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authorgashon2024-12-29 19:14:46 -0800
committergashon2024-12-29 19:14:46 -0800
commit4e8d2976efef23503ca7ad6f66a2dc269f16ec69 (patch)
parent7fe0bc41595aba41c2e3b1709d2f9f562df4fb0b (diff)
chore: init i3 lru daemon script
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i3-lru-daemon.py b/i3-lru-daemon.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..65965e51f6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3-lru-daemon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# 1) If the file doesn't exist, or is empty, bail.
+[ -f "${CACHE_FILE}" ] || exit 0
+# Read the entire i3 tree JSON just once.
+i3_tree_json="$(i3-msg -t get_tree)"
+# Build a mapping of con_id (as a string) -> label.
+ echo "$i3_tree_json" | jq -r '
+ def descend: recurse(.nodes[], .floating_nodes[]);
+ descend
+ | select(.window_properties? or .window?)
+ | [
+ (.id|tostring),
+ (
+ if .window_properties? and .window_properties.class? then
+ "\(.name) (\(.window_properties.class))"
+ else
+ .name // ""
+ end
+ )
+ ]
+ | @tsv
+ '
+declare -A id_to_label
+while IFS=$'\t' read -r con_id con_label; do
+ id_to_label["$con_id"]="$con_label"
+done <<<"$mapped_windows"
+# Build a list of valid labels in LRU order
+declare -a valid_labels=()
+while IFS= read -r wid; do
+ [ -z "$wid" ] && continue
+ label="${id_to_label["$wid"]}"
+ [ -z "$label" ] && continue
+ valid_labels+=("$label")
+done <"$CACHE_FILE"
+# If no valid windows remain, exit silently.
+[ ${#valid_labels[@]} -eq 0 ] && exit 0
+# Show them in rofi, with the second item (row index 1) selected by default.
+# If there's only 1 item, rofi will silently fall back to row 0.
+ printf '%s\n' "${valid_labels[@]}" |
+ rofi -dmenu -i -p "Switch to" -selected-row 1
+# If the user canceled or made no selection, exit.
+[ -z "$selection" ] && exit 0
+# Reverse lookup: label -> ID
+for con_id in "${!id_to_label[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "${id_to_label["$con_id"]}" == "$selection" ]]; then
+ selected_id="$con_id"
+ break
+ fi
+# Focus the chosen window
+[ -n "$selected_id" ] && i3-msg "[con_id=\"${selected_id}\"] focus" >/dev/null