diff options
authorJoseluCross2016-06-06 22:04:28 +0200
committerJoseluCross2016-06-06 22:04:28 +0200
commitfecf02dabff96099c20f370452d8c191d03fc521 (patch)
parent910bbc054ea8c07dbf56be87834dc991d8c0135d (diff)
Remove slip
-rw-r--r--es.mobin3211 -> 0 bytes
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index c63e8e2aabf3..000000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/jkazip b/jkazip
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc700e04a53..000000000000
--- a/jkazip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#A script for de/compress files and folders in many formats
-#Author: JKA Network -
-#Function decompress(); decompress the file whith the format especified
-# gettext initialization
-export TEXTDOMAIN='jkazip'
-export TEXTDOMAINDIR='/usr/share/locale'
-function decompress() {
- msg_de=""$(gettext "%s has been decompressed")" "$2""
- if [ $files -eq 0 ];then
- format=$(ls $2 | cut -f2 -d".")
- format2=$(ls $2 | cut -f3 -d".")
- else
- format=$(echo $1 | cut -f1 -d".")
- format2=$(echo $1 | cut -f2 -d".")
- fi
- if [ $format = "tar" ];then
- if [ -z $format2 ];then
- tar xvf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format2 = "gz" ];then
- tar xvzf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format2 = "bz2" ];then
- tar xvjf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format2 = "xz" ];then
- tar xvJf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- fi
- elif [ $format = "tbz2" ];then
- tar xvjf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "tgz" ];then
- tar xvjf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "txz" ];then
- tar xvJf $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "7z" -o $format = "7zip" ];then
- 7z e $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "zip" ];then
- unzip $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "gz" -o $format = "gzip" ];then
- gzip -dk $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "bz2" -o $format = "bzip" ];then
- bzip2 -dk $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $format = "rar" ];then
- rar -x $2
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_de
- echo
- fi
- else
- printf -- "$(gettext "Format %s unknown")" "$format"
- echo
- fi
-if [ -z $1 ];then
- echo "$(gettext "No option specified, use jkazip -h")"
-elif [ $1 = "-h" ];then
- echo "$(gettext " synopsis: jkazip <options> <file or directory>")"
- echo ""
- echo "$(gettext " -d, decompress file")"
- echo "$(gettext " -f <format>, specified format whe decompress, necessary only when the name have more than one point before the file extension")"
- echo "$(gettext " -c <format>, compress file")"
- echo "$(gettext " -h, show help box and exit")"
- echo "$(gettext " -v, show version")"
- echo ""
- echo "$(gettext " The order must be \"jkazip -d [-f format] <file or directory>\" or \"jkazip -c <format> <file or directory\"")"
- echo ""
- echo "$(gettext " Examples")"
- echo "$(gettext " jkazip -d -f \"tar.gz\" file.txt.tar.gz")"
- echo "$(gettext " jkazip -d file.7z")"
- echo "$(gettext " jkazip -c \"tar.xz\" directory")"
- echo ""
- echo "$(gettext " Supported formats: tar,gzip,bzip2,xzip,7z,zip and rar")"
- echo "$(gettext " Only one file or directory (some formats don't support directories), for more options use the each program individualy")"
- echo ""
-elif [ $1 = "-v" ];then
- printf -- "$(gettext "jkazip by JKA Network; version %s")" "$version"
- echo
-elif [ $1 = "-d" ];then
- if [ -z $2 ];then
- echo "$(gettext "No file or directory specified")"
- exit
- elif [ $2 = "-f" ];then
- files=1
- elif [ -d $2 ];then
- files=0
- printf -- "$(gettext "Directory %s will be decompressed")" "$2"
- echo
- elif [ -f $2 ];then
- files=0
- echo "$(gettext "File $ will be decompressed")"
- else
- printf -- "$(gettext "%s no such file or directory")" "$2"
- echo
- exit
- fi
- if [ $files -eq 0 ];then
- decompress 0 $2
- elif [ $files -eq 1 ];then
- if [ -d $4 ];then
- printf -- "$(gettext "Directory %s will be decompressed")" "$4"
- echo
- elif [ -f $4 ];then
- printf -- "$(gettext "File %s will be decompressed")" "$4"
- echo
- else
- printf -- "$(gettext "%s no sush a file or directory")" "$4"
- echo
- exit
- fi
- decompress $3 $4
- fi
-elif [ $1 = "-c" ];then
- if [ -z $3 ];then
- echo "$(gettext "No file or directory specified")"
- exit
- elif [ -d $3 ];then
- printf -- "$(gettext "The directory %s will be compressed")" "$3"
- echo
- elif [ -f $3 ];then
- printf -- "$(gettext "The file %s will be compressed")" "$3"
- echo
- else
- printf -- "$(gettext "%s no such file or directory")" "$3"
- echo
- exit
- fi
- msg_co=""$(gettext "%s has been compressed")" "$3""
- if [ -z $2 ];then
- echo "$(gettext "No format specified")"
- elif [ $2 = "tar" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvf $3.tar $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "tar.gz" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvzf $3.tar.gz $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "tar.bz2" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvjf $3.tar.bz2 $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "tar.xz" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvJf $3.tar.xz $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "tbz2" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvjf $3.tbz2 $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "tgz" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvjf $3.tgz $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "txz" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- tar cvJf $3.txz $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "7z" -o $2 = "7zip" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- 7z a $3.7z $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "zip" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- zip $ $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "gz" -o $2 = "gzip" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- gzip -9k $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "bz2" -o $2 = "bzip2" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- bzip2 -k $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- elif [ $2 = "rar" ] 2> /dev/null ;then
- rar -a $3.rar $3
- if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
- printf -- $msg_co
- echo
- fi
- else
- printf -- "$(gettext "Format %s unknown")" "$2"
- echo
- fi
- echo "$(gettext "Unknown option")"