diff options
authorMaximilian Weiss2019-12-09 05:23:50 -0800
committerMaximilian Weiss2019-12-09 05:23:50 -0800
commit18040bb939082ebb7768c15acafbc73138e6611b (patch)
parent7c313eb86cccf726c9ce1843ecd7f64d30fb19d2 (diff)
Upstream udpated to 3.0 using python3
3 files changed, 23 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 38cfd78c8c1e..1eb36a9df9fe 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
pkgbase = vcsteg
pkgdesc = Real Steganography with TrueCrypt
- pkgver = 2.0
+ pkgver = 3.0
pkgrel = 1
- url =
+ url =
arch = any
license = custom:FOSS
- depends = python2
+ depends = python
provides = vcsteg
+ provides = tcsteg
+ provides = vcsteg3
+ provides = tcsteg3
conflicts = tcsteg
conflicts = tcsteg2
conflicts =
@@ -15,8 +18,12 @@ pkgbase = vcsteg
conflicts = vcsteg2
conflicts =
conflicts =
- source =
- sha256sums = 19130a705f2337dccd5f9633576d3f616b56fa47b909a2ac6005796eec82f7a7
+ conflicts = vcsteg3
+ conflicts =
+ conflicts = tcsteg3
+ conflicts =
+ source =
+ sha256sums = d6b506865c8cb15d081c8fe77e4e18ec1f9e89cef1f9c400bf6a47a6447e0784
pkgname = vcsteg
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 79dbc8bba70e..d51ae7fc5217 100644
@@ -3,24 +3,27 @@
# Contributor: Vladimir Ivanov <$(echo "dmxhZGltaXJpdmFub3Y4MTVAZ21haWwuY29t" | base64 -d)>
pkgdesc='Real Steganography with TrueCrypt'
# See python file for license
-conflicts=('tcsteg' 'tcsteg2' '' '' 'vcsteg' 'vcsteg2' '' '')
+provides=('vcsteg' 'tcsteg' 'vcsteg3' 'tcsteg3')
+conflicts=('tcsteg' 'tcsteg2' '' '' 'vcsteg' 'vcsteg2' '' '' 'vcsteg3' '' 'tcsteg3' '')
package() {
cd "$srcdir/"
- install -Dm755 "" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vcsteg"
+ install -Dm755 "" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
+ ln -s "" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/tcsteg3"
+ ln -s "" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/tcsteg"
+ ln -s "" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vcsteg"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a1a335ae0d2..000000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-vcsteg2 -- VeraCrypt real steganography tool
-version 2.0 (2012-02-18)
-by Vladimir Ivanov <>
-and Martin J. Fiedler <>
-This software is published under the terms of KeyJ's Research License,
-version 0.2. Usage of this software is subject to the following conditions:
-0. There's no warranty whatsoever. The author(s) of this software can not
- be held liable for any damages that occur when using this software.
-1. This software may be used freely for both non-commercial and commercial
- purposes.
-2. This software may be redistributed freely as long as no fees are charged
- for the distribution and this license information is included.
-3. This software may be modified freely except for this license information,
- which must not be changed in any way.
-4. If anything other than configuration, indentation or comments have been
- altered in the code, the original author(s) must receive a copy of the
- modified code.
-Version history
-2.0 (Vladimir Ivanov, speed optimizations by Martin Fiedler)
-- now supports files over 4 GiB
-- erases duplicate encoder signature
-- auto-renames VeraCrypt container
-- supports 3gp videos
-- function allowing post-embed password change
-1.0 (Martin Fiedler)
-- initial release
-import sys, os, struct
-MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 67108864 # 64 MiB
-TC_HEADER_SIZE = 65536 # 64 KiB
-MAX_INT32 = 4294967295
-MAX_INT64 = 18446744073709551615L
-class ProcessingError(RuntimeError):
- pass
-class Atom(object):
- def __init__(self, f_src, name, start, header_size, size, mother):
- self.f_src = f_src
- = name
- self.start = start
- self.size = size
- self.header_size = header_size
- self.mother = mother
- self.childs = []
- self.contents = None
- def setBodySize(self, bodySize):
- oldBodySize = self.size - self.header_size
- bodyDiff = bodySize - oldBodySize
- hDiff = 0
- if bodySize <= MAX_INT32:
- if self.header_size != 8:
- self.header_size = 8
- hDiff = -8
- else:
- if self.header_size != 16:
- self.header_size = 16
- hDiff = 8
- self.size = self.header_size + bodySize
- if self.mother:
- oldParentBodySize = self.mother.size - self.mother.header_size
- self.mother.setBodySize(oldParentBodySize + hDiff + bodyDiff)
- def writeHeader(self, f_dest):
- if self.size >= MAX_INT32 and self.header_size == 8:
- raise ProcessingError("Atom size too large for compact header")
- # compact
- if self.size <= MAX_INT32 and self.header_size == 8:
- f_dest.write(struct.pack(">I4s", self.size,
- # extended
- else:
- f_dest.write(struct.pack(">I4sQ", 1,, self.size))
- return self.size - self.header_size
- def writePayload(self, f_dest):
- if self.childs:
- for atom in self.childs:
- atom.write(f_dest)
- else:
- dataBuffer = None
- bodySize = self.size - self.header_size
- if self.f_src:
- + self.header_size)
- percent_i = 0
- percent_f = 0.0
- if bodySize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:
- percent_incr = 100.0 * MAX_BUFFER_SIZE / bodySize
- else:
- percent_incr = 0.0
- while bodySize > 0:
- if bodySize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:
- dataBuffer =
- else:
- dataBuffer =
- f_dest.write(dataBuffer)
- bodySize -= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
- percent_f += percent_incr
- percent_i_new = min(100, int(percent_f))
- if percent_i_new > percent_i:
- percent_i = percent_i_new
- sys.stderr.write("%3d%% done\r" % percent_i)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- elif self.contents:
- if bodySize == len(self.contents):
- f_dest.write(self.contents)
- else:
- raise ProcessingError("Atom content size does not equal body size")
- else:
- if bodySize > 0:
- - 1, 1)
- byte =
- if not byte:
- f_dest.write("\0")
- else:
-, 1)
- f_dest.write(byte)
- def write(self, f_dest):
- self.writeHeader(f_dest)
- self.writePayload(f_dest)
-def AnalyseFile(f):
- atoms = None
- try:
- atoms = parseAtoms(f, 0, os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size, None)
- except Exception, e:
- raise ProcessingError("Parse Error: " + str(e))
- return atoms
-def parseAtoms(f, start, end, mother):
- offset = start
- atomSize = None
- atomHeaderSize = None
- comrades = []
- try:
- while offset < end:
- atomSize = struct.unpack(">I",[0]
- atomType = struct.unpack(">4s",[0]
- if atomSize == 1:
- atomSize = struct.unpack(">Q",[0]
- atomHeaderSize = 16 # Extended
- else:
- atomHeaderSize = 8 # Compact
- if atomSize == 0:
- atomSize = end - offset
- if start + atomSize > end:
- raise ProcessingError("Invalid size for atom '" + atomType + "' @ " + hex(offset))
- atom = Atom(f, atomType, offset, atomHeaderSize, atomSize, mother)
- if mother:
- mother.childs.append(atom)
- comrades.append(atom)
- if atomType in ["moov","trak","mdia","minf","stbl"]:
- atom.childs = parseAtoms(f, offset + atomHeaderSize, offset + atomSize, atom)
- offset = offset + atomSize
- except struct.error, e:
- raise ProcessingError("Atom header must be multiples 4 or 8 near " + hex(offset))
- except Exception, e:
- raise ProcessingError(str(e))
- return comrades
-def findAtom(atoms, name):
- aList = []
- for a in atoms:
- if == name:
- aList.append(a)
- aList = aList + findAtom(a.childs, name)
- return aList
-def printAtoms(atoms, l=0):
- for a in atoms:
- print "%s %s %ld @ 0x%lx" % (" "*l,, a.size, a.start)
- printAtoms(a.childs,l+1)
-def adjustSampleOffsets(atoms, offset):
- sampleAtoms = findAtom(atoms, "stco") + findAtom(atoms, "co64")
- if len(sampleAtoms) == 0:
- raise ProcessingError("Could not find any 'stco' or 'co64' atoms")
- for sAtom in sampleAtoms:
- + sAtom.header_size)
- verFlags, count = struct.unpack(">II",
- if == "stco":
- sampleOffsets = struct.unpack('>' + 'I' * count, * 4))
- elif == "co64":
- sampleOffsets = struct.unpack('>' + 'Q' * count, * 8))
- sampleOffsets = [x + offset for x in sampleOffsets]
- # Does the atom need to support 64-bit values?
- if max(sampleOffsets) > MAX_INT32 and == "stco":
- = "co64"
- sAtom.contents = struct.pack(">II", verFlags, count)
- if == "stco":
- sAtom.contents += struct.pack('>' + 'I' * count, *sampleOffsets)
- elif == "co64":
- sAtom.contents += struct.pack('>' + 'Q' * count, *sampleOffsets)
- if (sAtom.size - sAtom.header_size) != len(sAtom.contents):
- sAtom.setBodySize(len(sAtom.contents))
- sAtom.f_src = None
- return min(sampleOffsets)
-def TCSteg_Embed(atoms, tcFile):
- ftyp = findAtom(atoms, "ftyp")
- mdat = findAtom(atoms, "mdat")
- moov = findAtom(atoms, "moov")
- if len(ftyp) != 1 or len(mdat) != 1 or len(moov) != 1:
- printAtoms(atoms)
- raise ProcessingError("One of each type required to embed: ['ftyp','mdat','moov']\nWe do not support this.")
- ftyp = ftyp[0]
- mdat = mdat[0]
- moov = moov[0]
- tcFileSize = os.fstat(tcFile.fileno()).st_size
- tcPreservedSize = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 3)
- tcStartHeaderVolBackup = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2)
- mdatRealBodySize = mdat.size - mdat.header_size
- mdatEndMarker = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2) + (mdatRealBodySize)
- mdatNewSize = mdatEndMarker - ftyp.size
- if ftyp.size + 16 > TC_HEADER_SIZE:
- raise ProcessingError("'ftyp' atom + 'mdat' headers too long")
- ftyp.write(tcFile)
- tempH = mdat.header_size
- tempL = mdat.size
- if mdatNewSize <= MAX_INT32:
- Atom(None, "free", None, 8, 8, None).write(tcFile)
- mdatNewSize = mdatNewSize - 8
- mdat.size = mdatNewSize
- mdat.header_size = 8
- mdat.writeHeader(tcFile)
- else:
- mdat.size = mdatNewSize
- mdat.header_size = 16
- mdat.writeHeader(tcFile)
- mdat.header_size = tempH
- mdat.size = tempL
- # re-generate first 64 KiB
- voidRegionSize = TC_HEADER_SIZE - tcFile.tell()
- + mdat.header_size)
- tcFile.write(
- # start header volume backups. Last 128 KiB of tc_file
- # Mark the position of the real mdat sample start
- mdatOffset = tcFile.tell() - (mdat.start + mdat.header_size)
- mdat.writePayload(tcFile)
- if tcFile.tell() != mdatEndMarker:
- raise ProcessingError("Wrote more mdat than we should have")
- # fix mdat shift by offsetting to each sample chunk
- print "Fixing up hybrid file ..."
- firstSample = adjustSampleOffsets(atoms, mdatOffset)
- # Destory duplicate encoder signature before first sample.
- tcFile.write(os.urandom(min(firstSample - tcStartHeaderVolBackup, TC_HEADER_SIZE)))
- moov.write(tcFile)
-def Pass_Helper(video_path):
- f = None
- try:
- f = open(video_path, "rb+")
- last = AnalyseFile(f)[-1]
- if == "skip":
- print "Removing padding 'skip' atom"
- f.truncate(last.start)
- print "Removal completed successfully"
- else:
- print "Preparing hybrid file for password change ... "
-, 2)
- Atom(None, "skip", None, 8, 8 + TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2, None).write(f)
- print "Complete. Now change the VeraCrypt password"
- except IndexError:
- pass
- except IOError:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+video_path+"'"
- except Exception, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, str(e)
- if f:
- f.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- supported_formats = ["mov","qt","mp4","m4v","m4a","3gp"]
- if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- pname = sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1]
- print "too few arguments"
- print "Usage (1):", pname, "<MP4 Video> <VeraCrypt Container>"
- print "Embeds a file into a VeraCrypt container so that both are still readable."
- print
- print "<MP4 Video> is a file in one of the following formats:"
- print " QuickTime / ISO MPEG-4 (%s)" % (", ".join(["*." + fmt for fmt in supported_formats]))
- print
- print "<VeraCrypt Container> is a VeraCrypt hidden volume. The file will be"
- print "modified in-place so that it seems like a copy of the input file that can be"
- print "opened in an appropriate viewer/player. However, the hidden VeraCrypt volume"
- print "will also be preserved and can be used."
- print
- print
- print "Usage (2):", pname, "-p <Hybrid File>"
- print "<Hybrid File> is a file that is both VeraCrypt container and a video."
- print "This file will be modified in-place to make it possible to change the VeraCrypt"
- print "password. After changing the password, this command should be run again to"
- print "remove that (detectable and hence insecure) modification!"
- print
- print
- sys.exit(2)
- if sys.argv[1] == "-p":
- Pass_Helper(sys.argv[2])
- sys.exit(0)
- video_path = sys.argv[1]
- tc_path = sys.argv[2]
- video_file = None
- tc_file = None
- tcSize = 0
- try:
- video_file = open(video_path, "rb")
- except IOError, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+video_path+"'"
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- tc_file = open(tc_path, "rb+")
- tcSize = os.path.getsize(tc_path)
- except IOError, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+tc_path+"'"
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- video_ext = os.path.splitext(video_path)[1].lstrip(".")
- if video_ext in supported_formats:
- print "Parsing video ..."
- atoms = AnalyseFile(video_file)
- print "Embedding ... be patient"
- TCSteg_Embed(atoms, tc_file)
- tc_file.close()
- if not tc_path.endswith("." + video_ext):
- if not os.path.exists(tc_path + "." + video_ext):
- new_tc_path = tc_path + "." + video_ext
- os.rename(tc_path, new_tc_path)
- tc_path = new_tc_path
- print "Hybrid file '%s' was created successfully." % tc_path
- print
- print "Everything OK. Try mounting the file in VeraCrypt and playing the video."
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Error: input video format is not supported"
- except (ProcessingError, IOError), e:
- print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR:", e
- tc_file.truncate(tcSize)
- finally:
- video_file.close()
- tc_file.close()