diff options
authorkyli0x2020-09-09 17:06:20 -0400
committerkyli0x2020-09-09 17:06:20 -0400
commitf0891a752e9568005e2ad2beef00d6c88697c697 (patch)
parent15459a5d6f02306991dbdc1823b19a01b5a31aad (diff)
initial push
4 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..f7ddfdfcad0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Kurcoder
+A lightweight encoding & decoding tool [v.0.0.1]
+### Available Options:
+- ROT13 Decoder
+- Hexadecimal & ASCII Conversions
+- Hexadecimal & Binary Conversions
+- Hexadecimal & Decimal Converions
+- Hex Dump of file
+- View MD5, SHA1 & SHA256 checksum of file
+- Base64 Encoder
+- Base64 Decoder
+- Base85 (ASCII85) Encoder
+- Base85 (ASCII85) Decoder
+- IP Subnet (CIDR) Calculator
+- IP to Binary
+## Install
+`Kurcoder` is built for 3.6+, and tested on macOS/Linux & Windows
+To install and use `Kurcoder`, you can build locally:
+$ git clone
+$ cd Kurcoder/
+$ python3
+## Requirements
+You will need to intall `ipcalc` if Kurcoder will not run
+$ pip3 install ipcalc
+### More options will be added soon!
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..78655d0112b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import binascii
+import string
+import base64
+import ipcalc
+from codecs import encode
+# colors
+W = '\033[0m' # white (default)
+R = '\033[1;31m' # red
+P = '\033[1;35m' # purple
+C = '\033[1;36m' # cyan
+# Converts Hex to ASCII
+def hex2ascii():
+ ascii = str(input(P+' Input Hexadecimal '+C+'> '+W))
+ if ascii == 'exit' or ascii == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif ascii == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ print(C+' > '+ (bytes.fromhex(ascii).decode('utf-8')))
+ main()
+# Converts ASCII to Hex
+def ascii2hex():
+ hex = str(input(P+' Input ASCII '+C+'> '+W))
+ hex_binary = hex.encode(encoding='utf_8')
+ hex_text = hex_binary.hex()
+ print(C+' > '+ (hex_text))
+ main()
+# Convert Hex to Binary
+def hex2bin():
+ hex_text = str(input(P+' Input Hexadecimal: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if hex_text == 'exit' or hex_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif hex_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ scale = 16
+ bin_out = "{0:08b}".format(int(hex_text, 16))
+ print(str(C+' > '+(bin_out)))
+ main()
+# Convert Binary to Hex
+def bin2hex():
+ bin_text = str(input(P+' Input Binary: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if bin_text == 'exit' or bin_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif bin_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ hex_out = hex(int(bin_text, 2))
+ print(str(C+' > '+(hex_out)))
+ main()
+# Convert Hex to Decimal
+def hex2dec():
+ hex_text = str(input(P+' Input Hexadecimal: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if hex_text == 'exit' or hex_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif hex_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ decimal_text = int(hex_text, 16)
+ print(str(C+'> '+str(decimal_text)))
+ main()
+# Convert Decimal to Hex
+def dec2hex():
+ dec_text = str(input(P+' Input Decimal: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if dec_text == 'quit' or dec_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif dec_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ hex_text = hex(int(dec_text))
+ print(str(C+'> '+(hex_text)))
+ main()
+# Hexdump
+def hexdumper():
+ filename = (input(P+' Input filename to hexdump: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if filename == 'exit' or filename == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif filename == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ try:
+ filedump = open(filename, 'rb')
+ except:
+ print(C+' File not found. Please verify filename, or the path is correct'+W) #+W, sys.exc_info()[0])
+ hexdumper()
+ counter = 0
+ offset = 0
+ byte =
+ ascii_list = []
+ i = 1
+ if len(byte) == 0: # checks if the file is empty
+ print(C+' File is empty, Please try again'+W)
+ hexdumper()
+ print(C+'%08x ' % (offset), end = ' ')
+ offset += int(len(byte))
+ while len(byte)>0:
+ for b in byte:
+ print('%02x' %b, end = ' ')
+ c = chr(b)
+ ascii_list.append(c)
+ print(' ', end = '')
+ if len(ascii_list)>=16: # prints ascii values of hex
+ print('|', end = '')
+ for c in ascii_list:
+ if ord(c) < 33:
+ print ('.',end ='')
+ elif ord(c) > 126:
+ print ('.',end='')
+ else:
+ print(c,end ='')
+ print('|',end='')
+ ascii_list[:] = []
+ if (offset % 16 == 0): # pints previous bits
+ print('')
+ print('%08x ' % (offset), end = ' ')
+ prev = byte # refreshes all values
+ byte =
+ offset += int(len(byte))
+ if ascii_list: # verifies if a list has a value inside
+ if (offset % 16 < 8): # formats the last line if less than 8 bytes are read
+ while i <= 25:
+ print(' ',end='')
+ i= i+1
+ i = 1
+ while i <= 24 - (len(prev)*3): # formatting the last line
+ print (' ', end ='')
+ i= i+1
+ print('|', end ='')
+ for c in ascii_list:
+ if ord(c) < 33:
+ print ('.',end ='')
+ elif ord(c) > 126:
+ print ('.',end='')
+ else:
+ print(c,end ='')
+ print('|')
+ print('%08x ' % (offset))
+ main()
+ else:
+ print('')
+# Check MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256 checksum
+def filesum():
+ filename = (input(P+' Input filename: '+C+'> '+W))
+ if filename == 'exit' or filename == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif filename == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ hash_sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
+ hash_md5.update(chunk)
+ hash_sha1.update(chunk)
+ hash_sha256.update(chunk)
+ print(P+' MD5 Checksum '+C+'> '+ (hash_md5.hexdigest()))
+ print(P+' SHA1 Checksum '+C+'> '+(hash_sha1.hexdigest()))
+ print(P+' SHA256 Checksum '+C+'> '+(hash_sha256.hexdigest()))
+ main()
+# Decodes ROT13
+def derot13():
+ rot = str(input(P+' Input Cipher '+C+'> '+W))
+ print(C+' > '+ (encode(rot, 'rot_13')))
+ main()
+# Encodes Base64
+def enbase64():
+ encode_text = str(input(P+' Input Base64 to encode '+C+'> '+W))
+ message_bytes = encode_text.encode('ascii')
+ base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(message_bytes)
+ encode_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
+ print(C+'> '+ (encode_message))
+ main()
+# Decodes Base64
+def debase64():
+ decode_text = str(input(P+' Input Base64 to decode '+C+'> '+W))
+ if decode_text == 'exit' or decode_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif decode_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ base64_bytes = decode_text.encode('ascii')
+ message_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_bytes)
+ decode_message = message_bytes.decode('ascii')
+ print(C+'> '+ (decode_message))
+ main()
+# Encodes ASCII85
+def enbase85():
+ encode_text = str(input(P+'Input ASCII to encode '+C+'> '+W))
+ message_bytes = encode_text.encode('ascii')
+ base85_bytes = base64.a85encode(message_bytes)
+ encode_message = base85_bytes.decode('ascii')
+ print(C+'> '+ (encode_message))
+ main()
+# Decodes ASCII85
+def debase85():
+ decode_text = str(input(P+' Input ASCII85 to decode '+C+'> '+W))
+ if decode_text == 'exit' or decode_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif decode_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ base85_bytes = decode_text.encode('ascii')
+ message_bytes = base64.a85decode(base85_bytes)
+ decode_message = message_bytes.decode('ascii')
+ print(C+'> '+ (decode_message))
+ main()
+# CIDR Calculator
+def cidr():
+ cidr_result = str(input(P+' Input IP with subnet '+C+'> '+W))
+ if cidr_result == 'exit' or cidr_result == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif cidr_result == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ subnet = ipcalc.Network(cidr_result)
+ for c in subnet:
+ print(C+'> '+ str(c))
+ cmd = str(input(C+"Do you want to save this to a file called [ "+P+"subnet.txt"+C+" ] ? [ "+P+"Yes"+C+" ] or [ "+P+"No"+C+" ]\n \n > "+W))
+ if cmd == 'y' or cmd == 'yes' or cmd == 'Yes' :
+ with open('subnet.txt', 'a+') as f:
+ for c in subnet:
+ f.write(str(c) + '\n')
+ main()
+ elif cmd == 'n' or cmd == 'no' or cmd == 'No' :
+ main()
+# IP to Binary
+def ip2bin():
+ ip2bin_text = str(input(P+' Input IP '+C+'> '+W))
+ if ip2bin_text == 'exit' or ip2bin_text == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif ip2bin_text == 'menu' :
+ menu()
+ main()
+ else:
+ ip2bin_result = '.'.join(map(str,['{0:08b}'.format(int(x)) for x in ip2bin_text.split('.')]))
+ print(C+'> '+ (ip2bin_result))
+ main()
+def banner():
+ try:
+ os.system('cls')
+ raise ValueError('Error')
+ except Exception:
+ os.system('clear')
+ print ('')
+ print (C+' Welcome to Kurcoder v.0.0.1')
+ print ('')
+ print (C+' '+C+' Created by: 0xKurome')
+ print (P+' GitHub: ['+C+'0xkurome'+P+']')
+ print (P+' Insta: ['+C+'0xkurome'+P+']')
+ print ('')
+def menu():
+ print ('')
+ print (C+' [01]'+P+' Convert Hexadecimal to ASCII')
+ print (C+' [02]'+P+' Convert ASCII to Hexadecimal')
+ print (C+' [03]'+P+' Convert Hexadecimal to Binary')
+ print (C+' [04]'+P+' Convert Binary to Hexadecimal')
+ print (C+' [05]'+P+' Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal')
+ print (C+' [06]'+P+' Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal')
+ print (C+' [07]'+P+' Hexdump a file')
+ print (C+' [08]'+P+' MD5, SHA1 & SHA256 checksum')
+ print (' - ')
+ print (C+' [09]'+P+' Decode ROT13 Cipher')
+ print (C+' [10]'+P+' Encode Base64')
+ print (C+' [11]'+P+' Decode Base64')
+ print (C+' [12]'+P+' Encode ASCII85')
+ print (C+' [13]'+P+' Decode ASCII85')
+ print (' - ')
+ print (C+' [14]'+P+' IP Subnet Calculator')
+ print (C+' [15]'+P+' Convert IP to Binary')
+def main():
+ print ('')
+ cmd = str(input(C+" Type [ "+P+"menu"+C+" ] to see available options\n Type [ "+P+"exit"+C+" ] to close the program\n \n > "+W))
+ if cmd == 'exit' or cmd == 'quit' or cmd == 'q' :
+ exit()
+ elif cmd == 'menu' or cmd == 'm' :
+ banner()
+ menu()
+ main()
+ elif cmd == 'clear' or cmd == 'c' :
+ banner()
+ main()
+ elif cmd == '1' or cmd == '01' :
+ try:
+ hex2ascii()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ hex2ascii()
+ elif cmd == '2' or cmd == '02' :
+ try:
+ ascii2hex()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ ascii2hex()
+ elif cmd == '3' or cmd == '03' :
+ try:
+ hex2bin()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ hex2bin()
+ elif cmd == '4' or cmd == '04' :
+ try:
+ bin2hex()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again')
+ bin2hex()
+ elif cmd == '5' or cmd == '05' :
+ try:
+ hex2dec()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again')
+ hex2dec()
+ elif cmd == '6' or cmd == '06' :
+ try:
+ dec2hex()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again')
+ dec2hex()
+ elif cmd == '7' or cmd == '07' :
+ try:
+ hexdumper()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again')
+ hexdumper()
+ elif cmd == '8' or cmd == '08' :
+ try:
+ filesum()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect file, Please try again')
+ filesum()
+ elif cmd == '9' or cmd == '09' :
+ try:
+ derot13()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect file, Please try again ')
+ derot13()
+ elif cmd == '10' :
+ try:
+ enbase64()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ enbase64()
+ elif cmd == '11' :
+ try:
+ debase64()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ debase64()
+ elif cmd == '12' :
+ try:
+ enbase85()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ enbase85()
+ elif cmd == '13' :
+ try:
+ debase85()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ debase85()
+ elif cmd == '14' :
+ try:
+ cidr()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ cidr()
+ elif cmd == '15' :
+ try:
+ ip2bin()
+ except Exception:
+ print(C+'\n Incorrect format, Please try again ')
+ ip2bin()
+ else :
+ print ('')
+ print (P+" Command [ "+C+"" +cmd+ ""+P+" ] Not Found")
+ main()
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..63ab41433a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..6d0d317861e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ Installs Kurcoder as a CLI appliation locally
+import os
+import setuptools
+NAME = "kurcoder"
+VERSION = "0.0.1"
+DESC = "Simple encoder & decoder tool"
+REPO = ""
+# main
+ name = NAME,
+ version = VERSION,
+ author = "0xkurome",
+ description = DESC,
+ license = "MIT",
+ url=REPO,
+ download_url="{}/archive/v{}".format(REPO, VERSION),
+ install_requires = [
+ "ipcalc",
+ ],
+ classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
+ "Environment :: Console",
+ "Natural Language :: English",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ ]