diff options
authorneoninteger2019-06-21 19:53:00 +0930
committerneoninteger2019-06-21 19:53:00 +0930
commitcbc8cb171b9c6c1138124c474266046f242ceeff (patch)
parent884ccf7086039ca94a339560c590938ae6731b2f (diff)
Implement more foolproof check() step
* The check() step has been divided into "modules" which can be run independently of each other. * This then allows the individual steps (create directories -> initialise database cluster and start SQL server -> configure database and start Turtl server -> generate configuration and run tests -> shut down Turtl server -> shut down SQL server -> remove directories) to be run individually, with traps set up to perform the necessary de-initialization should one step fail. * This is important as makepkg's default behaviour is to stop as soon as a command returns with a non-zero exit code. Trapping errors in this manner allows us to perform the proper database and server cleanup regardless of whether or not the tests succeeded. * The output of commands is also no longer redirected to /dev/null, and the log messages are bolded and coloured to look like makepkg messages.
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index dc5046e5f4a9..74c230511275 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pkgbase = turtl-core-rs
pkgdesc = Turtl's logic core, built in Rust
pkgver = 0.1.2
- pkgrel = 1
+ pkgrel = 2
url =
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 70e4c5165bf2..12e790ca003d 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Maintainer: Callum Parsey <>
pkgdesc="Turtl's logic core, built in Rust"
arch=("i686" "x86_64")
@@ -30,44 +30,76 @@ build() {
check() {
+ cd "core-rs-${_commithash}"
export TURTL_DB_CONNSTR="postgres://turtl:turtl@localhost:5432/turtl"
export TURTL_UPLOADS_LOCAL="$PWD/turtl-uploads"
- echo "- Creating PostgreSQL database cluster..."
- mkdir turtl-db turtl-uploads
- initdb -D turtl-db -A trust > /dev/null
- echo "- Starting PostgreSQL server..."
- pg_ctl start -D turtl-db -o '-c unix_socket_directories=/tmp' > /dev/null
- echo "- Creating role/database for Turtl server..."
- psql -q -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE USER turtl WITH PASSWORD 'turtl'"
- psql -q -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE turtl"
- echo "- Initializing Turtl server database/upload directory..."
- bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && scripts/" > /dev/null
- bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && node tools/populate-test-data.js" > /dev/null
- echo "- Starting Turtl server..."
- node /usr/share/webapps/turtl/server.js > /dev/null &
- sleep 2
- echo "- Generating core-rs configuration..."
- cd "core-rs-${_commithash}"
- sed '/^ endpoint: /c\ endpoint: "http://localhost"' config.yaml.default > config.yaml
- echo "- Running core-rs tests..."
- make test
- echo "- Shutting down Turtl server..."
- cd ..
- kill %1
- echo "- Shutting down PostgreSQL server..."
- pg_ctl stop -D turtl-db > /dev/null
- echo "- Cleaning up..."
- rm -rf turtl-db turtl-uploads "core-rs-${_commithash}/config.yaml"
+ log() {
+ echo -e " $(tput setaf 4)$(tput bold)->$(tput sgr0) $(tput bold)$@$(tput sgr0)"
+ }
+ init_dirs() {
+ mkdir turtl-db turtl-uploads
+ }
+ init_database() {
+ log "Initializing PostgreSQL database cluster..."
+ initdb -D turtl-db -A trust
+ log "Starting PostgreSQL server..."
+ pg_ctl start -D turtl-db -o "-c unix_socket_directories=/tmp"
+ }
+ configure_turtl_server() {
+ log "Configuring database for Turtl server..."
+ psql -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE USER turtl WITH PASSWORD 'turtl'"
+ psql -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE turtl"
+ bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && scripts/"
+ bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && node tools/populate-test-data.js"
+ log "Starting Turtl server..."
+ node /usr/share/webapps/turtl/server.js &
+ sleep 2
+ }
+ run_tests() {
+ log "Running tests..."
+ sed '/^ endpoint: /c\ endpoint: ""' config.yaml.default > config.yaml
+ make test-st
+ }
+ stop_turtl_server() {
+ log "Stopping Turtl server..."
+ kill %1
+ }
+ stop_database() {
+ log "Stopping PostgreSQL server..."
+ pg_ctl stop -D turtl-db
+ }
+ remove_dirs() {
+ log "Cleaning up..."
+ rm -rf turtl-db turtl-uploads config.yaml
+ }
+ init_dirs
+ trap "remove_dirs" ERR
+ init_database
+ trap - ERR
+ trap "stop_database && remove_dirs" ERR
+ configure_turtl_server
+ trap - ERR
+ trap "stop_turtl_server && stop_database && remove_dirs" ERR
+ run_tests
+ trap - ERR
+ stop_turtl_server
+ stop_database
+ remove_dirs
package() {