diff options
authorxiota2023-11-28 02:31:13 -0800
committerxiota2023-11-28 02:31:45 -0800
commit305d1960cc79e98a5ffd4a1edf3dd1ec97457170 (patch)
3 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41635d44266a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+pkgbase = maplibre-native-git
+ pkgdesc = C++ library that powers customizable vector maps in native applications
+ pkgver = 2.0.1.r278.ge4501c789d
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ arch = aarch64
+ license = BSD
+ makedepends = gcc12
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = glfw
+ makedepends = libwebp
+ depends = qt5-base
+ provides = maplibre-native
+ conflicts = maplibre-native
+ source = maplibre-native::git+
+ source = jothepro.doxygen-awesome-css::git+
+ source = maplibre.maplibre-java::git+
+ source = maplibre.maplibre-native-base::git+
+ source = google.googletest::git+
+ source = ziparchive::git+
+ source = mapbox.polylabel::git+
+ source = mapbox.eternal::git+
+ source = mapbox.mapbox-gestures-android::git+
+ source = maplibre.maplibre-gl-native-boost::git+
+ source = okdshin.unique_resource::git+
+ source = mapbox.earcut.hpp::git+
+ source = mapbox.vector-tile::git+
+ source = yhirose.cpp-httplib::git+
+ source = mapbox.protozero::git+
+ source = mapbox.wagyu::git+
+ source = google.benchmark::git+
+ source = glfw::git+
+ source = google.benchmark::git+
+ source = mapbox.mason::git+
+ source = mapbox.mvt-fixtures::git+
+ source = mapbox.mvt-bench-fixtures::git+
+ source = mapnik.geometry-test-data::git+
+ source = mapbox.jni.hpp::git+
+ source = mapbox.shelf-pack-cpp::git+
+ source = taywee.args::git+
+ source = google.googletest::git+
+ source = mapbox.geometry.hpp::git+
+ source = mourner.kdbush.hpp::git+
+ source = gulrak.filesystem::git+
+ source = mapbox.optional::git+
+ source = tencent.rapidjson::git+
+ source = mapbox.geojson.hpp::git+
+ source =
+ source = mapbox.geojson-vt-cpp::git+
+ source = mapbox.supercluster.hpp::git+
+ source = martinmoene.expected-lite::git+
+ source = mapbox.variant::git+
+ source = mapbox.pixelmatch-cpp::git+
+ source = google.googletest::git+
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+pkgname = maplibre-native-git
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..018a3de08144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..571063d80f66
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# Maintainer:
+# options
+: ${_gcc_version:=12}
+#: ${_tag:=qt-v2.0.1}
+: ${_commit:=e4501c789d76ed335939d2fa7632b8089307665a}
+: ${_pkgtype:=git}
+# basic info
+pkgdesc="C++ library that powers customizable vector maps in native applications"
+arch=("x86_64" "aarch64")
+# main package
+_main_package() {
+ depends=(
+ 'qt5-base'
+ )
+ makedepends=(
+ "gcc${_gcc_version:-}"
+ 'cmake'
+ 'git'
+ 'glfw'
+ 'libwebp'
+ )
+ provides=("$_pkgname")
+ conflicts=("$_pkgname")
+ _pkgsrc="${_pkgname:?}"
+ source+=("${_pkgsrc:?}"::"git+$url.git#commit=$_commit")
+ sha256sums+=('SKIP')
+ _source_maplibre_native
+ # maplibre_native submodules
+ _source_mapbox_earcut_hpp
+ _source_mapbox_eternal
+ _source_mapbox_polylabel
+ _source_mapbox_vector_tile
+ _source_mapbox_wagyu
+ _source_maplibre_maplibre_native_base
+ # maplibre_native_base submodules
+ _source_mapbox_geojson_hpp
+ _source_mapbox_geojson_vt_cpp
+ _source_mapbox_supercluster_hpp
+ _source_mapbox_variant
+ _source_mourner_kdbush_hpp
+ _source_tencent_rapidjson
+ # vector_tile submodules
+ #_source_mapbox_mvt_fixtures
+# submodules
+_source_maplibre_native() {
+ source+=(
+ 'jothepro.doxygen-awesome-css'::'git+'
+ 'maplibre.maplibre-java'::'git+'
+ 'maplibre.maplibre-native-base'::'git+'
+ 'google.googletest'::'git+'
+ 'ziparchive'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.polylabel'::'git+'
+ #'microsoft.vcpkg'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.eternal'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.mapbox-gestures-android'::'git+'
+ 'maplibre.maplibre-gl-native-boost'::'git+'
+ 'okdshin.unique_resource'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.earcut.hpp'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.vector-tile'::'git+'
+ 'yhirose.cpp-httplib'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.protozero'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.wagyu'::'git+'
+ 'google.benchmark'::'git+'
+ #'martinus.unordered_dense'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ #'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_maplibre_native() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['jothepro.doxygen-awesome-css']='docs/doxygen/doxygen-awesome-css'
+ ['maplibre.maplibre-java']='platform/android/vendor/maplibre-java'
+ ['maplibre.maplibre-native-base']='vendor/mapbox-base'
+ ['google.googletest']='vendor/googletest'
+ ['ziparchive']='vendor/zip-archive'
+ ['mapbox.polylabel']='vendor/polylabel'
+ #['microsoft.vcpkg']='platform/windows/vendor/vcpkg'
+ ['mapbox.eternal']='vendor/eternal'
+ ['mapbox.mapbox-gestures-android']='platform/android/vendor/mapbox-gestures-android'
+ ['maplibre.maplibre-gl-native-boost']='vendor/boost'
+ ['okdshin.unique_resource']='vendor/unique_resource'
+ ['mapbox.earcut.hpp']='vendor/earcut.hpp'
+ ['mapbox.vector-tile']='vendor/vector-tile'
+ ['yhirose.cpp-httplib']='vendor/cpp-httplib'
+ ['mapbox.protozero']='vendor/protozero'
+ ['mapbox.wagyu']='vendor/wagyu'
+ ['google.benchmark']='vendor/benchmark'
+ #['martinus.unordered_dense']='vendor/unordered_dense'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_earcut_hpp() {
+ source+=(
+ 'glfw'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_earcut_hpp() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/earcut.hpp'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['glfw']='glfw'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_eternal() {
+ source+=(
+ 'google.benchmark'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_eternal() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/eternal'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['google.benchmark']='vendor/benchmark'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_polylabel() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_polylabel() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/polylabel'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_vector_tile() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mapbox.mvt-fixtures'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.mvt-bench-fixtures'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_vector_tile() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/vector-tile'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mvt-fixtures']='test/mvt-fixtures'
+ ['mapbox.mvt-bench-fixtures']='bench/mvt-bench-fixtures'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_wagyu() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mapnik.geometry-test-data'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_wagyu() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/wagyu'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapnik.geometry-test-data']='tests/geometry-test-data'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_maplibre_maplibre_native_base() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mapbox.jni.hpp'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.shelf-pack-cpp'::'git+'
+ 'taywee.args'::'git+'
+ 'google.googletest'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.geometry.hpp'::'git+'
+ 'mourner.kdbush.hpp'::'git+'
+ 'gulrak.filesystem'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.optional'::'git+'
+ 'tencent.rapidjson'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.geojson.hpp'::'git+'
+ ''::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.geojson-vt-cpp'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.supercluster.hpp'::'git+'
+ 'martinmoene.expected-lite'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.variant'::'git+'
+ 'mapbox.pixelmatch-cpp'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_maplibre_maplibre_native_base() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.jni.hpp']='deps/jni.hpp'
+ ['mapbox.shelf-pack-cpp']='deps/shelf-pack-cpp'
+ ['taywee.args']='extras/args'
+ ['google.googletest']='extras/googletest'
+ ['mapbox.geometry.hpp']='deps/geometry.hpp'
+ ['mourner.kdbush.hpp']='extras/kdbush.hpp'
+ ['gulrak.filesystem']='extras/filesystem'
+ ['mapbox.optional']='deps/optional'
+ ['tencent.rapidjson']='extras/rapidjson'
+ ['mapbox.geojson.hpp']='deps/geojson.hpp'
+ ['']='deps/cheap-ruler-cpp'
+ ['mapbox.geojson-vt-cpp']='deps/geojson-vt-cpp'
+ ['mapbox.supercluster.hpp']='deps/supercluster.hpp'
+ ['martinmoene.expected-lite']='extras/expected-lite'
+ ['mapbox.variant']='deps/variant'
+ ['mapbox.pixelmatch-cpp']='deps/pixelmatch-cpp'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_geojson_vt_cpp() {
+ source+=(
+ #'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_geojson_vt_cpp() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'deps/geojson-vt-cpp'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_geojson_hpp() {
+ source+=(
+ #'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_geojson_hpp() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'deps/geojson.hpp'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_supercluster_hpp() {
+ source+=(
+ #'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_supercluster_hpp() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'deps/supercluster.hpp'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_variant() {
+ source+=(
+ #'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_variant() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'deps/variant'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mourner_kdbush_hpp() {
+ source+=(
+ #'mapbox.mason'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ #'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mourner_kdbush_hpp() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'extras/kdbush.hpp'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.mason']='.mason'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_tencent_rapidjson() {
+ source+=(
+ 'google.googletest'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_tencent_rapidjson() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/mapbox-base'
+ cd 'extras/rapidjson'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['google.googletest']='thirdparty/gtest'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mapbox_mvt_fixtures() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mapbox.vector-tile-spec'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mapbox_mvt_fixtures() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd 'vendor/vector-tile'
+ cd 'test/mvt-fixtures'
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mapbox.vector-tile-spec']='vector-tile-spec'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+# common functions
+prepare() {
+ _submodule_update() {
+ local key;
+ for key in ${!_submodules[@]} ; do
+ git submodule init "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ git submodule set-url "${_submodules[${key}]}" "${srcdir}/${key}"
+ git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ done
+ }
+ _prepare_maplibre_native
+ # maplibre_native submodules
+ _prepare_mapbox_earcut_hpp
+ _prepare_mapbox_eternal
+ _prepare_mapbox_polylabel
+ _prepare_mapbox_vector_tile
+ _prepare_mapbox_wagyu
+ _prepare_maplibre_maplibre_native_base
+ # maplibre_native_base submodules
+ _prepare_mapbox_geojson_hpp
+ _prepare_mapbox_geojson_vt_cpp
+ _prepare_mapbox_supercluster_hpp
+ _prepare_mapbox_variant
+ _prepare_mourner_kdbush_hpp
+ _prepare_tencent_rapidjson
+ # vector_tile submodules
+ #_prepare_mapbox_mvt_fixtures
+pkgver() (
+ cd "$_pkgsrc"
+ git describe --long --tags --match='qt-*' \
+ | sed -E 's/^[^0-9]+//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+build() {
+ export CC="gcc${_gcc_version:+-$_gcc_version}"
+ export CXX="g++${_gcc_version:+-$_gcc_version}"
+ export LDFLAGS+="-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries"
+ local _cmake_options=(
+ -B build
+ -S "${_pkgsrc:?}"
+ -Wno-dev
+ )
+ cmake "${_cmake_options[@]}"
+ cmake --build build
+package() {
+ DESTDIR="${pkgdir:?}" cmake --install build
+ install -Dm644 "${_pkgsrc:?}/" "${pkgdir:?}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.mbgl-core"
+ install -Dm644 "${_pkgsrc:?}/" "${pkgdir:?}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+# execute