diff options
authorKspLite2021-01-06 17:07:06 +0800
committerKspLite2021-01-06 17:07:06 +0800
commit1f739878e370959940c742c9d044be695631bec4 (patch)
2 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1513ac059644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+pkgbase = tdesktop-x64
+ pkgdesc = Third party Telegram Desktop client with various enhancements (dev branch)
+ pkgver =
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = GPL3
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = ninja
+ makedepends = python
+ makedepends = range-v3
+ makedepends = tl-expected
+ makedepends = microsoft-gsl
+ makedepends = libtg_owt
+ depends = hunspell
+ depends = ffmpeg
+ depends = hicolor-icon-theme
+ depends = lz4
+ depends = minizip
+ depends = openal
+ depends = qt5-imageformats
+ depends = xxhash
+ depends = libdbusmenu-qt5
+ depends = qt5-wayland
+ depends = gtk3
+ optdepends = ttf-opensans: default Open Sans font family
+ provides = tdesktop-x64
+ conflicts = telegram-desktop
+ conflicts = tdesktop-x64
+ source = tdesktop::git+
+ source = libtgvoip::git+
+ source = GSL::git+
+ source = Catch::git+
+ source = xxHash::git+
+ source = rlottie::git+
+ source = lz4::git+
+ source = lib_crl::git+
+ source = lib_rpl::git+
+ source = lib_base::git+
+ source = codegen::git+
+ source = lib_ui::git+
+ source = lib_rlottie::git+
+ source = lib_lottie::git+
+ source = lib_tl::git+
+ source = lib_spellcheck::git+
+ source = lib_storage::git+
+ source = cmake_helpers::git+
+ source = expected::git+
+ source = QR-Code-generator::git+
+ source = lib_qr::git+
+ source = libdbusmenu-qt::git+
+ source = hunspell::git+
+ source = materialdecoration::git+
+ source = range-v3::git+
+ source = fcitx-qt5::git+
+ source = nimf::git+
+ source = hime::git+
+ source = qt5ct::git+
+ source = fcitx5-qt::git+
+ source = lib_webrtc::git+
+ source = tgcalls::git+
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+pkgname = tdesktop-x64
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2869339ada8c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Maintainer: KspLite <>
+# Contributor: Jiachen YANG <>
+pkgdesc='Third party Telegram Desktop client with various enhancements (dev branch)'
+depends=('hunspell' 'ffmpeg' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'lz4' 'minizip' 'openal'
+ 'qt5-imageformats' 'xxhash' 'libdbusmenu-qt5' 'qt5-wayland' 'gtk3')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'ninja' 'python' 'range-v3' 'tl-expected' 'microsoft-gsl' 'libtg_owt')
+optdepends=('ttf-opensans: default Open Sans font family')
+conflicts=("telegram-desktop" "tdesktop-x64")
+ "libtgvoip::git+"
+ "GSL::git+"
+ "Catch::git+"
+ "xxHash::git+"
+ "rlottie::git+"
+ "lz4::git+"
+ "lib_crl::git+"
+ "lib_rpl::git+"
+ "lib_base::git+"
+ "codegen::git+"
+ "lib_ui::git+"
+ "lib_rlottie::git+"
+ "lib_lottie::git+"
+ "lib_tl::git+"
+ "lib_spellcheck::git+"
+ "lib_storage::git+"
+ "cmake_helpers::git+"
+ "expected::git+"
+ "QR-Code-generator::git+"
+ "lib_qr::git+"
+ "libdbusmenu-qt::git+"
+ "hunspell::git+"
+ "materialdecoration::git+"
+ "range-v3::git+"
+ "fcitx-qt5::git+"
+ "nimf::git+"
+ "hime::git+"
+ "qt5ct::git+"
+ "fcitx5-qt::git+"
+ "lib_webrtc::git+"
+ "tgcalls::git+"
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP')
+pkgver() {
+ cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
+ git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
+ git submodule init
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip.url "$srcdir/libtgvoip"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/GSL.url "$srcdir/GSL"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/Catch.url "$srcdir/Catch"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/xxHash.url "$srcdir/xxHash"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/rlottie.url "$srcdir/rlottie"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/lz4.url "$srcdir/lz4"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_crl.url "$srcdir/lib_crl"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_rpl.url "$srcdir/lib_rpl"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_base.url "$srcdir/lib_base"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/codegen.url "$srcdir/codegen"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_ui.url "$srcdir/lib_ui"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_rlottie.url "$srcdir/lib_rlottie"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_lottie.url "$srcdir/lib_lottie"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_tl.url "$srcdir/lib_tl"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_spellcheck.url "$srcdir/lib_spellcheck"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_storage.url "$srcdir/lib_storage"
+ git config submodule.cmake.url "$srcdir/cmake_helpers"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/expected.url "$srcdir/expected"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/QR.url "$srcdir/QR-Code-generator"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/lib_qr.url "$srcdir/lib_qr"
+ git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/libdbusmenu-qt.url "$srcdir/libdbusmenu-qt"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/hunspell.url "$srcdir/hunspell"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/materialdecoration.url "$srcdir/materialdecoration"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/range-v3.url "$srcdir/range-v3"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/fcitx-qt5.url "$srcdir/fcitx-qt5"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/nimf.url "$srcdir/nimf"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/hime.url "$srcdir/hime"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/qt5ct.url "$srcdir/qt5ct"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/fcitx5-qt.url "$srcdir/fcitx5-qt"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/lib_webrtc.url "$srcdir/lib_webrtc"
+ git config sumbodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/tgcalls.url "$srcdir/tgcalls"
+ git submodule update
+ cd cmake
+ # force webrtc link to libjpeg
+ echo "target_link_libraries(external_webrtc INTERFACE jpeg)" | tee -a external/webrtc/CMakeLists.txt
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
+ # Upstream is using the same API ID&Hash as the official one
+ cmake . \
+ -B build \
+ -G Ninja \
+ -DTDESKTOP_API_ID=611335 \
+ -DTDESKTOP_API_HASH=d524b414d21f4d37f08684c1df41ac9c \
+ -DTDESKTOP_LAUNCHER_BASENAME="telegramdesktop" \
+ ninja -C build
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
+ DESTDIR=$pkgdir ninja -C build install