diff options
authorChris Severance2015-07-06 20:36:35 -0400
committerChris Severance2015-07-06 20:36:35 -0400
commit48d405978d78fdd35119b0bf1aba5ecfd510c053 (patch)
Initial import
3 files changed, 539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38421be1da36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+pkgbase = ksh
+ pkgdesc = AT&T's Korn shell ksh93 nmake from ast-base
+ pkgver = 2014.06.25beta
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = ksh.install
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = EPL
+ license = CPL
+ makedepends = binutils
+ depends = glibc
+ conflicts = pdksh
+ noextract = ksh_93u+20120801-1_amd64.deb
+ source =
+ source =
+ source =
+ sha256sums = 8852b9d37d5034e3780aeb5f963726381eeb4e08bb5bee1fbfa7e3f529c10e1b
+ sha256sums = 58588b07b076f05dbbd5f4f095d5753309a8356ba1e5475262ce77d6bff42dae
+ sha256sums = 37495cc625a2174b22a43542acac1d69402ee4992ee084a84690546c5b932b39
+pkgname = ksh
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c6cee8c5ba78
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
+# Contributor: Christian Neukirchen <>
+# Contributor: Dave Reisner <>
+# Contributor: Mark Taylor <>
+# Contributor: Stefan Husmann <>
+# Contributor: xduugu
+# Category: system
+# Recommended build command: makepkg -scCfi
+# TODO: An option to install more of the ast toolchain. Which parts?
+# TODO: /etc/skel as found in the RPM
+# TODO: Do we need to include BSD licenses? Probably not.
+# TODO: Verify this builds on i686
+# TOFIX: AT&T et al need to add a copyright to the end of the ksh man page similar to the one on nmake.
+# TOFIX: AT&T et al need to fix <YEAR>... in the BSD copyright.
+# TOFIX: AT&T et al need to make fixes for the PKGBUILD patches.
+# TOFIX: AT&T et al need to fix the build errors that happen after ksh.
+# TOFIX: test wouldn't complete after 16 hours. This might be related to the
+# build errors after ksh.
+# TOFIX: If ksh is to be a serious contender in the interactive shell game, ksh needs mc integration
+# To build you must view and accept the EPL license agreement then insert the
+# username and password from the EPL license page below. Using AT&T sources
+# is necessary because the Debian sources won't build any more. The new sources
+# are hard enough to build.
+# _Software_
+# _The Official AT&T Release of KornShell 93_
+# ... _EPL license page_
+# Please visit the EPL License page for the username and password
+_opt_InstallBETA=1 # Default: 1, 0 to build release version
+_opt_InstallNMAKE=0 # Default: 0, 1 to Install nmake
+# This is a multi core build. It takes less than 3 minutes on a big processor
+# like my Intel Haswell E3-1245v3 with SAS drives! Watch it go in htop!
+# My Celeron G530 with SATA drives at home wasn't even close!
+# Use Debian-provided sources since original AT&T tarball requires
+# license agreements.
+#source=("${_debpkgver}.orig.tar.gz" 'LICENSE')
+# The Debian package is INIT.2012-08-01.tgz+ast-ksh.2012-08-01.tgz
+# We build the latest INIT + ast-base
+# If Arch distributed this as a binary then building from the Debian sources
+# would be fine. Build it once then wait until the next version. This is in
+# the Arch AUR so it must build any time someone wants it. The progression
+# of Linux soon renders static sources in the complex AT&T build environment
+# unable to build.
+# To build we had to mix the beta INIT and the release or beta ast-base which
+# neither the Debian source nor the AT&T downloader is capable of.
+# The patches herein are simple clerical errors resulting from a complex build
+# environment failing to support Linux as well as we'd like. Others haven't
+# found the errors becase they build ast-ksh instead of ast-base.
+# An advanced PKGBUILD that uses (and abuses) all the features of the AT&T
+# build system is the best way to keep up with the ever changing build
+# requirements. Building ast-base may also attract the attention of the AT&T
+# devs so that Linux support improves.
+# Gentoo also builds on demand so if you have build problems, check for new
+# tricks in their eBuilds.
+set -u
+pkgdesc="AT&T's Korn shell ksh93 nmake from ast-base"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('EPL' 'CPL') # When a new release replaces the 2012 version, CPL can be dropped.
+makedepends=('binutils') # for ar to unpack debian package
+conflicts=('pdksh') # I'm not sure why this is a conflict! There are many ksh clones. Why aren't they all in conflict?
+# URL encoding, the sleazy way for the few characters we need!
+_opt_EPLUSERE="${_opt_EPLUSER// /%20}"
+_debfile='ksh_93u+20120801-1_amd64.deb' # We don't want the binaries so the arch doesn't matter.
+if [ "${_opt_InstallBETA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ "http://${_opt_EPLUSERE}:${_opt_EPLPASS}"
+ "${_debfile}" # man page and misc files
+# :; is to keep updpkgsums from removing all our sums
+ '58588b07b076f05dbbd5f4f095d5753309a8356ba1e5475262ce77d6bff42dae'
+ '37495cc625a2174b22a43542acac1d69402ee4992ee084a84690546c5b932b39')
+ "http://${_opt_EPLUSERE}:${_opt_EPLPASS}"
+ "${_debfile}" # man page and misc files
+ '3bd668dbd922790f1d24c78e3522ef4816501e9cf80abf3c480f554c74f4dbac'
+ '37495cc625a2174b22a43542acac1d69402ee4992ee084a84690546c5b932b39')
+# makepkg unpacking deb files into the src folder isn't particularly useful.
+# Build Notes.
+# This AT&T package builds itself up from the few crude tools supplied in INIT
+# and the sources in ast-base. The general progression is
+# INIT bin/package -> iffe + mamake + early tools and libs -> nmake
+# -> late tools & libs -> ksh -> test
+# Each step builds the tools needed to progress to the next step.
+# Their general build technique is to make modified copies of select sources
+# in src to arch. gcc -I- is used to sub in the modified copies. Each
+# target like ksh can use the same src files by making different changes
+# to them then using gcc -I- to sub in the changes. With -I- deprecated
+# in 2005 and yet in 2015 it still hasn't been removed gives you an idea of
+# how much work it is to fix the build environment to use -iquote, to say
+# nothing of the platforms where -I- is still available. Rather than move
+# to -iquote it seems that AT&T et al are just hacking the build so select
+# sources compile with or without -I-.
+# sed hacking sources in arch/ generally doesn't work because they don't exist
+# before the make and they are generated at the time they are used. I had to
+# use chattr +i to lock arch/ sources to test changes for effectiveness then
+# figure out how to make those changes over in the src files that are
+# available before the build starts and not modified during the build.
+# Had I not found ways to do that I'd need to let the make crash, fix the
+# file in arch, spirit away the src file so it can't be generated again,
+# then restart the make.
+# Hopefully if I document some things future maintainers won't need to spend
+# so much time learning the AT&T build system to fix builds.
+# The release ast-base will build with the beta INIT. This PKGBUILD can do that
+# but you won't be able to trick bin/package into making this combination.
+# From this success I can tell:
+# INIT adapts to the ever advancing environments, including Linux.
+# ast-base moves forwards as they improve the code.
+# Release file sizes: 2012.08.01
+# 1543096 2015-06-06 03:30 usr/bin/shcomp
+# 1547192 2015-06-06 03:30 usr/bin/ksh
+# Beta file sizes: 2014.06.25beta
+# 2012304 2015-06-06 03:35 usr/bin/shcomp
+# 2008208 2015-06-06 03:35 usr/bin/ksh
+# I didn't see enough source diffs to justify a 4th larger binary. Maybe it's
+# debug code. Announcements on the ast lists indicate that the improvements
+# are pretty substantial in the direction of keeping ksh in the game as an
+# interactive shell. This seems useful mainly in environments that use ksh
+# as their primary shell as the future is grim for any shell wanting to
+# unseat zsh as the best interactive shell.
+# -CJS
+_pkginit() {
+ if [ "${SOURCEONLY:-0}" -ne 0 ]; then # see makepkg -S if this var changes
+ if [ ! -z "${_opt_EPLPASS}" -o ! -z "${_opt_EPLUSER}" ]; then
+ echo '_opt_EPLUSER and _opt_EPLPASS must be blank' 1>&2
+ echo 'to produce a source package.' 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -z "${_opt_EPLPASS}" -o -z "${_opt_EPLUSER}" ]; then
+ echo '_opt_EPLUSER and _opt_EPLPASS must be filled in.' 1>&2
+ echo 'Please retrieve these from the EPL License page.' 1>&2
+ echo 'Edit the PKGBUILD for instructions and changes.' 1>&2
+ echo 'This PKGBUILD must be edited to install so 1 step' 1>&2
+ echo "packages like packer can't be used." 1>&2
+ if [ "${GENINTEG:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then # see makepkg -g if this var changes
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+declare -f srcinfo_write_attr > /dev/null || _pkginit
+prepare() {
+ set -u
+ # makepkg just dumps the deb file directly into the src folder. This wouldn't
+ # work if we needed 2 DEB files. We unpack what we want into a sane
+ # folder name.
+ # Unpack Debian file. No binaries needed, mostly package QC and the ready
+ # made shcomp man pages.
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}/debian"
+ cd "${srcdir}/debian"
+ #
+ ar p "../${_debfile}" 'data.tar.gz' | tar zxf -
+ set +u
+# I haven't found any help on package parameters other than here:
+# bin/package help 2>&1 | less
+build() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ # Interesting, but too old to be of much help.
+ #
+ # These were the least unhelpful instructions. This full featured PKGBUILD
+ # can now serve as the complete build and install instructions for ksh.
+ #
+ # Make package authorize/read use our persistent downloads rather than
+ # downloading again.
+ #mkdir -p 'lib/package/tgz'
+ #cp -pn *.tgz 'lib/package/tgz/'
+ # This unpacks the packages we just placed
+ # sh bin/package read
+ # These are here to show alternate ways to get the packages. INIT is
+ # automatically downloaded as a dependency. We don't do this because:
+ # * The PKGBUILD downloads persist when we wipe the src folder.
+ # * We can guarantee that the package name always matches the content.
+ # * We can mix the beta INIT with the release ast-base.
+ if [ "${_opt_InstallBETA}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ : # sh bin/package authorize "${_opt_EPLUSER}" password "${_opt_EPLPASS}" quiet setup beta "${_opt_EPLURL}" ast-base
+ else
+ # This likely worked in 2013 but on Arch as of June 2015 it is no longer
+ # feasible to get any release to compile with INIT.2013-05-24.
+ : # sh bin/package authorize "${_opt_EPLUSER}" password "${_opt_EPLPASS}" quiet setup source "${_opt_EPLURL}" ast-base
+ fi
+ # Arch typically does not have a /usr/tmp. My system happens to because of
+ # another bum package. Gentoo also patched this.
+ # The grep nonsense is so we don't needlessly change the timestamp of
+ # already fixed files. Helpful for running makepkg -ef over and over.
+ sed -i -e 's:/usr/tmp:/tmp:g' 2>/dev/null `grep -l '/usr/tmp' 'src/cmd/nmake/' 'src/cmd/tw/' 'src/lib/libast/features/stdio' 'src/lib/libast/features/mmap' 'src/lib/libast/path/pathtemp.c'` || :
+ # fix L_tmpname, sizeof("/tmp")+15 = 20 (not 19) but we'll use 25 like the
+ # rest of the code.
+ # This doesn't work. Despire being in src, something in make overwrites this file.
+ # (This was early in the build attempts before I learned how iffe works.
+ # This claim may be wrong. Other iffe/FEATURE files are source files and
+ # cannot be modified by make so this one shouldn't be modified either.)
+ #if ! grep '^\t<<"#define L_tmpnam">> L_tmpnam$' 'src/lib/libast/features/stdio'; then
+ # sed -i -e 's:^\(\t<<"#define L_tmpnam\)\(">> L_tmpnam\)$:\1 (25)\2:g' 'src/lib/libast/features/stdio'
+ #fi
+ # Until that's figured out, I'll just enable the defaults in the .c files.
+ sed -i -e 's:^#ifndef L_tmpnam$:#undef L_tmpnam\n &:g' \
+ 'src/lib/libast/comp/tmpnam.c' 'src/lib/libast/path/pathtmp.c'
+ # These patches are worthless. They were a desperate attempt to make
+ # INIT.2013-05-24 build ast-base.2012-08-01. All I had to do was use the
+ # beta INIT and the release ast-base builds fine. No sense making bad changes
+ # to the ast-base source code when the problems are in INIT and the AT&T devs
+ # have already fixed them. This is left here as a reminder that for code
+ # that formerly compiled, most build problems are from Linux evolution
+ # breaking INIT and not that unchanged formerly working code has somehow
+ # broken itself.
+ if ! : && [ "${_opt_InstallBETA}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ # These patches are very bad. Unfortunately the nmake files are so terse
+ # that brute force is the only way I can find to get this stuff to work.
+ # Library -ldbm seems to have been replaced with -ldb + -lm, fixed in BETA
+ sed -i -e 's: -ldbm: -ldb -lm:g' `grep -l ' -ldbm' 'src/cmd/coshell/Makefile' 'src/cmd/cs/Makefile'` || :
+ # The -l switches on the :LIBRARY: line are being ignored.
+ sed -i -e 's|^SHCOMP := shcomp.*$|CCFLAGS = -lm\n &|g' 'src/cmd/ksh93/Makefile'
+ # The -l switches on the :LIBRARY: line are being ignored.
+ #sed -i -e 's:^CCFLAGS = \(.*\)$:CCFLAGS= \1 -ldl -ldld:g' 'src/lib/libdll/Makefile'
+ fi
+ # Due to the gcc -I- -iquote problem this appears to include the non
+ # prototyped expr.h in src rather than the prototyped version in arch.
+ # On Arch Linux it seems to work. The key feature of -I- is that it removes
+ # "." as a search folder from #include "expr.h". The build makes a modified
+ # eval.h in the arch/ folder and uses '-Iarch -I-' to force the arch folder
+ # in front of "." so that one is taken even though there's a eval.h right
+ # next to sources.c.
+ # This key functionality is not at all duplicated by -iquote so eliminating
+ # -I- hasn't been done. This technique is used so that each target in the
+ # product group ast was extracted from can make custom mods to standard tools
+ # without changing the sources.
+ # The only technique that works reasonably well is to use #include <eval.h>
+ # but that requires changing the sources, something you can't really do on a
+ # multi core build or when the source files are on a network share and many
+ # tool chains are being built at once. Another way is to make a proto eval.h
+ # with an alternate name that is never available but that forces every target
+ # to make custom mods. Smaller targets may not want the extra burden.
+ # Once you see how -I- is being used you get an idea of how much damage gcc
+ # has done to the large tool chains by deprecating -I-.
+ #
+ #
+ # Looks like someone changed a #define to a typedef, added another #define,
+ # but forgot to fix the defined() for the include upline.
+ sed -i -e 's:defined(YYSTYPE):defined(YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED):g' \
+ 'src/lib/libexpr/expr.h'
+ # The simplicity of these patches do not adequately reflect the difficulty
+ # I had in finding them.
+ # This is from the Gentoo ebuild.
+ # sh bin/package flat only make ast-ksh SHELL=sh SHOPT_SYSRC=1
+ # See src/cmd/ksh93/Makefile for brief notes on options like SHOPT_SYSRC
+ # Remove quiet to see the cc command lines.
+ echo '>>>Starting multi core quiet build, watch htop for activity!'
+ sh bin/package quiet only make 'ast-ksh' SHOPT_COSHELL=0 || :
+ # Make errors can be found in src/arch/linux.i386-64/lib/package/gen or by
+ # bin/package results
+ # All the build errors happen after ksh so they don't seem too important.
+ # Sometimes package make will return false and halt the PKGBUILD.
+ # We'll implement our own detection. ksh guarantees that nmake also built.
+ set +u
+ if [ ! -x "arch/$(sh bin/package host)/bin/ksh" ]; then
+ echo '>>>ksh not found, build failed'
+ false
+ else
+ echo '>>>ksh build complete, ready to package'
+ fi
+check() {
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ # This takes longer than the build so don't run it unless something big
+ # changes. It's not multi core so doesn't go much faster with a big CPU.
+ # sh bin/package test
+ # 2012.08.01 not tested
+ # 2014.06.25 No errors up to where it freezes at
+ # "test exit begins at 2015-06-05+06:51:17"
+ # I had to kill the process.
+# $1: 0=cascade links -> ->
+# 1=consistent links ->, ->
+# $2: path of lib files
+# Links will overwrite copied files but it's generally recommended to not copy
+# unnecessary files.
+_liblinks() {
+# liblinks - generate symbolic links
+# given this would generate links for,,
+ local _FILE
+ for _FILE in "$2"/*.so*; do
+ #echo "${_FILE}"
+ local _shortlib="$(basename "${_FILE}")"
+ local _basename="${_shortlib}"
+ local _dirname="$(dirname "${_FILE}")"
+ local _extn
+ while _extn="$(echo "${_shortlib}" | sed -n '/\.[0-9][0-9]*$/s/.*\(\.[0-9][0-9]*\)$/\1/p')" &&
+ [ -n "${_extn}" ]; do
+ _shortlib="$(basename "${_shortlib}" "${_extn}")"
+ ln -sf "${_basename}" "${_dirname}/${_shortlib}"
+ if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
+ _basename="${_shortlib}"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+package() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
+ if ! :; then
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/include"
+ # ksh doesn't install ksh
+ # ast-base installs way too much including a bunch of conflicting tools
+ # ast-ksh doesn't install nmake
+ # ast-ksh+ast-make same as ast-base
+ sh bin/package flat install "${pkgdir}/usr/" 'ast-ksh' 'ast-make'
+ else
+ ## Install manually to avoid nmake dep
+ # The Debian package was ast-ksh which doesn't include nmake. The entire
+ # package is built from Mamfiles and mamake. I build ast-base which
+ # includes nmake and other utilities.
+ # We do it manually to avoid the binaries we already have and we don't want
+ # a full AT&T toolchain.
+ # Copy the Debian man pages for shcomp. We even get a French version.
+ # Whoo-hoo! Like Ubuntu, I'm leaving the Debian branding in.
+ cd "${srcdir}/debian/usr/share/man"
+ local _doc
+ for _doc in `find . -type f -name 'shcomp*.gz'`; do
+ install -Dm644 "${_doc}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/${_doc}"
+ done
+ # Install the shells with links to the alternates.
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ cd "arch/$(sh bin/package host)"
+ install -Dm755 'bin/ksh' "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/ksh"
+ # The Gentoo ebuild shows us that softlinks work for the alternate shells.
+ # Running rksh does show 'restricted' so I know that one works.
+ local _exe
+ for _exe in 'ksh93' 'rksh' 'pfksh'; do
+ ln -sf 'ksh' "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_exe}"
+ done
+ install -Dm755 'bin/shcomp' "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/shcomp"
+ install -Dm644 'man/man1/sh.1' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/ksh.1"
+ # Install Debian's kshrc file. I didn't check it for correctness to Arch Linux.
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/debian/usr/share/doc/ksh/example.kshrc" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/example.kshrc"
+ # Install the same misc files that Debian installs.
+ local _doc
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/src/cmd/ksh93/${_doc}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/${_doc}"
+ gzip "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/${_doc}"
+ done
+ # Debian wanted these too. It's not clear to me how they are used, why
+ # we change fun to functions, or why ast-base has made them 755 and Debian
+ # has them 644. I'm just following along for no good reason.
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/functions"
+ local _fun
+ for _fun in 'dirs' 'popd' 'pushd'; do
+ install -Dm644 "fun/${_fun}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/functions/${_fun}"
+ done
+ # Install the nmake option, just in case someone thinks
+ #
+ # "Is nmake(1) really the greatest thing since sliced bread?"
+ if [ "${_opt_InstallNMAKE}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo '>>>Installing optional nmake'
+ install -Dm755 'bin/nmake' "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nmake"
+ install -Dm644 'man/man1/nmake.1' "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/nmake.1"
+ install -Dm755 'lib/'* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/"
+ _liblinks 1 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Install modern LICENSE file. There are also BSD and ZLIB copyrights and
+ # licenses to consider. Noone else is adding them so they are likely
+ # unnecessary.
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ sh bin/package copyright 'ast-ksh' > "${srcdir}/LICENSE"
+ sh bin/package license 'ast-ksh' >> "${srcdir}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ set +u
+set +u
+# any sums down here need to be moved in place above, with a preceeding :;
+srcinfo_write_attr ()
+ local attrname=$1 attrvalues=("${@:2}");
+ attrvalues=("${attrvalues[@]//+([[:space:]])/ }");
+ attrvalues=("${attrvalues[@]#[[:space:]]}");
+ attrvalues=("${attrvalues[@]%[[:space:]]}");
+ printf " $attrname = %s
+" "${attrvalues[@]}"
+ '58588b07b076f05dbbd5f4f095d5753309a8356ba1e5475262ce77d6bff42dae'
+ '37495cc625a2174b22a43542acac1d69402ee4992ee084a84690546c5b932b39')
diff --git a/ksh.install b/ksh.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8abd5acbcd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksh.install
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+pre_install() {
+ :
+post_install() {
+ # I think we should use /usr/bin/ksh but the other except zsh shells show /bin
+ grep -qle '/bin/ksh$' '/etc/shells' || echo '/bin/ksh' >> '/etc/shells'
+ mandb -q
+pre_upgrade() {
+ :
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+pre_remove() {
+ # This is only necessary on alternate shells. sh and bash
+ # are at the base of Arch and cannot be removed.
+ # To test this you should have a spare root shell already open.
+ # Otherwise, if this doesn't work, you will need to learn how to bypass
+ # the default shell on login.
+ #
+ if getent passwd root | cut -d: -f7 | grep -qle '/bin/ksh'; then
+ echo '**********************************************'
+ echo '*** Warning: ROOT HAS ksh as the login shell.'
+ echo '*** Shell changed to sh to prevent loss of root access.'
+ echo '**********************************************'
+ # sh is more likely to guarantee a login than bash because sh is typically
+ # unmodified. Crappy, but guaranteed.
+ chsh -s '/bin/sh'
+ fi
+ sed -i -e '/^\/bin\/ksh$/d' '/etc/shells'
+post_remove() {
+ mandb -q
+ # /usr/bin/ksh is also detected
+ if getent passwd | cut -d: -f7 | grep -qle '/bin/ksh'; then
+ echo '*** Warning: Some users have ksh as their login shell.'
+ echo '*** Fix promptly to restore access.'
+ fi