends = xcb-util-wm
+ depends = nspr
+ depends = cairo
+ depends = libxcomposite
conflicts = dooble
- source = dooble-2023.05.31.deb::
+ noextract = dooble-2023.07.15.tar.gz
+ source = dooble-2023.07.15.tar.gz::
source = LICENSE::
- sha256sums = 43c849dbef96a50685fedcdab8179b74bff0035233c13488af094220d50234f2
+ sha256sums = b02e95a85082bcc4c12fce1e547ebfacfe24c70a5e98140a15c570030023ecba
sha256sums = c60bf2d6a8bfdf7c7418bba91c6767cbb4b48dccae36dd5d9ffdb48f756815dd
pkgname = dooble-bin
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index ac95f8f4ae64..c77e91253d9f 100644
@@ -2,27 +2,30 @@
# Contributor: zhangkaizhao <zhangkaizhao at gmail dot com>
# Maintainer: zxp19821005 <zxp19821005 at 163 dot com>
pkgdesc="Web browser based on QtWebEngine"
-depends=('libxshmfence' 'xcb-util-image' 'libxi' 'xcb-util-cursor' 'libxdamage' 'gstreamer' 'freetype2' 'libcups' 'libxcomposite' 'libx11' \
- 'qt6-declarative' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'gcc-libs' 'glibc' 'nspr' 'gtk3' 'at-spi2-core' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'bash' 'cairo' 'libdrm' \
- 'gst-plugins-base-libs' 'libxfixes' 'libglvnd' 'libxcb' 'fontconfig' 'libxkbcommon' 'xcb-util-wm' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'dbus' 'qt6-base' \
- 'krb5' 'libxkbcommon-x11' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'glib2' 'libxrandr' 'libxrender' 'wayland' 'libxtst' 'expat' 'libxext' 'zlib' 'libxkbfile' 'pango')
+depends=('dbus' 'gpgme' 'qt6-webengine' 'libglvnd' 'libxshmfence' 'libx11' 'gst-plugins-base-libs' 'bash' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'libdrm' 'zlib' \
+ 'libxkbfile' 'libassuan' 'glib2' 'expat' 'krb5' 'qt6-multimedia' 'at-spi2-core' 'libxcb' 'gtk3' 'libxi' 'libxdamage' 'libgpg-error' \
+ 'sqlite' 'wayland' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'fontconfig' 'qt6-positioning' 'libxrender' 'qt6-webchannel' 'freetype2' 'libxtst' 'nss' 'xcb-util-cursor' \
+ 'unixodbc' 'libxfixes' 'glibc' 'libxkbcommon' 'libxrandr' 'qt6-base' 'pango' 'gcc-libs' 'qt6-declarative' 'alsa-lib' 'libxext' 'gstreamer' \
+ 'xcb-util-image' 'libcups' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'libxkbcommon-x11' 'xcb-util-wm' 'nspr' 'cairo' 'libxcomposite')
+makedepends=('findutils' 'gendesk')
package() {
- bsdtar -xf "${srcdir}/data.tar.zst" -C "${pkgdir}"
+ install -Dm755 -d "${pkgdir}/opt"
+ bsdtar -xf "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-bin}-${pkgver}.tar.gz" -C "${pkgdir}/opt" --gname root --uname root
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
- find "${pkgdir}" -type f -perm 0664 -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 0644
- find "${pkgdir}" -type f -perm 0775 -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 0755
- find "${pkgdir}" -type d -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 0755
+ install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname%-bin}/${pkgname%-bin}.png" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps"
+ gendesk -f -n --icon "${pkgname%-bin}" --categories "Network" --name "Dooble" --exec "/opt/${pkgname%-bin}/${pkgname%-bin}.sh"
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-bin}.desktop" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications"
} \ No newline at end of file