diff options
authorneoninteger2019-06-21 23:18:01 +0930
committerneoninteger2019-06-21 23:18:01 +0930
commite0603e7eaf3910bb0c884b03118448a8fb736b1a (patch)
parentcbc8cb171b9c6c1138124c474266046f242ceeff (diff)
Move core/server configuration into separate configuration files
* For the core-rs tests, this is simply copying a pre-made file instead of using sed to patch the template configuration. * For the server, this is a little bit harder. The server does not support loading a custom configuration from anywhere on the system, so I copy all of the server's JavaScript files into a directory within $srcdir, copy the custom configuration and then launch the server from within $srcdir. * This has the benefit of ensuring that the servers are running with a fully custom configuration, rather than using exported variables and sed patches against a user-controlled config.
4 files changed, 157 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 74c230511275..a615972163cb 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ pkgbase = turtl-core-rs
depends = libsodium
depends = openssl-1.0
source =
+ source = config-client.yaml
+ source = config-server.yaml
source =
sha256sums = 71c1caf3aeb6245040abb0ee063b574dd6ece6314c60edabbe4299a11df49b68
+ sha256sums = f5400e9c80c935915212e818f05eab8d3d542a54ed89e153c20a6c0fa00d8e1a
+ sha256sums = ef42f08759af7ce12a06ba168877e74835e1bcdc2c4dca3aea9435b5983961e2
sha256sums = 8dd67ffa28f833baa88c57ecabcc0c5e020d53b5a5516034478a0883be29193d
pkgname = turtl-core-rs
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 12e790ca003d..9f13360235f7 100644
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ checkdepends=("turtl-server")
+ "config-client.yaml"
+ "config-server.yaml"
+ "f5400e9c80c935915212e818f05eab8d3d542a54ed89e153c20a6c0fa00d8e1a"
+ "ef42f08759af7ce12a06ba168877e74835e1bcdc2c4dca3aea9435b5983961e2"
prepare() {
@@ -31,18 +35,17 @@ build() {
check() {
cd "core-rs-${_commithash}"
- export TURTL_DB_CONNSTR="postgres://turtl:turtl@localhost:5432/turtl"
- export TURTL_UPLOADS_LOCAL="$PWD/turtl-uploads"
log() {
echo -e " $(tput setaf 4)$(tput bold)->$(tput sgr0) $(tput bold)$@$(tput sgr0)"
- init_dirs() {
- mkdir turtl-db turtl-uploads
- }
init_database() {
+ log "Creating directories and copying configuration files..."
+ mkdir turtl-db turtl-server turtl-server/config turtl-uploads
+ cp ../config-client.yaml config.yaml
+ cp ../config-server.yaml turtl-server/config/config.yaml
log "Initializing PostgreSQL database cluster..."
initdb -D turtl-db -A trust
@@ -51,20 +54,30 @@ check() {
configure_turtl_server() {
+ log "Copying Turtl server files..."
+ cd turtl-server
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/controllers controllers
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/helpers helpers
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/models models
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/node_modules node_modules
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/scripts scripts
+ cp -r /usr/share/webapps/turtl/tools tools
+ cp /usr/share/webapps/turtl/server.js server.js
log "Configuring database for Turtl server..."
psql -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE USER turtl WITH PASSWORD 'turtl'"
psql -h /tmp -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE turtl"
- bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && scripts/"
- bash -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/turtl && node tools/populate-test-data.js"
+ scripts/
+ node tools/populate-test-data.js
log "Starting Turtl server..."
- node /usr/share/webapps/turtl/server.js &
+ node server.js &
sleep 2
+ cd ..
run_tests() {
log "Running tests..."
- sed '/^ endpoint: /c\ endpoint: ""' config.yaml.default > config.yaml
make test-st
@@ -74,26 +87,25 @@ check() {
stop_database() {
+ cd "$srcdir/core-rs-${_commithash}"
log "Stopping PostgreSQL server..."
pg_ctl stop -D turtl-db
remove_dirs() {
log "Cleaning up..."
- rm -rf turtl-db turtl-uploads config.yaml
+ rm -rf turtl-db turtl-server turtl-uploads config.yaml
- init_dirs
trap "remove_dirs" ERR
trap - ERR
- trap "stop_database && remove_dirs" ERR
+ trap "stop_database; remove_dirs" ERR
trap - ERR
- trap "stop_turtl_server && stop_database && remove_dirs" ERR
+ trap "stop_turtl_server; stop_database; remove_dirs" ERR
trap - ERR
diff --git a/config-client.yaml b/config-client.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7344591fd8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-client.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# set to `true` if you want errors to be wrapped in an object that includes the
+# file/line number. nice for testing, probably annoying when actually using the
+# core
+wrap_errors: false
+ # the channel our request/response dialog happens on
+ reqres: "inproc://turtl-req"
+ # the channel used to send events from the core to the UI
+ events: "inproc://turtl-events"
+ # if true, the reqres channel responses will vary by the message id. so if you
+ # set a message id of 53 and this is `true`, and messaging.reqres is
+ # "turtl-req" then the response will come back on the channel "turtl-req:53"
+ #
+ # if this is false, the responses will come back on "turtl-req" and each
+ # response message will have a message id you can use to match.
+ reqres_append_mid: false
+# override w/ runtime config! on desktop this should be a subfolder in the user
+# folder. in android it should be the location of the app's data folder.
+data_folder: '/tmp/turtl'
+# logging configuration
+ # the log level (ignore all messages with a log level lower than this)
+ level: 'info'
+ # the file to log to. if missing, logging will just be stdout
+ #file: 'core.log'
+ # log rotation, only applies if `logging.file` is set
+ rotation:
+ keep: 3
+ size: 1048576
+ endpoint: "http://localhost:8181"
+ # this should be set by the client loading the core. standard format is
+ # <platform>/<version>, like "android/0.7.0"
+ client_version_string: 'core'
+ # point this at a v0.6 api (the old lisp server) if you want to enable
+ # migration from the old system to the new.
+ #v6:
+ #endpoint: ""
+ enable_incoming: true
+ enable_outgoing: true
+ enable_files_incoming: true
+ enable_files_outgoing: true
+ poll_timeout: 25
+# configuration integration tests
+ data_folder: /tmp/turtl/integration
+ login:
+ username:
+ password: omgitsatest
+ v6_login:
+ username: 'duck duck'
+ password: 'juice'
diff --git a/config-server.yaml b/config-server.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f42897789bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-server.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ # Per default, turtl will listen on all IP addresses
+ # You can choose the IP it will use with this parameter
+ host: ''
+ port: 8181
+ connstr: 'postgres://turtl:turtl@'
+ pool: 24
+loglevel: 'info'
+ # ALWAYS false in production. Always.
+ enable_bookmarker_proxy: false
+ # no trailing slash
+ api_url: ''
+ www_url: ''
+ emails:
+ admin: ''
+ info: 'Turtl <>'
+ invites: ''
+ # TODO: replace this with a long, unique value. seriously. write down a dream
+ # you had, or the short story you came up with during your creative writing
+ # class in your freshmen year of college. have fun with it.
+ secure_hash_salt: "Plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes. Now, I've read the arguments on both sides and I haven't found any evidence yet to support the need to brush your teeth. Ever."
+ # set to true if you think it's ok to SEND invites if you have not confirmed
+ # your account. great for testing, not so great for production. but what do
+ # i know...
+ allow_unconfirmed_invites: false
+ # how many sync records can a client send at a time? it's a good idea to have
+ # a limit here, lest a rogue client flood the server with sync items
+ max_bulk_sync_records: 32
+ plugin_location: '/usr/share/webapps/turtl/plugins'
+ # each key here corresponds to a folder name in the plugins folder, so `email`
+ # below would be a plugin at usr/share/webapps/turtl/plugins/email (see the
+ # example-plugins/ folder for an email plugin you can use)
+ email:
+ enabled: false
+ endpoint: 'smtps://'
+ defaults: {}
+ # if set to a path, files will be uploaded to the local filesystem instead of
+ # S3. otherwise, set to false
+ local: '../turtl-uploads'
+ # if true, downloading local files will be proxied through the turtl server.
+ # this avoids needing to set up any CORS config in your favorite webserver,
+ # but may slightly affect performance on high-demand servers.
+ local_proxy: true
+ # if local_proxy is false, this is should be the url path the uploaded files
+ # are publicly available on
+ url: ''
+ secret: ''
+ bucket: ''
+ endpoint: ''
+ pathstyle: false