diff options
authorkitsunyan2018-02-15 05:51:54 +0300
committerkitsunyan2018-02-15 05:51:54 +0300
commit478e2cf08616cefd8cbc8446000ec1fcbd46fba4 (patch)
addpkg: krita-minimal 3.3.3-1
3 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37770f464743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+pkgbase = krita-minimal
+ pkgdesc = Edit and paint images (less KDE dependencies)
+ pkgver = 3.3.3
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = GPL3
+ makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
+ makedepends = kdoctools
+ makedepends = python
+ makedepends = boost
+ makedepends = eigen
+ makedepends = vc
+ makedepends = poppler-qt5
+ makedepends = opencolorio
+ depends = karchive
+ depends = kcompletion
+ depends = kcoreaddons
+ depends = ki18n
+ depends = kitemviews
+ depends = qt5-svg
+ depends = kitemmodels
+ depends = gsl
+ depends = libraw
+ depends = exiv2
+ depends = openexr
+ depends = fftw
+ depends = curl
+ depends = boost-libs
+ depends = hicolor-icon-theme
+ optdepends = poppler-qt5: PDF filter
+ optdepends = ffmpeg: to save animations
+ optdepends = opencolorio: for the LUT docker
+ optdepends = krita-plugin-gmic: G'MIC plugin
+ provides = krita=3.3.3
+ conflicts = calligra-krita
+ conflicts = krita-l10n
+ conflicts = krita
+ replaces = calligra-krita
+ replaces = krita-l10n
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = replace-code.patch
+ validpgpkeys = 05D00A8B73A686789E0A156858B9596C722EA3BD
+ sha256sums = bec04e3392e9b311477c5c6a50e2201b43a3afda91d9b24a0fc8e3399585865d
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = 8526f1ae1ad03c824d8d87a7bc54e25dcbb6509306171c8dd022016a59061986
+pkgname = krita-minimal
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c910ad21ebf3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Maintainer: kitsunyan <>
+pkgdesc='Edit and paint images (less KDE dependencies)'
+depends=(karchive kcompletion kcoreaddons ki18n kitemviews qt5-svg
+ kitemmodels gsl libraw exiv2 openexr fftw curl boost-libs hicolor-icon-theme)
+makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools python boost eigen vc poppler-qt5 opencolorio)
+optdepends=('poppler-qt5: PDF filter'
+ 'ffmpeg: to save animations'
+ 'opencolorio: for the LUT docker'
+ "krita-plugin-gmic: G'MIC plugin")
+conflicts=(calligra-krita krita-l10n "${_pkgname}")
+replaces=(calligra-krita krita-l10n)
+ 'replace-code.patch')
+ 'SKIP'
+ '8526f1ae1ad03c824d8d87a7bc54e25dcbb6509306171c8dd022016a59061986')
+validpgpkeys=('05D00A8B73A686789E0A156858B9596C722EA3BD') # Boudewijn Rempt <>
+prepare() {
+ mkdir -p build
+ cd "${_pkgname}-$pkgver"
+ patch -Np1 -i '../replace-code.patch'
+build() {
+ cd build
+ cmake "../${_pkgname}-$pkgver" \
+ make
+package() {
+ cd build
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
diff --git a/replace-code.patch b/replace-code.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8572d912c96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/replace-code.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -219,1 +219,0 @@
+- GuiAddons
+@@ -223,1 +222,0 @@
+- WindowSystem
+--- a/libs/widgets/CMakeLists.txt
++++ a/libs/widgets/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -102,1 +102,1 @@
+-target_link_libraries(kritawidgets kritaodf kritaflake kritapigment kritawidgetutils Qt5::PrintSupport KF5::CoreAddons KF5::ConfigGui KF5::GuiAddons KF5::WidgetsAddons KF5::ConfigCore KF5::Completion)
++target_link_libraries(kritawidgets kritaodf kritaflake kritapigment kritawidgetutils Qt5::PrintSupport KF5::CoreAddons KF5::ConfigGui KF5::WidgetsAddons KF5::ConfigCore KF5::Completion)
+--- a/libs/widgetutils/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/libs/widgetutils/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -117,1 +117,0 @@
+- KF5::GuiAddons
+@@ -119,1 +118,0 @@
+- KF5::WindowSystem
+--- a/libs/widgetutils/config/kcolorscheme.cpp
++++ b/libs/widgetutils/config/kcolorscheme.cpp
+@@ -24,1 +24,0 @@
+-#include <kcolorutils.h>
+@@ -28,2 +27,199 @@
+ #include <QWidget>
++#include <math.h>
++namespace KColorUtils {
++ #define normalize(a) ((a) < 1.0 ? (a) > 0.0 ? (a) : 0.0 : 1.0)
++ #define mixQreal(a, b, bias) ((a) + ((b) - (a)) * (bias))
++ static qreal gamma(qreal n) {
++ return pow(normalize(n), 2.2);
++ }
++ static qreal igamma(qreal n) {
++ return pow(normalize(n), 1.0 / 2.2);
++ }
++ static const qreal yc[3] = {0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722};
++ static qreal lumag(qreal r, qreal g, qreal b) {
++ return r * yc[0] + g * yc[1] + b * yc[2];
++ }
++ static inline qreal wrap(qreal a, qreal d = 1.0) {
++ qreal r = fmod(a, d);
++ return r < 0.0 ? d + r : r > 0.0 ? r : 0.0;
++ }
++ static void to_hcy(const QColor &color, qreal &h, qreal &c, qreal &y) {
++ qreal r = gamma(color.redF());
++ qreal g = gamma(color.greenF());
++ qreal b = gamma(color.blueF());
++ y = lumag(r, g, b);
++ qreal p = qMax(qMax(r, g), b);
++ qreal n = qMin(qMin(r, g), b);
++ qreal d = 6.0 * (p - n);
++ if (n == p) {
++ h = 0.0;
++ } else if (r == p) {
++ h = (g - b) / d;
++ } else if (g == p) {
++ h = (b - r) / d + 1.0 / 3.0;
++ } else {
++ h = (r - g) / d + 2.0 / 3.0;
++ }
++ if (r == g && g == b) {
++ c = 0.0;
++ } else {
++ c = qMax((y - n) / y, (p - y) / (1 - y));
++ }
++ }
++ static QColor from_hcy(qreal h, qreal c, qreal y, qreal a) {
++ qreal _h = wrap(h);
++ qreal _c = normalize(c);
++ qreal _y = normalize(y);
++ qreal _hs = _h * 6.0, th, tm;
++ if (_hs < 1.0) {
++ th = _hs;
++ tm = yc[0] + yc[1] * th;
++ } else if (_hs < 2.0) {
++ th = 2.0 - _hs;
++ tm = yc[1] + yc[0] * th;
++ } else if (_hs < 3.0) {
++ th = _hs - 2.0;
++ tm = yc[1] + yc[2] * th;
++ } else if (_hs < 4.0) {
++ th = 4.0 - _hs;
++ tm = yc[2] + yc[1] * th;
++ } else if (_hs < 5.0) {
++ th = _hs - 4.0;
++ tm = yc[2] + yc[0] * th;
++ } else {
++ th = 6.0 - _hs;
++ tm = yc[0] + yc[2] * th;
++ }
++ qreal tn, to, tp;
++ if (tm >= _y) {
++ tp = _y + _y * _c * (1.0 - tm) / tm;
++ to = _y + _y * _c * (th - tm) / tm;
++ tn = _y - (_y * _c);
++ } else {
++ tp = _y + (1.0 - _y) * _c;
++ to = _y + (1.0 - _y) * _c * (th - tm) / (1.0 - tm);
++ tn = _y - (1.0 - _y) * _c * tm / (1.0 - tm);
++ }
++ if (_hs < 1.0) {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(tp), igamma(to), igamma(tn), a);
++ } else if (_hs < 2.0) {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(to), igamma(tp), igamma(tn), a);
++ } else if (_hs < 3.0) {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(tn), igamma(tp), igamma(to), a);
++ } else if (_hs < 4.0) {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(tn), igamma(to), igamma(tp), a);
++ } else if (_hs < 5.0) {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(to), igamma(tn), igamma(tp), a);
++ } else {
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(igamma(tp), igamma(tn), igamma(to), a);
++ }
++ }
++ static qreal luma(const QColor &color) {
++ return lumag(gamma(color.redF()), gamma(color.greenF()), gamma(color.blueF()));
++ }
++ static QColor lighten(const QColor &color, qreal ky = 0.5, qreal kc = 1.0) {
++ qreal h, c, y;
++ to_hcy(color, h, c, y);
++ y = 1.0 - normalize((1.0 - y) * (1.0 - ky));
++ c = 1.0 - normalize((1.0 - c) * kc);
++ return from_hcy(h, c, y, color.alphaF());
++ }
++ static QColor darken(const QColor &color, qreal ky = 0.5, qreal kc = 1.0) {
++ qreal h, c, y;
++ to_hcy(color, h, c, y);
++ y = normalize(y * (1.0 - ky));
++ c = normalize(c * kc);
++ return from_hcy(h, c, y, color.alphaF());
++ }
++ static QColor shade(const QColor &color, qreal ky, qreal kc = 0.0) {
++ qreal h, c, y;
++ to_hcy(color, h, c, y);
++ y = normalize(y + ky);
++ c = normalize(c + kc);
++ return from_hcy(h, c, y, color.alphaF());
++ }
++ static QColor mix(const QColor &c1, const QColor &c2, qreal bias = 0.5) {
++ if (bias <= 0.0) {
++ return c1;
++ }
++ if (bias >= 1.0) {
++ return c2;
++ }
++ if (qIsNaN(bias)) {
++ return c1;
++ }
++ qreal r = mixQreal(c1.redF(), c2.redF(), bias);
++ qreal g = mixQreal(c1.greenF(), c2.greenF(), bias);
++ qreal b = mixQreal(c1.blueF(), c2.blueF(), bias);
++ qreal a = mixQreal(c1.alphaF(), c2.alphaF(), bias);
++ return QColor::fromRgbF(r, g, b, a);
++ }
++ static QColor tintHelper(const QColor &base, qreal baseLuma, const QColor &color, qreal amount) {
++ QColor resultc = mix(base, color, pow(amount, 0.3));
++ qreal h, c, y;
++ to_hcy(resultc, h, c, y);
++ y = mixQreal(baseLuma, y, amount);
++ return from_hcy(h, c, y, resultc.alphaF());
++ }
++ static qreal contrastRatioForLuma(qreal y1, qreal y2) {
++ if (y1 > y2) {
++ return (y1 + 0.05) / (y2 + 0.05);
++ } else {
++ return (y2 + 0.05) / (y1 + 0.05);
++ }
++ }
++ static QColor tint(const QColor &base, const QColor &color, qreal amount = 0.3) {
++ if (amount <= 0.0) {
++ return base;
++ }
++ if (amount >= 1.0) {
++ return color;
++ }
++ if (qIsNaN(amount)) {
++ return base;
++ }
++ qreal baseLuma = luma(base);
++ double ri = contrastRatioForLuma(baseLuma, luma(color));
++ double rg = 1.0 + ((ri + 1.0) * amount * amount * amount);
++ double u = 1.0, l = 0.0;
++ QColor result;
++ for (int i = 12; i; --i) {
++ double a = 0.5 * (l + u);
++ result = tintHelper(base, baseLuma, color, a);
++ double ra = contrastRatioForLuma(baseLuma, luma(result));
++ if (ra > rg) {
++ u = a;
++ } else {
++ l = a;
++ }
++ }
++ return result;
++ }
+--- a/libs/ui/widgets/KoDualColorButton.cpp
++++ b/libs/ui/widgets/KoDualColorButton.cpp
+@@ -22,1 +22,0 @@
+-#include <kcolormimedata.h>
+@@ -35,2 +34,40 @@
+ #include <QApplication>
++#include <qmimedata.h>
++namespace KColorMimeData {
++ static bool canDecode(const QMimeData *mimeData) {
++ if (mimeData->hasColor()) {
++ return true;
++ }
++ if (mimeData->hasText()) {
++ const QString colorName = mimeData->text();
++ if ((colorName.length() >= 4) && (colorName[0] == QLatin1Char('#'))) {
++ return true;
++ }
++ }
++ return false;
++ }
++ static void populateMimeData(QMimeData *mimeData, const QColor &color) {
++ mimeData->setColorData(color);
++ mimeData->setText(;
++ }
++ static QDrag *createDrag(const QColor &color, QObject *dragsource) {
++ QDrag *drag = new QDrag(dragsource);
++ QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData;
++ populateMimeData(mime, color);
++ drag->setMimeData(mime);
++ QPixmap colorpix(25, 20);
++ colorpix.fill(color);
++ QPainter p(&colorpix);
++ p.setPen(Qt::black);
++ p.drawRect(0, 0, 24, 19);
++ p.end();
++ drag->setPixmap(colorpix);
++ drag->setHotSpot(QPoint(-5, -7));
++ return drag;
++ }
+--- a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kkeysequencewidget.cpp
++++ b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kkeysequencewidget.cpp
+@@ -36,1 +36,0 @@
+-#include <kkeyserver.h>
+@@ -39,2 +38,205 @@
+ #include <kis_icon_utils.h>
++namespace KKeyServer {
++ static bool isShiftAsModifierAllowed(int keyQt) {
++ keyQt &= ~Qt::KeyboardModifierMask;
++ if (keyQt >= Qt::Key_F1 && keyQt <= Qt::Key_F35) {
++ return true;
++ }
++ if (QChar(keyQt).isLetter()) {
++ return true;
++ }
++ switch (keyQt) {
++ case Qt::Key_Return:
++ case Qt::Key_Space:
++ case Qt::Key_Backspace:
++ case Qt::Key_Tab:
++ case Qt::Key_Backtab:
++ case Qt::Key_Escape:
++ case Qt::Key_Print:
++ case Qt::Key_ScrollLock:
++ case Qt::Key_Pause:
++ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
++ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
++ case Qt::Key_Insert:
++ case Qt::Key_Delete:
++ case Qt::Key_Home:
++ case Qt::Key_End:
++ case Qt::Key_Up:
++ case Qt::Key_Down:
++ case Qt::Key_Left:
++ case Qt::Key_Right:
++ case Qt::Key_Enter:
++ case Qt::Key_SysReq:
++ case Qt::Key_CapsLock:
++ case Qt::Key_NumLock:
++ case Qt::Key_Help:
++ case Qt::Key_Back:
++ case Qt::Key_Forward:
++ case Qt::Key_Stop:
++ case Qt::Key_Refresh:
++ case Qt::Key_Favorites:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchMedia:
++ case Qt::Key_OpenUrl:
++ case Qt::Key_HomePage:
++ case Qt::Key_Search:
++ case Qt::Key_VolumeDown:
++ case Qt::Key_VolumeMute:
++ case Qt::Key_VolumeUp:
++ case Qt::Key_BassBoost:
++ case Qt::Key_BassUp:
++ case Qt::Key_BassDown:
++ case Qt::Key_TrebleUp:
++ case Qt::Key_TrebleDown:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaPlay:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaStop:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaPrevious:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaNext:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaRecord:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaPause:
++ case Qt::Key_MediaTogglePlayPause:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchMail:
++ case Qt::Key_Calculator:
++ case Qt::Key_Memo:
++ case Qt::Key_ToDoList:
++ case Qt::Key_Calendar:
++ case Qt::Key_PowerDown:
++ case Qt::Key_ContrastAdjust:
++ case Qt::Key_Standby:
++ case Qt::Key_MonBrightnessUp:
++ case Qt::Key_MonBrightnessDown:
++ case Qt::Key_KeyboardLightOnOff:
++ case Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp:
++ case Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown:
++ case Qt::Key_PowerOff:
++ case Qt::Key_WakeUp:
++ case Qt::Key_Eject:
++ case Qt::Key_ScreenSaver:
++ case Qt::Key_WWW:
++ case Qt::Key_Sleep:
++ case Qt::Key_LightBulb:
++ case Qt::Key_Shop:
++ case Qt::Key_History:
++ case Qt::Key_AddFavorite:
++ case Qt::Key_HotLinks:
++ case Qt::Key_BrightnessAdjust:
++ case Qt::Key_Finance:
++ case Qt::Key_Community:
++ case Qt::Key_AudioRewind:
++ case Qt::Key_BackForward:
++ case Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft:
++ case Qt::Key_ApplicationRight:
++ case Qt::Key_Book:
++ case Qt::Key_CD:
++ case Qt::Key_Clear:
++ case Qt::Key_ClearGrab:
++ case Qt::Key_Close:
++ case Qt::Key_Copy:
++ case Qt::Key_Cut:
++ case Qt::Key_Display:
++ case Qt::Key_DOS:
++ case Qt::Key_Documents:
++ case Qt::Key_Excel:
++ case Qt::Key_Explorer:
++ case Qt::Key_Game:
++ case Qt::Key_Go:
++ case Qt::Key_iTouch:
++ case Qt::Key_LogOff:
++ case Qt::Key_Market:
++ case Qt::Key_Meeting:
++ case Qt::Key_MenuKB:
++ case Qt::Key_MenuPB:
++ case Qt::Key_MySites:
++ case Qt::Key_News:
++ case Qt::Key_OfficeHome:
++ case Qt::Key_Option:
++ case Qt::Key_Paste:
++ case Qt::Key_Phone:
++ case Qt::Key_Reply:
++ case Qt::Key_Reload:
++ case Qt::Key_RotateWindows:
++ case Qt::Key_RotationPB:
++ case Qt::Key_RotationKB:
++ case Qt::Key_Save:
++ case Qt::Key_Send:
++ case Qt::Key_Spell:
++ case Qt::Key_SplitScreen:
++ case Qt::Key_Support:
++ case Qt::Key_TaskPane:
++ case Qt::Key_Terminal:
++ case Qt::Key_Tools:
++ case Qt::Key_Travel:
++ case Qt::Key_Video:
++ case Qt::Key_Word:
++ case Qt::Key_Xfer:
++ case Qt::Key_ZoomIn:
++ case Qt::Key_ZoomOut:
++ case Qt::Key_Away:
++ case Qt::Key_Messenger:
++ case Qt::Key_WebCam:
++ case Qt::Key_MailForward:
++ case Qt::Key_Pictures:
++ case Qt::Key_Music:
++ case Qt::Key_Battery:
++ case Qt::Key_Bluetooth:
++ case Qt::Key_WLAN:
++ case Qt::Key_UWB:
++ case Qt::Key_AudioForward:
++ case Qt::Key_AudioRepeat:
++ case Qt::Key_AudioRandomPlay:
++ case Qt::Key_Subtitle:
++ case Qt::Key_AudioCycleTrack:
++ case Qt::Key_Time:
++ case Qt::Key_Select:
++ case Qt::Key_View:
++ case Qt::Key_TopMenu:
++ case Qt::Key_Suspend:
++ case Qt::Key_Hibernate:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch0:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch1:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch2:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch3:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch4:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch5:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch6:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch7:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch8:
++ case Qt::Key_Launch9:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchA:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchB:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchC:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchD:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchE:
++ case Qt::Key_LaunchF: {
++ return true;
++ }
++ default: {
++ return false;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ static QString modToStringUser(uint mod) {
++ switch (mod) {
++ case Qt::META: {
++ return "Meta";
++ }
++ case Qt::SHIFT: {
++ return "Shift";
++ }
++ case Qt::CTRL: {
++ return "Ctrl";
++ }
++ case Qt::ALT: {
++ return "Alt";
++ }
++ default: {
++ return "???";
++ }
++ }
++ }