diff options
authorskydrome2015-06-01 10:33:14 -0400
committerskydrome2015-06-01 10:33:14 -0400
commit4f80e83d25b3956f7d87e74f7fe053e6f4ade1a0 (patch)
Initial commit
7 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dbf03309a0c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+pkgbase = i2p-bin
+ pkgdesc = A distributed anonymous network (pre-compiled binary)
+ pkgver = 0.9.19
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = i2p.install
+ arch = any
+ license = GPL2
+ depends = java-runtime
+ depends = java-service-wrapper
+ optdepends = robert: I2P BitTorrent client
+ provides = i2p
+ conflicts = i2p
+ conflicts = i2p-dev
+ noextract = i2pinstall_0.9.19.jar
+ backup = opt/i2p/wrapper.config
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = i2prouter.service
+ source =
+ source = wrapper.config
+ source = router.config
+ sha256sums = d16f68fff3a34d161843a09e90fff1ac5eae8ccb319a43257244ec0e764a11c1
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = 842b529ae23bc82fd78e986dd7cc683bd7b671e93421de57f279dc3f4d5d0fd2
+ sha256sums = ea8f97e66461d591b1819eab39bbc40056b89ae12f7729b3dd9fd2ce088e5e53
+ sha256sums = a76e7b6ccd8f49b51d22012887e1f0101db3bfe6aeebe1bc416b48da4e206b27
+ sha256sums = c001f045e52ab82154b21125384dbc4f1d2437376fc65c5d83987051e42b5409
+pkgname = i2p-bin
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..975d4c5634c0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Maintainer: skydrome <>
+# Contributor: skydrome <>
+########[ OPTIONS ]########################################
+# Download sources from within i2p
+pkgdesc="A distributed anonymous network (pre-compiled binary)"
+depends=('java-runtime' 'java-service-wrapper')
+optdepends=('robert: I2P BitTorrent client') #'gtk2: for rrd graphs'
+conflicts=('i2p' 'i2p-dev')
+ "${_url}/i2pinstall_${pkgver}.jar.sig"
+ 'i2prouter.service' '' 'wrapper.config' 'router.config')
+[[ $_i2p_fetch ]] && {
+ export http_proxy=
+ source=("http://echelon.i2p/${pkgver}/i2pinstall_${pkgver}.jar"
+ "http://echelon.i2p/${pkgver}/i2pinstall_${pkgver}.jar.sig"
+ 'i2prouter.service' '' 'wrapper.config' 'router.config')
+ 'SKIP'
+ '842b529ae23bc82fd78e986dd7cc683bd7b671e93421de57f279dc3f4d5d0fd2'
+ 'ea8f97e66461d591b1819eab39bbc40056b89ae12f7729b3dd9fd2ce088e5e53'
+ 'a76e7b6ccd8f49b51d22012887e1f0101db3bfe6aeebe1bc416b48da4e206b27'
+ 'c001f045e52ab82154b21125384dbc4f1d2437376fc65c5d83987051e42b5409')
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ source /etc/profile.d/
+ echo "INSTALL_PATH=${pkgdir}/opt/i2p" >
+ java -jar i2pinstall_${pkgver}.jar -options
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d"
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir/opt/i2p"
+ install -Dm644 "$srcdir/router.config" "$pkgdir/opt/i2p/router.config"
+ install -Dm755 "$srcdir/" "$pkgdir/opt/i2p/i2prouter"
+ install -Dm644 "$srcdir/i2prouter.service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/i2prouter.service"
+ install -Dm644 "$pkgdir/opt/i2p/man/eepget.1" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/eepget.1"
+ install -Dm644 "$pkgdir/opt/i2p/LICENSE.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/i2p/LICENSE"
+ cp "$srcdir/wrapper.config" "$pkgdir/opt/i2p"
+ mv "$pkgdir"/opt/i2p/licenses/* "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/i2p/"
+ ln -s /opt/i2p/{eepget,i2prouter} "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
+ chmod 755 "$pkgdir/opt/i2p"
+ chmod -x "$pkgdir"/opt/i2p/*.config
+ echo 'd /run/i2p 0700 i2p i2p -' >"$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/i2prouter.conf"
+ sed -i "$pkgdir"/opt/i2p/eepget \
+ -e "s:$pkgdir/opt/i2p:/opt/i2p:g"
+ sed -i "$pkgdir"/opt/i2p/clients.config \
+ -e "s:clientApp.4.startOnLoad=.*:clientApp.4.startOnLoad=false:"
+ rm -r "$pkgdir"/opt/i2p/{Uninstaller,.installationinformation,INSTALL-headless.txt,LICENSE.txt,,licenses,man,i2psvc,lib/*wrapper*,scripts/home.i2p.i2prouter}
diff --git a/i2p.install b/i2p.install
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e375465ba0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i2p.install
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+post_install() {
+ getent passwd i2p &>/dev/null || {
+ echo -n ">>> Creating i2p user... "
+ useradd --system --user-group --home /opt/i2p i2p
+ echo "done"
+ }
+ systemd-tmpfiles --create i2prouter.conf
+ chown -R i2p:i2p /opt/i2p
+post_upgrade() {
+ systemd-tmpfiles --create i2prouter.conf
+ chown -R i2p:i2p /opt/i2p
+pre_remove() {
+ getent passwd i2p &>/dev/null && {
+ echo -n ">>> Removing i2p user... "
+ userdel i2p
+ echo "done"
+ }
diff --git a/i2prouter.service b/i2prouter.service
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ce1da03bc441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i2prouter.service
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Description=Invisible Internet Project
+RequiresOverridable=tlsdate.service ntpd.service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/java-service-wrapper ${WRAPPER_CONF} \
+ wrapper.syslog.ident=i2prouter \
+ wrapper.daemonize=TRUE
+ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID
+ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID
+SuccessExitStatus=0 2 3
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1af0a35b4cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+fail() {
+ printf "\e[1;31m>>> ERROR:\033[0m %s\n" "$*"
+ exit 1
+debug() {
+ printf "\e[1;33m>>> DEBUG:\033[0m %s\n" "$*"
+check_user() {
+ if [[ "$(id -un)" != "$I2P_USER" ]]; then
+ #debug "current user: $(id -un) dropping to user: $I2P_USER"
+ if [[ ! -d "$PIDDIR" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "$PIDDIR"
+ chown ${I2P_USER}:${I2P_USER} "$PIDDIR"
+ fi
+ SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)/$(basename $0)"
+ su - "$I2P_USER" -c "${SCRIPT_PATH} $@"
+ exit $?
+ fi
+init_vars() {
+ [[ ! -r "$WRAPPER_CONF" ]] &&
+ fail "Unable to read \$WRAPPER_CONF: ${WRAPPER_CONF}"
+ [[ ! -x "$WRAPPER_CMD" ]] &&
+ fail "Unable to find or execute \$WRAPPER_CMD: ${WRAPPER_CMD}"
+ [[ ! $(grep -E ^I2P_USER $0) && "$EUID" = "0" ]] &&
+ fail "Attempting to start as root! Please edit $(basename $0) and set the variable \$I2P_USER"
+ [[ "$(id -un "$I2P_USER")" != "$I2P_USER" ]] &&
+ fail "\$I2P_USER does not exist: $I2P_USER"
+ COMMAND_LINE="\"$WRAPPER_CMD\" \"$WRAPPER_CONF\" wrapper.syslog.ident=\"i2prouter\"\"i2prouter\""
+get_wrapper_pid() {
+ pgrep -u "$I2P_USER" -f ''
+get_pid() {
+ pgrep -u "$I2P_USER" -f 'jar'
+check_if_running() {
+ unset pid
+ if [[ -f "$PIDFILE" ]]; then
+ if [[ -r "$PIDFILE" ]]; then
+ pid=$(cat "$PIDFILE")
+ #debug "pid:$pid get_pid:$(get_pid)"
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ pid=$(get_pid)
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Removing stale pid file: $PIDFILE"
+ rm -f "$PIDFILE"
+ fi
+ else
+ [[ "$pid" != "$(get_pid)" ]] &&
+ fail "\$PIDFILE $PIDFILE differs from what is actually running!"
+ fi
+ else
+ fail "Cannot read \$PIDFILE: $PIDFILE"
+ fi
+ fi
+_console() {
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ trap '' INT QUIT
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Failed to launch the wrapper!"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is already running"
+ fi
+_start() {
+ if [[ ! "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo -n "Starting I2P Service"
+ COMMAND_LINE+=" wrapper.daemonize=TRUE"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Failed to launch the wrapper!"
+ i=0
+ while [[ ! "$pid" || $i < $TIMEOUT ]]; do
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 1
+ check_if_running
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ [[ $(get_pid) ]] &&
+ echo " done (pid $pid)" || fail "timeout: Failed to start wrapper!"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is already running"
+ fi
+_restart() {
+ [[ "$pid" ]] &&
+ kill -USR1 $(get_wrapper_pid) || echo "I2P Service is not running"
+_stop() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo -n "Stopping I2P Service"
+ kill -TERM "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Unable to stop I2P Service: kill -TERM $pid"
+ i=0
+ while [[ "$pid" || $i > $TIMEOUT ]]; do
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 1
+ [[ ! $(get_pid) ]] && unset pid
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ fail "timeout: Failed to stop wrapper! (pid: $pid)"
+ else
+ echo " done"
+ [[ "$1" = 'start' ]] && _start
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+_graceful() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Stopping I2P Service gracefully..."
+ kill -HUP "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] && fail "Unable to stop I2P Service."
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+_status() {
+ [[ "$pid" ]] &&
+ echo "I2P Service is running: PID:$pid" || echo "I2P Service is not running."
+_dump() {
+ if [[ "$pid" ]]; then
+ echo "Dumping threads..."
+ kill -QUIT "$pid"
+ [[ $? != 0 ]] &&
+ fail "Failed to dump threads" || echo "Thread Dump is available in wrapper.log"
+ else
+ echo "I2P Service is not running."
+ fi
+check_user "$@"
+case "$1" in
+ 'console') _console
+ ;;
+ 'start') _start
+ ;;
+ 'stop') _stop
+ ;;
+ 'graceful') _graceful
+ ;;
+ 'restart') _restart
+ ;;
+ 'status') _status
+ ;;
+ 'dump') _dump
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [command]"
+ echo
+ echo "Commands:"
+ echo " console Launch in the current console"
+ echo " start Start in the background as a daemon process"
+ echo " stop Stop if running as a daemon or in another console"
+ echo " graceful Stop gracefully, may take up to 11 minutes for all tunnels to close"
+ echo " restart Restart the JVM"
+ echo " status Query the current status"
+ echo " dump Request a Java thread dump if running"
+ echo
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/router.config b/router.config
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..cbce544071a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/router.config
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NOTE: This I2P config file must use UTF-8 encoding
+# * i2cp: allows java clients to communicate with I2P outside of the JVM. Disabled.
+# * IPv6: Disabled
+# * In-I2P Network Updates: Disabled
diff --git a/wrapper.config b/wrapper.config
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..4d54e65a668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrapper.config
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Wrapper Properties
+# WARNING - for any changes to take effect, you must completely
+# stop the router and the wrapper. Clicking 'Restart' on your
+# router console will NOT reread this file! You must
+# click "Shutdown", wait 11 minutes, then start i2p.
+# Java Application
+# Java Main class. This class must implement the WrapperListener interface
+# or guarantee that the WrapperManager class is initialized. Helper
+# classes are provided to do this for you. See the Integration section
+# of the documentation for details.
+# Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar) Add class path elements as
+# needed starting from 1
+# Be sure there are no other duplicate classes.*.jar
+# Java Library Path (location of
+# Java Bits. On applicable platforms, tells the JVM to run in 32 or 64-bit mode.
+# Java Additional Parameters"/opt/i2p"
+# On some IPv6 enabled systems, I2P and other network-enabled java applications
+# may fail to start. For examples see
+# Two things that may help if you experience this issue
+# 1) "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only" as root; or
+# 2) uncomment the next two lines:
+# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
+# If a non-zero value is specified for this property then an appropriate -Xms
+# parameter will be added. The initial memory must be less than or equal to
+# the value set for the maxmemory property
+# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
+# The JVM's default is 64MB, and I2P can work fine in that, but to handle
+# lots of I2PSnark activity in the same JVM, increasing the default max heap
+# size should help. Feel free to reduce this if not using I2PSnark in the jvm
+# High-bandwidth routers may need to increase to 256 or more.
+# Application parameters. Add parameters as needed starting from 1
+# Wrapper Logging Properties
+# Enables Debug output from the Wrapper.
+# wrapper.debug=TRUE
+# Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats)
+# Log Level for console output. (See docs for log levels)
+# Log file to use for wrapper output logging.
+# You may wish to change this.
+# Format of output for the log file.
+# The format consists of the tokens 'L' for log level, 'P' for prefix, 'D' for thread,
+# 'T' for time, 'Z' for millisecond time, and 'M' for message
+# Unfortunately the log timezone cannot be changed, see
+# Log Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels)
+# Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before
+# the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value
+# of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or
+# 'm' (mb) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes.
+# Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old
+# files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit.
+# Log Level for sys/event log output. (See docs for log levels)
+# these will shut down or crash the JVM
+# choose what to do if the JVM kills itself based on the exit code
+# OOM
+# graceful shutdown
+# hard shutdown
+# hard restart
+# hard restart
+# the router may take a few seconds to save state, etc
+# give the OS 60s to clear all the old sockets / etc before restarting
+# Let's change the default from 60 to 10 seconds and see if anyone moans..
+# The ping timeout must be at least 5 seconds longer than the value of
+# Extend this if you are getting 'JVM appears hung' shutdowns.
+# use the wrapper's internal timer thread. otherwise this would
+# force a restart of the router during daylight savings time as well
+# as any time that the OS clock changes
+# pid file for the JVM
+# If you plan to have multiple wrappers running on the same machine,
+# you should copy this file, change the location or file name,
+# and edit the i2prouter script to change the WRAPPER_CONF setting
+# to point to the new wrapper.config location.
+# Directory must exist or the wrapper will fail to start.
+# Wrapper General Properties
+# Allow for the use of non-contiguous numbered properties
+# Title to use when running as a console
+wrapper.console.title=I2P Service
+# Set permissions used when creating files
+# See
+# for a detailed explanation of these settings.