diff options
authorOliver Ford2020-10-02 22:21:41 +0100
committerOliver Ford2020-10-03 01:21:16 +0100
commit2f8ead04d69782cacbfe5720853abfc5a179b288 (patch)
parent384137f60e1c36582e0f9714c42bf623a2df3d0b (diff)
Add basic issues implementation
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d8ccecefefcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# rofi-gh
+Allows you to get GitHub in [rofi](//
+ - List issues in your repositories and open them (`rofi-gh-issues`)
+ - Looking for something else? Issues & PRs welcome :)
+## Usage
+Ensure the scripts you wish to use are somewhere on your `$PATH` (for example, `/usr/local/bin/rofi-gh-issues`) and run `rofi -show '<prompt>:<script>'` (`rofi -show 'GH:rofi-gh-issues'`).
+### rofi-gh-issues
+This one was my initial motivation for `rofi-gh`, so that I could sit down in the mood to work on something, but with nothing particular in mind, and see what issues I have open in my repositories. For that reason, the default (and presently only) query is:
+ - [`user:@me is:open`](// (default)
+But I'm certainly open to adding configuration if you have other use-cases/desires (open an issue or PR).
diff --git a/rofi-gh-issues b/rofi-gh-issues
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..fa717058108c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rofi-gh-issues
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+set -Ee
+set -u
+set -o pipefail
+mkdir -p "$(dirname "$issuesjson")"
+initial_call_list() {
+ gh api search/issues -X GET -f q='user:@me is:open' \
+ | jq '.items | map({url:.html_url, display:("[" + (.repository_url | split("/"))[-1] + "] " + .title)})' \
+ | tee "$issuesjson" \
+ | jq -r 'map(.display)[]' \
+ ;
+ return 0
+selected_entry() {
+ selection="$1"
+ jq -r ".[] | select(.display==\"$selection\").url" "$issuesjson" \
+ | xargs xdg-open \
+ ;
+ return 0
+case "$ROFI_RETV" in
+ 0)
+ initial_call_list
+ exit "$?"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ selected_entry "$1"
+ exit "$?"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 2
+ ;;