diff options
authorAntony Kellermann2018-06-01 22:07:15 -0400
committerAntony Kellermann2018-06-01 22:07:15 -0400
commit8f9191ada5099a2dd8f76f7907eda2725c0f2b3f (patch)
parent325a89088dcb47421e3dd58bd35089f5fdc355b5 (diff)
Modified check function to use Info structs
2 files changed, 132 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/portfolio.c b/portfolio.c
index 8ab0062084a9..7d9e4c25911a 100644
--- a/portfolio.c
+++ b/portfolio.c
@@ -144,88 +144,80 @@ void portfolio_modify(const char* symbol, double quantity_shares, double usd_spe
-SDA* portfolio_get_data_array(void) {
+Info_Array* portfolio_get_info_array(void) {
String* pString = portfolio_file_get_string(NULL);
if (pString == NULL) // Read error or wrong password
return NULL;
- Json* jobj = NULL;
- SDA* portfolio_data = NULL;
- if (pString->len == 0) // If empty portfolio file
- GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Your portfolio is empty.")
+ if (pString->len == 0) { // If empty portfolio file
+ string_destroy(&pString);
+ RETNULL_MSG("Your portfolio is empty.")
+ }
- jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data);
- size_t portfolio_size = json_object_array_length(jobj);
- if (portfolio_size == 0) // If empty array
- GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Your portfolio is empty.")
+ Info_Array* portfolio_data = NULL;
+ Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data);
+ if (json_object_array_length(jobj) == 0) { // If empty array
+ json_object_put(jobj);
+ string_destroy(&pString);
+ RETNULL_MSG("Your portfolio is empty.");
+ }
- portfolio_data = malloc(sizeof(SDA));
- pointer_alloc_check(portfolio_data);
- portfolio_data->length = portfolio_size;
- portfolio_data->sec_data = malloc(sizeof(SD*) * portfolio_data->length); // malloc portfolio array length pointers
- pointer_alloc_check(portfolio_data->sec_data);
+ portfolio_data = api_info_array_init();
+ portfolio_data->length = json_object_array_length(jobj);
+ portfolio_data->array = malloc(sizeof(Info*) * portfolio_data->length); // malloc portfolio array length pointers
+ pointer_alloc_check(portfolio_data->array);
- Json* json_index;
- SD* tcd_index;
+ pthread_t threads[portfolio_data->length];
+ char syms[portfolio_data->length][SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH];
for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) {
- portfolio_data->sec_data[i] = malloc(sizeof(SD)); // malloc security data object for each array index
- tcd_index = portfolio_data->sec_data[i];
- pointer_alloc_check(tcd_index);
- json_index = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i);
- strcpy(tcd_index->symbol, json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_index, "Symbol")));
- tcd_index->amount = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_index, "Shares"));
- tcd_index->total_spent = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_index, "USD_Spent"));
+ strcpy(syms[i], json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "Symbol")));
+ if (strcmp(syms[i], "USD$") != 0)
+ if (pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, (void*(*)(void*))api_get_check_info, syms[i]))
+ EXIT_MSG("Error creating thread!")
- cleanup:
+ void* temp = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) {
+ mvprintw(0, 0, "Loading data (%d/%d)\n", (int) i + 1, (int) portfolio_data->length); // Print loading string
+ refresh(); // flushes output buffer
+ if (strcmp(syms[i], "USD$") != 0) {
+ if (pthread_join(threads[i], &temp))
+ EXIT_MSG("Error joining thread!")
+ portfolio_data->array[i] = temp;
+ }
+ else {
+ portfolio_data->array[i] = api_info_init();
+ strcpy(portfolio_data->array[i]->symbol, syms[i]);
+ }
+ portfolio_data->array[i]->amount = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(
+ jobj, i), "Shares"));
+ portfolio_data->array[i]->total_spent = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(
+ jobj, i), "USD_Spent"));
+ calculate_check_data(portfolio_data->array[i]);
+ }
return portfolio_data;
-void* portfolio_store_api_data(void* vsec_data) {
- SD* sec_data = vsec_data;
- if (strcmp(sec_data->symbol, "USD$") != 0) {
- Info* symbol_info = api_get_check_info(sec_data->symbol);
- double price_data[3] = {
- symbol_info->price, symbol_info->price - symbol_info->price * symbol_info->change_1d / 100,
- symbol_info->price - symbol_info->price * symbol_info->change_7d / 100
- };
- sec_data->current_value = sec_data->amount * price_data[0];
- sec_data->total_profit = sec_data->current_value - sec_data->total_spent;
- sec_data->total_profit_percent = 100 * ((price_data[0] / (sec_data->total_spent / sec_data->amount)) - 1);
- sec_data->one_day_profit = sec_data->current_value - (sec_data->amount * price_data[1]);
- sec_data->one_day_profit_percent = 100 * ((price_data[0] / price_data[1]) - 1);
- sec_data->seven_day_profit = sec_data->current_value - (sec_data->amount * price_data[2]);
- sec_data->seven_day_profit_percent = 100 * ((price_data[0] / price_data[2]) - 1);
- api_info_destroy(&symbol_info);
- } else {
- sec_data->current_value = sec_data->amount;
- sec_data->total_profit = sec_data->current_value - sec_data->total_spent;
- sec_data->total_profit_percent = 100 * sec_data->total_profit / sec_data->total_spent;
- sec_data->one_day_profit = 0;
- sec_data->one_day_profit_percent = 0;
- sec_data->seven_day_profit = 0;
- sec_data->seven_day_profit_percent = 0;
- }
- return NULL;
-void portfolio_sort(SDA* sda_data, int sort_option) {
- if (sda_data->length == 1) // Can't sort only one security
+void portfolio_sort(Info_Array* portfolio_data, int sort_option) {
+ if (portfolio_data->length == 1) // Can't sort only one security
int loop_flag = 1;
double val1 = 0, val2 = 0;
- SD* sec_data1, * sec_data2, * temp;
+ Info* sec_data1, * sec_data2, * temp;
while (loop_flag) { // Bubble sort
loop_flag = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sda_data->length - 1; i++) {
- sec_data1 = sda_data->sec_data[i];
- sec_data2 = sda_data->sec_data[i + 1];
- if (sort_option == SORT_ALPHA || sort_option > SORT_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length - 1; i++) {
+ sec_data1 = portfolio_data->array[i];
+ sec_data2 = portfolio_data->array[i + 1];
+ if (sort_option == SORT_ALPHA || sort_option > SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT) {
if (strcmp(sec_data1->symbol, sec_data2->symbol) > 0) { // Least to greatest
- temp = sda_data->sec_data[i]; // Swap
- sda_data->sec_data[i] = sda_data->sec_data[i + 1];
- sda_data->sec_data[i + 1] = temp;
+ temp = portfolio_data->array[i]; // Swap
+ portfolio_data->array[i] = portfolio_data->array[i + 1];
+ portfolio_data->array[i + 1] = temp;
loop_flag = 1;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_VALUE) {
@@ -235,28 +227,34 @@ void portfolio_sort(SDA* sda_data, int sort_option) {
val1 = sec_data1->total_spent;
val2 = sec_data2->total_spent;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT) {
- val1 = sec_data1->total_profit;
- val2 = sec_data2->total_profit;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_total;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_total;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_PERCENT) {
- val1 = sec_data1->total_profit_percent;
- val2 = sec_data2->total_profit_percent;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_total_percent;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_total_percent;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_24H) {
- val1 = sec_data1->one_day_profit;
- val2 = sec_data2->one_day_profit;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_last_close;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_last_close;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_24H_PERCENT) {
- val1 = sec_data1->one_day_profit_percent;
- val2 = sec_data2->one_day_profit_percent;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_last_close_percent;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_last_close_percent;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_7D) {
- val1 = sec_data1->seven_day_profit;
- val2 = sec_data2->seven_day_profit;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_7d;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_7d;
} else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT) {
- val1 = sec_data1->seven_day_profit_percent;
- val2 = sec_data2->seven_day_profit_percent;
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_7d_percent;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_7d_percent;
+ } else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_30D) {
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_30d;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_30d;
+ } else if (sort_option == SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT) {
+ val1 = sec_data1->profit_30d_percent;
+ val2 = sec_data2->profit_30d_percent;
if (val1 < val2) { // Greatest to least
- temp = sda_data->sec_data[i]; // Swap
- sda_data->sec_data[i] = sda_data->sec_data[i + 1];
- sda_data->sec_data[i + 1] = temp;
+ temp = portfolio_data->array[i]; // Swap
+ portfolio_data->array[i] = portfolio_data->array[i + 1];
+ portfolio_data->array[i + 1] = temp;
loop_flag = 1;
@@ -264,45 +262,38 @@ void portfolio_sort(SDA* sda_data, int sort_option) {
void portfolio_print_all(void) {
- SDA* sda_data = portfolio_get_data_array();
- if (sda_data == NULL) // Error reading portfolio, wrong password, empty portfolio array
- return;
noecho(); // Don't echo keystrokes
keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // Enables extra keystrokes
curs_set(FALSE); // Hides cursor
- double total_owned = 0, total_spent = 0, total_profit_1d = 0, total_profit_7d = 0;
- SD* sec_data;
- pthread_t threads[sda_data->length];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sda_data->length; i++) // Create one thread per security to collect API data
- if (pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, portfolio_store_api_data, sda_data->sec_data[i]))
- EXIT_MSG("Error creating thread!")
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sda_data->length; i++) {
- mvprintw(0, 0, "Loading data (%d/%d)\n", (int) i + 1, (int) sda_data->length); // Print loading string
- refresh(); // flushes output buffer
- if (pthread_join(threads[i], NULL)) // Wait for each thread to finish collecting API data
- EXIT_MSG("Error joining thread!")
- sec_data = sda_data->sec_data[i];
- total_owned += sec_data->current_value; // Add collected values to totals
- total_spent += sec_data->total_spent;
- total_profit_1d += sec_data->one_day_profit;
- total_profit_7d += sec_data->seven_day_profit;
+ Info_Array* portfolio_data = portfolio_get_info_array();
+ if (portfolio_data == NULL) { // Error reading portfolio, wrong password, empty portfolio array
+ endwin();
+ return;
+ }
+ double total_owned = 0, total_spent = 0, total_profit_1d = 0, total_profit_7d = 0, total_profit_30d = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) { // Add collected values to totals
+ total_owned += portfolio_data->array[i]->current_value;
+ total_spent += portfolio_data->array[i]->total_spent;
+ total_profit_1d += portfolio_data->array[i]->profit_last_close;
+ total_profit_7d += portfolio_data->array[i]->profit_7d;
+ total_profit_30d += portfolio_data->array[i]->profit_30d;
int sort_option = SORT_ALPHA; // Defaults to sort alphabetically
// For printing/formatting categories
- char* sort_categories_str[] = {"SYMBOL", "VALUE", "SPENT", "PROFIT", "(%)", "24H", "(%)", "7D", "(%)"},
- * sort_spacing_str[] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\n"};
+ char* sort_categories_str[] = {"SYMBOL", "VALUE", "SPENT", "PROFIT", "(%)", "24H", "(%)", "7D", "(%)", "30D", "(%)"}
+ , * sort_spacing_str[] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ",
+ " ", "\n"};
int ch = 0; // getch() data from keyboard
+ Info* info;
do {
- portfolio_sort(sda_data, sort_option); // Sort security array
+ portfolio_sort(portfolio_data, sort_option); // Sort security array
move(0, 0);
attron(A_BOLD); // Bold categories
printw(" AMOUNT ");
- for (int i = 0; i < SORT_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT + 1; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT + 1; i++) {
if (sort_option == i) // Highlight current sorting category
printw("%s", sort_categories_str[i]);
@@ -312,51 +303,58 @@ void portfolio_print_all(void) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sda_data->length; i++) {
- sec_data = sda_data->sec_data[i]; // Print security data one at a time
- printw("%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", sec_data->amount,
- sec_data->symbol, sec_data->current_value, sec_data->total_spent, sec_data->total_profit,
- sec_data->total_profit_percent, sec_data->one_day_profit, sec_data->one_day_profit_percent,
- sec_data->seven_day_profit, sec_data->seven_day_profit_percent);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < portfolio_data->length; i++) {
+ info = portfolio_data->array[i]; // Print security data one at a time
+ printw("%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n",
+ info->amount, info->symbol, info->current_value, info->total_spent, info->profit_total,
+ info->profit_total_percent, info->profit_last_close, info->profit_last_close_percent,
+ info->profit_7d, info->profit_7d_percent, info->profit_30d, info->profit_30d_percent);
attron(A_BOLD); // Bold totals
- printw("\n TOTALS %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n",
- total_owned, total_spent, total_owned - total_spent, (100 * (total_owned - total_spent)) / total_spent,
+ printw("\n TOTALS %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)"
+ , total_owned, total_spent, total_owned - total_spent, (100 * (total_owned - total_spent)) / total_spent,
total_profit_1d, 100 * total_profit_1d / total_spent, total_profit_7d,
- 100 * total_profit_7d / total_spent);
+ 100 * total_profit_7d / total_spent, total_profit_30d, 100 * total_profit_30d / total_spent);
ch = getch(); // Get keyboard input -- also flushes output buffer
- if (ch == KEY_RIGHT && sort_option != SORT_PROFIT_7D_PERCENT) // key RIGHT -- moves sort category right
+ if (ch == KEY_RIGHT && sort_option != SORT_PROFIT_30D_PERCENT) // key RIGHT -- moves sort category right
else if (ch == KEY_LEFT && sort_option != SORT_ALPHA) // key LEFT -- moves sort category left
} while (ch != 'q'); // "q" to quit
- sda_destroy(&sda_data);
+ api_info_array_destroy(&portfolio_data);
void portfolio_print_stock(const char* symbol) {
- SDA* sda_data = portfolio_get_data_array();
- if (sda_data == NULL) // Error reading portfolio, wrong password, empty portfolio array
+ String* pString = portfolio_file_get_string(NULL);
+ if (pString == NULL) // Error reading portfolio, wrong password, empty portfolio array
- SD* sec_data = NULL;
- size_t i = 0;
- while (i < sda_data->length && strcmp(sda_data->sec_data[i]->symbol, symbol) != 0)
- i++;
- if (i != sda_data->length)
- sec_data = sda_data->sec_data[i];
+ Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data);
+ size_t i = 0, len = json_object_array_length(jobj);
+ while (i++ < len && strcmp(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(
+ json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "Symbol")), symbol) != 0);
+ Info* info = NULL;
+ if (i != len)
+ info = api_get_check_info(symbol);
else GOTO_CLEAN_MSG("Your portfolio does not contain any of this security.")
- portfolio_store_api_data(sec_data);
- printf(" AMOUNT SYMBOL VALUE SPENT PROFIT (%%) 24H (%%) 7D (%%)\n"
- "%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n", sec_data->amount,
- sec_data->symbol, sec_data->current_value, sec_data->total_spent, sec_data->total_profit,
- sec_data->total_profit_percent, sec_data->one_day_profit, sec_data->one_day_profit_percent,
- sec_data->seven_day_profit, sec_data->seven_day_profit_percent);
+ info->amount = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "Shares"));
+ info->total_spent = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i), "USD_Spent"));
+ calculate_check_data(info);
+ printf(" AMOUNT SYMBOL VALUE SPENT PROFIT (%%) 24H (%%) 7D (%%) 30D "
+ " (%%)\n%8.2lf %6s %8.2lf %8.2lf %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%) %8.2lf (%6.2lf%%)\n",
+ info->amount, info->symbol, info->current_value, info->total_spent, info->profit_total,
+ info->profit_total_percent, info->profit_last_close, info->profit_last_close_percent,
+ info->profit_7d, info->profit_7d_percent, info->profit_30d, info->profit_30d_percent);
+ api_info_destroy(&info);
- sda_destroy(&sda_data);
+ json_object_put(jobj);
+ string_destroy(&pString);
int portfolio_symbol_index(const char* symbol, const Json* jarray) {
@@ -404,13 +402,4 @@ void portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(int crypt_opt) {
cleanup: // CLEANUP
-void sda_destroy(SDA** phSDA) {
- SDA* ptr = *phSDA;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ptr->length; i++)
- free(ptr->sec_data[i]);
- free(ptr->sec_data);
- free(ptr);
- *phSDA = NULL;
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/portfolio.h b/portfolio.h
index e84670b88d05..e782d7d35ea6 100644
--- a/portfolio.h
+++ b/portfolio.h
@@ -20,21 +20,8 @@
#define SORT_PROFIT_7D 7
-typedef struct security_data {
- char symbol[32];
- double amount;
- double total_spent;
- double current_value;
- double total_profit, total_profit_percent;
- double one_day_profit, one_day_profit_percent;
- double seven_day_profit, seven_day_profit_percent;
-} SD;
-typedef struct security_data_array {
- SD** sec_data;
- size_t length; // Elements in array
-} SDA;
+#define SORT_PROFIT_30D 9
extern char* portfolio_file;
@@ -86,24 +73,16 @@ void portfolio_modify(const char* symbol, double quantity_shares, double usd_spe
* The rest of the values are uninitialized
* @return SDA array
-SDA* portfolio_get_data_array(void);
- * Initializes the rest of the fields in an SD struct using API data after symbol, amount, and total_spent have already
- * been stored
- * @param vsec_data pointer to an SD struct. Must be void* for threading.
- * @return returns NULL. Must return NULL for threading.
- */
-void* portfolio_store_api_data(void* vsec_data);
+Info_Array* portfolio_get_info_array(void);
* Sorts the SDA array based on the SORT mode.
* SORT_ALPHA will sort the array lexicographically from least to greatest
* SORT_VALUE, SORT_PROFIT, SORT_PROFIT_1D, and SORT_PROFIT_7D will sort the array from greatest to least
- * @param sda_data array to sort
+ * @param portfolio_data array to sort
* @param sort_option mode to sort
-void portfolio_sort(SDA* sda_data, int sort_option);
+void portfolio_sort(Info_Array* portfolio_data, int sort_option);
* Prints to stdout information about every security contained in the portfolio: symbol, number of shares, USD spent,
@@ -138,10 +117,4 @@ int portfolio_symbol_index(const char* symbol, const Json* jarray);
void portfolio_encrypt_decrypt(int crypt_opt);
- * Frees all memory associated with a SDA struct and sets the handle to NULL
- * @param phSDA
- */
-void sda_destroy(SDA** phSDA);
#endif \ No newline at end of file