diff options
authorJan Max Meyer2017-01-31 17:35:24 +0100
committerJan Max Meyer2017-01-31 17:35:24 +0100
commitf8ab9bdcf51a1a9153e94913adb98133aea62907 (patch)
This is my first attempt of creating an own AUR package for vidir, a useful tool to rename or delete files in a directory.
3 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68a2a6b1b1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+pkgbase = vidir
+ pkgdesc = Command-line utility to allow for editing directory contents with an editor
+ pkgver = 1.0.0
+ pkgrel = 1
+ arch = any
+ license = GPL
+ depends = perl
+ source = vidir
+ md5sums = c64891d2963ebe5dded66764ac9b1a6b
+pkgname = vidir
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5dd183b5dc8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Maintainer: Jan Max Meyer <>
+pkgdesc="Command-line utility to allow for editing directory contents with an editor"
+package() {
+ #cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin
+ cp vidir $pkgdir/usr/bin
diff --git a/vidir b/vidir
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c7f12392fe90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vidir
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+=head1 NAME
+vidir - edit directory
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<vidir> [--verbose] [directory|file|-] ...
+vidir allows editing of the contents of a directory in a text editor. If no
+directory is specified, the current directory is edited.
+When editing a directory, each item in the directory will appear on its own
+numbered line. These numbers are how vidir keeps track of what items are
+changed. Delete lines to remove files from the directory, or
+edit filenames to rename files. You can also switch pairs of numbers to
+swap filenames.
+Note that if "-" is specified as the directory to edit, it reads a list of
+filenames from stdin and displays those for editing. Alternatively, a list
+of files can be specified on the command line.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item -v, --verbose
+Verbosely display the actions taken by the program.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 4
+=item vidir
+=item vidir *.jpeg
+Typical uses.
+=item find | vidir -
+Edit subdirectory contents too. To delete subdirectories,
+delete all their contents and the subdirectory itself in the editor.
+=item find -type f | vidir -
+Edit all files under the current directory and subdirectories.
+=over 4
+=item EDITOR
+Editor to use.
+=item VISUAL
+Also supported to determine what editor to use.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright 2006 by Joey Hess <>
+Licensed under the GNU GPL.
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $error=0;
+my $verbose=0;
+if (! GetOptions("verbose|v" => \$verbose)) {
+ die "Usage: $0 [--verbose] [directory|file|-]\n";
+my @dir;
+if (! @ARGV) {
+ push @ARGV, "."
+foreach my $item (@ARGV) {
+ if ($item eq "-") {
+ push @dir, map { chomp; $_ } <STDIN>;
+ close STDIN;
+ open(STDIN, "/dev/tty") || die "reopen: $!\n";
+ }
+ elsif (-d $item) {
+ $item =~ s{/?$}{/};
+ opendir(DIR, $item) || die "$0: cannot read $item: $!\n";
+ push @dir, map { "$item$_" } sort readdir(DIR);
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @dir, $item;
+ }
+if (grep(/[[:cntrl:]]/, @dir)) {
+ die "$0: control characters in filenames are not supported\n";
+my $tmp=File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => "dirXXXXX", DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir);
+open (OUT, ">".$tmp->filename) || die "$0: cannot create ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
+my %item;
+my $c=0;
+foreach (@dir) {
+ next if /^(.*\/)?\.$/ || /^(.*\/)?\.\.$/;
+ $item{++$c}=$_;
+ print OUT "$c\t$_\n";
+close OUT || die "$0: cannot write ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
+my @editor="vi";
+if (-x "/usr/bin/editor") {
+ @editor="/usr/bin/editor";
+if (exists $ENV{EDITOR}) {
+ @editor=split(' ', $ENV{EDITOR});
+if (exists $ENV{VISUAL}) {
+ @editor=split(' ', $ENV{VISUAL});
+$ret=system(@editor, $tmp);
+if ($ret != 0) {
+ die "@editor exited nonzero, aborting\n";
+open (IN, $tmp->filename) || die "$0: cannot read ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
+while (<IN>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^(\d+)\t{0,1}(.*)/) {
+ my $num=int($1);
+ my $name=$2;
+ if (! exists $item{$num}) {
+ die "$0: unknown item number $num\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($name ne $item{$num}) {
+ next unless length $name;
+ my $src=$item{$num};
+ my $dir=dirname($name);
+ if (! (-e $src || -l $src) ) {
+ print STDERR "$0: $src does not exist\n";
+ delete $item{$num};
+ next;
+ }
+ # deal with swaps
+ if (-e $name || -l $name) {
+ my $tmp=$name."~";
+ my $c=0;
+ while (-e $tmp || -l $tmp) {
+ $c++;
+ $tmp=$name."~$c";
+ }
+ if (! rename($name, $tmp)) {
+ print STDERR "$0: failed to rename $name to $tmp: $!\n";
+ $error=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($verbose) {
+ print "'$name' -> '$tmp'\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $item (keys %item) {
+ if ($item{$item} eq $name) {
+ $item{$item}=$tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((! -d $dir) && (! make_path($dir, {
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ }))) {
+ print STDERR "$0: failed to create directory tree $dir: $!\n";
+ $error=1;
+ }
+ elsif (! rename($src, $name)) {
+ print STDERR "$0: failed to rename $src to $name: $!\n";
+ $error=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-d $name) {
+ foreach (values %item) {
+ s,^\Q$src\E($|/),$name$1,;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($verbose) {
+ print "'$src' => '$name'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $item{$num};
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*$/) {
+ # skip empty line
+ }
+ else {
+ die "$0: unable to parse line \"$_\", aborting\n";
+ }
+close IN || die "$0: cannot read ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
+unlink($tmp.'~') if -e $tmp.'~';
+sub rm {
+ my $file = shift;
+ if (-d $file && ! -l $file) {
+ return rmdir $file;
+ }
+ else {
+ return unlink $file;
+ }
+foreach my $item (reverse sort values %item) {
+ if (! rm($item)) {
+ print STDERR "$0: failed to remove $item: $!\n";
+ $error=1;
+ }
+ if ($verbose) {
+ print "removed '$item'\n";
+ }
+exit $error;