diff options
authorBaudouin Roullier2016-12-02 22:16:32 +0100
committerBaudouin Roullier2016-12-02 22:16:32 +0100
commitae609afff1761cc4c50ded04e6c5908bce3b75f9 (patch)
parent7ac843f39352317151d076119ffa19bd24a65bfb (diff)
Patched by Declan Hoare 2016-12-02: use PNG instead of GIF for temp files to preserve quality
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/shitpost b/shitpost
index 5e490911374e..87109465103f 100755
--- a/shitpost
+++ b/shitpost
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#Originally by Mykal Anderson
+# Patched by Declan Hoare 2016-12-02: use PNG instead of GIF for temp files to preserve quality
@@ -72,30 +72,29 @@ fext=${base##*.}
#Upscale the image if it's too shitty. This is required to make the text readable as it's generated to fit the pixels of the original
-convert -resize 1024x1024\< "$image_file" shitpost-temp-resize.gif
+convert -resize 1024x1024\< "$image_file" shitpost-temp-resize.png
#Get the height and width of the image to use later to size the overlays. Clipped height keeps things locked in the top and bottom fifth of the image.
-image_width=`identify -format "%[width]" shitpost-temp-resize.gif`
-image_height=`identify -format "%[height]" shitpost-temp-resize.gif`
+image_width=`identify -format "%[width]" shitpost-temp-resize.png`
+image_height=`identify -format "%[height]" shitpost-temp-resize.png`
-convert -background none -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth "$stroke_width" -size "$image_width"x"$clipped_height" -gravity Center -font 'Impact' caption:"$top_text" temp-top-text.gif
-convert -background none -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth "$stroke_width" -size "$image_width"x"$clipped_height" -gravity Center -font 'Impact' caption:"$bottom_text" temp-bottom-text.gif
-composite -gravity north temp-top-text.gif shitpost-temp-resize.gif shitpost-temp-composite.gif
-composite -gravity south temp-bottom-text.gif shitpost-temp-composite.gif shitpost-"$pref"."$fext"
+convert -background none -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth "$stroke_width" -size "$image_width"x"$clipped_height" -gravity Center -font 'Impact' caption:"$top_text" temp-top-text.png
+convert -background none -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth "$stroke_width" -size "$image_width"x"$clipped_height" -gravity Center -font 'Impact' caption:"$bottom_text" temp-bottom-text.png
+composite -gravity north temp-top-text.png shitpost-temp-resize.png shitpost-temp-composite.png
+composite -gravity south temp-bottom-text.png shitpost-temp-composite.png shitpost-"$pref"."$fext"
#Clean up
-rm temp-top-text.gif
-rm temp-bottom-text.gif
-rm shitpost-temp-resize.gif
-rm shitpost-temp-composite.gif
+rm temp-top-text.png
+rm temp-bottom-text.png
+rm shitpost-temp-resize.png
+rm shitpost-temp-composite.png
#Announce the results
echo "Created file "$PWD"/shitpost-"$pref"."$fext""
exit 0
#End \ No newline at end of file