diff options
authorDestructiveReasoning2015-06-14 21:06:46 +0000
committerDestructiveReasoning2015-06-14 21:06:46 +0000
commitcdce8829d0acbc0571acab442f8e74cf95f2744f (patch)
Initial upload to AUR4
-rwxr-xr-xa.outbin0 -> 145824 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xzbin0 -> 24476 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1061 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.1.4-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1070 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.1.5-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1068 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.2.0-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1071 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.2.1-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1066 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.2.2-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1068 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.2.3-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1068 bytes
-rw-r--r--savant-git-0.3.0-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 1107 bytes
-rw-r--r--savanttest-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xzbin0 -> 24412 bytes
-rw-r--r--savanttest-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gzbin0 -> 987 bytes
36 files changed, 2693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..30ffca04b06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+pkgbase = savant-git
+ pkgdesc = A CLI based calculator that supports variables and uses SDL2 to do graphs.
+ pkgver = 0.3.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = savant-git.install
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = BSD
+ makedepends = git
+ depends = sdl2
+ source = savant-git::git+
+ md5sums = SKIP
+pkgname = savant-git
diff --git a/Math.cpp b/Math.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8dd8ba274bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Math.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+#include "./Math.h"
+#include "./Txt.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+int Math::identify(std::string infix, int index)
+double Math::evaluateRPN(std::string rpn, double x, bool verbose)
+ std::vector<double> stk;
+ Math::currentNum = std::string();
+ double num1, num2;
+ for(unsigned int c = 0; c < rpn.size(); c++)
+ {
+ switch(rpn[c])
+ {
+ case '+':
+ if(rpn[c-1] == 'e' || rpn[c-1] == 'E')
+ {
+ Math::currentNum += rpn[c];
+ break;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num2 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.push_back(num1 + num2);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if(rpn[c-1] == 'e' || rpn[c-1] == 'E')
+ {
+ Math::currentNum += rpn[c];
+ break;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num2 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.push_back(num1 - num2);
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num2 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.push_back(num1 * num2);
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num2 = stk.back();
+ if(num2 == 0.0)
+ {
+ if(verbose) {printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str()); printf("NaN: Dividing by 0\n");}
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.push_back(num1 / num2);
+ break;
+ case '^':
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num2 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(stk.size() > 0)
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("ERROR: Invalid equation form. Stack size is 0.\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(num1 >= 0 || std::floor(num2) == num2)
+ stk.push_back(pow(num1,num2));
+// else stk.push_back(-2 * creal(cpow(num1,num2)));
+ else stk.push_back(Math::exponential(num1,num2,verbose));
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ if(containsTrig(Math::currentNum)||containsLog(Math::currentNum)||containsFunction(Math::currentNum))
+ {
+ if(Math::currentNum == "sin")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(sin(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "cos")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(cos(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "tan")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(tan(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "asin")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ if(absolute(num1) > 1)
+ {
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Invalid range for asin\n");
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(asin(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "acos")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ if(absolute(num1) > 1)
+ {
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Invalid range for acos\n");
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(acos(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "atan")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(atan(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "abs")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(Math::absolute(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "sqrt")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(pow(num1,0.5));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "ln")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ if(num1 <= 0)
+ {
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Invalid argument for ln\n");
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.push_back(log(num1));
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "log")
+ {
+ num1 = stk.back();
+ if(num1 <= 0)
+ {
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Invalid argument for log\n");
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ stk.pop_back();
+ double num = log(num1) / log(10);
+ stk.push_back(num);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Function not found\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if(Math::currentNum == " " || Math::currentNum == "") continue;
+ int i;
+ double val;
+ if((i = Txt::contains(Math::currentNum, 'e')) != -1)
+ {
+ else
+ {
+// val=atof(Txt::trimEnd(Txt::substring(Math::currentNum,0,i)).c_str())*pow(10,atof(Txt::trimFront(Txt::substring(Math::currentNum,i+1,Math::currentNum.size())).c_str()));
+// printf("CURRENT NUM: %s\n",Math::currentNum.c_str());
+ std::stringstream s(Math::currentNum);
+ s >> val >> val;
+ }
+ }
+ if(Math::currentNum == "x"||Math::currentNum == "t")
+ {
+ stk.push_back(x);
+ Math::currentNum = std::string();
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(Math::currentNum == "_x"||Math::currentNum == "_t")
+ {
+ stk.push_back(-x);
+ Math::currentNum = std::string();
+ break;
+ }
+ bool negative = isNegative(Math::currentNum);
+ while(Math::currentNum[0] == '_')
+ {
+ Math::currentNum.erase(Math::currentNum.begin());
+ }
+ if(negative)
+ {
+ stk.push_back(-1 * atof(Math::currentNum.c_str()));
+ }
+ else stk.push_back(atof(Math::currentNum.c_str()));
+ }
+ catch(int e)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Invalid equation.\nException %d has been thrown\n",e);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ Math::currentNum = std::string();
+ break;
+ default:
+ Math::currentNum += rpn[c];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ double num = stk.back();
+ stk.pop_back();
+ stk.clear();
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ if(Math::absolute(num) < 0.001 || Math::absolute(num) > 1000000) printf("= %6e\n",num);
+ else printf("= %f\n", num);
+ }
+ return num;
+std::string Math::infixToRPN(std::string infix)
+ Math::rpn << "";
+ Math::stack.clear();
+ Math::currentNum = "";
+ bool negative = false;
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < infix.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if (c == infix.size() - 1 && infix[c] != ')')
+ {
+ char end[2] = { infix[c], '\0' };
+ Math::currentNum.append(end);
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] != "(") Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ Math::stack.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ switch (infix[c])
+ {
+ case '(':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ Math::stack.push_back("(");
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] != "(") Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ else{
+ Math::stack.pop_back();
+ break;
+ }
+ Math::stack.pop_back();
+ }
+ break;
+ case '^':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ negative = false;
+ for(int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if(Math::stack[j] == "(") break;
+ if(Math::containsFunction(stack[j])||Math::containsTrig(stack[j])||Math::containsLog(stack[j])||Math::stack[j] == "^")
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ if(j == Math::stack[j].size() - 1) Math::stack.pop_back();
+ else Math::stack.erase(Math::stack.begin() + j);
+ }
+ }
+ Math::stack.push_back("^");
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ negative = false;
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "(") break;
+ if (Math::stack[j]=="^"||Math::stack[j]=="*"||Math::stack[j]=="/"||Math::containsFunction(stack[j])||Math::containsTrig(stack[j])||Math::containsLog(stack[j]))
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ if (j == Math::stack.size() - 1) Math::stack.pop_back();
+ else Math::stack.erase(Math::stack.begin() + j);
+ }
+ }
+ Math::stack.push_back("*");
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ negative = false;
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "(") break;
+ if (Math::stack[j] =="^"||Math::stack[j]=="/"||Math::stack[j]=="*"||Math::containsFunction(stack[j])||Math::containsTrig(stack[j])||Math::containsLog(stack[j]))
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ if (j == Math::stack.size() - 1) Math::stack.pop_back();
+ else Math::stack.erase(Math::stack.begin() + j);
+ }
+ }
+ Math::stack.push_back("/");
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative);
+ negative = false;
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "(") break;
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "^"||Math::stack[j] == "*"||Math::stack[j] == "/"||Math::stack[j] == "+"||Math::stack[j] == "-"||Math::containsFunction(stack[j])||Math::containsTrig(stack[j])||Math::containsLog(stack[j]))
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ if (j == Math::stack.size() - 1) Math::stack.pop_back();
+ else Math::stack.erase(Math::stack.begin() + j);
+ }
+ }
+ Math::stack.push_back("+");
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if(c == 0) //If the negative is the first character of the equation
+ {
+ negative = !negative;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(infix[c-1] == 'e' || infix[c-1] == 'E') //If it's an exponent, add it to currentNum to be parsed later
+ {
+ Math::currentNum.push_back('-');
+// printf("ADDING THE MINUS SIGN");
+ break;
+ }
+// else printf("LAST CHAR: %c\n",rpn.str()[c-1]);
+ if(isOperator(Math::lastChar(infix,c)) || lastChar(infix,c) == '(')
+ {
+ negative = !negative;
+ break;
+ }
+ Math::appendCurrentNumber(negative); //TODO Fix location of this.
+ for (int j = Math::stack.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "(") break;
+ if (Math::stack[j] == "^"|| Math::stack[j] == "*"|| Math::stack[j] == "/"|| Math::stack[j] == "+"||Math::stack[j] == "-"||Math::containsFunction(stack[j])||Math::containsTrig(stack[j])||Math::containsLog(stack[j]))
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[j] << " ";
+ if (j == Math::stack.size() - 1) Math::stack.pop_back();
+ else Math::stack.erase(stack.begin() + j);
+ }
+ }
+ Math::stack.push_back("-");
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (infix[c] != ' ') Math::currentNum.push_back(infix[c]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int c = Math::stack.size() - 1; c >= 0; c--)
+ {
+ Math::rpn << Math::stack[c] << " ";
+ Math::stack.pop_back();
+ }
+// printf("%s\n", Math::rpn.str().c_str()); //TODO Turn on rpn printing
+ return Math::rpn.str();
+char Math::lastChar(const std::string s, int currentIndex)
+ for(int c = currentIndex - 1; c >= 0; c--)
+ {
+ if(s[c] != ' ' && s[c] != '\t' && s[c] != '\n') return s[c];
+ }
+ return (char)NULL;
+int Math::isVariable(std::string s)
+ int c;
+ for(c = 0; c < Math::variables.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->getName().compare(s) == 0)
+ {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+double Math::exponential(double base, double exponent, bool verbose)
+ double multiplier = -1.0f;
+ if(base >= 0.0) return pow(base,exponent);
+ if(std::floor(exponent) == exponent) return pow(base,exponent);
+ double n,d;
+ for(d = exponent; d > 1.0; d -= 1.0);
+ for(; d < 1.0; d *= 2.0);
+ for(n = 1/exponent; n > 2.0; n -= 2.0);
+// for(; n < 1.0; n *= 2.0);
+ if(std::floor(d) == d)
+ {
+ if(verbose)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("Indeterminate exponent\n");
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(std::floor(n) == n)
+ {
+ if((int)n % 2 == 0) multiplier = 1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(std::floor(n * EXP_EVEN_NUMERATOR) == n * EXP_EVEN_NUMERATOR) multiplier = 1.0f;
+ }
+ return multiplier * pow(Math::absolute(base),exponent);
+double Math::absolute(double num)
+ if(num >= 0) return num;
+ return -1 * num;
+bool Math::isNegative(std::string current)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < current.size() && current[i] == '_'; i++);
+ return (i % 2 != 0);
+void Math::appendCurrentNumber(bool negative)
+ if (Math::currentNum != "")
+ {
+ if(Math::containsFunction(Math::currentNum)||Math::containsTrig(Math::currentNum)||Math::containsLog(Math::currentNum))
+ {
+ Math::stack.push_back(Math::currentNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int c;
+ if(negative) Math::rpn << "_";
+ if (Math::currentNum == "e") Math::rpn << std::setprecision(12) << M_E << " ";
+ else if (Math::currentNum == "pi") Math::rpn << std::setprecision(12) << M_PI << " ";
+ else if ((c=isVariable(Math::currentNum))!= -1)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->getValue() >= 0) Math::rpn << std::setprecision(12) << Math::variables[c]->getValue() << " ";
+ else Math::rpn << "_" << std::setprecision(12) << -1 * Math::variables[c]->getValue() << " ";
+ }
+ else Math::rpn << Math::currentNum << " ";
+// printf("CURRENT NUM FROM APPEND: %s\n",Math::currentNum.c_str());
+ negative = false;
+ }
+ currentNum.clear();
+ }
+void Math::setVariables(std::vector<Variable *> var)
+ Math::variables = var;
+ for(int c = 0; c < Math::variables.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->getName() == "ans")
+ {
+ Math::ANS = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+std::string Math::Math::currentNum = "";
+std::stringstream Math::Math::rpn;
+std::vector<std::string> Math::stack;
+std::vector<Variable *> Math::variables;
+std::vector<std::string> Math::insults;
+std::string Math::colorNames[4];
+int Math::colorValues[4];
+int Math::ANS;
diff --git a/Math.h b/Math.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b284b64389f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Math.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#ifndef _MATH_H_INCLUDED_
+#define _MATH_H_INCLUDED_
+#include "destructive_reasoning.h"
+#include "variable.h"
+ * sin, cos, tan
+ * asin, acos, atan
+ * log, ln
+ * abs
+ */
+ * Interpret basic rpn
+ * Implement trig and ln
+ * Implement abs
+ * Fix negatives
+ *
+ */
+#define PLUS '+'
+#define MINUS '-'
+#define MULT '*'
+#define DIV '/'
+#define EXP '^'
+#define SIN "s"
+#define COS "c"
+#define TAN "t"
+#define ASIN "S"
+#define ACOS "C"
+#define ATAN "T"
+#define SQRT "q"
+#define LN "l"
+#define LOG "L"
+#define EXP_EVEN_NUMERATOR 1048576.0f
+class Math
+ static std::string infixToRPN(std::string infix);
+ static double evaluateRPN(std::string rpn, double x, bool verbose);
+ static void appendCurrentNumber(bool negative);
+ static double exponential(double base, double exponent, bool verbose);
+ static std::vector<Variable *> variables;
+ static void setVariables(std::vector<Variable *> var);
+ static inline bool containsTrig(std::string current)
+ {
+ return ( current == "sin" || current == "cos" || current == "tan" ||
+ current == "asin"|| current == "acos"|| current == "atan");
+ };
+ static inline bool containsLog(std::string current)
+ {
+ return (current == "ln" || current == "log");
+ };
+ static inline bool containsFunction(std::string current)
+ {
+ return (current == "abs" || current == "sqrt");
+ };
+ static inline bool isOperator(char c)
+ {
+ return (c=='^'||c=='*'||c=='/'||c=='+'||c=='-');
+ }
+ static int isVariable(std::string s);
+ int identify(std::string infix, int index);
+ enum Operators {Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide};
+ static std::string currentNum;
+ static std::stringstream rpn;
+ static std::vector<std::string> stack;
+ static char lastChar(const std::string, int);
+ static double absolute(double num);
+ static bool isNegative(std::string current);
+ static std::vector<std::string> insults;
+ static std::string colorNames[];
+ static int colorValues[];
+ static int ANS;
+typedef struct
+ double x;
+ double y;
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1320f69d2cb8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Maintainer: Harley Wiltzer <>
+pkgdesc="A CLI based calculator that supports variables and uses SDL2 to do graphs."
+md5sums=('SKIP') #generate with 'makepkg -g'
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
+ if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then
+ cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
+ msg "The local files are updated."
+ else
+ git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"
+ fi
+ msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
+ msg "Starting build..."
+ rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ #
+ #
+# ./configure --prefix=/usr
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$_gitname"
+ install -Dm 755 a.out "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$_gitname"
+ if [ ! -d "$HOME/.savant" ]; then
+ mkdir "$HOME/.savant"
+ fi
+ cp logo "$HOME/.savant/logo"
+#make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/PKGBUILD.crap b/PKGBUILD.crap
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..05b721b86aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKGBUILD.crap
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own,
+# and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'.
+# NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown,
+# then please put 'unknown'.
+# See
+# for more information on packaging from GIT sources.
+# Maintainer: Your Name <>
+md5sums=() #generate with 'makepkg -g'
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
+ if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then
+ cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
+ msg "The local files are updated."
+ else
+ git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"
+ fi
+ msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
+ msg "Starting build..."
+ rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ #
+ #
+ ./
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/PKGBUILD.old b/PKGBUILD.old
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff8088a18b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKGBUILD.old
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Maintainer: Harley Wiltzer <>
+pkgdesc="CLI calculator that allows variable storage and has graphing functionality with SDL2"
diff --git a/SDLCartesian.cpp b/SDLCartesian.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6f45da295da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLCartesian.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#include "./SDLCartesian.h"
+SDL_Cartesian::SDL_Cartesian(int _width, int _height, std::vector<std::string> _functions) :
+ width(_width),
+ height(_height),
+ functions(_functions),
+ xOffset(0),
+ yOffset(0),
+ scrollSpeed(2),
+ running(true)
+ window = SDL_CreateWindow("Savant Cartesian", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,width,height,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
+ renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
+ texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC,width,height);
+ pixels = new Uint32[width * height];
+ for(int c = 0; c < functions.size(); c++)
+ {
+ rpn.push_back(Math::infixToRPN(functions[c]));
+ }
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xff,0xff,0,0xff);
+ xScale = width/10.0f;
+ yScale = xScale;
+SDL_Cartesian::SDL_Cartesian(int _width, int _height, std::string _infix) :
+ width(_width),
+ height(_height),
+ xOffset(0),
+ yOffset(0),
+ scrollSpeed(2),
+ running(true)
+ functions.push_back(_infix);
+ window = SDL_CreateWindow("Savant Cartesian", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,width,height,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
+ renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
+ texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC,width,height);
+ pixels = new Uint32[width * height];
+ for(int c = 0; c < functions.size(); c++)
+ {
+ rpn.push_back(Math::infixToRPN(functions[c]));
+ }
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xff,0xff,0,0xff);
+ xScale = width/10.0f;
+ yScale = xScale;
+void SDL_Cartesian::update()
+ keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
+ {
+ yScale = xScale -= (2.0f/10.0f) * (float)scrollSpeed * (float)functions.size();
+ if(xScale < 2) xScale = yScale = 2;
+ }
+ {
+ yScale = xScale += (2.0f/10.0f) * (float)scrollSpeed * (float)functions.size();
+ if(xScale > width/2) xScale = yScale = width/2;
+ }
+ {
+ xOffset -= scrollSpeed * functions.size();
+ }
+ {
+ xOffset += scrollSpeed * functions.size();
+ }
+ if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_UP])
+ {
+ yOffset -= scrollSpeed * functions.size();
+ }
+ {
+ yOffset += scrollSpeed * functions.size();
+ }
+ {
+ xOffset = yOffset = 0;
+ xScale = yScale = width/10.0f;
+ }
+ {
+ running = false;
+ }
+ for(int c = 0; c < width * height; c++) pixels[c] = 0xff000000; //Clear Screen
+ for(int c = 0; c < width; c++)
+ {
+ int coordinate = (int)(c + (-yOffset + height/2) * width);
+ if(coordinate >= 0 && coordinate < width * height && Math::absolute(yOffset) < height/2)
+ pixels[coordinate] = 0xff444444; //Draw X axis
+ }
+ for(int c = 0; c < height; c++)
+ {
+ int coordinate = (int)(width/2 - xOffset + (c)*width);
+ if(coordinate >= 0 && coordinate < width * height && Math::absolute(xOffset) < width/2)
+ pixels[coordinate] = 0xff444444; //Draw Y axis
+ }
+ SDL_UpdateTexture(texture,NULL,pixels,width * sizeof(Uint32));
+void SDL_Cartesian::render()
+ double x;
+ double y;
+ last = {(double)xOffset,-Math::evaluateRPN(rpn[0],(-width/2) / xScale,false)*yScale + (double)height/2 - (double)yOffset};
+ for(int c = 0; c < rpn.size(); c++)
+ {
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0xFF,0,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0x22,0x22,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0x44,0x44,0xFF,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0x66,0x00,0xFF);
+ break;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0 + xOffset; i < width + xOffset; i++)
+ {
+ //y = Math::evaluateRPN(rpn,(i - width)*xScale/width,false);
+ y = -Math::evaluateRPN(rpn[c],(i-width/2),false);
+ int coordinate = (int)(i + (y + height/2)*width);
+ next = {(double)(i - xOffset),-Math::evaluateRPN(rpn[c],(i - width/2)/xScale, false) * yScale + (double)(height/2 - yOffset)};
+ if(i != xOffset)SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer,last.x,last.y,next.x,next.y);
+ last = next;
+ //if(coordinate >= 0 && coordinate < width * height) pixels[coordinate] = 0xffffff00;
+ }
+ }
+void SDL_Cartesian::run()
+ while(running)
+ {
+ SDL_PollEvent(&mainEvent);
+ if(mainEvent.type == SDL_QUIT) running = false;
+ SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
+ update();
+ SDL_RenderCopy(renderer,texture,NULL,NULL);
+ render();
+ SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
+ SDL_Delay(10);
+ }
+// rpn = std::string(); //TODO May cause errors
+ delete[] pixels;
+ SDL_DestroyTexture(texture);
+ SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
+ SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
+ SDL_Quit();
diff --git a/SDLCartesian.h b/SDLCartesian.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..413f924fd8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLCartesian.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef _SDL_CARTESIAN_H_
+#define _SDL_CARTESIAN_H_
+#include "./Math.h"
+#include "./destructive_reasoning.h"
+#include "SDL2/SDL.h"
+class SDL_Cartesian
+ public:
+ SDL_Cartesian(int width, int height, std::vector<std::string> functions);
+ SDL_Cartesian(int width, int height, std::string infix);
+ ~SDL_Cartesian();
+ virtual void update();
+ virtual void render();
+ virtual void run();
+ int scrollSpeed;
+ protected:
+ SDL_Window *window;
+ SDL_Renderer *renderer;
+ SDL_Event mainEvent;
+ SDL_Texture *texture;
+ Uint32 *pixels;
+ std::vector<std::string> functions;
+ std::vector<std::string> rpn;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ double xScale;
+ double yScale;
+ int xOffset;
+ int yOffset;
+ bool running;
+ Coordinate last;
+ Coordinate next;
+ const Uint8 *keys;
diff --git a/SDLParametric2.cpp b/SDLParametric2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f4ec664a19c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLParametric2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "./SDLParametric2.h"
+SDL_Parametric2::SDL_Parametric2(int _width, int _height, std::vector<std::string> _equations) :
+ SDL_Cartesian(_width,_height,_equations)
+ printf("Starting Equation Transfer...\n");
+ equations.push_back(_equations[0]);
+ equations.push_back(_equations[1]);
+ printf("Finished Equation Transfer.\n");
+ for(int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
+ {
+ rpnequations.push_back(Math::infixToRPN(equations[c]));
+ }
+ printf("Finished Equation Conversion.\n");
+ tmin = -32 * M_PI;
+ tmax = 32 * M_PI;
+void SDL_Parametric2::render()
+ last = {Math::evaluateRPN(rpnequations[0],tmin,false) * xScale + width/2 - xOffset, -Math::evaluateRPN(rpnequations[1],tmin,false) * yScale +height/2 - yOffset};
+ for(double t = tmin; t < tmax; t += 0.1)
+ {
+ next = {Math::evaluateRPN(rpnequations[0],t,false) * xScale + width/2 - xOffset, -Math::evaluateRPN(rpnequations[1],t,false) * yScale + height/2 - yOffset};
+ if(t != tmin) SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer,last.x,last.y,next.x,next.y);
+ last = next;
+ }
diff --git a/SDLParametric2.h b/SDLParametric2.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64890163ee71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLParametric2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#ifndef _SDL_PARAMETRIC_2_H_
+#define _SDL_PARAMETRIC_2_H_
+#include "./destructive_reasoning.h"
+#include "./SDLCartesian.h"
+class SDL_Parametric2 : public SDL_Cartesian
+ public:
+ SDL_Parametric2(int width,int height,std::vector<std::string> equations);
+ virtual void render();
+ protected:
+ std::vector<std::string> equations;
+ std::vector<std::string> rpnequations;
+ double tmin;
+ double tmax;
diff --git a/SDLPolar.cpp b/SDLPolar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e28a487574aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLPolar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "./SDLPolar.h"
+void SDL_Polar::render()
+ double r0 = Math::evaluateRPN(rpn[0],(-width/2),false) + (double)(height/2 - yOffset);
+ double x0 = r0;
+ double y0 = 0.0;
+ last = {x0,y0};
+ for(int i = 0; i < functions.size(); i++)
+ {
+ switch(i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0xFF,0,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0x22,0x22,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0x44,0x44,0xFF,0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0x66,0x00,0xFF);
+ break;
+ }
+ for(double t = 0.0f; t <= 64 * M_PI; t += 0.1f)
+ {
+ r0 = Math::evaluateRPN(rpn[i],t,false);
+ //printf("%f\n",r0);
+ x0 = r0 * cos(t) * xScale;
+ y0 = r0 * sin(t) * yScale;
+ next = {x0 - xOffset + width/2, -y0 + height/2 - yOffset};
+ if(t != 0.0)SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer,last.x,last.y,next.x,next.y);
+ last = next;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/SDLPolar.h b/SDLPolar.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3481c7fe034f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDLPolar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef _SDL_POLAR_H_
+#define _SDL_POLAR_H_
+#include "./destructive_reasoning.h"
+#include "./Math.h"
+#include "./SDLCartesian.h"
+class SDL_Polar : public SDL_Cartesian
+ public:
+ SDL_Polar(int width, int height, std::string infix) : SDL_Cartesian(width,height,infix) {};
+ SDL_Polar(int width, int height, std::vector<std::string> functions) : SDL_Cartesian(width,height,functions) {};
+ virtual void render();
diff --git a/Source.cpp b/Source.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59206ffe75e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#include "destructive_reasoning.h"
+#include "variable.h"
+#include "Math.h"
+#include "Txt.h"
+#include "./SDLCartesian.h"
+#include "./SDLPolar.h"
+#include "./SDLParametric2.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <cstdio>
+#define TITLE "Savant"
+#define WIDTH 800
+#define HEIGHT 600
+ *
+ * Copright (c) 2015, Harley Wiltzer
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+ * software must display the following acknowledgements:
+ * This product includes software developed by Harley Wiltzer.
+ * 4. Neither the name of Destructive Reasoning nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+std::string substring(std::string, int, int);
+void initialize();
+void solveQuadratic();
+void graphFunction(std::string infix);
+void graphFunctions(std::vector<std::string> functions);
+void graphPolar(std::string infix);
+void graphPolars(std::vector<std::string> functions);
+void graphParametric2D(std::vector<std::string> equations);
+void showHelp();
+std::vector<Variable *> variables;
+std::vector<std::string> intros;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if(argc > 1)
+ {
+ printf("Following order... %s\n", argv[1]);
+ if(strcmp(argv[1],"-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1],"--help") == 0)
+ {
+ showHelp();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",Math::insults[rand()%Math::insults.size()].c_str());
+ printf("That's not an order!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ std::stringstream logoPath;
+ logoPath << getenv("HOME");
+ logoPath << "/.savant/logo";
+ std::ifstream logoFile (logoPath.str());
+ std::string line;
+ if(logoFile.is_open())
+ {
+ while(getline(logoFile,line))
+ {
+ printf("%s\n",line.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Could not load logo file\n");
+ }
+ logoFile.close();
+ printf("\n%s\nv0.3.0\nCopyright (C) 2015 Harley Wiltzer\nPowered by Har Wiltz's Destructive Reasoning\n", TITLE);
+ printf("This free software includes exactly 0 warranties\n");
+ printf("For instructions, type \'help\'.\n\n");
+ initialize();
+ bool running = true;
+ std::string infix;
+ variables.push_back(new Variable("ans",0.0,false));
+ variables.push_back(new Variable("pi",M_PI,true));
+ variables.push_back(new Variable("e",M_E,true));
+ int vn;
+ while(running)
+ {
+ Math::setVariables(variables);
+ printf("savant> ");
+ std::getline(std::cin,infix);
+ if(infix == "quit" || infix == "exit") running = false;
+ else if(infix == "clear") system("clear");
+ else if(infix == "quadratic")
+ {
+ Math::variables = variables;
+ printf("~$ Starting Quadratic Mode $~\n");
+ solveQuadratic();
+ }
+ else if((vn = Txt::contains(infix,'=')) != -1)
+ {
+ std::string lvalue = Txt::trimEnd(Txt::substring(infix,0,vn-1));
+ if(lvalue=="function"||lvalue=="help"||lvalue=="polar"||lvalue=="parametric"||lvalue=="quadratic"||Math::containsTrig(lvalue)||Math::containsLog(lvalue)||Math::containsFunction(lvalue)||Math::isOperator(lvalue[0]))
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot create variable: %s is a savant function name\n",lvalue.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((lvalue[0] >= '1' && lvalue[0] <= '9') || lvalue[0] == '0')
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot create variable: %s. Variables names cannot start with numbers\n",lvalue.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ int v;
+ if((v = Math::isVariable(lvalue)) == -1)
+ {
+ printf(">>>Variable %s created\n",lvalue.c_str());
+ v = Math::variables.size();
+ Math::variables.push_back(new Variable(lvalue,0.0,false));
+ variables = Math::variables;
+ }
+ std::string rvalue = Txt::trimFront(Txt::substring(infix,vn+1,infix.size()-1));
+ double val = Math::evaluateRPN(Math::infixToRPN(rvalue),0,true);
+ Math::variables[Math::ANS]->setValue(val);
+ if(!Math::variables[v]->isConstant()) Math::variables[v]->setValue(val);
+ else
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot update variable: %s is a constant!\n",Math::variables[v]->getName().c_str());
+ }
+ //printf("Variable edited: %s\n",Math::variables[v]->getName().c_str());
+ }
+ else if(substring(infix,0,3) == "def ")
+ {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ std::string newvar;
+ std::string valinfix;
+ double val = 0.0f;
+ stream << infix;
+ stream >> newvar >> newvar >> valinfix;
+ val = Math::evaluateRPN(Math::infixToRPN(valinfix),0,false);
+ Math::variables[Math::ANS]->setValue(val);
+ bool canCreate = true;
+ if(newvar=="polar"||newvar=="help"||newvar=="quadratic"||newvar=="function"||newvar=="parametric"||Math::containsTrig(newvar)||Math::containsLog(newvar)||Math::containsFunction(newvar)||Math::isOperator(newvar[0]))
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot create variable: %s is a savant function name\n",newvar.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((newvar[0] >= '1' && newvar[0] <= '9') || newvar[0] == '0')
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot create variable: %s. Variable names cannot start with a number\n",newvar.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int c = 0; c < Math::variables.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->getName() == newvar)
+ {
+ printf("-->Cannot define variable %s, it has already been defined\n",Math::variables[c]->getName().c_str());
+ canCreate = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(canCreate) //Creating a constant
+ {
+ Math::variables.push_back(new Variable (newvar, val, true));
+ variables = Math::variables;
+ std::ofstream file (NULL);
+ std::stringstream path;
+ path << getenv("HOME");
+ path << "/.savant/constants";
+ file << newvar << " " << val << "\n";
+ file.close();
+ printf(">>>Variable %s created.\n",newvar.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(substring(infix,0,5) == "delete")
+ {
+ std::stringstream s(infix);
+ std::string varname;
+ std::string temp;
+ s >> temp >> varname;
+ int i = -1;
+ for(int c = 0; c < Math::variables.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->getName() == varname) i = c;
+ }
+ if(i == -1)
+ {
+ printf("Cannot delete %s: it is not a variable!\n",varname);
+ continue;
+ }
+ printf(">>>Variable %s deleted.\n",Math::variables[i]->getName().c_str());
+// Math::variables.erase(Math::variables.begin() + i);
+ Math::variables[i] = Math::variables.back();
+ Math::variables.pop_back();
+ variables = Math::variables;
+ std::ofstream file (NULL);
+ std::stringstream path;
+ path << getenv("HOME");
+ path << "/.savant/constants";
+ for(int c = 0; c < Math::variables.size(); c++)
+ {
+ if(Math::variables[c]->isConstant() && Math::variables[c]->getName() != "pi" && Math::variables[c]->getName() != "e")
+ {
+ file << Math::variables[c]->getName() << " " << Math::variables[c]->getValue() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ else if(substring(infix,0,7) == "function") //Graph Functions
+ {
+ int num;
+ std::vector<std::string> functions;
+ std::string rest = substring(infix,8,infix.size() - 1);
+ infix = std::string();
+ if(rest.size() >= 0)
+ {
+ num = atoi(rest.c_str());
+ if(num == 0) num = 1;
+ if(num <= 4 && num > -1)
+ {
+ printf("Amount of functions: %d\n",num);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("A maximum of 4 graphs can be drawn at once.\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ char functionName = 'f';
+ for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ {
+ printf("savant> %c(x) = ",functionName);
+ std::getline(std::cin, infix);
+ functions.push_back(infix);
+ printf("--------] %c(x) will be drawn in %s\n",functionName,Math::colorNames[i].c_str());
+ functionName += 1;
+ infix = std::string();
+ }
+ graphFunctions(functions);
+ continue;
+ }
+ printf("savant> f(x) = ");
+ std::getline(std::cin, infix);
+ graphFunction(infix);
+ }
+ else if(substring(infix,0,4) == "polar")
+ {
+ int num;
+ std::vector<std::string> functions;
+ std::string rest = substring(infix,5,infix.size() - 1);
+ infix = std::string();
+ printf("~Polar Curve~\n");
+ printf("Write functions in terms of t, where t = theta\n");
+ if(rest.size() >= 0)
+ {
+ num = atoi(rest.c_str());
+ if(num == 0) num = 1;
+ if(num <=4 && num >-1) printf("Amount of functions: %d\n",num);
+ else
+ {
+ printf("A maximum of 4 graphs can be drawn at once.\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ char functionName = 'r';
+ for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ {
+ printf("savant> %c(t) = ",functionName);
+ std::getline(std::cin,infix);
+ functions.push_back(infix);
+ printf("--------] %c(t) will be drawn in %s\n",functionName,Math::colorNames[i].c_str());
+ functionName -= 1;
+ infix = std::string();
+ }
+ graphPolars(functions);
+ continue;
+ }
+ printf("savant> r = ");
+ infix = std::string();
+ std::getline(std::cin, infix);
+ graphPolar(infix);
+ }
+ else if(substring(infix,0,10) == "parametric2")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> equations;
+ printf("x(t) = ");
+ std::getline(std::cin,infix);
+ equations.push_back(infix);
+ printf("y(t) = ");
+ std::getline(std::cin,infix);
+ equations.push_back(infix);
+ printf("Starting Parametric2 constructor\n");
+ graphParametric2D(equations);
+ }
+ else if(infix == "help")
+ {
+ showHelp();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Txt::trimEnd(infix) == "") continue;
+ std::string r = Math::infixToRPN(infix);
+ Math::variables[Math::ANS]->setValue(Math::evaluateRPN(r,0,true));
+ }
+ infix.clear();
+ Math::rpn.str(std::string());
+ std::cin.clear();
+ }
+ return 0;
+void graphFunction(std::string infix)
+ std::vector<std::string> functions;
+ functions.push_back(infix);
+ SDL_Cartesian *cartesian = new SDL_Cartesian(WIDTH,HEIGHT,functions);
+ cartesian->run();
+ delete cartesian;
+void graphFunctions(std::vector<std::string> functions)
+ SDL_Cartesian *cartesian = new SDL_Cartesian(WIDTH,HEIGHT,functions);
+ cartesian->run();
+ delete cartesian;
+void graphPolar(std::string infix)
+ SDL_Polar *polar = new SDL_Polar(WIDTH,HEIGHT,infix);
+ polar->run();
+ delete polar;
+void graphPolars(std::vector<std::string> functions)
+ SDL_Polar *polar = new SDL_Polar(WIDTH,HEIGHT,functions);
+ polar->run();
+ delete polar;
+void graphParametric2D(std::vector<std::string> equations)
+ printf("Just about to start...\n");
+ SDL_Parametric2 *parametric = new SDL_Parametric2(WIDTH,HEIGHT,equations);
+ parametric->run();
+ delete parametric;
+void solveQuadratic()
+ printf("Variable list size: %d\n", Math::variables.size());
+ double a,b,c,x1,x2;
+ int i;
+ std::string ans;
+ printf("Enter A value: ");
+ std::cin >> ans;
+ if((i = Math::isVariable(ans)) != -1) {printf("Variable found: %s\n",Math::variables[i]->getName().c_str()); a = Math::variables[i]->getValue();}
+ else a = atof(ans.c_str());
+ printf("Enter B value: ");
+ std::cin >> ans;
+ if((i = Math::isVariable(ans)) != -1) {printf("Variable found: %s\n",Math::variables[i]->getName().c_str()); b = Math::variables[i]->getValue();}
+ else b = atof(ans.c_str());
+ printf("Enter C value: ");
+ std::cin >> ans;
+ if((i = Math::isVariable(ans)) != -1) {printf("Variable found: %s\n",Math::variables[i]->getName().c_str()); c = Math::variables[i]->getValue();}
+ else c = atof(ans.c_str());
+ printf("Performing black magic...\n");
+ if(b*b - 4 * a * c < 0)
+ {
+ printf("No solutions :(\n");
+ }
+ else if(b*b - 4 * a * c == 0)
+ {
+ printf("1 solution was found.\nx = ");
+ x1 = -b / (2 * a);
+ printf("%f\n",x1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("2 solutions found.\n");
+ x1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);
+ x2 = (-b - sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);
+ printf("x1 = %f\nx2 = %f\n",x1,x2);
+ }
+ std::cin.clear();
+ std::cin.ignore();
+std::string substring(std::string s, int start, int end)
+ std::string sub;
+ for(int c = start; c <= end; c++)
+ sub += s[c];
+ return sub;
+void initialize()
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ std::stringstream path;
+ path << getenv("HOME") << "/.savant/constants";
+ printf("Opening a file...\n");
+ std::ifstream file (path.str().c_str());
+ std::string line;
+ if(file.is_open())
+ {
+ printf("Recalling all constants...\n");
+ while(getline(file,line))
+ {
+// char name[64];
+ std::string name;
+ double value;
+// sscanf(line.c_str(),"%s %f",name,&value);
+ std::stringstream s(line);
+ s >> name >> value;
+ variables.push_back(new Variable(name,value,true));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Cannot open file: %s\n",path.str().c_str());
+ std::ofstream f(NULL);
+ f << "____ 666" << "\n";
+ f.close();
+ }
+ file.close();
+ Math::ANS = 0;
+ intros.push_back("Contacting the President...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Practicing Voodoo tactics...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Comprehending The Matrix...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Reading \'Finnegans Wake\'...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Preparing for combat...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Applying the Categorical Imperative...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Counting red and yellow cars...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Reciting \'Who\'s on first?\'...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Insulting K-Mart...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Takin' care of business...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Saving Private Ryan...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Reading your mind...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Learning calculus...\n");
+ intros.push_back("Studying the Talmud...\n");
+ printf("%s\n",intros[rand()%intros.size()].c_str());
+ Math::insults.push_back("Who do you think I am?");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Are you nuts?");
+ Math::insults.push_back("-_- <== That's what I gotta say about your math knowledge.");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Rain Man can't even do that");
+ Math::insults.push_back("How about \'no\'?");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Are you... serious?");
+ Math::insults.push_back("That's just stupid");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Very funny.");
+ Math::insults.push_back("I don't have time for this");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Stop this Mickey Mouse stuff");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Did I just see five yellow cars in a row, or are you just annoying me?");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Hmmmm... You're one of THOSE people");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Don't flatter yourself, idiot");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Don't ever do that again");
+ Math::insults.push_back("Pssssshhhhhhh...");
+ Math::insults.push_back("I hope you have other \'talents\'");
+ Math::insults.push_back("You're a raaaabid anti-dentite!");
+ Math::colorNames[0] = "Yellow";
+ Math::colorNames[1] = "Red";
+ Math::colorNames[2] = "Blue";
+ Math::colorNames[3] = "Orange";
+ Math::colorValues[0] = 0xFFFF00;
+ Math::colorValues[1] = 0xFF4444;
+ Math::colorValues[2] = 0x4444FF;
+ Math::colorValues[3] = 0xFF6600;
+void showHelp()
+ printf("\n~Savant Help Menu~\n");
+ printf("Here are the following Savant functions:\n\n");
+ printf("def [variable name] [value]:\tCreates a constant variable of name [variable name] and sets it to the value [value] that is saved and can still be used after savant is closed.\n");
+ printf("delete [variable name]:\t\tDeletes a constant variable that was created by \'def\'.\n");
+ printf("function:\t\t\tPrompts for function, and then graphs it in a 2D Cartesian Plane\n");
+ printf("function [1-4]:\t\t\tPrompts for up to 4 functions, and then graphs them simultaneously in a 2D Cartesian Plane\n");
+ printf("polar:\t\t\t\tPrompts for function, and then graphs it in a 2D Polar Plane. \n");
+ printf("polar [1-4]:\t\t\tPrompts for up to 4 functions and graphs them simultaneously in a 2D Polar Plane.\n");
+ printf("parametric2:\t\t\tPrompts for two parametric equations, and graphs the corresponding parametric curve\n");
+ printf("quadratic:\t\t\tPrompts for a,b,c values of a second degree polynomial, and solves for the zeroes\n");
+ printf("clear:\t\t\t\tClears the terminal window\n");
+ printf("exit:\t\t\t\tExits savant\n");
+ printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf("To use the calculator, simply type in an expression and press ENTER.\n");
+ printf("To refer to the previously calculated value, type \'ans\'. Be warned: \'ans\' will be overwritten after graphing a function\n");
+ printf("To declare a variable for use and set its value equal to an expression, use the following form:\n");
+ printf("\t[variable name] = [expression]\n");
+ printf("\tEx.: energy = 0.5 * 4 * 3^2\n");
+ printf("To view the value of a variable, just type in the variable name and press ENTER\n");
+ printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf("======GRAPH CONTROLS======\n");
+ printf("-:\tZoom Out\n");
+ printf("=:\tZoom In\n");
+ printf("Arrows:\tPan up, down, left, right\n");
+ printf("Esc:\tExit graph\n");
+ printf("\n");
diff --git a/Txt.cpp b/Txt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50d953d19abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Txt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include "./Txt.h"
+int Txt::contains(std::string s, char c)
+ for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(s[i] == c) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+std::string Txt::substring(std::string s, int start, int end)
+ std::string r = std::string();
+ for(int c = start; c <= end; c++)
+ {
+ r += s[c];
+ }
+ return r;
+std::string Txt::trimEnd(std::string s)
+ std::string r = s;
+ while(r.back() == ' ' || r.back() == '\t' || r.back() == '\n')
+ r.pop_back();
+ return r;
+std::string Txt::trimFront(std::string s)
+ std::string r = s;
+ while(r[0] == ' ' || r[0] == '\t' || r[0] == '\n')
+ r.erase(r.begin());
+ return r;
diff --git a/Txt.h b/Txt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46d15aa2f150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Txt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef _TXT_H_
+#define _TXT_H_
+#include "destructive_reasoning.h"
+class Txt
+ public:
+ static int contains(std::string s, char c);
+ static std::string trimEnd(std::string s);
+ static std::string trimFront(std::string s);
+ static std::string substring(std::string s, int start, int end);
diff --git a/a.out b/a.out
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e51cae43b98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/a.out
Binary files differ
diff --git a/destructive_reasoning.h b/destructive_reasoning.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1fca7b53a441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/destructive_reasoning.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#undef main
+#include <vector>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <complex>
+#include <complex.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
diff --git a/logo b/logo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..066929e64105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ _..--.._
+ / \
+ ^ ^
+ | SAVANT |
+ | |
+ . .
+ \ \~~/ /
+ ` \/ '
+ , __||__ ,
+ | ====== |
+ __ __
+ \__/
diff --git a/logo.backup b/logo.backup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..066929e64105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logo.backup
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ _..--.._
+ / \
+ ^ ^
+ | SAVANT |
+ | |
+ . .
+ \ \~~/ /
+ ` \/ '
+ , __||__ ,
+ | ====== |
+ __ __
+ \__/
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07a5d3fe43f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#g++ Source.cpp Math.cpp variable.cpp Txt.cpp -lm -lSDL2 -std=c++11
+ g++ *.cpp -lm -lSDL2 -std=c++11
diff --git a/proto-info.install b/proto-info.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..617652fdcc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proto-info.install
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+filelist=( bar)
+post_install() {
+ [[ -x usr/bin/install-info ]] || return 0
+ for file in "${filelist[@]}"; do
+ install-info "$infodir/$file.gz" "$infodir/dir" 2> /dev/null
+ done
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install "$1"
+pre_remove() {
+ [[ -x usr/bin/install-info ]] || return 0
+ for file in "${filelist[@]}"; do
+ install-info --delete "$infodir/$file.gz" "$infodir/dir" 2> /dev/null
+ done
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/savant b/savant
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..228d3a721f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
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+ CLI calculator with graphing functionality, including parametric and polar curves. Depends on SDL2 and OpenGL.
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diff --git a/savant-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz b/savant-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27f629ac9387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5c0dc75f7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.1.4-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.1.4-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9f2ec92d64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.1.4-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.1.5-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.1.5-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de5a8d4e6044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.1.5-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.2.0-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.2.0-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4acecc0ce970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.2.0-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.2.1-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.2.1-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..195b43d0f61b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.2.1-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.2.2-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.2.2-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..502d9f59d706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.2.2-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.2.3-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.2.3-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65509bdf93fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.2.3-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git-0.3.0-1.src.tar.gz b/savant-git-0.3.0-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..750a255be079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git-0.3.0-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savant-git.install b/savant-git.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2eaa60550d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savant-git.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+ update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install $1
+post_remove() {
+ post_install $1
diff --git a/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz b/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7789251bcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz b/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..196d2d69e133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/savanttest-git-0.1.3-1.src.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/variable.cpp b/variable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..08b0636e4bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "variable.h"
+std::string Variable::getName()
+ return name;
+double Variable::getValue()
+ return value;
+void Variable::setValue(double val)
+ value = val;
diff --git a/variable.h b/variable.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a531a58a388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef _VARIABLE_H_
+#define _VARIABLE_H_
+#include "destructive_reasoning.h"
+class Variable
+ public:
+ Variable(std::string n, double v, bool isConstant) : name(n), value(v), constant(isConstant) {};
+ std::string getName();
+ double getValue();
+ inline bool isConstant() { return constant; };
+ void setValue(double val);
+ private:
+ std::string name;
+ double value;
+ bool constant;