diff options
authorLuis Martinez2022-08-24 16:21:44 -0500
committerLuis Martinez2022-08-24 16:25:53 -0500
commit76d05d04efdb8e7bc05d2215c69e14bc95379862 (patch)
parentb797454ae7036d646ee2d6b0b1ae4e0f429c496e (diff)
update to 1.22.0
4 files changed, 1391 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 346b93d82dc3..ab08b5d16a46 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
pkgbase = libtcod
pkgdesc = Roguelike graphics/utility library
- pkgver = 1.21.0
+ pkgver = 1.22.0
pkgrel = 1
url =
+ changelog =
arch = x86_64
license = BSD
makedepends = git
makedepends = python
depends = sdl2
provides =
- source = libtcod::git+
+ source = libtcod::git+
validpgpkeys = 9EF1E80F3817BC043097A7C15814977902B194CC
sha256sums = SKIP
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9dc3b476ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1383 @@
+# Changelog
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
+This project attempts to adhere to [Semantic Versioning]( since `1.7.0`.
+Versions since `1.7.0` only track ABI breaks and not API breaks.
+## [Unreleased]
+## [1.22.0] - 2022-08-24
+### Added
+- Libtcod can now be built without zlib by passing the `-DLIBTCOD_ZLIB=disable` flag to CMake or by setting `CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_ZLIB=1`.
+- Libtcod can now be built without PNG support by passing the `-DLIBTCOD_LODEPNG=disable` flag to CMake.
+- Added context screen capture functions to take screenshots into memory instead of a file.
+### Changed
+- The OpenGL2 renderer now defaults to the nearest filter unless `SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY` is set otherwise.
+ This makes the renderer consistent with the SDL2 renderer.
+- Parser function parameters are more const correct.
+### Fixed
+- SDL2 console rendering is no longer likely to stack overflow.
+- Fixed regression where new keywords would prevent older config files from loading.
+- Exceptions were not correctly thrown on errors when reading colors from streams.
+## [1.21.0] - 2022-07-15
+### Added
+- Added the `tcod::Context` class to better handle contexts in C++.
+- Added a CMake toggle `LIBTCOD_THREADS` to remove deprecated threading functions.
+ `CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Threads=1` can also be used.
+- Libtcod can now be built without SDL by passing the `-DLIBTCOD_SDL2=disable` flag in CMake or by setting
+### Changed
+- SDL-based accumulate functions can now handle a non-window render target.
+- The SDL2 renderer has been rewritten to use `SDL_RenderGeometry` when compiled with SDL 2.0.18.
+ [#104](
+- C++ inline functions switched to use C++17 filesystem types.
+- Error messages are no longer thread-local.
+- C++ objects have been moved to their `.hpp` headers:
+ `tcod::ColorRGB`, `tcod::ColorRGBA`, `tcod::BresenhamLine`, REXPaint functions.
+### Deprecated
+- Older REXPaint functions using `TCOD_list_t` have been deprecated.
+- C++ methods gotten through TCOD_Context have been moved to a specialized class.
+ Replace ``tcod.new_context(params)`` with ``tcod::Console(params)``.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed poor attribute handing causing compile errors in GCC 12.
+ [#116](
+- Context screenshots no longer crash when given NULL which the API implied was possible.
+## [1.20.1] - 2022-01-07
+### Fixed
+- BDF files with blank lines no longer fail to load with an "Unknown keyword" error.
+## [1.20.0] - 2021-12-24
+### Added
+- `TCOD_RENDERER_XTERM` was added.
+ [#100](
+### Fixed
+- `const` was missing from `tcod::Tileset`'s `get_X` methods.
+- Fixed segfault during cleanup when an OpenGL2 context fails to load.
+### Removed
+- Removed deprecated overrides that existed to help transition obsolete code.
+ This affects `Console::clear` and the C++ printing methods which take pointers to colors such as `tcod::print`.
+## [1.19.0] - 2021-11-12
+### Added
+- Added `TCOD_context_convert_event_coordinates` and `TCOD_Context::convert_event_coordinates` as an easier way to convert mouse pixel coordinates to tile coordinates.
+- Added `tcod::print`, `tcod::print_rect`, and `tcod::get_height_rect` to replace the older C++ functions.
+- Added `tcod::Tileset`, `tcod::load_tilesheet`, and `tcod::load_bdf` for working with tilesets in C++ along with the character maps `tcod::CHARMAP_CP437` and `tcod::CHARMAP_TCOD`.
+- `TCOD_Context`, `TCOD_ContextParams`, `TCOD_ViewportOptions`, and `tcod::new_context` are now public.
+- Added vprintf-like console printing functions: `TCOD_console_vprintf` and `TCOD_console_vprintf_rect`.
+- Added the `tcod::Timer` class. A way of handing frame limiting and delta time without depending on libtcod's internals.
+- Added `TCOD_sys_get_internal_context`. An easy way to get a `TCOD_Context` from the old API.
+- Added `TCOD_sys_get_internal_console`. This returns a pointer to the root console used by the old API.
+- Added `tcod::ColorRGB` and `tcod::ColorRGBA` to help with color type conversions.
+- Added libtcod logging functions, for debugging and internal use.
+- Added `tcod::draw_quartergraphics` to replace older C++ blit2x functions.
+- Added `tcod::blit` to replace older C++ blit functions.
+- Added `tcod::stringf` to encapsulate printf formatted strings so that other C++ functions won't have to deal with them.
+ A library like [fmt]( is safer and faster if you have access to it.
+### Changed
+- Initializing libtcod with the old API will now enable VSync by default.
+ You can set the environment variable `TCOD_VSYNC=0` to disable this or use the new API where VSync is a setting.
+- `TCODConsole::get_data` now returns a non-NULL pointer to the root console.
+- Fixes to Gaussian number generation will have changed the resulting numbers and any subsequent random numbers.
+- `TCOD_Random` now points to a union type.
+- Libtcod now uses the C++17 standard.
+- The newer C++ printing functions now take `std::string_view` instead of `std::string`.
+- `TCODConsole`, `TCODBsp`, `TCODPath`, `TCODDijkstra`, `TCODNoise`, `TCODImage`, and `TCODMap` can now handle move operations.
+ Their copy operators have been deleted. This makes them safe to use as a value instead of using `new`/`delete`.
+### Deprecated
+- Deprecate `TCOD_chars_t` enum values because they are non-Unicode.
+- Deprecated C++ color constants because of class `static const` initialization issues.
+- Deprecated libtcod's older timing functions.
+- Deprecated older font loading functions.
+- Deprecated `TCOD_random_t` type.
+- Console defaults have been deprecated.
+- Root console initiation has been deprecated.
+### Fixed
+- Gaussian number generation no longer affects the results of unrelated RNG's.
+- Gaussian number generation is now reentrant and thread-safe.
+### Removed
+- Dropped support for C++14.
+## [1.18.1] - 2021-05-21
+### Fixed
+- Fixed potential crash in PNG image loading.
+## [1.18.0] - 2021-05-15
+### Added
+- Added REXPaint functions which don't use TCOD lists for multiple consoles.
+### Fixed
+- Resolved C++17 deprecation warnings with `tcod::BresenhamLine`.
+## [1.17.1] - 2021-05-15
+### Fixed
+- Fixed regression with loading PNG images.
+## [1.17.0] - 2021-05-13
+### Added
+- Added `tcod::BresenhamLine`, a C++ Bresenham line iterator.
+ [#91](
+ [#92](
+ [#93](
+- Added `TCODImage::get_data` to return its `TCOD_Image*` object.
+### Changed
+- CMake scripts now use `CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR` correctly.
+### Deprecated
+- Deprecated the `TCOD_List` and `TCODList` classes since they don't work for their intended purpose.
+- Deprecated libtcod's event handling API, you should use SDL for events instead of libtcod.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed `TCOD_load_library`.
+- Fixed `TCODList(TCOD_list_t)` constructor.
+- Fixed a regression in `TCOD_console_printf_frame` where a `fmt` of NULL would prevent the frame from being drawn.
+## [1.16.7] - 2021-03-31
+### Changed
+- CMake files now use lower-case `libtcod` to be consistent with the previous
+ usage of this name.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed PNG loading issues when using Vcpkg.
+- Fixed crashes from loading tilesets with non-square tile sizes.
+- Tilesets with a size of 0 should no longer crash when used.
+- Prevent division by zero from recommended-console-size functions.
+## [1.16.6] - 2021-03-02
+### Fixed
+- Fixed static linking.
+## [1.16.5] - 2021-03-02
+### Added
+- CMake scripts now support fetching dependencies from Vcpkg.
+## [1.16.4] - 2021-02-28
+### Fixed
+- Simplified libtcod's system calls which should fix support for Microsoft's
+ UWP.
+## [1.16.3] - 2021-02-24
+### Fixed
+- Libtcod's CMake config file is now aware of its dependencies.
+## [1.16.2] - 2021-02-22
+### Fixed
+- The `SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI` flag has been added to SDL windows created
+ with the non-context API. This fixes issues on some MacOS systems.
+ [#90](
+## [1.16.1] - 2021-02-17
+### Fixed
+- Fixed the case-sensitive file name `` which was causing
+ CMake to fail.
+## [1.16.0] - 2021-02-11
+### Added
+- SCons builder now supports MacOS ARM64 and Universal 2 architectures.
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution` now returns error codes.
+### Deprecated
+- Deprecated `TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution`
+### Fixed
+- Code points from the Private Use Area will now print correctly.
+- Fixed regression in `TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution` behavior. This
+ function now returns the monitor resolution as was previously expected.
+- The OpenGL 2 renderer was ignoring `SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY=nearest`.
+### Removed
+- `TCOD_rng_splitmix64_next` has been marked as provisional.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.15] - 2020-11-13
+### Deprecated
+- Deprecated the zip functions.
+### Fixed
+- Context functions won't crash when methods are missing.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.14] - 2020-10-30
+### Added
+- Added new algorithm `FOV_SYMMETRIC_SHADOWCAST` based off of the code
+ provided [here](
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_map_compute_fov` and `TCOD_map_copy` now return error codes.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.13] - 2020-10-23
+### Added
+- Tilesets can now be loaded from an in-memory PNG file or from raw data.
+- The character mappings `TCOD_CHARMAP_CP437` and `TCOD_CHARMAP_TCOD` are now
+ public.
+- Added `TCOD_rng_splitmix64_next`.
+- Added vectorized noise generator functions.
+### Changed
+- Video driver status info has been added to SDL video driver errors.
+- Console blits now ignore alpha compositing which would result in division by
+ zero.
+- Image loading now returns an error code.
+- Added window `x, y` coordinates when creating contexts.
+- Added `argc` and `argv` to contexts so that they can optionally support CLI
+ commands.
+- A struct is used to pass parameters for creating contexts.
+- The OpenGL 2 renderer can now use `SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY` to
+ determine the tileset upscaling filter.
+- Improved performance of the FOV_BASIC algorithm.
+ [#77](
+### Deprecated
+- Deprecated the following macros:
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_console_is_key_pressed` should work even if libtcod events are ignored.
+- Fixed images only saving as a red channel.
+ [#75](
+- The `TCOD_RENDERER` and `TCOD_VSYNC` environment variables should work now.
+- `FOV_PERMISSIVE` algorithms are now reentrant.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.12] - 2020-05-22
+### Changed
+- CMake can now create packages.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_console_init_root` and context initializing functions were not
+ returning error codes on failure.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.11] - 2020-05-13
+### Changed
+- Print functions will no longer treat special glyphs as double wide.
+- Library CMake files now support Vcpkg.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed divide by zero when handing mouse input without a global context.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.10] - 2020-04-26
+### Fixed
+- Fixed characters being dropped when color codes were used.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.9] - 2020-04-24
+### Fixed
+- `FOV_DIAMOND` and `FOV_RESTRICTIVE` algorithms are now reentrant.
+ [#48](
+- Heightmap functions will crash less often when given out-of-bounds parameters.
+ [#13](
+ [#50](
+- The `TCOD_VSYNC` environment variable was being ignored.
+- Malformed UTF-8 strings will no longer hang printing functions.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.8] - 2020-04-03
+### Fixed
+- Changing the active tileset now redraws tiles correctly on the next frame.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.7] - 2020-04-02
+### Fixed
+- Changing the active tileset will now properly show it on the next render.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.6] - 2020-03-26
+### Added
+- Added `TCOD_load_bdf` and `TCOD_load_bdf_memory`.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.5] - 2020-02-28
+### Changed
+- Mouse tile coordinates are now always zero before the first call to
+ TCOD_console_flush.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.4] - 2020-02-22
+### Fixed
+- Mouse tile coordinates are now correct on any resized window.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.3] - 2020-02-21
+### Deprecated
+- Mouse state and keyboard state functions are deprecated.
+- Mouse functions with SDL alternatives are deprecated.
+### Fixed
+- The wavelet noise generator now excludes -1.0f and 1.0f as return values.
+- Fixed console fading color.
+- Fixed keyboard state and mouse state functions losing state when events were
+ flushed.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.2] - 2020-02-14
+### Fixed
+- Fixed possible crash in `TCOD_mouse_move`.
+## [1.16.0-alpha.1] - 2020-02-14
+### Added
+- Added the `TCOD_clear_error` and `TCOD_set_errorf` functions.
+- Added an error code enum: `TCOD_Error`.
+### Changed
+- Console blit operations now perform per-cell alpha transparency.
+- When a renderer fails to load it will now fallback to a different one.
+ The order is: OPENGL2 -> OPENGL -> SDL2.
+### Deprecated
+- The use of `libtcod.cfg` or `terminal.png` is deprecated.
+### Fixed
+- The following are no longer mislabeled as taking const images:
+ - `TCOD_image_get_mipmap_pixel`
+ - `TCOD_image_blit`
+ - `TCOD_image_blit_rect`
+- `TCOD_sys_update_char` now works with the newer renderers.
+- Fixed buffer overflow in name generator.
+- `TCOD_image_from_console` now works with the newer renderers.
+- New renderers now auto-load fonts from `libtcod.cfg` or `terminal.png`.
+## [1.15.1] - 2019-11-22
+### Changed
+- Renamed build systems directory from `build/` to `buildsys/`.
+### Fixed
+- `OPENGL` and `GLSL` renderers were not properly clearing space characters.
+## [1.15.0] - 2019-11-08
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_image_blit_2x` now renders using Unicode block elements instead of a
+ custom encoding.
+### Fixed
+- Libtcod will no longer segfault if it's statically linked to an executable.
+## [1.14.0] - 2019-09-06
+### Added
+- `TCODConsole::get_data` method for getting the C struct pointer from C++.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_map_compute_fov` will now silently ignore out-of-bounds coordinates
+ instead of crashing.
+- Changing the tiles of an active tileset will now work correctly.
+## [1.13.0] - 2019-07-05
+### Added
+- You can now set the `TCOD_RENDERER` and `TCOD_VSYNC` environment variables to
+ force specific options to be used.
+ Example: ``TCOD_RENDERER=sdl2 TCOD_VSYNC=1``
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_sys_set_renderer` now returns an error status.
+- `TCODSystem::setRenderer` will now throw instead of terminating on an error.
+- `TCOD_console_init_root` and `TCOD_sys_set_renderer` are now no-discard.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_console_map_ascii_code_to_font` functions will now work when called
+ before `TCOD_console_init_root`.
+## [1.12.3] - 2019-06-02
+### Fixed
+- Fixed regressions in text alignment for non-rectangle-bound text on UTF-8
+ print functions.
+## [1.12.2] - 2019-05-24
+### Fixed
+- Fixed crashes and bad output when using printf-style functions.
+## [1.12.1] - 2019-05-17
+### Fixed
+- Fixed shader compilation issues in the OPENGL2 renderer.
+- Fallback fonts should fail less on Linux.
+## [1.12.0] - 2019-05-17
+### Added
+- Added the `TCOD_get_error` and `TCOD_set_error` functions.
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_console_init_root` and `TCOD_console_set_custom_font` will now return
+ an error code instead of terminating on a known error.
+## [1.11.5] - 2019-05-10
+### Added
+- Several functions in the `tcod::console` namespace are now accessible.
+ These functions are provisional, so the API may change at anytime.
+### Fixed
+- Corrected bounding box issues with the stateless UTF-8 print functions.
+## [1.11.4] - 2019-04-26
+### Fixed
+- Fixed a name conflict with endianness macros on FreeBSD.
+## [1.11.3] - 2019-04-19
+### Changed
+- New consoles are initialized as if clear was called.
+- The SDL callback type now uses a typed argument instead of void pointer.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed horizontal alignment for TrueType fonts.
+- Fixed screenshots with the older SDL renderer.
+### Deprecated
+- The SDL callback feature has been deprecated.
+## [1.11.2] - 2019-03-29
+### Fixed
+- Console printing was ignoring color codes at the beginning of a string.
+- Releases no longer display debug messages.
+## [1.11.1] - 2019-03-15
+### Fixed
+- Fixed header declaration for `TCOD_sys_accumulate_console`.
+## [1.11.0] - 2019-03-15
+### Added
+- Added new functions which convert from SDL events to libtcod events:
+ - `TCOD_sys_process_key_event`
+ - `TCOD_sys_process_mouse_event`
+ - `tcod::sdl2::process_event`
+- Added a way to access libtcod's SDL variables.
+ - `TCOD_sys_get_sdl_window`
+ - `TCOD_sys_get_sdl_renderer`
+- Added `TCOD_sys_accumulate_console` which renders a console to the display
+ without automatically presenting it.
+- The new renderers can potentially use a fall-back font when none is provided.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_console_has_mouse_focus` and `TCOD_console_is_active` are now more
+ reliable with the newer renderers.
+## [1.10.8] - 2019-03-01
+### Deprecated
+- Updated libtcodpy deprecation warning with instructions on how to update to
+ python-tcod.
+## [1.10.7] - 2019-03-01
+### Changed
+- GCC releases now include debug symbols.
+### Fixed
+- `SDL2` and `OPENGL2` now support screenshots.
+- `TCOD_sys_get_char_size` fixed on the newer renderers.
+## [1.10.6] - 2019-02-15
+### Changed
+- Printing generates more compact layouts.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed segmentation faults in the newer print functions caused by bad color
+ codes.
+- The `OPENGL` and `GLSL` renders work again in static builds.
+- The `SDL2` and `OPENGL2` renders can now large numbers of tiles.
+## [1.10.5] - 2019-02-06
+### Changed
+- The SDL2/OPENGL2 renderers will now auto-detect a custom fonts key-color.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_console_printf_frame` was clearing tiles outside if it's bounds.
+- The `TCOD_FONT_LAYOUT_CP437` layout was incorrect.
+## [1.10.4] - 2019-02-01
+### Fixed
+- Fixed regression where mouse wheel events unset mouse coordinates.
+## [1.10.3] - 2019-01-19
+### Fixed
+- Use correct math for tile-based delta in mouse events.
+- New renderers now support tile-based mouse coordinates.
+- SDL2 renderer will now properly refresh after the window is resized.
+- MinGW samples now bundle their own runtimes.
+## [1.10.2] - 2018-11-23
+### Fixed
+- Version numbers were not updated.
+## [1.10.1] - 2018-11-23
+### Changed
+- `RENDERER_OPENGL2` now only needs OpenGL 2.0 to load.
+### Fixed
+- `FONT_LAYOUT_CP437` constant was missing from libtcodpy.
+- Function stubs for `TCOD_console_set_keyboard_repeat` and
+ `TCOD_console_disable_keyboard_repeat` have been added to the ABI, this
+ should fix older programs which depended on them existing.
+## [1.10.0] - 2018-11-17
+### Added
+- Added pkg-config for 'libtcod' on AutoTools builds.
+- Added `TCOD_FONT_LAYOUT_CP437`.
+### Fixed
+- `RENDERER_OPENGL2` constant was missing from libtcodpy.
+- Fixed crash when assigning to larger code-points.
+- Fixed center alignment on printf functions.
+- Fixed missing border tiles on printf frame function.
+## [1.9.0] - 2018-10-24
+### Added
+- New renderer: `TCOD_RENDERER_OPENGL2`
+- `TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2` and `TCOD_RENDERER_OPENGL2` now have reliable fullscreen
+ support.
+- SCons MSVC releases now include libtcod's `.pdb` file.
+## Changed
+- `src/vendor` must be included when building libtcod.
+- `glad.c` added to vendor directory.
+- In GCC builds: non-public symbols are no longer visible by default.
+## [1.8.2] - 2018-10-13
+### Fixed
+- Fixed potential crash when splitting lines in UTF-8 print functions.
+- Fixed possible hang in `TCOD_lex_parse_until_token_value`.
+## [1.8.1] - 2018-10-11
+### Changed
+- Updated the compiler used to deploy Windows MinGW builds.
+## [1.8.0] - 2018-10-07
+### Added
+ constants.
+- Added UTF-8 print functions for C and C++:
+ - `TCOD_console_printf`, `TCOD_console_printf_ex`,
+ `TCOD_console_printf_rect`, and `TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex`.
+ - `TCOD_console_printf_frame`
+ - `TCOD_console_get_height_rect_fmt`
+ - New overrides for `TCODConsole::print` which can take `std::string`.
+ - `TCODConsole::printf`.
+- Added `TCOD_quit` function, this function must be called on exit.
+- New renderer: `TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2`
+### Changed
+- AutoTools now adds version numbers to the libraries it builds.
+- lodepng and zlib sources moved into `src/vendor/` folder.
+- Bundled zlib library updated from `1.2.8` to `1.2.11`.
+- LodePNG updated from `20160501` to `20180611`.
+- libtcod C type declarations are stricter.
+- libtcod now uses the C99 and C++14 standards.
+- In the repository `include/` headers have been moved into `src/`.
+- Most headers except for `libtcod.h` and `libtcod.h` have been moved into a
+ `libtcod/` sub-folder.
+- SCons default architecture is now automatic instead of just 32-bit.
+- libtcod gui headers now use LIBTCOD_EXPORTS instead of LIBTCOD_GUI_EXPORTS to
+ determine dllexport/dllimport.
+### Deprecated
+- All functions replaced by the new UTF-8 functions are deprecated.
+- The ctypes implementation of libtcodpy will no longer be maintained, use
+ python-tcod as a drop-in replacement.
+- Deprecated file-system, threading, clipboard, and dynamic library functions.
+### Fixed
+- `libtcodpy.map_clear`: `transparent` and `walkable` parameters were reversed.
+- Resolved build issues on PowerPC platforms.
+- Mouse state is now tracked even when mouse events are not asked for.
+- libtcod sys event functions no longer crash if the given key pointer is NULL.
+- SCons no longer crashes downloading SDL2 for Windows.
+### Removed
+- Autotools no longer creates `libtcodxx` or `libtcodgui` libraries, C++
+ programs should link to `libtcod` instead.
+## [1.7.0] - 2018-06-12
+### Changed
+- `TCOD_console_is_active()` now returns keyboard focus, its previous return
+ value was undefined.
+- Load font debug information is now suppressed when NDEBUG is defined.
+- Error messages when failing to create an SDL window should be a less vague.
+- You no longer need to initialize libtcod before you can print to an
+ off-screen console.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed a missing space between a literal and identifier that causes problems
+ with some C++ compilers.
+- Fixed implicit definitions that could potentially crash formatted console
+ printing functions and image saving functions.
+- Fixed including libtcod gui headers. (Fabian Wolff)
+- Fixed memory leaks when lexer creation fails. (Fabian Wolff)
+- Avoid crashes if the root console has a character code higher than expected.
+- Fixed `AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'urlretrieve'` when
+ running SCons builder with Python 3.
+- Fixed `UnicodeEncodeError: ordinal not in range(128)` in places where
+ libtcodpy says it wants an ASCII string.
+- libtcodpy now escapes the `%` character on print functions.
+- Fixed libtcodpy print functions not supporting Unicode for Python 3.
+- Fixed libtcodpy missing definition `TCOD_console_print_utf`.
+## [1.6.7] - 2018-05-17
+### Changed
+- Renamed `libtcod-CHANGELOG.txt` to ``
+- SCons builder now outputs `libtcodgui` instead of `libtcod-gui` to match
+ Autotools behavior.
+### Fixed
+- REXPaint operations now save/load as little-endian on any platform.
+- `TCOD_console_map_ascii_code_to_font` and related functions can now assign
+ character codes that were not automatically assigned during initialization.
+ Previously you could only assign codes up to the total number of tiles in the
+ font.
+- Fixed including libtcod from Autotools installs, the `console_rexpaint.h`
+ header was missing. (James Byrnes)
+## [1.6.6] - 2018-04-06
+### Added
+- Added `libtcod_c.c` and `libtcod.cpp` source files to assist with static
+ linking.
+### Changed
+- REXPaint functions now have their own header file: `console_rexpaint.h`
+- `TCOD_color_set_HSV` now normalizes bad hue/saturation/value parameters.
+### Deprecated
+- Non-reentrant line functions `TCOD_line_init` and `TCOD_line_step` are now
+ deprecated.
+- `TCOD_line_mt` is deprecated. `TCOD_line` is the same function with an
+ unnecessary parameter, and should be preferred.
+### Fixed
+- `TCOD_line` is now reentrant.
+- `FOV_BASIC` (`fov_circular_raycasting`) implementation is now reentrant.
+- Fixed `external/pstdint.h` header not being installed correctly by Autotools.
+- Autotools libtools are no longer bundled, these are automatically installed
+ via `autoreconf -i`
+## [1.6.5] - 2018-02-20
+### Fixed
+- Resolved header issues that were leaving some types and functions undefined. (Kyle Benesch)
+- key.c is no longer set when key.vk == TCODK_TEXT, this fixes a regression
+ which was causing events to be heard twice in the libtcod/Python tutorial. (Kyle Benesch)
+- OpenGL renderer alpha blending is now consistent with all other render modes. (Kyle Benesch)
+## [1.6.4] - 2017-11-27
+### Added
+- Added support for loading/saving REXPaint files. (Kyle Benesch)
+- Added documentation to guide people in upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.x (rmtew)
+### Changed
+- Upgraded to `stdint.h` source code typing via `pstdint.h` (rmtew)
+- All libtcod headers are now self-contained. (Kyle Benesch)
+- bool type is now based off of stdbool.h (Kyle Benesch)
+- SCons builder defaults to debug builds, now builds with OpenGL, and uses link
+ time optimization on release builds. (Kyle Benesch)
+- SDL is no longer initialized at module load time. (Kyle Benesch)
+### Fixed
+- Text input events now include correct modifier key values. (Kyle Benesch)
+- Fixed touch support compilation, although it is still an experimental option that may change (rmtew)
+- Console objects should be safe to create and use before libtcod is fully initialized. (Kyle Benesch)
+- Fixed TCOD_list_reverse. (Kyle Benesch)
+- Fixed simplex noise artifacts when using negative coordinates. (Kyle Benesch)
+- Fixed the GLSL and OPENGL renderers on all platforms. (rmtew) (Kyle Benesch)
+- TCOD_image_blit_2x no longer alters a consoles default colors. (Kyle Benesch)
+- SDL renderer is only created when using SDL rendering (wump@bitbucket)
+## [1.6.3] - 2017-02-26
+### Added
+- Added SCons build support (HexDecimal@bitbucket).
+- Exposed clipboard API to Python (rmtew@bitbucket).
+- Added TravisCI integration tests (Kyle Benesch)
+- Added .gitattributes and .gitignore files (Kyle Benesch)
+### Changed
+- Updated restrictive FOV code to match MRPAS v1.2 (mingos@bitbucket)
+- Per-platform clipboard get/set code has been removed, and the SDL2 API is used instead (rmtew@bitbucket).
+ The clipboard encoding is now UTF-8 on all platforms.
+- Documented and undeprecated TCOD_mouse_get_status() as the state is awkwardly exposed via check/wait event calls anyway (rmtew@bitbucket).
+- Switched Python tests to use pytest instead of unittest. (Kyle Benesch)
+### Fixed
+- TCOD_path_walk now considers negative values to be blocking the path (HexDecimal@bitbucket)
+- Fix key handling in name generator in C sample (reported by Chris Hamons@bitbucket)
+- Fix for broken SDL callback (reported by grimstain@bitbucket)
+- Fix for memory leak introduced with the foreground/background image change (Aaron Wise).
+- Fix for bug in Slider::setFormat() which left a dangling pointer (reported by Kai Kratz@bitbucket)
+- Fix potential wavelet related memory leak in TCOD_noise_delete() (HexDecimal@bitbucket)
+- Fix libtcodpy return type for TCOD_console_put_char_ex and TCOD_console_put_char (HexDecimal@bitbucket)
+- Fix libtcodpy arguments for TCOD_heightmap_add_fbm and TCOD_heightmap_scale_fbm (HexDecimal@bitbucket)
+- Fixed creating a libtcodpy pathfinder with a callback would crash on 64-bit Unix systems (Kyle Benesch)
+## [1.6.2] - 2016-12-28
+### Added
+- doctcod command added to VS2015 solution.
+- Python (PTVS) project for samples_py added to VS2015 solution.
+- Console foreground and background colors are images.
+- Python unit tests added (Kyle Benesch).
+- Added TCOD_console_get_background_color_image and TCOD_console_get_foreground_color_image API for C++/C/Python.
+### Changed
+- crash bugs fixed in documentation generation.
+- libtcodpy when loading a DLL now explicitly compares the architecture of the Python version uses, to the architecture of the DLL and exits outputting any difference.
+- libtcodpy now uses more wrapper functions on Windows to cover ctypes limitations in passing and returning struct values.
+- libtcodpy now inlines more ctypes argtypes and restype definitions in order to work better on x64.
+- libtcodpy partially rewritten to support Python 3 as best possible and resolve outstanding 64 bit problems.
+- samples_py partially rewritten to run under both Python 3 and Python 2.
+- Adopted strict prototypes / void in C parameterless functions (Kyle Benesch).
+- SDL2 supported revision updated to release-2.0.5 AKA changeset 007dfe83abf8.
+### Fixed
+- C++ TCODParser memory leak fixed.
+- Frost sample fixed for a non-initialized data structure crash.
+### Removed
+- Removed SDL1 support.
+- Removed C/C++/Python API functions `TCOD_console_set_keyboard_repeat` and
+ `TCOD_console_disable_keyboard_repeat`. This was SDL1 functionality, and not supported in SDL2.
+## [1.6.1] - 2016-09-23
+### Changed
+- Python libtcodpy is now better at finding DLLs on Windows
+## [1.6.0] - 2016-09-16
+### Added
+- added support for autotools builds
+- added support for Visual Studio builds
+- added Visual Studio build script that can fetch and build dependencies, the project, and package up the result
+- hooked up Visual Studio build script to continuous integration service to run on each commit
+- libtcod is now reentrant which allows the window to be resized among other things
+- added new TCODK_TEXT event to cover the SDL2 SDL_TEXTINPUT event.
+- lmeta and rmeta modifiers have been added to TCOD_key_t
+### Changed
+- upgraded to SDL2
+- upgraded zlib to version 1.2.8
+- upgraded lodepng to the 20160501 release
+### Fixed
+- fixed compilation warnings in pathing code
+- fixed memory leaks in pathing (Paral Zsolt)
+- map numlock key for SDL2
+- reset the cursor in text field when the text field is reset (cottog)
+- remove superfluous calls to SDL_PumpEvents
+- alt-tabbing back to the libtcod window would leave the window blank
+### Removed
+- removed support for mingw builds because no-one could get it to work
+## [1.5.2] - 2012-09-07
+### Added
+- added mid point displacement algorithm to the heightmap toolkit
+- added TCODConsole::hasMouseFocus() and TCODConsole::isActive()
+- added TCODParser::hasProperty to check if a property is defined when
+ using the default parser
+- added `TCODText::setPos(int x, int y)`
+### Fixed
+- fixed TCODConsole::waitForKeypress returning for both press and release events (returns only on press)
+- fixed dynamic font switching not working
+- fixed TCOD_image_blit_rect not working with odd width/height
+- fixed TCODK_RWIN/TCODK_LWIN not detected
+- fixed TCOD_sys_wait_event not returning on mouse events
+- fixed mouse dcx/dcy fields always 0 when the cursor moves slowly
+- fixed crash in Python console_map_ascii_codes_to_font
+## [1.5.1] - 2012-08-29
+### Added
+- added support for python3k. The samples run with Python 3.2.3
+- added support for colored tiles. Standard font characters MUST only use greyscale colors.
+- added native support for .ASC and .APF file (Ascii Paint format)
+ * TCODConsole::TCODConsole(const char *filename)
+ * bool TCODConsole::loadAsc(const char *filename)
+ * bool TCODConsole::saveAsc(const char *filename) const
+ * bool TCODConsole::loadApf(const char *filename)
+ * bool TCODConsole::saveApf(const char *filename) const
+- added mouse wheel support in TCOD_mouse_t.wheel_up/wheel_down
+- added TCODSystem::fileExists function for checking whether a given file exists
+- added dice to the TCODRandom toolkit
+- added support for dynamic property declaration in the parser
+- added TCODList::reverse(), TCODPath::reverse(), TCODDijkstra::reverse()
+- added weighted Gaussian distribution RNG
+- added Gaussian distribution RNG with no minimum/maximum bounds (using only mean and standard deviance)
+- added clipboard support in TCODSystem (on Linux, only X clipboard supported)
+- added GLSL and OpenGL(fixed pipeline) renderer (FPS increased 880% on true color sample !!!)
+- added libtcod.cfg (allows the player to tweaks libtcod overriding the game presets)
+- added more TCOD_CHAR_* constants
+- added TCODColor::scaleHSV (saturation and value scaling)
+- added TCODColor::shiftHue (hue shifting up and down)
+- added a TCODColor constructor for HSV values
+- added TCODColor H, S and V separate getters and setters
+- added TCODColor::rotate90
+- added native Mac OSX support
+- added support for quote-less HTML color values in the parser (col=#FFFFFF instead of col="#FFFFFF")
+- added color control helpers for C# (TCODConsole.getColorControlString/getRGBColorControlString)
+### Changed
+- TCOD_console_wait_for_keypress, TCOD_console_check_for_keypress, TCOD_mouse_get_status
+ replaced with TCOD_sys_check_for_event and TCOD_sys_wait_for_event
+- source width and height can be 0 in TCODConsole::blit to blit the whole console
+- Some of the parser-related functions now can be chained.
+- The RNG API now has less functions that choose the distribution based on the set flags.
+- The noise API now has less functions that choose the noise type based on the set flags.
+- Console default and cell foreground and background color getters and setters renamed to more intuitive names:
+ * `TCOD_console_set_background_color` => `TCOD_console_set_default_background`
+ * `TCOD_console_set_foreground_color` => `TCOD_console_set_default_foreground`
+ * `TCOD_console_get_background_color` => `TCOD_console_get_default_background`
+ * `TCOD_console_get_foreground_color` => `TCOD_console_get_default_foreground`
+ * `TCOD_console_set_back` => `TCOD_console_set_char_background`
+ * `TCOD_console_set_fore` => `TCOD_console_set_char_foreground`
+ * `TCOD_console_get_back` => `TCOD_console_get_char_background`
+ * `TCOD_console_get_fore` => `TCOD_console_get_char_foreground`
+ * `setBackgroundColor` => `setDefaultBackground`
+ * `setForegroundColor` => `setDefaultForeground`
+ * `getBackgroundColor` => `getDefaultBackground`
+ * `getForegroundColor` => `getDefaultForeground`
+ * `setBack` => `setCharBackground`
+ * `setFore` => `setCharForeground`
+ * `getBack` => `getCharBackground`
+ * `getFore` => `getCharForeground`
+- `TCODConsole::printLeft/Right/Center` replaced by
+ `TCODConsole::setBackgroundFlag(TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t)`
+ `TCODConsole::setAlignment(TCOD_alignment_t)`
+ `TCODConsole::print(int x, int y, const char *fmt, ...)`
+ `TCODConsole::printEx(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char *fmt, ...)`
+- added `TCOD_BKGND_DEFAULT` as default value in rect / putChar / hline / vline / setBack
+ the default background flag for a console is BKGND_NONE
+ Warning ! That mean the rect/putChar/... functions now default to BKGND_NONE
+ instead of BKGND_SET, except if you call setBackgroundFlag before using them.
+- `TCODConsole::getHeight[Left/Right/Center]Rect` replaced by
+ `TCODConsole::getHeightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...);`
+ (the 3 functions were useless, the height does not depend on the alignment... X( )
+- `TCODConsole::initRoot` has an additional renderer parameter:
+ `static void TCODConsole::initRoot(int w, int h, const char * title, bool fullscreen = false, TCOD_renderer_t renderer=TCOD_RENDERER_SDL);`
+ Possible values:
+- `TCODMap::clear` now sets walkable and transparent status of all cells:
+ `void TCODMap::clear` (bool transparent = false, bool walkable = false)
+ `void TCOD_map_clear` (TCOD_map_t map, bool transparent, bool walkable)
+ map_clear (map, transparent, walkable)
+- cmake compilation works on FreeBSD thanks to namor_
+- Restrictive FOV algorithm updated to MRPAS v1.1 (faster, better-looking, improved symmetry)
+- Gaussian distribution in `TCODRandom` now uses a more precise Box-Muller transform algorithm
+- More default values for `printFrame`:
+ `void printFrame(int x,int y,int w,int h, bool clear=true, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag = TCOD_BKGND_DEFAULT, const char *fmt=NULL, ...)`
+- hardened fov module
+- extended list of color constants (the old names can produce slightly different colors)
+- `TCODMap` memory consumption divided by 4
+- now mouse wheel events are properly detected
+### Fixed
+- fixed namegen crash if generator list is empty
+- fixed permissive fov when light_walls is false
+- fixed possible crash when clearing an offscreen console before calling initRoot
+- fix possible crash when printing a string containing ascii codes > 127
+- fixed TCODNamegen returning integers in the Python version
+- fixed TCODDijkstra segfault when diagonal movement cost was zero
+- fixed setDirty() not working for the last row or column of the console
+- fixed Python samples not compiling if numpy installed
+- fixed Python TCOD_parser_get_list_property
+- fixed TCODDijkstra destructor crash bug
+- fixed TCODColor::setHSV bug when using hues below 0 or above 359 grades
+- fixed some rare issues in A* pathfinding
+- fixed issue in TCODImage::blit2x when blitting only a subregion of the image
+- fixed memory leak in TCODImage::save
+## [1.5.0] - 2010-02-15
+### Added
+- added text field toolkit (undocumented)
+- added functions for fast Python full console coloring:
+ - console_fill_foreground(con,r,g,b)
+ - console_fill_background(con,r,g,b)
+ r,g,b are 1D arrays of console_width * console_height
+- added fast Python rendering sample (Jotaf)
+- added TCODConsole::resetCredits() to restart credits animation before it's finished
+- added TCODConsole::setDirty(int x, int y, int w,int h) to force libtcod to redraw a part of the console
+ This might by needed when using the SDL renderer
+- added TCODSystem::getCharSize(int *w, int *h) to get the current font's character size
+- added name generation module (Mingos)
+- added Dijkstra pathfinding (Mingos)
+- added approximated gaussian distribution functions in the RNG module
+ `float TCODRandom::getGaussian(float min, float max)`
+- added subcell resolution blitting function TCODImage::blit2x
+- added more portable filesystem utilities:
+ - `static bool TCODSystem::isDirectory(const char *path)`
+ - `static TCODList<const char *> TCODSystem::getDirectoryContent(const char *path, const char *pattern)`
+- added TCODConsole::putCharEx(int x, int y, int c, TCODColor &fore, TCODColor &back) (at last!)
+- added waitThread and thread conditions support in (undocumented) threading API
+- added unicode support and 4 unicode fonts courtesy of Mingos. Functions with unicode support are :
+ - static void TCODConsole::mapStringToFont(const wchar_t *s, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);
+ - void TCODConsole::printLeft(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - void TCODConsole::printRight(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - void TCODConsole::printCenter(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::printLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::printRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::printCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::getHeightLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::getHeightRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ - int TCODConsole::getHeightCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
+ C versions of the functions have _utf suffixes. Unicode fonts are :
+ - fonts/consolas_unicode_10x10.png
+ - fonts/consolas_unicode_12x12.png
+ - fonts/consolas_unicode_16x16.png
+ - fonts/consolas_unicode_8x8.png
+### Changed
+- the random number generator module now support two algorithms (Mingos)
+ Mersenne twister, used in previous versions of libtcod
+ Complementary Multiply With Carry, 2 to 3 times faster and has a much better
+ period. This is the default algorithm.
+ You can choose the algorithm in the constructor:
+ ```c
+ typedef enum {
+ } TCOD_random_algo_t;
+ ```
+ - TCODRandom() => CMWC, default seed
+ - TCODRandom(uint32 seed) => CMWC, custom seed
+ - TCODRandom(TCOD_random_algo_t algo) => default seed, custom algo
+ - TCODRandom(uint32 seed, TCOD_random_algo_t aldo) => custom algo and seed
+- TCODConsole::printFrame now takes an extra argument: TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t
+- renamed libraries on Linux to improve portability :
+ - =>
+ - =>
+- new compilation system with a debug and release version of the library
+- makefiles have been moved to a makefiles subdirectory
+- libtcod credits now use subcell resolution
+### Fixed
+- fixed wrong ascii code returned by check/waitForKeypress with AltGr+0-9 combination
+- fixed RNG going mad if you delete the default RNG
+- fixed wait_for_keypress not working in Python
+- now the parser can handle strings/identifiers with unlimited size (previously limited to 256 chars)
+- fixed TCODZip module missing from MSVC release
+- fixed issue with TCOD_COLCTRL_FORE_RGB and TCOD_COLCTRL_BACK_RGB when using 10 or 37 in rgb values
+- fixed issue in color_set_hsv Python wrapper
+- fixed bug in console blitting when destination coordinates are outside the destination console
+### Removed
+- TCODRandom::getIntFromByteArray has been deleted
+- removed bitfield from TCOD_key_t and TCOD_mouse_t to ease wrappers writing.
+ existing working wrappers might be broken, though.
+## [1.4.2] - 2009-10-06
+### Added
+- added possibility to use SDL drawing functions on top of the root console with TCODSystem::registerSDLRenderer
+- added Mingos' restrictive precise angle shadow casting fov algorithm as FOV_RESTRICTIVE
+- heightmap: added missing `TCOD_heightmap_set_value` function
+- new consolas, dejavu, lucida and prestige fonts from Mingos
+### Changed
+- `TCODConsole::blit` now takes 2 float parameters:
+ `static void blit(const TCODConsole *src,int xSrc, int ySrc, int wSrc, int hSrc, TCODConsole *dst, int xDst, int yDst, float foreground_alpha=1.0f, float background_alpha=1.0f)`
+### Fixed
+- fixed R/B inversion in color operations in Python
+- fixed a crash when saving a TCODImage before initializing the root console
+- fixed a crash when destroying an empty TCODZip (file not found)
+- fixed torch effect in C++ sample
+- fixed ASCII_IN_ROW flag not working
+- fixed path_new_using_function not working in Python wrapper
+- fixed alignment issues in `TCOD_console_print_*` with strings containing
+ ascii codes > 127
+- fixed color controls not working with autowrap
+- fixed fov post-processing step to handle opaque walkable cells (for example bush)
+## [1.4.1] - 2009-03-22
+### Added
+- added Python wrapper
+- added arial, courier fonts courtesy of Mingos
+- added some non portable filesystem utilities in TCODSystem :
+ - bool TCODSystem::createDirectory(const char *path);
+ - bool TCODSystem::deleteDirectory(const char *path);
+ - bool TCODSystem::deleteFile(const char *path);
+- added multithread utilities in TCODSystem :
+ - static TCOD_thread_t TCODSystem::newThread(int (*func)(void *), void *data);
+ - static void TCODSystem::deleteThread(TCOD_thread_t th);
+ - static TCOD_mutex_t TCODSystem::newMutex();
+ - static void TCODSystem::mutexIn(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
+ - static void TCODSystem::mutexOut(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
+ - static void TCODSystem::deleteMutex(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
+ - static TCOD_semaphore_t TCODSystem::newSemaphore(int initVal);
+ - static void TCODSystem::lockSemaphore(TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
+ - static void TCODSystem::unlockSemaphore(TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
+ - static void TCODSystem::deleteSemaphore( TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
+- added some image utilities :
+ - void TCODImage::clear(const TCODColor col)
+ - void TCODImage::invert()
+ - void TCODImage::hflip()
+ - void TCODImage::vflip()
+ - void TCODImage::scale(int neww, int newh)
+ - void TCODImage::setKeyColor(const TCODColor keyColor)
+ - int TCODImage::getAlpha(int x,int y) const
+ - bool TCODImage::isPixelTransparent(int x, int y) const
+- can now dynamically modify the content of the font bitmap:
+ `static void TCODSystem::updateChar(int asciiCode, int fontx, int fonty,const TCODImage *img,int x,int y)`
+- added C and Python code generation in the heightmap tool
+- added function to calculate the height of a printed string
+ (with autowrapping) without actually printing it:
+ - `int TCODConsole::getHeightLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)`
+ - `int TCODConsole::getHeightRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)`
+ - `int TCODConsole::getHeightCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)`
+- parser : now strings properties can be split. The parser concatenates them:
+ ```c
+ myProperty = "string value can use "
+ "multi line layout"
+ ```
+- parser: added missing `getCharProperty` when using default listener
+- heightmap: added missing `TCOD_heightmap_get_value` function
+- now support fonts with unlimited number of characters
+ (was limited to 1024 in 1.4.0)
+- added callback-based atomic bresenham function
+ `static bool TCODLine::line(int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo, TCODLineListener *listener)`
+- added `TCODMap::copy` function
+- added TCODList fast remove functions (don't preserve the list order)
+ - `template<class T> void TCODList::removeFast(const T elt)`
+ - `template<class T> T * TCODList::removeFast(T *elt)`
+### Changed
+- Default colors have been changed/added.
+- `TCODMap::computeFov` changed to support several algorithms:
+ `void computeFov(int playerX,int playerY, int maxRadius,bool light_walls = true, TCOD_fov_algorithm_t algo = FOV_BASIC)`
+ available algorithms :
+ - FOV_BASIC: classic libtcod fov
+ - light_walls: if false, wall cells are not put in the fov
+- `setCustomFont` changed:
+ defines the font number of characters instead of character size.
+ if not specified, it is deduced from the layout flag
+ (16x16 for ascii, 32x8 for tcod)
+ `setCustomFont(const char *fontFile, int flags=TCOD_FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INCOL,int nbCharHoriz=0, int nbCharVertic=0)`
+ The flag values have changed too:
+- pathfinding: you don't need to provide coordinates in x,y parameters of
+ `Path::walk`
+- improved double/simple walls special characters in tcod layout fonts
+### Fixed
+- fixed SDL dependent features not being available before initRoot is called.
+ If you want to draw on an offscreen console without calling initRoot, you
+ need to call at least setCustomFont to initialize the font. Else characters won't be rendered.
+- fixed standalone credits page erasing previously fps limit
+- fixed special characters TCOD_CHAR_DTEE* and TCOD_CHAR_DCROSS not printing correctly
+- fixed heightmap tool generated code not compiling
+- fixed parser C++ error function not prepending file name & line number to the error message
+- fixed memory leak in pathfinding
+- fixed fov issue with walkable, non transparent cells
+- fixed numerical stability issues with heightmap rain erosion
+- fixed calculation error in heightmap kernel transformation function
+- fixed TCODConsole::renderCredits being able to render the credits only once
+- fixed mouse cx,cy coordinates in "padded" fullscreen modes
+- fixed mouse cursor hidden when switching fullscreen
+- fixed mouse coordinates when going fullscreen->windowed
+## [1.4.0] - 2008-10-16
+### Added
+- added pathfinding module
+- added BSP module
+- added heightmap module + heightmap tool
+- added compression toolkit
+- added possibility to pre-allocate TCODList's memory
+- added support for PNG images + antialiased fonts from PNG with alpha channel or greyscale
+- added ASCII mapping functions to map an ascii code to any character in your font:
+ - `static void TCODConsole::mapAsciiCodeToFont(int asciiCode, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);`
+ - `static void TCODConsole::mapAsciiCodesToFont(int firstAsciiCode, int nbCodes, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);`
+ - `static void TCODConsole::mapStringToFont(const char *s, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);`
+- parser : now strings can contain octal/hexadecimal ascii values
+ - myStringProperty1 = "embedded hex value : \x80"
+ - myStringProperty2 = "embedded octal value : \200"
+- parser : now can handle list properties.
+ ```c
+ myStruct {
+ myProperty = [1, 2, 3]
+ }
+ ```
+ to declare: `struct.addListProperty("myProperty",TCOD_TYPE_INT,true);`
+ to read (default parser): `TCODList<int> prop(parser.getListProperty("myStruct.myProperty", TCOD_TYPE_INT));`
+- added color map generator. Interpolate colors from an array of key colors :
+ `TCODColor::genMap(TCODColor *map, int nbKey, TCODColor const *keyColor, int const *keyIndex)`
+- added random generator backup function. You can save the state of a generator
+ with `TCODRandom *TCODRandom::save()` and restore it with
+ `void TCODRandom::restore(const TCODRandom *backup)`
+- added simplex noise, similar to perlin but faster,
+ especially in 4 dimensions and has better contrast:
+ - `TCODNoise::getSimplex`
+ - `TCODNoise::getFbmSimplex`
+ - `TCODNoise::getTurbulenceSimplex`
+ Simplex should be preferred over Perlin for most usages.
+- added wavelet noise, similar to perlin, much slower but doesn't blur at high scales. Doesn't work in 4D :
+ - `TCODNoise::getWavelet`
+ - `TCODNoise::getFbmWavelet`
+ - `TCODNoise::getTurbulenceWavelet`
+ Noise functions relative times:
+ | |2D|3D|4D|
+ |:------|-:|-:|-:|
+ |simplex| 1| 1| 1|
+ |perlin | 4| 5|17|
+ |wavelet|32|14| X|
+- you can capture a console to an existing image without creating a new image
+ with `TCODImage::refreshConsole`
+- non rectangular offscreen consoles:
+ you can define a key color on offscreen consoles.
+ Cells for which background color = key color are not blitted
+- added libtcod credits function. You can either call:
+ `TCODConsole::credits()` to print the credits page at the start of your game
+ (just after `initRoot`) or
+ `bool TCODConsole::renderCredits(int x, int y, bool alpha)` to print the
+ credits on top of one of your existing page (your game menu for example).
+ Call it until it returns true.
+### Changed
+- Noise functions renamed:
+ - `TCODNoise::getNoise` -> `TCODNoise::getPerlin`
+ - `TCODNoise::getFbm` -> `TCODNoise::getFbmPerlin`
+ - `TCODNoise::getTurbulence` -> `TCODNoise::getTurbulencePerlin`
+- Some special char constants `TCOD_CHAR_x` added/removed
+- `setCustomFont` changed:
+ `setCustomFont(const char *fontFile,int charWidth=8, int charHeight=8, int flags=0)`
+ flags:
+- improved `TCODConsole::flush` performances:
+ frames per second for sample "True colors" (terminal.png font) on my
+ reference computer (windowed mode):
+ - libtcod 1.3.2: 130
+ - libtcod 1.4.0: 300
+- `TCODNoise::getTurbulence` is twice faster
+- improved mouse click detection. Even with a low framerate, mouse clicks will
+ always be detected and reported in the `Xbutton_pressed` fields of
+ `TCOD_mouse_t`
+- you don't need anymore to provide values in `TCODLine::step` parameters
+### Fixed
+- fixed memory leak in image module
+- fixed DELETE and INSERT keys not detected
+- fixed a rendering bug when using a white background color before any other
+ background color
+## [1.3.2] - 2008-07-14
+### Added
+- added documentation for the generic container module `TCODList`
+### Fixed
+- fixed not being able to open and close the root console more than once
+- fixed parser not being able to attach a sub-structure to more than one structure
+- fixed TCOD_image_from_console not working with root console on C version
+- fixed TCODParser::newStruct, addFlag, addProperty handling only static names
+- fixed web color parser (#rrggbb) in the parser module
+- fixed TCODImage constructor / TCOD_image_new crashing if root console not initialized
+- fixed mouse status not updated if the keyboard events are not read with checkForKeypress/waitForKeypress
+- fixed fbm, turbulence functions returning NaN for high octaves values
+## [1.3.1] - 2008-06-05
+### Added
+- added default parser listener for basic config files.
+- added fields in `TCOD_mouse_t` to easily detect button press events:
+ - `lbutton_pressed`: left button pressed event
+ - `rbutton_pressed`: right button pressed event
+ - `mbutton_pressed`: middle button pressed event
+ and to get the mouse movement in cell coordinates (instead of pixels)
+- added functions to retrieve data from TCODMap
+### Changed
+- now TCODConsole::putChar/setChar can use ascii code > 255 (ok, it's no more an ascii code, then)
+ this allows you to use fonts with more than 255 characters.
+### Fixed
+- fixed const correctness in `TCODConsole::print*Rect` functions
+- fixed a bug in fov toolkit if TCODMap width < height
+- fixed `TCOD_struct_get_type` returning `TCOD_TYPE_NONE` instead of
+ `TCOD_TYPE_BOOL` for flags.
+## [1.3] - 2008-05-25
+### Added
+- added mouse support
+- added the file parser module
+- added TCODColor::setHSV(float h, float s, float v) and TCODColor::getHSV(float *h, float *s, float *v)
+- added TCODColor addition and scalar multiplication. All r,g,b values are clamped to [0-255] :
+ - C++: `color1 = color2 * 3.5f;`
+ `color1 = color1 + color2;`
+ - C : `color1 = TCOD_color_multiply_scalar(color2, 3.5f);`
+ `color1 = TCOD_color_add(color1, color2);`
+- added `TCODConsole::setKeyboardRepeat(int initialDelay, int interval)` and
+ `TCODConsole::disableKeyboardRepeat()`
+- added `TCODSystem::getCurrentResolution(int *w, int *h)`
+### Changed
+- C++ : colors must be initialized by constructor:
+ - 1.2.2 : `TCODColor mycol={r,g,b};`
+ - 1.3 : `TCODColor mycol(r,g,b);`
+- TCOD_console_check_for_keypress now has a parameter that indicates which events are tracked
+ - 1.2.2 : `key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress();`
+ - 1.3 : `key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress(TCOD_KEY_PRESSED);`
+- now `TCODFov::computeFov` takes a maxRadius parameter.
+ Use 0 for unlimited range (default)
+- the mouse cursor is now automatically hidden when using fullscreen
+- fixed closing the window resulting in a fake 'Q' keyboard event
+- fixed `TCODConsole::print*` and `TCODConsole::rect` functions crashing when
+ printing out of the console
+- fixed `f` parameter modified when calling fbm and turbulence noise functions.
+ Now `f` is no more modified.
+- fixed wrong ascii code in `TCOD_key_t.c` when pressing Control and a letter
+ key.
+## [1.2.2] - 2008-03-18
+### Added
+- added helpers for real time games
+ - `void TCODSystem::setFps(int val)` to limit the number of frames per second.
+ Use 0 for unlimited fps (default)
+ - `int TCODSystem::getFps()` to return the number of frames rendered during
+ the last second
+ - `float TCODSystem::getLastFrameLength()` to return the length of the last
+ frame in seconds
+- added `TCODImage::clear` to fill an image with a color
+### Changed
+- `TCODConsole::hline` and `vline` now have a `TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t` parameter
+- now the `TCODConsole::print*Rect` functions return the height (number of console lines) of the printed string
+### Fixed
+- fixed TCODConsole::print*Rect functions not truncating the string if it reaches the bottom of the rectangle
+ using a rectangle height of 0 means unlimited height
+- fixed a color bug when drawing text using the black color (0,0,0)
+- fixed TCODConsole::waitForKeypress(true) resulting in Alt/Ctrl/Shift key state not cleared
+## [1.2.1] - 2008-03-09
+### Added
+- added TCODImage::blitRect to easily map an image on a specific part of a console
+- added possibility to generate an image from an offscreen console
+- added TCODImage::save
+- image toolkit now support reading 8bpp bitmap files.
+### Changed
+- Random number generators now support inverted ranges instead of crashing:
+ `TCODRandom::getInstance()->getInt(10,2)`
+ => return a value between 2 and 10.
+### Fixed
+- fixed image toolkit replacing the green component by the red one when loading a bitmap from a file
+- fixed console print*Rect functions unnecessarily splitting the string in some cases
+- on Linux, you don't need to link with SDL anymore when using libtcod/libtcod++
+- fixed linker issues with Visual Studio
+## [1.2] - 2008-02-26
+### Added
+- new 'image' toolkit replacing some of the features previously in the 'system' toolkit.
+- now windowed mode works even on 16bits desktops
+- improved custom font support.
+ You can now use fonts with characters ordered in rows or columns and with a custom transparent color.
+ This allows you to use most existing character sets with the doryen library.
+ Font characters with grayscale are still not supported.
+- new time functions:
+ - `uint32 TCODSystem::getElapsedMilli()`
+ - `float TCODSystem::getElapsedSeconds()`
+- new background blending modes (see the line sample for a demo) :
+ - TCOD_BKGND_LIGHTEN : newbk = MAX(oldbk,curbk)
+ - TCOD_BKGND_DARKEN : newbk = MIN(oldbk,curbk)
+ - TCOD_BKGND_SCREEN : newbk = white - (white - oldbk) * (white - curbk) // inverse of multiply : (1-newbk) = (1-oldbk)*(1-curbk)
+ - TCOD_BKGND_COLOR_DODGE : newbk = curbk / (white - oldbk)
+ - TCOD_BKGND_COLOR_BURN : newbk = white - (white - oldbk) / curbk
+ - TCOD_BKGND_ADD : newbk = oldbk + curbk
+ - TCOD_BKGND_ADDALPHA(alpha) : newbk = oldbk + alpha * curbk, 0.0<=alpha<=1.0
+ - TCOD_BKGND_BURN : newbk = oldbk + curbk - white
+ - TCOD_BKGND_OVERLAY : newbk = curbk <= 0.5 ? 2*curbk*oldbk : white - 2*(white-curbk)*(white-oldbk)
+ - TCOD_BKGND_ALPHA(alpha) : newbk = (1.0f-alpha)*oldbk + alpha*(curbk-oldbk), 0.0<=alpha<=1.0
+- The samples can now use custom bitmap fonts / screen resolution. Use following syntax :
+ sample_c[pp] [options]
+ options :
+ * -fullscreen : start directly in fullscreen mode
+ * -font <font_filename> (default "terminal.bmp")
+ * -font-char-size <char_width> <char_height> (default 8 8)
+ * -font-layout <nb_char_horiz> <nb_char_vertic> (default 16 16)
+ * -font-in-row : characters in the bitmap are ordered in rows (default : columns)
+ * -font-key-color <r> <g> <b> : transparent color, r,g,b between 0 and 255. (default 0 0 0)
+ * -fullscreen-resolution <width> <height> (default 640 400)
+### Changed
+- headers renamed from `tcodlib.h*` to `libtcod.h*`
+- on Linux, the library is split into `` and ``
+ allowing C developers to use it without installing g++
+- the font name is no more a parameter of `TCODConsole::initRoot`
+- `TCODConsole::setBitmapFontSize` renamed to `TCODConsole::setCustomFont`
+- `TCODConsole::printFrame` is now a variadic function, like the other text output functions
+- some background blending flags have been renamed:
+ - `TCOD_BKGND_BK` replaced by `TCOD_BKGND_SET`
+- the fov toolkit now uses two properties per cell : `transparent`/`walkable`.
+ This is necessary to fix a fov issue with window cells (transparent, but not walkable).
+ `void TCODFov::setTransparent(int x,int y, bool isTransparent)` has been replaced by :
+ `void TCODFov::setProperties(int x,int y, bool isTransparent, bool isWalkable)`
+- improved const correctness, added some default parameter values in the C++ API.
+### Fixed
+- fixed the window size when using a custom font size
+- fixed `TCODK_PRINTSCREEN` key event not detected
+- fixed crash in printing functions if the string length was > 255.
+ Now they can handle strings of any size.
+## [1.1] - 2008-01-27
+### Added
+- added the noise toolkit
+- added the field of view toolkit
+- added customizable bitmap font size
+## [1.0.1] - 2008-01-19
+### Added
+- added C/C++ samples
+### Changed
+- `TCODConsole::waitForKeyPress` now has a bool parameter indicating if we
+ flush the keyboard buffer before waiting.
+### Fixed
+- fixed a color bug when drawing text using the grey color (196,196,196)
+- fixed wrong key codes returned by wait/checkForKeyPress on some keyboard layouts
+## [1.0] - 2008-01-05
+- Initial release
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 468d3e45a1d4..71ba2df54df0 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
## GPG key:
pkgdesc="Roguelike graphics/utility library"
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ license=('BSD')
makedepends=('git' 'python')
validpgpkeys=('9EF1E80F3817BC043097A7C15814977902B194CC') ## HexDecimal
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b37295aa871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+curl -O$1/