diff options
authorfelics2019-08-29 17:52:07 +0200
committerfelics2019-08-29 17:52:07 +0200
commit63673e64ba60ecd649645795a14ad2292aa857f9 (patch)
parent936f713e08a7cd47d3b4e681df5d140d62462f17 (diff)
Version updated. And now available via download.
3 files changed, 6 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index a7db21a0bc91..5fd086c1fa24 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pkgbase = idos-package-updater-script
pkgdesc = Bash script which automates the process of updating installed IDOS timetable browser related packages by reinstalling and thus fetching the newest version.
pkgver = 20190825.1
- pkgrel = 1
+ pkgrel = 2
epoch = 0
arch = any
groups = idos-timetable
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ pkgbase = idos-package-updater-script
depends = util-linux
depends = pacman
depends = yaourt
- source =
+ source =
source = copying.txt
- sha256sums = 7294eb89d778a30f36640194121fb3a1ae134e1db2b579a36ba200587644f5bb
+ sha256sums = c17fbec61a0348c4e070b74a27686bee8415a03f5d5295453033a8dd50019d7e
sha256sums = c3cbff25307e905545788f5c74cc137d79706c60549092f2a37919b93cf55ee3
pkgname = idos-package-updater-script
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 85a6d717a6eb..7918f101dcf5 100644
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ _pkgname=idos-package-updater-script
pkgdesc="Bash script which automates the process of updating installed IDOS timetable browser related packages by reinstalling and thus fetching the newest version."
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ replaces=()
- ""
+ ""
- "7294eb89d778a30f36640194121fb3a1ae134e1db2b579a36ba200587644f5bb"
+ "c17fbec61a0348c4e070b74a27686bee8415a03f5d5295453033a8dd50019d7e"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 55b632bfda79..000000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# This script re-installs packages related to the IDOS timetable information system, to update them when an update is available.
-# Since most packages are getting update upstream without any change in download URL, the packages are maintained in a similar way
-# as version control system based packages (e.g. ${pkgname}-git-style, though not on a version control system the extension "-latest"
-# is used). Thus, the version number of the packages in the AUR is purely cosmetic and reflects the current version from the time of
-# the last submit to the AUR. Newer versions may be there, and so this script simply installs the latest version. The locally
-# installed package will have the correct version number.
-# However, there is a command line options which makes the script just install packages where newer versions are available in the AUR:
-# --needed, -s, or --sloppy.
-# This script depends on:
-# * bash
-# * python3
-# * python-texttable
-# * yaourt
-# * basic utilities: grep, sort, uniq.
-# (Instead of grep, comm also can be used, by swapping the comment in front of the respective lines).
-### Abort on error:
-set -e
-### Packages with these strings in their names are beeing re-installed by this script:
- 'idos-'
- 'ttf-timetable'
-### Packages with those regexp's are ignored. No whitespaces are allowed!
- '\-license'
- if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
- cat <<< "$@"
- else
- cat
- fi
- prefix="$1"
- while read line; do
- cat <<< "${prefix}${line}"
- done
-verbose() {
- if "${_verbose}"; then
- msg "$@"
- fi
-debug() {
- if "${_debug}"; then
- errmsg " [debug] $@"
- fi
-errmsg() {
- msg "$@" > /dev/stderr
-exiterror() {
- if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
- _exitcode="$2"
- else
- _exitcode=1
- fi
- if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
- _msg="$1"
- else
- _msg="$0: Unspecified Error. Aborting."
- fi
- errmsg "${_msg}"
- exit "${_exitcode}"
-printusage() {
- msg "Usage:"
- msg " $0 [arguments ...]"
- msg ""
- msg "Arguments (all optional):"
- msg " -h | --help Print this message and exit."
- msg " -s | --sloppy | --needed"
- msg " Just install if the version info in the AUR is newer than"
- msg " the locally installed version."
- msg " Default is to re-installed every locally installed idos-"
- msg " packages since version numbers in the AUR may be outdated."
- msg " -l | --list Only list version numbers of installed packages and their"
- msg " AUR equivalents, and what would be done. Do not upgrade."
- msg " -d | --debug Print some detailed information as we go on."
- msg " (Does _not_ imply -v.)"
- msg " -v | --verbose Print verbose summary."
- msg " -V | --version Print version."
-### Variables that can be changed by command line options:
-### Parse command line options:
-while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
- case "$1" in
- "-h"|"--help"|"help")
- shift
- printusage
- exit 0
- ;;
- "-s"|"--sloppy"|"--needed")
- _sloppy=true
- export _sloppy
- shift
- ;;
- "-l"|"--listonly")
- _listonly=true
- export _listonly
- shift
- ;;
- "-d"|"--debug")
- _debug=true
- export _debug
- shift
- ;;
- "-v"|"--verbose")
- _verbose=true
- export _verbose
- shift
- ;;
- "-V"|"--version")
- shift
- msg "${VERSION}"
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- _unknownarg="$1"
- shift
- errmsg "$0: Error: Unrecognised argument '${_unknownarg}'."
- errmsg ""
- errmsg "$(printusage)"
- errmsg ""
- exiterror "Aborting." 1
- ;;
- esac
-debug "This is a debug message, testing the debug logic."
-get_aur_pkgs_version() {
- # From all the packages given as arguments, returns their version number, line by line, as in the AUR. If a package is not available in the repositories, return empty string, and:
- # * If it is the only package given at the command line, finish with an exitcode >0.
- # * If it is amongst other packages, silently ignore.
- #
- # NOTE: For some reasons debug messages herein do not get printed the way we are called ...
- if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
- debug "Querying version for package 'aur/$1' ..."
- _raw="$(yaourt -Si "aur/$1")"
- exitcode_query="$?"
- if [ "${exitcode_query}" -eq 0 ]; then
- cat <<< "${_raw}" | sed -n -r 's|^Version[[:space:]]*\:[[:space:]]*||p'
- else
- cat <<< ''
- fi
- shift
- else
- while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
- debug "Querying version for package 'aur/$1' ..."
- _raw="$(yaourt -Si "aur/$1" 2>/dev/null)"
- _exitcode="$?"
- if [ "${_exitcode}" -eq 0 ]; then
- cat <<< "${_raw}" | sed -n -r 's|^Version[[:space:]]*\:[[:space:]]*||p'
- else
- cat <<< ''
- fi
- shift
- done
- exitcode_query=0
- fi
- return "${exitcode_query}"
-compare_versions() {
- # Compares "$1" against "$2" as if they were version numbers. Uses 'sort -V' to do the actual work.
- # Output:
- # ">" if "$1" > "$2",
- # "=" if "$1" == "$2",
- # "<" if "$1" < "$2".
- if [ "$1x" == "$2x" ]; then
- cat <<< "="
- else
- _smalleritem="$({
- cat <<< "$1"
- cat <<< "$2"
- } | sort -V | head -n 1)"
- if [ "${_smalleritem}x" == "$2x" ]; then
- cat <<< ">"
- else
- cat <<< "<"
- fi
- fi
-### Those variable will hold package information.
-# Syntax:
-# * The key is the package name.
-# * The content of the entry contains the data/ flags, separated by space:
-# - 'i=[true|false]' means the package is locally installed (if not present, not installed is assumed),
-# - 'ov=<version>' is the version number of the installed package prior to upgrade,
-# - 'nv=<version>' is the version number of the installed package after upgrade,
-# - 'av=<version>' is the version number of the package in the repositories/ AUR.
-# Presence of this entry also means the package is available in the repositories/ AUR at all.
-# - 'u=[true|false]' specifies if the package should be included in upgrade (if not specified, no upgrade will be done),
-# - 'v=<string>' is an informational string to present to the user in the pretty-printed output
-# to tell about the status (available in the repositories/ AUR, will be upgraded, ...).
-unset pkgs
-declare -A pkgs
-unset upgrades
-declare -a upgrades
-for pkg_string in "${idos_pkgs_strings[@]}"; do
- ### Get packages which are installed.
- debug "Searching for installed packages matching the search string '${pkg_string}' ..."
- for _pkg_ver_group in $(pacman -Q -s "${pkg_string}" | sed -n 's|^local/||p' | grep -v "${idos_ignore_pkgs_regexps[@]/#/-e}" | tr ' \t' ';;'); do
- _pkg="$(awk -F';' '{print $1}' <<< "${_pkg_ver_group}")"
- _old_ver="$(awk -F';' '{print $2}' <<< "${_pkg_ver_group}")"
- _aur_ver="$(get_aur_pkgs_version "${_pkg}" 2>/dev/null || cat <<< '')"
- pkgs["${_pkg}"]="i=true ov=${_old_ver}"
- if [ -n "${_aur_ver}" ]; then
- if "${_sloppy}"; then
- if [ "$(compare_versions "${_aur_ver}" "${_old_ver}")" == '>' ]; then
- _upgrade='true'
- _info='(y)'
- else
- _upgrade='false'
- _info='(n)'
- fi
- else
- _upgrade='true'
- _info='(y)'
- fi
- pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" av=${_aur_ver} u=${_upgrade} v=${_info}"
- else
- _upgrade='false'
- _info='(-)'
- pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" u=${_upgrade} v=${_info}"
- fi
- if "${_upgrade}"; then
- upgrades+=("${_pkg}")
- fi
- debug "* ${_pkg}: ${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
- done
-### Print some information.
-msg "IDOS-related packages, before upgrade:"
-msg ""
- cat <<< ';;;'
- for _pkg in $(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!pkgs[@]}" | sort -n); do
- _flags="${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
- _info="$(sed -En 's|^.*v=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
- _old_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*ov=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
- _aur_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*av=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
- if [ -n "${_aur_ver}" ]; then
- _ver_diff="$(compare_versions "${_old_ver}" "${_aur_ver}")"
- else
- _ver_diff=" "
- fi
- cat <<< "${_info} |;${_pkg};| ${_old_ver};${_ver_diff} ${_aur_ver}"
- done
-} | column -o ' ' -s ';' -t -R 1,2 -N 'upgr.?,package,| local ver.,| AUR ver.'
-msg ''
-if "${_listonly}"; then
- verbose "-l | --listonly option specified, will not actually upgrade."
- exit 0
-### Reinstall the packages to be upgraded:
-if [ ${#upgrades[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
- verbose "Installing packages ${upgrades[@]} ..."
- yaourt -S --noconfirm "${upgrades[@]}"
- msg "Nothing to be updated. Exiting."
- exit 0
-### Get version numbers of installed packages after upgrade. Do it at once, since each call pacman -Q call does cost a considerable amount of time:
-for _pkg_ver in $(pacman -Q "${!pkgs[@]}" | tr ' ' ';'); do
- debug "Getting versions of packages after installation ..."
- _pkg="$(awk -F';' '{print $1}' <<< "${_pkg_ver}")"
- _new_ver="$(awk -F';' '{print $2}' <<< "${_pkg_ver}")"
- pkgs["${_pkg}"]+=" nv=${_new_ver}"
- debug "* ${_pkg}: ${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
-### Print information about changes that were carried out:
-msg ""
-msg "IDOS-related packages, after upgrade:"
-msg ""
- cat <<< ';;'
- for _pkg in $(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!pkgs[@]}" | sort -n); do
- _flags="${pkgs["${_pkg}"]}"
- _old_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*ov=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
- _new_ver="$(sed -En 's|^.*nv=([^ ]*).*$|\1|gp' <<< "${_flags}")"
- _ver_diff="$(compare_versions "${_old_ver}" "${_new_ver}")"
- cat <<< "${_pkg};| ${_old_ver};${_ver_diff} ${_new_ver}"
- done
-} | column -o ' ' -s ';' -t -R 1 -N 'package,| old ver.,| new ver.'