diff options
authorAlexandr Boiko2016-08-18 17:46:36 +1100
committerAlexandr Boiko2016-08-18 17:46:36 +1100
commit18a0f36ae66860296532e6139aaa3d6315d49874 (patch)
parent24a6fab105e1494f3e6b5dd83a6fbb4952056c31 (diff)
5 files changed, 465 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 214d1f55bc9e..3521fb7c98da 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pkgbase = ptokax
pkgdesc = PtokaX Direct Connect Hub is a multi-platform server application for Neo-Modus Direct Connect Peer-To-Peer sharing network.
pkgver =
- pkgrel = 1
+ pkgrel = 2
url =
install = install
arch = x86_64
@@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ pkgbase = ptokax
depends = lua
depends = tinyxml
depends = zlib
- optdepends = percona-server
+ optdepends = postgresql-libs
+ optdepends = sqlite
+ optdepends = mariadb
source =
source = service
source = tmpfiles.d
+ source = Settings.pxt
md5sums = 3f8364d3d36f6f67652cc14c855004e7
- md5sums = b2aeae9082972813df7223ea068efb48
+ md5sums = fa9ba9566428af9603297aea1343ced2
md5sums = 6a20c3ddfb3c625cca55f7480e609e1e
+ md5sums = 25b7201edc7c31fd6b14a0d61ee0e1cc
pkgname = ptokax
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 90d0bc0dcf3c..ff9b19eacb48 100644
@@ -3,36 +3,52 @@
pkgdesc="PtokaX Direct Connect Hub is a multi-platform server application for Neo-Modus Direct Connect Peer-To-Peer sharing network."
depends=('lua' 'tinyxml' 'zlib')
makedepends=('make' 'gcc')
+ 'sqlite'
+ 'mariadb')
- 'tmpfiles.d')
+ 'tmpfiles.d'
+ 'Settings.pxt')
build() {
cd "$_pkgname"
+ # Compile PtokaX without database support
make fedora
+ # Compile PtokaX with PostgreSQL database support
+ #make -f makefile-postgres fedora
+ # Compile PtokaX with MariaDB database support
+ #make -f makefile-mysql fedora
+ # Compile PtokaX with SQLite database support
+ #make -f makefile-sqlite fedora
package() {
cd "$_pkgname"
- install -dm0755 "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname"
+ install -dm0755 "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/cfg"
install -Dm0755 PtokaX "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
install -Dm0644 "$srcdir/service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service"
install -Dm0644 "$srcdir/tmpfiles.d" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"
+ install -Dm0644 "$srcdir"/Settings.pxt "$pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/cfg/Settings.pxt"
install -Dm0644 License.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
install -Dm0644 Changelog.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/CHANGELOG"
install -Dm0644 ReadMe.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/README"
- 'b2aeae9082972813df7223ea068efb48'
- '6a20c3ddfb3c625cca55f7480e609e1e')
+ 'fa9ba9566428af9603297aea1343ced2'
+ '6a20c3ddfb3c625cca55f7480e609e1e'
+ '25b7201edc7c31fd6b14a0d61ee0e1cc')
diff --git a/Settings.pxt b/Settings.pxt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af6f759477e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Settings.pxt
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+# PtokaX settings file
+# Boolean settings
+# Anti MoGlo description
+#AntiMoGlo = 1
+# Hub autostart. Non-gui version starting automatically!
+#AutoStart = 0
+# Redirect all connecting users
+#RedirectAll = 0
+# Redirect users when hub is full
+#RedirectWhenHubFull = 1
+# Automatically register hub to hublist
+#AutoRegister = 1
+# Hub for registered users only
+#RegOnly = 0
+# Redirect non-registered users when hub is for registered users only
+#RegOnlyRedir = 0
+# Redirect user when his share is outside share limits
+#ShareLimitRedir = 1
+# Redirect user when his slot count is outside slot limits
+#SlotsLimitRedir = 1
+# Redirect user when his hub/slot ratio not meet hub/slot ratio limit
+#HubSlotRatioRedir = 1
+# Redirect user when his hub count is above maximal hubs limit
+#MaxHubsLimitRedir = 1
+# Add user connection mode(s) to MyINFO command
+#ModeToMyINFO = 1
+# Add user connection mode(s) to description
+#ModeToDescription = 0
+# Remove user description from MyINFO command
+#StripDescription = 0
+# Remove user client tag from MyINFO command
+#StripTag = 1
+# Remove user connection from MyINFO command
+#StripConnection = 0
+# Remove user email from MyINFO command
+#StripEmail = 0
+# Register hub bot on hub
+#RegBot = 1
+# Use hub bot nick instead of Hub-Security
+#UseBotNickAsHubSec = 1
+# Register Opchat bot on hub
+#RegOpChat = 1
+# Redirect user when he is temporary banned
+#TempBanRedir = 1
+# Redirect user when he is permanently banned
+#PermBanRedir = 1
+# Enable Lua scripting interface
+#EnableScripting = 1
+# Don't disconnect slow clients, who are not able to receive all data from hub, when it is possible
+#KeepSlowUsers = 1
+# Automatically check for new PtokaX releases on startup. Only in gui version!
+#CheckNewReleases = 1
+# Enable tray icon. Only in gui version!
+#EnableTrayIcon = 1
+# Start minimized. Only in gui version!
+#StartMinimized = 0
+# Filter kick messages from chat
+#FilterKickMessages = 1
+# When kick messages filtering from chat is enabled, then always send kick messages to hub Operators
+#SendKickMessagesToOps = 1
+# Send status messages to Operators
+#SendStatusMessages = 1
+# Send status messages as private messages to Operators
+#SendStatusMessagesAsPm = 0
+# Enable text files
+#EnableTextFiles = 1
+# Send text files as private messages
+#SendTextFilesAsPm = 0
+# Stop script on script error
+#StopScriptOnError = 0
+# Send MOTD as private message
+#MOTDAsPm = 0
+# Report deflood actions to Operators
+#DefloodReport = 0
+# Reply to hub commands in private message
+#ReplyToHubCommandsAsPm = 0
+# Disable MOTD
+#DisableMOTD = 0
+# Block hublist pingers from hub checking
+#DontAllowPingers = 0
+# Report hublist pingers to Operators
+#ReportPingers = 0
+# Report when someone sent 3 times bad password for registered user
+#Report3xBadPass = 1
+# Advanced password protection
+#AdvancedPassProtection = 1
+# Listen only on single IP address for every TCP/IP
+#BindOnlySingleIp = 0
+# Resolve hostname to IP address(es)
+#ResolveToIp = 1
+# Redir user when his nick length is outside nick length limits
+#NickLimitRedir = 1
+# Send IP address in ban message
+#BanMessageShowIp = 1
+# Send range in ban message
+#BanMessageShowRange = 1
+# Send nick in ban message
+#BanMessageShowNick = 1
+# Send reason in ban message
+#BanMessageShowReason = 1
+# Send who created ban in ban message
+#BanMessageShowBy = 1
+# Report suspicious tag to Operators
+#ReportSuspiciousTag = 1
+# Save script errors to log
+#LogScriptErrors = 0
+# Disallow clients sending buggy $Supports command
+#NoQuackSupports = 0
+# Store registered users passwords as hashes
+#HashPasswords = 0
+# Integer settings
+# Maximal users limit. Maximum 32767
+#MaxUsers = 500
+# Minimal share limit. Maximum 9999
+#MinShareLimit = 0
+# Minimal share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB
+#MinShareUnits = 0
+# Maximal share limit. Maximum 9999
+#MaxShareLimit = 0
+# Maximal share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB
+#MaxShareUnits = 0
+# Minimal slots limit
+#MinSlotsLimit = 0
+# Maximal slots limit. Maximum 999
+#MaxSlotsLimit = 0
+# Hubs for hub/slot ratio. Maximum 999
+#HubSlotRatioHubs = 0
+# Slots for hub/slot ratio. Maximum 999
+#HubSlotRatioSlots = 0
+# Maximal hubs limit. Maximum 999
+#MaxHubsLimit = 0
+# No client tag option. 0 = accept, 1 = reject, 2 = redirect
+#NoTagOption = 0
+# Send original MyINFO to... 0 = to all users, 1 = to allowed profiles, 2 = don't send
+#FullMyINFOOption = 1
+# Maximal chat length limit. Maximum 32767
+#MaxChatLen = 300
+# Maximal chat lines limit. Maximum 999
+#MaxChatLines = 5
+# Maximal private message length limit. Maximum 32767
+#MaxPmLen = 512
+# Maximal private message lines limit. Maximum 999
+#MaxPmLines = 25
+# Default temporary ban time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 32767
+#DefaultTempBanTime = 20
+# Maximal passive search replys limit. Maximum 32767
+#MaxPassiveSr = 100
+# Time before new MyINFO from user is accepted for broadcast. Maximum 999
+#MyINFODelay = 30
+# Main chat deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MainChatMessages = 20
+# Main chat deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MainChatTime = 20
+# Main chat deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MainChatAction = 2
+# Same main chat deflood messages count. Must be higher than 1! Maximum 999
+#SameMainChatMessages = 5
+# Same main chat deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SameMainChatTime = 60
+# Same main chat deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SameMainChatAction = 2
+# Same multiline main chat deflood messages count. Must be higher than 1! Maximum 999
+#SameMultiMainChatMessages = 2
+# Same multiline main chat deflood lines. Minimum 2, maximum 999
+#SameMultiMainChatLines = 2
+# Same multiline main chat deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SameMultiMainChatAction = 3
+# Private message deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PmMessages = 10
+# Private message deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PmTime = 10
+# Private message deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#PmAction = 2
+# Same private message deflood messages count. Must be higher than 1! Maximum 999
+#SamePmMessages = 5
+# Same private message deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SamePmTime = 60
+# Same private message deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SamePmAction = 2
+# Same multiline private message deflood messages count. Must be higher than 1! Maximum 999
+#SameMultiPmMessages = 2
+# Same multiline private message deflood lines. Minimum 2, maximum 999
+#SameMultiPmLines = 2
+# Same multiline private message action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SameMultiPmAction = 3
+# Search deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchMessages = 2
+# Search deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchTime = 10
+# Search deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SearchAction = 1
+# Same search deflood messages count. Must be higher than 1! Maximum 999
+SameSearchMessages = 0
+# Same search deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SameSearchTime = 60
+# Same search deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SameSearchAction = 1
+# MyINFO deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MyINFOMessages = 6
+# MyINFO deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MyINFOTime = 60
+# MyINFO deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MyINFOAction = 2
+# GetNickList deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#GetNickListMessages = 1
+# GetNickList deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#GetNickListTime = 120
+# GetNickList deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#GetNickListAction = 3
+# New connections to hub deflood connections count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#NewConnectionsCount = 10
+# New connection to hub deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#NewConnectionsTime = 60
+# Deflood warnings count. ust be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#DefloodWarningCount = 6
+# Deflood warnings action. 0 = disconnect user, 1 = kick user, 2 = temporary ban user, 3 = permanently ban user
+#DefloodWarningAction = 2
+# Deflood tempban time. Must be higher than 0!
+#DefloodTempBanTime = 240
+# Global main chat messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#GlobalMainChatMessages = 20
+# Global main chat time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#GlobalMainChatTime = 10
+# Global main chat time for lock chat or send to Operators with IP action is taken . Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#GlobalMainChatTimeOut = 10
+# Global main chat action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = lock chat, 2 = send to Operators with IP address
+#GlobalMainChatAction = 2
+# Minimal search length
+#MinSearchLen = 1
+# Maximal search length. Maximum 999
+#MaxSearchLen = 96
+# Minimal nick length. Maximum 64
+#MinNickLen = 2
+# Max nick length. Maximum 64
+#MaxNickLen = 64
+# Brute force password protection ban type. 0 = disabled, 1 = permanent ban, 2 = temporary ban
+#BruteForcePassProtectBanType = 1
+# Brute force password protection temporary ban time. Must be higher than 0!
+#BruteForcePassProtectTempBanTime = 24
+# Maximal private messages count to same user per minute. Maximum 999
+#MaxPmCountToUser = 100
+# Maximal simultaneous user logins. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MaxSimultaneousLogins = 25
+# Secondary main chat deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MainChatMessages2 = 120
+# Secondary main chat deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MainChatTime2 = 600
+# Secondary main chat deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MainChatAction2 = 3
+# Secondary private message deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PmMessages2 = 60
+# Secondary private message deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PmTime2 = 300
+# Secondary private message deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#PmAction2 = 3
+# Secondary search deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchMessages2 = 31
+# Secondary search deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchTime2 = 300
+# Secondary search deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SearchAction2 = 3
+# Secondary MyINFO deflood messages count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MyINFOMessages2 = 30
+# Secondary MyINFO deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#MyINFOTime2 = 900
+# Secondary MyINFO deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MyINFOAction2 = 3
+# Maximal MyINFO length. Minimum 64, maximum 512
+#MaxMyINFOLen = 256
+# ConnectToMe deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#CTMMessages = 500
+# ConnectToMe deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#CTMTime = 60
+# ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#CTMAction = 1
+# Secondary ConnectToMe deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#CTMMessages2 = 5000
+# Secondary ConnectToMe deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#CTMTime2 = 600
+# Secondary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#CTMAction2 = 0
+# RevConnectToMe deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#RCTMMessages = 250
+# RevConnectToMe deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#RCTMTime = 60
+# RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#RCTMAction = 1
+# Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#RCTMMessages2 = 2500
+# Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#RCTMTime2 = 600
+# Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#RCTMAction2 = 3
+# Maximal ConnectToMe length. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 512
+#MaxCTMLen = 128
+# Maximal RevConnectToMe length. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 512
+#MaxRCTMLen = 160
+# SR deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 32767
+#SRMessages = 1000
+# SR deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#SRTime = 60
+# SR deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SRAction = 1
+# Secondary SR deflood count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 32767
+#SRMessages2 = 10000
+# Secondary SR deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#SRTime2 = 600
+# Secondary SR deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#SRAction2 = 0
+# Maximal SR length. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 8192
+#MaxSRLen = 1024
+# Maximal received data deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MaxDownAction = 4
+# Maximal received data deflood kB. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#MaxDownKb = 128
+# Maximal received data deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#MaxDownTime = 60
+# Secondary maximal received data deflood action. 0 = deflood disabled, 1 = ignore message, 2 = warn user, 3 = disconnect user, 4 = kick user, 5 = temporary ban user, 6 = permanently ban user
+#MaxDownAction2 = 5
+# Secondary maximal received data deflood kB. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#MaxDownKb2 = 256
+# Secondary maximal received data deflood time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 9999
+#MaxDownTime2 = 300
+# Chat messages interval messages. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#ChatIntervalMessages = 5
+# Chat messages interval time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#ChatIntervalTime = 10
+# Private messages interval messages. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PMIntervalMessages = 5
+# Private messages interval time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#PMIntervalTime = 10
+# Search interval count. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchIntervalMessages = 5
+# Search interval time. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 999
+#SearchIntervalTime = 60
+# Maxial connections from same IP address. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 256
+#MaxConnSameIP = 5
+# Minimum reconnect time in seconds. Must be higher than 0! Maximum 256
+#MinReConnTime = 10
+#MaxUsersPeak = 0
+# String settings
+# Hub name. Minimal length 1, maximal length 256. $ and | is not allowed
+#HubName = <Enter hub name here>
+# Admin nick. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 64. $, | and space is not allowed
+#AdminNick = Admin
+# Hub address. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. $ and | is not allowed
+#HubAddress = <Enter hub address here>
+# TCP ports. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 64
+TCPPorts = 1209;1411
+# UDP port. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 5
+#UDPPort = 0
+# Hub description. Maximal length 256. $ and | is not allowed
+#HubDescription =
+# Main redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#RedirectAddress =
+# Hublist register servers. Maximal length 1024
+#RegisterServers =;;;;;;;;
+# Registered users only message. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#RegOnlyMessage = Sorry, this hub is only for registered users.
+# Registered users only redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#RegOnlyRedirAddress =
+# Hub topic. Maximal length 256. $ and | is not allowed
+#HubTopic =
+# Share limit message. Use %[min] for minimal share size and %[max] for maximal share size. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#ShareLimitMessage = Your share is outside the limits. Min share is %[min], max share is %[max].
+# Share limit redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#ShareLimitRedirAddress =
+# Slot limit message. Use %[min] for minimal slots and %[max] for maximal slots. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#SlotsLimitMessage = Your slots count is outside the limits. Min slots limit is %[min], max slots limit is %[max].
+# Slot limit redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#SlotsLimitRedirAddress =
+# Hub/slot ratio limit message. Use %[hubs] for hubs and %[slots] for slots. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#HubSlotRatioMessage = Your hubs/slots ratio outside the limit. Maximum allowed ratio is %[hubs]/%[slots].
+# Hub/slot ratio limit redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#HubSlotRatioRedirAddress =
+# Max hubs limit message. Use %[hubs] for maximal hubs. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#MaxHubsLimitMessage = Your hubs count is higher than allowed %[hubs] hubs.
+# Max hubs limit redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#MaxHubsLimitRedirAddress =
+# No tag rule message. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#NoTagMessage = Your client don't send description tag, or your client is not supported here.
+# No tag rule redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#NoTagRedirAddress =
+# Hub bot nick. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 64. $, | and space is not allowed
+#BotNick = PtokaX
+# Hub bot description. Maximal length 64. $ and | is not allowed
+#BotDescription =
+# Hub bot email. Maximal length 64. $ and | is not allowed
+#BotEmail =
+# OpChat bot nick. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 64. $, | and space is not allowed
+#OpChatNick = OpChat
+# OpChat bot description. Maximal length 64. $ and | is not allowed
+#OpChatDescription =
+# OpChat bot email. Maximal length 64. $ and | is not allowed
+#OpChatEmail =
+# Temporary ban redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#TempBanRedirAddress =
+# Perm ban redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#PermBanRedirAddress =
+# Chat commands prefixes. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 5. | and space is not allowed
+#ChatCommandsPrefixes = !+-/*
+# Hub owner email. Maximal length 64. $ and | is not allowed
+#HubOwnerEmail =
+# Nick limit message. Use %[min] for minimal length and %[max] for maximal length. Minimal length 1. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#NickLimitMessage = Your nick length is outside the limit. Allowed min is %[min] and max %[max].
+# Nick limit redirect address. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#NickLimitRedirAddress =
+# Additional message to ban message. Maximal length 256. | is not allowed
+#MessageToAddToBanMessage =
+# Language
+#Language =
+# IP address for TCP/IP version 4. Maximal length 15
+#IPv4Address =
+# IP address for TCP/IP version 6. Maximal length 39
+#IPv6Address =
+# Character encoding for non-unicode texts
+#Encoding = cp1252
diff --git a/install b/install
index ca1f231cef83..bbb4359c2134 100644
--- a/install
+++ b/install
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ post_install() {
chown -R ptokax:ptokax /var/lib/ptokax
usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create ptokax.conf || true
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
post_remove() {
getent passwd ptokax &>/dev/null && userdel ptokax >/dev/null
diff --git a/service b/service
index 3912bb417c9b..55e0b23b3792 100644
--- a/service
+++ b/service
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/ptokax -d -c /var/lib/ptokax -p /run/ptokax/
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/ptokax -c /var/lib/ptokax -p /run/ptokax/