diff options
authorwasertech2023-09-12 23:56:19 +0200
committerwasertech2023-09-12 23:56:19 +0200
commitb77724a050ee83dbc2981ff281f5bb3a8941af12 (patch)
parent75e8b96dddc1db6fbcf7b02ae4effd369f132fd2 (diff)
update TTS v0.166.1
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 8719995e8898..3faf4cb5b5b6 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,43 +1,49 @@
-pkgbase = python-tts
- pkgdesc = Deep learning for Text to Speech by Coqui.
- pkgver = 0.8.0
- pkgrel = 00
+pkgbase = tts
+ pkgdesc = Coqui-TSS for inference
+ pkgver = 0.16.1
+ pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = any
license = MPL2
- depends = python
- depends = python-anyascii
- depends = python-coqpit
+ makedepends = python-build
+ makedepends = python-installer
+ makedepends = python-wheel
depends = cython
- depends = python-flask
- depends = python-fsspec
- depends = python-gruut
- depends = python-jieba
- depends = python-librosa
- depends = python-matplotlib
- depends = python-numba
+ depends = python
depends = python-numpy
- depends = python-pandas
- depends = pypinyin
- depends = python-pysbd
- depends = python-pyworld
- depends = python-yaml
depends = python-scipy
- depends = python-soundfile
depends = python-pytorch
depends = python-torchaudio
+ depends = python-soundfile
+ depends = python-librosa
+ depends = python-numba
+ depends = python-inflect
depends = python-tqdm
- depends = python-coqui-trainer
- depends = python-umap-learn
- depends = python-unidic-lite
- depends = python-requests
- depends = python-six
- optdepends = python-mecab
- source =
- source = LICENSE
- md5sums = SKIP
- md5sums = 4cf8c77a5153de2c7ce78c03d1098264
- md5sums = 815ca599c9df247a0c7f619bab123dad
+ depends = python-anyascii
+ depends = python-yaml
+ depends = python-fsspec
+ depends = python-aiohttp
+ depends = python-packaging
+ depends = python-flask
+ depends = python-pysbd
+ optdepends = python-umap-learn: for notebooks
+ optdepends = python-pandas: for notebooks
+ optdepends = python-matplotlib: for training
+ optdepends = python-coqui-trainer: for training
+ optdepends = python-coqpit: for configuration
+ optdepends = python-gruut: for german, spanish, french
+ optdepends = python-jieba: for chinese
+ optdepends = pypinyin: for chinese
+ optdepends = python-mecab: for japanese
+ optdepends = python-unidic-lite: for japanese
+ optdepends = python-jamo-git: for korean
+ optdepends = python-nltk: for korean
+ optdepends = python-einops: for tortoise
+ optdepends = python-transformers: for tortoise
+ provides = tts
+ conflicts = python-tts
+ options = !strip
+ source =
+ sha256sums = 83f8edc34dd5e7a4c07d75866417753d82cac6dc9acfec92015be598ff44bc78
-pkgname = python-tts
+pkgname = tts
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index e562ef18418a..3e2120153c76 100644
@@ -1,143 +1,77 @@
# Maintainer: Danny Waser (Waser Technologies) <>
-export PIP_CONFIG_FILE=/dev/null
-pkgdesc='Deep learning for Text to Speech by Coqui.'
-depends=(python python-anyascii python-coqpit cython python-flask python-fsspec python-gruut python-jieba python-librosa python-matplotlib python-numba python-numpy python-pandas pypinyin python-pysbd python-pyworld python-yaml python-scipy python-soundfile python-pytorch python-torchaudio python-tqdm python-coqui-trainer python-umap-learn python-unidic-lite)
-depends+=(python-requests python-six)
-conflicts=(${provides%=*}) # No quotes, to avoid an empty entry.
-_first_source() {
- echo " ${source_i686[@]} ${source_x86_64[@]} ${source[@]}" |
- tr ' ' '\n' | grep -Pv '^(PKGBUILD_EXTRAS)?$' | head -1
-_vcs="$(grep -Po '^[a-z]+(?=\+)' <<< "$(_first_source)")"
-if [[ "$_vcs" ]]; then
- makedepends+=("$(pkgfile --quiet /usr/bin/$_vcs)")
- provides+=("${pkgname%-$_vcs}")
- conflicts+=("${pkgname%-$_vcs}")
-_is_wheel() {
- [[ $(_first_source) =~ \.whl$ ]]
-if [[ _is_wheel &&
- $(basename "$(_first_source)" | rev | cut -d- -f1 | rev) =~ ^manylinux ]]; then
- options=(!strip) #
-_dist_name() {
- find "$srcdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f
-' |
- grep -v '^_tmpenv$'
+# Maintainer: AlphaJack <alphajack at tuta dot io>
+pkgdesc="Coqui-TSS for inference"
+ "python"
+ "python-numpy"
+ "python-scipy"
+ "python-pytorch"
+ "python-torchaudio"
+ "python-soundfile"
+ "python-librosa"
+ "python-numba"
+ "python-inflect"
+ "python-tqdm"
+ "python-anyascii"
+ "python-yaml"
+ "python-fsspec"
+ "python-aiohttp"
+ "python-packaging"
+ "python-flask"
+ "python-pysbd"
+ )
+makedepends=("python-build" "python-installer" "python-wheel")
+optdepends=("python-umap-learn: for notebooks"
+ "python-pandas: for notebooks"
+ "python-matplotlib: for training"
+ "python-coqui-trainer: for training"
+ "python-coqpit: for configuration"
+ "python-gruut: for german, spanish, french"
+ "python-jieba: for chinese"
+ "pypinyin: for chinese"
+ "python-mecab: for japanese"
+ "python-unidic-lite: for japanese"
+ "python-jamo-git: for korean"
+ "python-nltk: for korean"
+ #"python-g2pkk: for korean"
+ #"python-bangla: for bangla"
+ #"python-bnnumerizer: for bangla"
+ #"python-bnunicodenormalizer: for bangla"
+ #"python-k_diffusion: for tortoise"
+ "python-einops: for tortoise"
+ "python-transformers: for tortoise"
+ # remove hardcoded versions
+ sed -i "TTS-$pkgver/" \
+ -e "s|3.11|4.0|g"
+ sed -i "TTS-$pkgver/requirements.txt" \
+ -re "s|cython==[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|cython|g" \
+ -re "s|numpy==[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|numpy|g"
+ sed -i "TTS-$pkgver/pyproject.toml" \
+ -re "s|cython==[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|cython|g" \
+ -re "s|numpy==[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|numpy|g"
-if [[ $(_first_source) =~ ^git+ ]]; then
- _pkgver() {
- ( set -o pipefail
- cd "$srcdir/$(_dist_name)"
- git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null |
- sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' ||
- printf "r%s.%s" \
- "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
- )
- }
- pkgver() { _pkgver; }
-_build() {
- if _is_wheel; then return; fi
- cd "$srcdir"
- # See Arch Wiki/PKGBUILD/license.
- # Get the first filename that matches.
- local test_name
- if [[ ${license[0]} =~ ^(BSD|MIT|ZLIB|Python)$ ]]; then
- for test_name in LICENSE LICENSE.txt license.txt COPYING COPYING.rst COPYING.txt COPYRIGHT; do
- if cp "$srcdir/$(_dist_name)/$test_name" "$srcdir/LICENSE" 2>/dev/null; then
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # Use the latest version of pip, as Arch's version is historically out of
- # date(!) and newer versions do fix bugs (sometimes).
- python -mvenv --clear --system-site-packages _tmpenv
- _tmpenv/bin/pip --quiet install -U pip
- # Build the wheel (which we allow to fail) only after fetching the license.
- # In order to isolate from ~/.pydistutils.cfg, we need to set $HOME to a
- # temporary directory, and thus first $XDG_CACHE_HOME back to its real
- # location, so that pip inserts the wheel in the wheel cache. We cannot
- # use --global-option=--no-user-cfg instead because that fully disables
- # wheels, causing a from-source build of build dependencies such as
- # numpy/scipy.
- XDG_CACHE_HOME="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-"$HOME/.cache"}" HOME=_tmpenv \
- _tmpenv/bin/pip wheel -v --no-deps --wheel-dir="$srcdir" \
- "./$(_dist_name)" || true
-build() { _build; }
-_check() {
- # Define check(), possibly using _check as a helper, to run the tests.
- # You may need to call `python build_ext -i` first.
- if _is_wheel; then return; fi
- cd "$srcdir/$(_dist_name)"
- /usr/bin/python -q test
+ cd "TTS-$pkgver"
+ python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
-_package() {
- cd "$srcdir"
- # pypa/pip#3063: pip always checks for a globally installed version.
- python -mvenv --clear --system-site-packages _tmpenv
- _tmpenv/bin/pip install --prefix="$pkgdir/usr" \
- --no-deps --ignore-installed --no-warn-script-location \
- "$(ls ./*.whl 2>/dev/null || echo ./"$(_dist_name)")"
- if [[ -d "$pkgdir/usr/bin" ]]; then # Fix entry points.
- python="#!$(readlink -f _tmpenv)/bin/python"
- for f in "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"*; do
- # Like [[ "$(head -n1 "$f")" = "#!$(readlink -f _tmpenv)/bin/python" ]]
- # but without bash warning on null bytes in "$f" (if it is actually
- # a compiled executable, not an entry point).
- if python -c 'import os, sys; sys.exit(not open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read().startswith(os.fsencode(sys.argv[2]) + b"\n"))' "$f" "$python"; then
- sed -i '1c#!/usr/bin/python' "$f"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ -d "$pkgdir/usr/etc" ]]; then
- mv "$pkgdir/usr/etc" "$pkgdir/etc"
- fi
- if [[ -f LICENSE ]]; then
- install -D -m644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
- fi
-package() { _package; }
-# Remove makedepends already in depends (which may have been listed for the
-# first build, but autodetected on the second.
-makedepends=($(printf '%s\n' "${makedepends[@]}" |
- grep -Pwv "^($(IFS='|'; echo "${depends[*]}"))$"))
-: # Apparently ending with makedepends assignment sometimes fails.
+ cd "TTS-$pkgver"
+ python -m installer --destdir="$pkgdir" dist/*.whl
+} \ No newline at end of file