diff options
authorfelics2020-03-12 16:33:10 +0100
committerfelics2020-03-12 16:33:10 +0100
commitfb02f017095128f936da7df2a697a3663b5f1517 (patch)
Initial commit of widelands-git; successor of [widelands-bzr](
2 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a81c2e4d2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+pkgbase = widelands-git
+ pkgdesc = An elaborate realtime multiplayer strategy game with emphasis on economy and transport - development version. In the spirit of BlueByte's 'Siedler II/ Settlers 2'.
+ pkgver = 20+r24473_20200312_510e0dd
+ pkgrel = 1
+ epoch = 0
+ url =
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = GPL2
+ makedepends = boost
+ makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = doxygen
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = graphviz
+ makedepends = python
+ depends = boost-libs
+ depends = gettext
+ depends = glew
+ depends = hicolor-icon-theme
+ depends = libpng
+ depends = sdl2_image
+ depends = sdl2_mixer
+ depends = sdl2_ttf
+ depends = zlib
+ provides = widelands=20+r24473_20200312_510e0dd
+ conflicts = widelands
+ conflicts = widelands-bzr
+ conflicts = widelands-data
+ replaces = widelands-bzr<=20+r24473_20200312_510e0dd
+ options = !strip
+ source = widelands::git+git://
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+pkgname = widelands-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec9492274542
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Maintainer: dreieck
+# Contributor: Gabriel Margiani (gamag) <gabriel _strange_curved_character_ margiani · ch>
+# Contributor: matthiaskrgr <matthias · krueger _strange_curved_character_ famsike · de>
+pkgdesc="An elaborate realtime multiplayer strategy game with emphasis on economy and transport - development version. In the spirit of BlueByte's 'Siedler II/ Settlers 2'."
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ 'boost-libs'
+ 'gettext'
+ 'glew'
+ 'hicolor-icon-theme'
+ 'libpng'
+ 'sdl2_image'
+ 'sdl2_mixer'
+ 'sdl2_ttf'
+ 'zlib'
+ 'boost'
+ 'cmake' # For configuring the build
+ 'doxygen' # For documentation (?)
+ 'git' # For getting the source
+ 'graphviz' # For documentation (?)
+ 'python'
+ "${_pkgname}=${pkgver}"
+ "${_pkgname}"
+ "${_pkgname}-bzr"
+ "${_pkgname}-data"
+ "${_pkgname}-bzr<=${pkgver}" # Previously, the development code was hosted a another location in a bazaar repository.
+ "${_pkgname}::git+git://${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}.git"
+ 'SKIP'
+options=('!strip') # Stripping seems not to reduce the size, but takes a long time.
+# The following variable controls if `ccache` should be used for the build -- it switches some variables, also in build().
+_ccache=false # true|false
+# Check `$USE_CCACHE` environment variable if we should use `ccache`
+case "${USE_CCACHE}" in
+ [yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[tR][rR][uU][eE]|[oO][nN])
+ _ccache=true
+ ;;
+if "${_ccache}"; then
+ makedepends+=('ccache')
+ options+=('ccache')
+# Temporary file in "${srcdir}" the git log should be written to -- it will become part of the installed documentation.
+### The following is deactivated, since the corresponding section in package() is commented out.
+# # Keep the following translations, remove all other.
+# _keep_translations=('en_US' 'en_GB' 'de')
+pkgver() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
+ _get_build_ver() {
+ grep -Ei 'build[[:space:]]+[0-9]+' "ChangeLog" | head -n 1 | sed -E 's|^.*[Bb]uild[[:space:]]+([0-9]+).*$|\1|'
+ }
+ _get_git_commit_count() {
+ git rev-list --count HEAD
+ }
+ _get_git_latest_commit_date() {
+ git log -n 1 --format=tformat:%ci | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '-'
+ }
+ _get_git_hash() {
+ git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD
+ }
+ _ver="$(_get_build_ver)"
+ _rev="$(_get_git_commit_count)"
+ _date="$(_get_git_latest_commit_date)"
+ _hash="$(_get_git_hash)"
+ if [ -z ${_ver} ]; then
+ error "Failed to determine build version. Aborting."
+ return 11
+ fi
+ if [ -z ${_rev} ]; then
+ error "Failed to determine commit count. Aborting."
+ return 12
+ fi
+ if [ -z ${_date} ]; then
+ error "Failed to determine latest commit date. Aborting."
+ return 13
+ fi
+ if [ -z ${_hash} ]; then
+ error "Failed to determine git hash. Aborting."
+ return 14
+ fi
+ printf "%s" "${_ver}+r${_rev}_${_date}_${_hash}"
+prepare() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
+ msg2 "Creating git log: Executing 'git log' ..."
+ git log > "${srcdir}/${_gitlog}"
+ msg2 "Creating directories 'build' and 'build/locale' ..."
+ test -d build/locale || mkdir -p build/locale
+ msg2 "Symlinking 'build/locale/' to the main source base directory ..."
+ test -e locale || ln -s build/locale .
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}/build"
+ # If we want to compile with ccache, modify $CC/ $CXX accordingly:
+ if "${_ccache}"; then
+ msg2 'Build with `ccache` requested. Setting `$CC` and `$CXX` environment variables accordingly ...'
+ # If $CC/ $CXX is empty, set a default compiler:
+ if [ -z $CC ]; then
+ CC=gcc
+ fi
+ if [ -z $CXX ]; then
+ CXX=g++
+ fi
+ # Only append 'ccache' if it is not already part of $CC/ $CXX:
+ if ! grep -wq ccache <(printf '%s' "${CC}"); then
+ CC="ccache ${CC}"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -wq ccache <(printf '%s' "${CXX}"); then
+ CXX="ccache ${CXX}"
+ fi
+ export CC
+ export CXX
+ fi
+ msg2 'Running `cmake` ...'
+ # YES, -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/bin" is corrent (nothing ${pkgdir}-related!!).
+ # If this failes on an existing build because of an mismatch of src and build cmake files, just delete build and try again.
+ cmake \
+ -DICU_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/icu-config \
+ -DWL_INSTALL_DATADIR=/usr/share/widelands \
+ ..
+ msg2 'Running `make` ...'
+ make
+ # msg2 'Running `make lang` ...'
+ # make lang ## Seems not to be needed; seems to be done already with the general `make`-call.
+check() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}/build"
+ msg2 'Running `make test` ...'
+ make test
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}/build"
+ msg2 'Running `make install` ...'
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ msg2 'Installing additional documentation files ...'
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
+ for _docfile in CREDITS ChangeLog; do
+ install -D -v -m644 "${_docfile}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/${_docfile}"
+ done
+ install -D -v -m644 "${srcdir}/${_gitlog}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/git-log.txt"
+### When re-activating the following, also uncomment the line which sets ${_keep_translations[]}!
+# msg2 'Removing translations we do not want ...'
+# ls -1d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/widelands/locale"/* | grep -vE $(printf ' -e /%s$' "${_keep_translations[@]}") | while read _line; do
+# rm -R "${_line}"
+# done