diff options
authorChris Severance2015-09-01 19:58:34 -0400
committerChris Severance2015-09-01 19:58:34 -0400
commit62f45c160a78577abc2bf53965e83155826029ec (patch)
parent1f3c04df42806dc0b556b6de3f1383e70d9df2f3 (diff)
Update to 0.2.1
4 files changed, 165 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/.AURINFO b/.AURINFO
deleted file mode 100644
index b2016e2e7d0f..000000000000
--- a/.AURINFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-pkgbase = update-dnsomatic
- pkgdesc = A perl based utility that updates OpenDNS via crontab, and is simpler than inyadn
- pkgver = 0.2.0
- pkgrel = 3
- url =
- arch = i686
- arch = x86_64
- license = GPL
- depends = perl
- depends = perl-libwww
- depends = perl-crypt-ssleay
- depends = perl-lwp-protocol-https
- source =
-pkgname = update-dnsomatic
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index af55a5690fa5..2c98757b349c 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
pkgbase = update-dnsomatic
- pkgdesc = A perl based utility that updates OpenDNS via crontab, and is simpler than inyadn
- pkgver = 0.2.0
- pkgrel = 3
+ pkgdesc = A perl utility that updates OpenDNS DNS-O-Matic, and is simpler than inyadn
+ pkgver = 0.2.1
+ pkgrel = 1
url =
+ install = update-dnsomatic.install
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = GPL
@@ -10,8 +11,10 @@ pkgbase = update-dnsomatic
depends = perl-libwww
depends = perl-crypt-ssleay
depends = perl-lwp-protocol-https
- source =
- md5sums = d6688165372ce1a8cc57b879713903a2
+ optdepends = cron: use cron instead of systemd timers
+ backup = etc/update-dnsomatic/config
+ source =
+ sha256sums = e4b44ffc8caf1114464ca2ae7a925ca06b632379befa88ac39e36c09253a4715
pkgname = update-dnsomatic
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index c9e5ee4362b2..c97e388080c6 100755..100644
@@ -1,55 +1,114 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
# Contributor: Matt Parnell <>
-pkgdesc="A perl based utility that updates OpenDNS via crontab, and is simpler than inyadn"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+# BUG: So far as I can tell updating multiple hosts with a single request is no longer supported by the DNS-O-Matic service.
+# The code could be updated to put out a separate request for each host. This is a big more than sed can do.
+# Future BUG: When multiple hosts is implemented, don't wait for IP to change when new hosts are added.
+# Until this is fixed server connections are not attempted when multiple hosts are specified.
+# FIXED: The interactive stuff in the old PKGBUILD has been moved to install
+# FIXED: Connections are not be attempted for default user = userid or password = password
+# FIXED: Launches with cron as root or systemd timer as user nobody
+# TODO: Implement IP change log
+# TODO: Implement all Dynamic DNS services including DNS-O-Matic.
+# TODO: Add version to config so we can discard it on same version upgrades and installs.
+# TODO: Add settings promotion to new config files.
+# TODO: Better variable detection in config (I suspect blank lines aren't handled well)
+# If upgrading from an old version you might get a file conflict
+# update-dnsomatic: /etc/update-dnsomatic/myip exists in filesystem
+# To solve
+# sudo mv /etc/update-dnsomatic/myip /etc/update-dnsomatic/myip.pacsave
+# Starting out it's hard to tell what to put in for myhost. In your DNS-O-Matic account screen you see
+# Service
+# username :: myhost
+# For OpenDNS myhost is just a phrase like Home, Office, or Gramma
+set -u
+pkgdesc='A perl utility that updates OpenDNS DNS-O-Matic, and is simpler than inyadn'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+url='' # Seán Doher
depends=('perl' 'perl-libwww' 'perl-crypt-ssleay' 'perl-lwp-protocol-https')
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
- msg "You must insert your OpenDNS username and password. Opening...make sure to save."
- sleep 2
- # If you don't have either of these you really shouldn't be using linux
- if [ -x /usr/bin/vi ]
- then vi config || return 1
- else
- nano config || return 1
- fi
+optdepends=('cron: use cron instead of systemd timers')
- return 0
+package() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ install -Dpm640 'config' -t "${pkgdir}/etc/update-dnsomatic/"
+ chmod 775 "${pkgdir}/etc/update-dnsomatic/"
+ # This lets pacman -Qo show us as the owner of this file. It also lets pacman delete this file.
+ install -Dm664 /dev/null "${pkgdir}/etc/update-dnsomatic/myip"
+ install -Dpm754 'update-dnsomatic' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+ local _codedouble='
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $arg_daemon=0;
+if (!GetOptions (
+ "daemon" => \$arg_daemon
+) or @ARGV > 0) {
+ die("$0: Invalid command line options: @ARGV\n");
+ _codedouble="$(echo "${_codedouble}" | sed -e 's:\\:\\\\:g' | tr '\n' '\r' | sed -e 's:\r:\\n:g')" # escape \n for sed replacement
+ # Fix permissions
+ sed -i -e '# Fix permissions on new file creation for systemd to run as nobody' \
+ -e 's:^sub write_new_ip {$:&\n umask 0002;:g' \
+ -e '# Fix some horrible spacing' \
+ -e 's:\s\+$::g' \
+ -e '# Block unsupported multiple hosts rather than spam the servers' \
+ -e '# Prevent spamming servers with blank or default userid:password' \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)close(CONFIG);$:&\n\1if (index($config{myhost}, ",") >= 0) {\n\1\1write_log("err", "Multiple myhost is not supported by DNS-O-Matic. Fix /etc/update-dnsomatic/config");\n\1\1exit(1);\n\1}\n\1if (!$config{user} or !$config{pass} or $config{user} eq "userid" or $config{pass} eq "password") {\n\1\1write_log("err", "User and pass must be set in /etc/update-dnsomatic/config");\n\1\1exit(1);\n\1}:g' \
+ -e '# getopts code for doubled log entries in systemctl status update-dnsomatic.service' \
+ -e 's/^use Sys::Syslog;$'"/&${_codedouble}/g" \
+ -e '# Stop doubled log entries' \
+ -e 's:^\(\s\+print "\$msg\\n"\);$:\1 if (!$arg_daemon);:g' \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/update-dnsomatic"
+ unset _codedouble
+ install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
+# Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+Description=OpenDNS DNS-O-Matic updater ${pkgname}
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${pkgname}.timer"
+ install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
+# Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+Description=OpenDNS DNS-O-Matic updater ${pkgname}
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/update-dnsomatic --daemon
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${pkgname}.service"
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
- mkdir ${pkgdir}/etc
- mkdir ${pkgdir}/etc/update-dnsomatic
- mkdir ${pkgdir}/usr/
- mkdir ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
- install -m600 config ${pkgdir}/etc/update-dnsomatic/config
- install -m700 update-dnsomatic ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/update-dnsomatic
- msg "Done! just add it to the crontab."
- msg "Sample to update every 10 minutes: */10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/update-dnsomatic"
+ set +u
+set +u
diff --git a/update-dnsomatic.install b/update-dnsomatic.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..afdf9a07cc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update-dnsomatic.install
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+pre_upgrade() {
+ local _myip='/etc/update-dnsomatic/myip'
+ if [ -s "${_myip}" ]; then
+ mv "${_myip}" "${_myip}.pacsave"
+ fi
+post_upgrade() {
+ local _myip='/etc/update-dnsomatic/myip'
+ if [ -s "${_myip}.pacsave" ] && [ ! -s "${_myip}" ]; then
+ mv "${_myip}.pacsave" "${_myip}"
+ fi
+ rm -f "${_myip}.pacsave"
+ chmod 664 "${_myip}"
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ local _config='/etc/update-dnsomatic/config'
+ # It would be safer to create our own user but it's easier just to use nobody
+ chown -R 'root:nobody' "$(dirname "${_config}")" '/usr/bin/update-dnsomatic'
+ chmod 640 "${_config}"
+ echo
+ if [ ! -s "${_config}" ] || grep -q '^user = userid$\|^npass = password$' "${_config}"; then
+ echo "Add your OpenDNS username and password to ${_config}"
+ fi
+ if ! crontab -l 2>/dev/null | grep -q '/usr/bin/update-dnsomatic' && ! systemctl -q is-enabled 'update-dnsomatic.timer'; then
+ echo 'crontab example to update every 10 minutes:'
+ echo ' */10 * * * * /usr/bin/update-dnsomatic > /dev/null 2>&1'
+ echo
+ echo 'systemd timer example:'
+ echo 'If desired, change time in usr/lib/systemd/system/update-dnsomatic.timer'
+ echo " systemctl enable 'update-dnsomatic.timer'"
+ echo " systemctl start 'update-dnsomatic.timer'"
+ fi
+ if systemctl -q is-enabled 'update-dnsomatic.timer'; then
+ systemctl start 'update-dnsomatic.timer'
+ fi
+post_install() {
+ post_upgrade
+pre_remove() {
+ if systemctl -q is-enabled 'update-dnsomatic.timer'; then
+ systemctl stop 'update-dnsomatic.timer'
+ fi
+post_remove() {
+ systemctl daemon-reload