diff options
authorSukanka2022-06-06 16:08:22 +0800
committerSukanka2022-06-06 16:08:22 +0800
commit82ce078fae1c8a0e6dc7afd1dc1ed50f427f12db (patch)
add r-monocle
2 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5497ca586ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+pkgbase = r-monocle
+ pkgdesc = Clustering, differential expression, and trajectory analysis for single- cell RNA-Seq
+ pkgver = 2.24.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = Artistic2.0
+ depends = r
+ depends = r-biobase
+ depends = r-biocgenerics
+ depends = r-biocviews
+ depends = r-combinat
+ depends = r-ddrtree
+ depends = r-densityclust
+ depends = r-dplyr
+ depends = r-fastica
+ depends = r-ggplot2
+ depends = r-hsmmsinglecell
+ depends = r-igraph
+ depends = r-irlba
+ depends = r-limma
+ depends = r-matrixstats
+ depends = r-pheatmap
+ depends = r-plyr
+ depends = r-proxy
+ depends = r-qlcmatrix
+ depends = r-rann
+ depends = r-rcpp
+ depends = r-reshape2
+ depends = r-rtsne
+ depends = r-slam
+ depends = r-stringr
+ depends = r-tibble
+ depends = r-vgam
+ depends = r-viridis
+ depends = r-leidenbase
+ optdepends = r-destiny
+ optdepends = r-hmisc
+ optdepends = r-knitr
+ optdepends = r-scater
+ optdepends = r-seurat
+ optdepends = r-testthat
+ source =
+ sha256sums = ab51c719f2b9d7fcd32805a057e7e27370e0b0e8f6d5b653f751c808f169d8bb
+pkgname = r-monocle
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1fbdd142081
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Maintainer: Guoyi Zhang <guoyizhang at malacology dot net>
+pkgdesc='Clustering, differential expression, and trajectory analysis for single- cell RNA-Seq'
+ r
+ r-biobase
+ r-biocgenerics
+ r-biocviews
+ r-combinat
+ r-ddrtree
+ r-densityclust
+ r-dplyr
+ r-fastica
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-hsmmsinglecell
+ r-igraph
+ r-irlba
+ r-limma
+ r-matrixstats
+ r-pheatmap
+ r-plyr
+ r-proxy
+ r-qlcmatrix
+ r-rann
+ r-rcpp
+ r-reshape2
+ r-rtsne
+ r-slam
+ r-stringr
+ r-tibble
+ r-vgam
+ r-viridis
+ r-leidenbase
+ r-destiny
+ r-hmisc
+ r-knitr
+ r-scater
+ r-seurat
+ r-testthat
+build() {
+ R CMD INSTALL ${_pkgname}_${_pkgver}.tar.gz -l "${srcdir}"
+package() {
+ install -dm0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library"
+ cp -a --no-preserve=ownership "${_pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: