diff options
authorBenjamin A. Shelton2015-06-10 14:14:05 -0600
committerBenjamin A. Shelton2015-06-10 14:14:05 -0600
commitcc5c8e769a2425eeb76e6240f3139e967dc0cbe7 (patch)
Initial commit of Sentry sources.
5 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ecd482e1218a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+pkgbase = sentry
+ pkgdesc = Python-based realtime logging and aggregation server.
+ pkgver = 7.5.4
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = sentry.install
+ arch = any
+ license = BSD
+ makedepends = python2-pip
+ makedepends = python2-setuptools
+ makedepends = python2-virtualenv
+ depends = python2
+ depends = redis
+ options = !strip
+ source =
+ source = sentry.install
+ source = sentry.service
+ source = sentry-celery.service
+ md5sums = f68f9a17ca893a9c747f96d970449080
+ md5sums = 8aab776f3d428c417f51522c256b5aeb
+ md5sums = 8d1d8d166a88bc89ad2265fd67ab3523
+ md5sums = 78dd3e18109c2bf92f7f884de0237781
+pkgname = sentry
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3308af9004c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Maintainer: Benjamin A. Shelton <>
+# Source:
+pkgdesc="Python-based realtime logging and aggregation server."
+ python2
+ redis
+makedepends=(python2-pip python2-setuptools python2-virtualenv)
+ "${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz"
+ "${pkgname}.install"
+ "sentry.service"
+ "sentry-celery.service"
+ f68f9a17ca893a9c747f96d970449080 # sentry tarball
+ 8aab776f3d428c417f51522c256b5aeb # sentry.install
+ 8d1d8d166a88bc89ad2265fd67ab3523 # sentry.service
+ 78dd3e18109c2bf92f7f884de0237781 # sentry-celery.service
+package () {
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry"
+ virtualenv2 --python=python2.7 "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry"
+ source "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/bin/activate"
+ # Workaround for circumstances where cssutils may not be installed
+ # into the virtualenv at the correct version.
+ "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/bin/pip" install "cssutils>=0.9.9,<0.10.0"
+ # Recent versions of Sentry rely on pytest to be installed as part
+ # of the package dependencies. Unfortunately, it doesn't install
+ # correctly inside a virtualenv. Preload it here.
+ "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/bin/pip" install "pytest"
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/bin/python2" install --optimize=1
+ virtualenv2 --relocatable "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry"
+ sed -i "s#${pkgdir}##" "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/bin/activate"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/opt/sentry/.python-eggs"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/etc/sentry"
+ # Remove Desktop Services Store from package. At least one of these files
+ # still persists in the Sentry package. They're harmless, but I don't like
+ # them. :) More information:
+ find "${pkgdir}" -name '.DS_Store' -delete
+ install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/sentry.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/sentry.service"
+ install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/sentry-celery.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/sentry-celery.service"
diff --git a/sentry-celery.service b/sentry-celery.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6723a2243be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry-celery.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=Sentry's task queue provider.
+ExecStart=/opt/sentry/bin/sentry --config=/etc/sentry/ celery worker --loglevel=ERROR -B -s /opt/sentry/celery/celerybeat-schedule
+[Install] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sentry.install b/sentry.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85278f52bc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry.install
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /opt/sentry -r sentry
+ /usr/bin/chown -R root:root /opt/sentry
+ /usr/bin/chown -R sentry:sentry /opt/sentry/.python-eggs
+ /usr/bin/chown -R sentry:sentry /etc/sentry
+ /usr/bin/chown root:root /etc/sentry
+ # Storage location for Celery's database.
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /opt/sentry/celery
+ /usr/bin/chown sentry:sentry /opt/sentry/celery
+ # Generate a new configuration.
+ if [ ! -e "/etc/sentry/" ] ; then
+ "/opt/sentry/bin/sentry" init "/etc/sentry/"
+ fi
+ /usr/bin/chmod 0600 /etc/sentry/
+cat << EOF
+IF YOU'RE INSTALLING OR UPGRADING SENTRY, you will need to issue the following
+command before starting the server:
+ sudo -u sentry PATH=/opt/sentry/bin:\$PATH \\
+ /opt/sentry/bin/sentry --config=/etc/sentry/ upgrade
+Be sure to edit the configuration file "/etc/sentry/" first!
+If you're upgrading Sentry, sometimes it may be necessary to run:
+ sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
+If you're starting Sentry for the first time, you'll may want to create at
+least one administrative account. To do so, run the createuser utility:
+ sudo -u sentry PATH=/opt/sentry/bin:\$PATH \\
+ /opt/sentry/bin/sentry --config=/etc/sentry/ createuser
+and create a "superuser" when prompted.
+To start sentry, simply run the service (sentry-celery, required by sentry,
+will be started automatically):
+ sudo systemctl start sentry
+To run Sentry without systemd, such as to test your configuration, use:
+ sudo -u sentry PATH=/opt/sentry/bin:\$PATH \\
+ --config=/etc/sentry/ start
+Neither MySQL nor PostgreSQL support is installed into the Python virtualenv
+when building from the PKGBUILD. If you require either of these, you will
+need to install them manually (but don't forget to change your configuration
+file, /etc/sentry/ to match!):
+ # MySQL
+ sudo -u sentry -- /usr/bin/bash -c \\
+ 'source /opt/sentry/bin/activate && /opt/sentry/bin/pip install mysql-python'
+ # PostgreSQL
+ sudo -u sentry -- /usr/bin/bash -c \\
+ 'source /opt/sentry/bin/activate && /opt/sentry/bin/pip install psycopg2'
+If you need additional Sentry plugins, you'll need to use Sentry's local copy
+of pip to install them in a manner similar to the one outlined above.
+I appreciate the tips and suggestions I've received since converting this
+package to a (mostly) pure virtualenv installation. Please report any issues
+related to the PKGBUILD on the AUR page or open a ticket on my Github
+project page:
+As of Sentry 7.1.4, this package will no longer remove the Sentry user by
+default. You must perform this step manually.
+ /usr/bin/chown -R root:root /opt/sentry
+ /usr/bin/chown -R sentry:sentry /etc/sentry
+ /usr/bin/chown -R sentry:sentry /opt/sentry/.python-eggs
+ /usr/bin/chown root:root /etc/sentry
+ # Storage location for Celery's database.
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /opt/sentry/celery
+ /usr/bin/chown sentry:sentry /opt/sentry/celery
+ /usr/bin/chmod 0600 /etc/sentry/
+cat << EOF
+If you're upgrading Sentry from any prior version, you will first need to
+stop the Sentry service and then reload systemd (sentry-celery first appeared
+in the Sentry 7.1.4 PKGBUILD; if you're upgrading from previous versions, omit
+it from these steps):
+ sudo systemctl stop sentry sentry-celery
+ sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
+to ensure that the new systemd service file has been installed.
+You will also need to upgrade your database schema. To do so, copy and paste
+the following command (WITHOUT Sentry running):
+ sudo -u sentry PATH=/opt/sentry/bin:\$PATH \\
+ /opt/sentry/bin/sentry --config=/etc/sentry/ upgrade
+You may need to run this command if you're creating a new installation or
+migrating database servers. Sentry will usually check migrations prior to
+starting, but ideally this step should be performed separately.
+Between major (and sometimes minor) version bumps, Sentry's configuration has
+a habit of changing, often introducing new options without which Sentry will
+not launch. As of the Sentry 7.1.4-2 PKGBUILD, Sentry's configuration is
+generated during installation only. You will need to regenerate the
+configuration and check the changes by hand (vimdiff is useful here):
+ sudo -u sentry /opt/sentry/bin/sentry init /etc/sentry/
+If you have upgraded to Pacman 4.2 or later, Sentry's installation process
+will generate a large number of permissions- and ownership-related warnings.
+Ignore these. Following Sentry 7.1.4, this package will now correct the
+ownership so subsequent installs will no longer complain.
+If something happens and Sentry will not run, make sure that 1) you've
+migrated your database schema via Sentry's upgrade process (above) and 2)
+the contents of the /etc/sentry directory are owned by the sentry user.
+Other directories that may need permission tweaks include
+/opt/sentry/.python-eggs and /opt/sentry/celery.
+Neither MySQL nor PostgreSQL support is installed into the Python virtualenv
+when building from the PKGBUILD. If you require either of these, you will
+need to install them manually (but don't forget to change your configuration
+file, /etc/sentry/ to match!):
+ # MySQL
+ sudo -u sentry -- /usr/bin/bash -c \\
+ 'source /opt/sentry/bin/activate && /opt/sentry/bin/pip install mysql-python'
+ # PostgreSQL
+ sudo -u sentry -- /usr/bin/bash -c \\
+ 'source /opt/sentry/bin/activate && /opt/sentry/bin/pip install psycopg2'
+If you need additional Sentry plugins, you'll need to use Sentry's local copy
+of pip to install them in a manner similar to the one outlined above.
+The Celery backend and task queue is now installed as a separate service
+and is no longer managed by Sentry. This is started via the sentry-celery
+systemd service and requires some configuration before it will work. For a
+basic setup to get started quickly, you'll need to uncomment the variables
+CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER and BROKER_URL in /etc/sentry/ This also
+implies that Sentry now REQUIRES Redis as a dependency.
+I appreciate the tips and suggestions I've received since converting this
+package to a (mostly) pure virtualenv installation. Please report any issues
+related to the PKGBUILD on the AUR page or open a ticket on my Github
+project page:
+As of Sentry 7.1.4, this package will no longer remove the Sentry user by
+default. You must perform this step manually.
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sentry.service b/sentry.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b54b42628ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sentry.service
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ExecStart=/opt/sentry/bin/sentry --config=/etc/sentry/ start