diff options
authorDaniel Bermond2021-06-02 18:29:31 +0000
committerDaniel Bermond2021-06-02 18:29:31 +0000
commit96a18de146a97d4ef7fa4134a62036da7e868ead (patch)
Initial commit
Package libjpeg-xl-git renamed to libjxl-git to follow the upstream name change.
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..14aa94f6c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+pkgbase = libjxl-git
+ pkgdesc = JPEG XL image format reference implementation (git version)
+ pkgver = 0.3.7.r58.g1e296c5
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = BSD
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = clang
+ makedepends = brotli
+ makedepends = gdk-pixbuf2
+ makedepends = giflib
+ makedepends = gimp
+ makedepends = libjpeg-turbo
+ makedepends = libpng
+ makedepends = openexr
+ makedepends = zlib
+ makedepends = libgl
+ makedepends = freeglut
+ makedepends = gtest
+ makedepends = gmock
+ makedepends = python
+ makedepends = asciidoc
+ makedepends = doxygen
+ makedepends = graphviz
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ source = git+
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+pkgname = libjxl-git
+ depends = brotli
+ optdepends = gdk-pixbuf2: for gdk-pixbuf loader
+ optdepends = giflib: for CLI tools
+ optdepends = gimp: for gimp plugin
+ optdepends = libjpeg-turbo: for CLI tools
+ optdepends = libpng: for CLI tools
+ optdepends = openexr: for CLI tools
+ provides = libjxl
+ provides = libjpeg-xl-git
+ provides =
+ conflicts = libjxl
+ conflicts = libjpeg-xl-git
+ replaces = libjpeg-xl-git
+pkgname = libjxl-doc-git
+ pkgdesc = JPEG XL image format reference implementation (documentation) (git version)
+ arch = any
+ provides = libjxl-doc
+ provides = libjpeg-xl-doc-git
+ conflicts = libjxl-doc
+ conflicts = libjpeg-xl-doc-git
+ replaces = libjpeg-xl-doc-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ba1a048b17e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Maintainer: Daniel Bermond <>
+pkgname=('libjxl-git' 'libjxl-doc-git')
+pkgdesc='JPEG XL image format reference implementation (git version)'
+makedepends=('git' 'cmake' 'clang' 'brotli' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'giflib' 'gimp'
+ 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libpng' 'openexr' 'zlib' 'libgl' 'freeglut'
+ 'gtest' 'gmock' 'python' 'asciidoc' 'doxygen' 'graphviz')
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+')
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP')
+prepare() {
+ git -C libjxl submodule init
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/brotli.url "${srcdir}/brotli"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/lodepng.url "${srcdir}/lodepng"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/lcms.url "${srcdir}/Little-CMS"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/googletest.url "${srcdir}/googletest"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/sjpeg.url "${srcdir}/sjpeg"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/skcms.url "${srcdir}/skcms"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/IQA-optimization.url "${srcdir}/IQA-optimization"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/vmaf.url "${srcdir}/vmaf"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/difftest_ng.url "${srcdir}/difftest_ng"
+ git -C libjxl config --local submodule.third_party/highway.url "${srcdir}/highway"
+ git -C libjxl submodule update
+pkgver() {
+ git -C libjxl describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/^v//'
+build() {
+ export CC='clang'
+ export CXX='clang++'
+ cmake -B build -S libjxl \
+ -Wno-dev
+ make -C build all doc
+check() {
+ make -C build test
+package_libjxl-git() {
+ depends=('brotli')
+ optdepends=('gdk-pixbuf2: for gdk-pixbuf loader'
+ 'giflib: for CLI tools'
+ 'gimp: for gimp plugin'
+ 'libjpeg-turbo: for CLI tools'
+ 'libpng: for CLI tools'
+ 'openexr: for CLI tools')
+ provides=('libjxl' 'libjpeg-xl-git' '')
+ conflicts=('libjxl' 'libjpeg-xl-git')
+ replaces=('libjpeg-xl-git')
+ make -C build DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ install -D -m644 libjxl/plugins/mime/image-jxl.xml -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages"
+package_libjxl-doc-git() {
+ pkgdesc="$(sed 's/\((git\)/(documentation) \1/' <<< "$pkgdesc")"
+ arch=('any')
+ provides=('libjxl-doc' 'libjpeg-xl-doc-git')
+ conflicts=('libjxl-doc' 'libjpeg-xl-doc-git')
+ replaces=('libjpeg-xl-doc-git')
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc"
+ cp -dr --no-preserve='ownership' build/html "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/libjxl"