diff options
authorFelix Springer2018-10-24 17:37:06 +0200
committerFelix Springer2018-10-24 17:37:06 +0200
commitaedba439bc526616bc441a45fe1c761bdd2cc9d8 (patch)
parent9ff7be51897bc50418c5070d27a234207aaa4988 (diff)
fixed problems with $PATH
4 files changed, 324 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 9cd1c9e30644..984eeda2150c 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pkgbase = imod-binary
- pkgdesc = image processing, modeling and display programs for tomography and 3D reconstruction
+ pkgdesc = Image-Processing, Modeling and Display Programs for Tomography and 3D Reconstruction
pkgver = 4.9.10
- pkgrel = 1
+ pkgrel = 2
url =
arch = x86_64
license = GPL
@@ -9,9 +9,264 @@ pkgbase = imod-binary
depends = python
optdepends = cuda>=8.0.0: for library bindings
optdepends = tcsh: for only a few very specializied scripts
+ provides = 3dmod
+ provides = 3dmodv
+ provides = addtostack
+ provides = adocxmlconv
+ provides = alignframes
+ provides = alignlog
+ provides = alterheader
+ provides = archiveorig
+ provides = assemblevol
+ provides = autofidseed
+ provides = autopatchfit
+ provides = avganova
+ provides = avgstack
+ provides = avgstatplot
+ provides = b3dcatfiles
+ provides = b3dcopy
+ provides = b3dhostname
+ provides = b3dremove
+ provides = b3dtouch
+ provides = b3dwinps
+ provides = batchruntomo
+ provides = beadtrack
+ provides = binvol
+ provides = blendmont
+ provides = boxavg
+ provides = boxstartend
+ provides = calc
+ provides = ccderaser
+ provides = checkmtmod
+ provides = checkxforms
+ provides = chunksetup
+ provides = clip
+ provides = clipmodel
+ provides = clonemodel
+ provides = clonevolume
+ provides = collectmmm
+ provides = colornewst
+ provides = combinefft
+ provides = contourmod
+ provides = convertmod
+ provides = copyheader
+ provides = copytomocoms
+ provides = corrsearch3d
+ provides = cryoposition
+ provides = ctfphaseflip
+ provides = ctfplotter
+ provides = densmatch
+ provides = densnorm
+ provides = dm2mrc
+ provides = dm3props
+ provides = dualvolmatch
+ provides = echo2
+ provides = edgeeraser
+ provides = edgemtf
+ provides = edgepatches
+ provides = edmont
+ provides = edpiecepoint
+ provides = endmodel
+ provides = enhance
+ provides = eraser
+ provides = etomo
+ provides = etomo.jar
+ provides = etomoPluginDemo
+ provides = excise
+ provides = excludeviews
+ provides = expandargs
+ provides = extposition
+ provides = extractmagrad
+ provides = extractpieces
+ provides = extracttilts
+ provides = extstack
+ provides = fenestra
+ provides = fftrans
+ provides = fiberpitch
+ provides = filltomo
+ provides = filterplot
+ provides = findbeads3d
+ provides = findcontrast
+ provides = finddistort
+ provides = findgradient
+ provides = findhotpixels
+ provides = findsection
+ provides = findsirtdiffs
+ provides = findwarp
+ provides = finishjoin
+ provides = fitpatches
+ provides = fixboundaries
+ provides = fixmont
+ provides = flattenwarp
+ provides = framewatcher
+ provides = genhstplt
+ provides = goodframe
+ provides = gpumonitor
+ provides = gputilttest
+ provides = header
+ provides = howflared
+ provides = idfprocess
+ provides = imavgstat
provides = imod
+ provides = imod2meta
+ provides = imod2obj
+ provides = imod2patch
+ provides = imod2rib
+ provides = imod2vrml
+ provides = imod2vrml2
+ provides = imodauto
+ provides = imodchopconts
+ provides = imodcpuload
+ provides = imodcurvature
+ provides = imod-dist
+ provides = imodexplode
+ provides = imodextract
+ provides = imodfillin
+ provides = imodfindbeads
+ provides = imodhelp
+ provides = imodinfo
+ provides = imodjoin
+ provides = imodkillgroup
+ provides = imodmesh
+ provides = imodmop
+ provides = imodpsview
+ provides = imodqtassist
+ provides = imodsendevent
+ provides = imodsetvalues
+ provides = imodsortsurf
+ provides = imodtrans
+ provides = imoduntar
+ provides = imodv
+ provides = joinmodel
+ provides = joinwarp2model
+ provides = makecomfile
+ provides = makegradtable
+ provides = makejoincom
+ provides = makepyramid
+ provides = MarkersCorrespond
+ provides = matchorwarp
+ provides = matchrotpairs
+ provides = matchshifts
+ provides = matchvol
+ provides = maxjoinsize
+ provides = midas
+ provides = model2point
+ provides = montagesize
+ provides = mrc2tif
+ provides = mrcbyte
+ provides = mrctaper
+ provides = mrcx
+ provides = mtdetect
+ provides = mtffilter
+ provides = mtk
+ provides = mtlengths
+ provides = mtmodel
+ provides = mtoverlap
+ provides = mtpairing
+ provides = mtrotlong
+ provides = mtsmooth
+ provides = mtteach
+ provides = nad_eed_3d
+ provides = nda
+ provides = newstack
+ provides = numericdiff
+ provides = onegenplot
+ provides = onepatchcorr
+ provides = patch2imod
+ provides = patchcorr3d
+ provides = patchcrawl3d
+ provides = pickbestseed
+ provides = point2model
+ provides = preNAD
+ provides = preNID
+ provides = processchunks
+ provides = prochunks.csh
+ provides = queuechunk
+ provides = RAPTOR
+ provides = raw2mrc
+ provides = rawtiltcoords
+ provides = realscalemod
+ provides = rec2imod
+ provides = recombine
+ provides = reducecont
+ provides = reducemont
+ provides = reducemtmod
+ provides = refinematch
+ provides = remapmodel
+ provides = repackseed
+ provides = resamplemod
+ provides = restrictalign
+ provides = rotatevol
+ provides = rotmont
+ provides = runimodqtapp
+ provides = runraptor
+ provides = sampletilt
+ provides = scalemodel
+ provides = sda
+ provides = selfalign
+ provides = setlibpath
+ provides = settmpdir
+ provides = setupcombine
+ provides = setupcoms
+ provides = setuplong
+ provides = setupstitch
+ provides = sirtsetup
+ provides = slashfindspheres
+ provides = slashmasksort
+ provides =
+ provides =
+ provides = smoothsurf
+ provides = solvematch
+ provides = sortbeadsurfs
+ provides = splitblend
+ provides = splitcombine
+ provides = splitcorrection
+ provides = splitmrc
+ provides = splittilt
+ provides = squeezevol
+ provides = startprocess
+ provides = stitchalign
+ provides = subimage
+ provides = subimanova
+ provides = subimstat
+ provides = subm
+ provides = submfg
+ provides = subtomosetup
+ provides = subtractcurves
+ provides = sumdensity
+ provides = taperoutvol
+ provides = tapervoledge
+ provides = tif2mrc
+ provides = tilt
+ provides = tiltalign
+ provides = tiltxcorr
+ provides = tomodataplots
+ provides = tomopieces
+ provides = tomopitch
+ provides = tomosnapshot
+ provides = tomostitch
+ provides = transferfid
+ provides = trimvol
+ provides = vmstocsh
+ provides = vmstopy
+ provides = warpvol
+ provides = wmod2imod
+ provides = xcorrstack
+ provides = xf2rotmagstr
+ provides = xfalign
+ provides = xfforfidless
+ provides = xfinterstack
+ provides = xfinverse
+ provides = xfjointomo
+ provides = xfmodel
+ provides = xfproduct
+ provides = xfsimplex
+ provides = xftoxg
+ provides = xyzproj
source =
+ source =
md5sums = 09dea781cbefa60f1b8360ed622ab709
+ md5sums = 5994f7008e2b3ffd7e37339b14abb0da
pkgname = imod-binary
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index b936a57c3c14..da7afd6f9de6 100644
@@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
# Maintainer: Felix Springer <>
-# alias imod-env="IMOD_DIR='/opt/IMOD/'; source '/opt/IMOD/'"
-# use this alias to access imod from bash!
-# the programs are only after execution of the alias 'imod-env' added to your PATH
-# execute the alias 'imod-env' in your '~/.bash_profile' or your shell-profile to be able to access the programs anytime without invoking 'imod-env' first
-# the provided programs are listed in 'PROVIDES'
-pkgdesc="image processing, modeling and display programs for tomography and 3D reconstruction"
+pkgdesc="Image-Processing, Modeling and Display Programs for Tomography and 3D Reconstruction"
+provides=('3dmod' '3dmodv' 'addtostack' 'adocxmlconv' 'alignframes' 'alignlog' 'alterheader' 'archiveorig' 'assemblevol' 'autofidseed' 'autopatchfit' 'avganova' 'avgstack' 'avgstatplot' 'b3dcatfiles' 'b3dcopy' 'b3dhostname' 'b3dremove' 'b3dtouch' 'b3dwinps' 'batchruntomo' 'beadtrack' 'binvol' 'blendmont' 'boxavg' 'boxstartend' 'calc' 'ccderaser' 'checkmtmod' 'checkxforms' 'chunksetup' 'clip' 'clipmodel' 'clonemodel' 'clonevolume' 'collectmmm' 'colornewst' 'combinefft' 'contourmod' 'convertmod' 'copyheader' 'copytomocoms' 'corrsearch3d' 'cryoposition' 'ctfphaseflip' 'ctfplotter' 'densmatch' 'densnorm' 'dm2mrc' 'dm3props' 'dualvolmatch' 'echo2' 'edgeeraser' 'edgemtf' 'edgepatches' 'edmont' 'edpiecepoint' 'endmodel' 'enhance' 'eraser' 'etomo' 'etomo.jar' 'etomoPluginDemo' 'excise' 'excludeviews' 'expandargs' 'extposition' 'extractmagrad' 'extractpieces' 'extracttilts' 'extstack' 'fenestra' 'fftrans' 'fiberpitch' 'filltomo' 'filterplot' 'findbeads3d' 'findcontrast' 'finddistort' 'findgradient' 'findhotpixels' 'findsection' 'findsirtdiffs' 'findwarp' 'finishjoin' 'fitpatches' 'fixboundaries' 'fixmont' 'flattenwarp' 'framewatcher' 'genhstplt' 'goodframe' 'gpumonitor' 'gputilttest' 'header' 'howflared' 'idfprocess' 'imavgstat' 'imod' 'imod2meta' 'imod2obj' 'imod2patch' 'imod2rib' 'imod2vrml' 'imod2vrml2' 'imodauto' 'imodchopconts' 'imodcpuload' 'imodcurvature' 'imod-dist' 'imodexplode' 'imodextract' 'imodfillin' 'imodfindbeads' 'imodhelp' 'imodinfo' 'imodjoin' 'imodkillgroup' 'imodmesh' 'imodmop' 'imodpsview' 'imodqtassist' 'imodsendevent' 'imodsetvalues' 'imodsortsurf' 'imodtrans' 'imoduntar' 'imodv' 'joinmodel' 'joinwarp2model' 'makecomfile' 'makegradtable' 'makejoincom' 'makepyramid' 'MarkersCorrespond' 'matchorwarp' 'matchrotpairs' 'matchshifts' 'matchvol' 'maxjoinsize' 'midas' 'model2point' 'montagesize' 'mrc2tif' 'mrcbyte' 'mrctaper' 'mrcx' 'mtdetect' 'mtffilter' 'mtk' 'mtlengths' 'mtmodel' 'mtoverlap' 'mtpairing' 'mtrotlong' 'mtsmooth' 'mtteach' 'nad_eed_3d' 'nda' 'newstack' 'numericdiff' 'onegenplot' 'onepatchcorr' 'patch2imod' 'patchcorr3d' 'patchcrawl3d' 'pickbestseed' 'point2model' 'preNAD' 'preNID' 'processchunks' 'prochunks.csh' 'queuechunk' 'RAPTOR' 'raw2mrc' 'rawtiltcoords' 'realscalemod' 'rec2imod' 'recombine' 'reducecont' 'reducemont' 'reducemtmod' 'refinematch' 'remapmodel' 'repackseed' 'resamplemod' 'restrictalign' 'rotatevol' 'rotmont' 'runimodqtapp' 'runraptor' 'sampletilt' 'scalemodel' 'sda' 'selfalign' 'setlibpath' 'settmpdir' 'setupcombine' 'setupcoms' 'setuplong' 'setupstitch' 'sirtsetup' 'slashfindspheres' 'slashmasksort' '' '' 'smoothsurf' 'solvematch' 'sortbeadsurfs' 'splitblend' 'splitcombine' 'splitcorrection' 'splitmrc' 'splittilt' 'squeezevol' 'startprocess' 'stitchalign' 'subimage' 'subimanova' 'subimstat' 'subm' 'submfg' 'subtomosetup' 'subtractcurves' 'sumdensity' 'taperoutvol' 'tapervoledge' 'tif2mrc' 'tilt' 'tiltalign' 'tiltxcorr' 'tomodataplots' 'tomopieces' 'tomopitch' 'tomosnapshot' 'tomostitch' 'transferfid' 'trimvol' 'vmstocsh' 'vmstopy' 'warpvol' 'wmod2imod' 'xcorrstack' 'xf2rotmagstr' 'xfalign' 'xfforfidless' 'xfinterstack' 'xfinverse' 'xfjointomo' 'xfmodel' 'xfproduct' 'xfsimplex' 'xftoxg' 'xyzproj')
depends=('libjpeg6-turbo' 'python')
optdepends=('cuda>=8.0.0: for library bindings'
'tcsh: for only a few very specializied scripts')
+ '')
+ '17e904b7f7c168e45793dc00d8a6aa57')
pkgver() {
echo "$pkgver"
@@ -36,9 +30,11 @@ build() {
package() {
mkdir -p "$pkgdir/opt"
- mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
- cp -r "$srcdir/IMODtempDir/imod_$pkgver/" "$pkgdir/opt"
- ln -s "/opt/imod_$pkgver" "$pkgdir/opt/IMOD"
+ cp -r "$srcdir/IMODtempDir/imod_$pkgver/" "$pkgdir/opt/"
+ mv "$pkgdir/opt/imod_$pkgver" "$pkgdir/opt/imod"
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/"
+ cp "" "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/"
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/PROVIDES b/PROVIDES
deleted file mode 100644
index 84527f2a2096..000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..981f48d1f045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Set IMOD_DIR if it is not set already
+export IMOD_DIR=${IMOD_DIR:=/opt/imod}
+# Set IMOD_JAVADIR if it is not set already
+if [ -f "/usr/bin/archlinux-java" ]
+ export IMOD_JAVADIR=${IMOD_JAVADIR:=/usr/lib/jvm/`/usr/bin/archlinux-java get`}
+# Put the IMOD programs on the path
+if ! echo ${PATH} | /bin/grep -q "$IMOD_DIR/bin" ; then
+ export PATH=$IMOD_DIR/bin:$PATH
+# Set variable with location of the IMOD plugins
+export IMOD_PLUGIN_DIR=$IMOD_DIR/lib/imodplug
+# Tell the system where the IMOD libraries are located.
+# Put the man pages on the man path only if it exists
+if [ ! -z "$MANPATH" ] ; then
+# Set a variable with the location of configuration/calibration/data files
+export IMOD_CALIB_DIR=${IMOD_CALIB_DIR:=/opt/IMOD/ImodCalib}
+# Source local startup file in ImodCalib if it exists
+if [ -r $IMOD_CALIB_DIR/ ] ; then
+# Disable alarming stack traces from Intel Fortran
+# Set a variable to indicate where our copy of Qt library is
+export IMOD_QTLIBDIR="$IMOD_DIR/qtlib"
+# A subm function to run command files in the background with submfg
+if [ -z "$BASH" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
+function subm () { submfg $* & }