diff options
authorxiota2023-11-11 22:19:26 -0800
committerxiota2023-11-11 22:19:40 -0800
commitfc3aa523db5f1bdfc4877f61b8e7c6b19b1e4a4f (patch)
parentd0b0e41698a843d8639a7b99891397bbacb875db (diff)
4 files changed, 602 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 335e53e93d44..95b3d4bc138e 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,117 +1,170 @@
pkgbase = telegram-desktop-git
pkgdesc = Official Telegram Desktop client
- pkgver = 4.4.1.r107.g690e1013c
- pkgrel = 2
- url =
+ pkgver = 4.11.6.r5.g468d4c5e4
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
arch = x86_64
license = GPL3
makedepends = cmake
+ makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
makedepends = git
+ makedepends = meson
+ makedepends = microsoft-gsl
makedepends = ninja
+ makedepends = pipewire
+ makedepends = plasma-wayland-protocols
makedepends = python
makedepends = range-v3
makedepends = tl-expected
- makedepends = microsoft-gsl
- makedepends = meson
- makedepends = extra-cmake-modules
+ makedepends = unzip
makedepends = wayland-protocols
- makedepends = plasma-wayland-protocols
- makedepends = libtg_owt-git
- depends = hunspell
+ makedepends = webkit2gtk
+ makedepends = yasm
+ makedepends = boost
+ makedepends = fmt
+ makedepends = gobject-introspection
+ makedepends = mm-common
+ makedepends = perl-xml-parser
+ makedepends = libepoxy
+ makedepends = libva
+ makedepends = unzip
+ depends = abseil-cpp
depends = ffmpeg
+ depends = gcc-libs
+ depends = glib2
+ depends = glibc
+ depends = glibmm-2.68
depends = hicolor-icon-theme
+ depends = hunspell
+ depends = jemalloc
+ depends = libdispatch
+ depends = libjpeg-turbo
+ depends = libpipewire
+ depends = libsigc++-3.0
+ depends = libvpx
+ depends = libx11
+ depends = libxcb
+ depends = libxcomposite
+ depends = libxdamage
+ depends = libxext
+ depends = libxfixes
+ depends = libxrandr
+ depends = libxtst
depends = lz4
depends = minizip
depends = openal
- depends = ttf-opensans
- depends = qt6-imageformats
+ depends = openh264
+ depends = openssl
+ depends = opus
+ depends = protobuf
depends = qt6-svg
depends = qt6-wayland
- depends = qt6-5compat
- depends = xxhash
- depends = glibmm-2.68
depends = rnnoise
- depends = pipewire
- depends = libxtst
- depends = libxrandr
- depends = jemalloc
- depends = abseil-cpp
- depends = libdispatch
- depends = openssl-1.1
- depends = protobuf
+ depends = wayland
+ depends = xcb-util-keysyms
+ depends = xxhash
+ depends = zlib
+ depends = qt6-imageformats
+ depends = ttf-opensans
optdepends = webkit2gtk: embedded browser features
optdepends = xdg-desktop-portal: desktop integration
- provides = telegram-desktop
+ provides = telegram-desktop=4.11.6
conflicts = telegram-desktop
- source = tdesktop::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-libtgvoip::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-GSL::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-xxHash::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-rlottie::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lz4::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_crl::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_rpl::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_base::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-codegen::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_ui::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_lottie::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_tl::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_spellcheck::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_storage::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-cmake::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-expected::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-QR::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_qr::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-hunspell::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-range-v3::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-fcitx-qt5::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-nimf::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-hime::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-fcitx5-qt::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_webrtc::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-tgcalls::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-lib_webview::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-jemalloc::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-dispatch::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-plasma-wayland-protocols::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-wayland-protocols::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-kimageformats::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-kcoreaddons::git+
- source = telegram-desktop-cld3::git+
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
- sha512sums = SKIP
+ source = telegram-desktop::git+
+ source = telegram-tg_owt::git+
+ source =
+ source = tg_owt-fix.patch
+ source = apple.swift-corelibs-libdispatch::git+
+ source = cyan4973.xxhash::git+
+ source = desktop-app.cmake_helpers::git+
+ source = desktop-app.codegen::git+
+ source = desktop-app.gsl::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_base::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_crl::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_lottie::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_qr::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_rpl::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_spellcheck::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_storage::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_tl::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_ui::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_webrtc::git+
+ source = desktop-app.lib_webview::git+
+ source = desktop-app.libprisma::git+
+ source = desktop-app.rlottie::git+
+ source = ericniebler.range-v3::git+
+ source = fcitx.fcitx5-qt::git+
+ source = gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland::git+
+ source = gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland-protocols::git+
+ source = google.cld3::git+
+ source = hamonikr.nimf::git+
+ source = hime-ime.hime::git+
+ source = hunspell::git+
+ source = jemalloc::git+
+ source = kde.kcoreaddons::git+
+ source = kde.kimageformats::git+
+ source = kde.plasma-wayland-protocols::git+
+ source = lz4::git+
+ source = nayuki.qr-code-generator::git+
+ source = tartanllama.expected::git+
+ source = telegramdesktop.libtgvoip::git+
+ source = telegrammessenger.tgcalls::git+
+ source = ericniebler.range-v3::git+
+ source = desktop-app.cmake_helpers::git+
+ source = mnauw.cppgir::git+
+ source =
+ source = martinmoene.expected-lite::git+
+ source = abseil.abseil-cpp::git+
+ source = chromiumsrc.libyuv::git+
+ source = cisco.libsrtp::git+
+ source = google.crc32c::git+
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = f4d26c1048a7fd1ac3419042009c3b52c001458e44309a765d42d7df9f45f1ef
+ sha256sums = 8d3a1c4b2e40eef7a4cc8e6f498c416af47a91b878ec3762b51476e89695cb13
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = telegram-desktop-git
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 05c6d4d4c97b..018a3de08144 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 20c71a462a5e..e43ad66bec1f 100644
@@ -1,161 +1,420 @@
-# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
+# Maintainer:
+# Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
# Contributor: hexchain <>
pkgdesc='Official Telegram Desktop client'
-depends=('hunspell' 'ffmpeg' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'lz4' 'minizip' 'openal' 'ttf-opensans'
- 'qt6-imageformats' 'qt6-svg' 'qt6-wayland' 'qt6-5compat' 'xxhash' 'glibmm-2.68'
- 'rnnoise' 'pipewire' 'libxtst' 'libxrandr' 'jemalloc' 'abseil-cpp' 'libdispatch'
- 'openssl-1.1' 'protobuf')
-makedepends=('cmake' 'git' 'ninja' 'python' 'range-v3' 'tl-expected' 'microsoft-gsl' 'meson'
- 'extra-cmake-modules' 'wayland-protocols' 'plasma-wayland-protocols' 'libtg_owt-git')
-optdepends=('webkit2gtk: embedded browser features'
- 'xdg-desktop-portal: desktop integration')
-## source array generated from:
-# python -c 'import configparser, os.path; c=configparser.ConfigParser();".gitmodules"); print("\n".join(f"\t\"telegram-desktop-{path}::git+{u}\"" for s in c.sections() if (url:=c[s]["url"], path:=os.path.basename(c[s]["path"]), u:= url if url.endswith(".git") else url+".git")))'
- "telegram-desktop-libtgvoip::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-GSL::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-xxHash::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-rlottie::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lz4::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_crl::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_rpl::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_base::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-codegen::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_ui::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_lottie::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_tl::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_spellcheck::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_storage::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-cmake::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-expected::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-QR::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_qr::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-hunspell::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-range-v3::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-fcitx-qt5::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-nimf::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-hime::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-fcitx5-qt::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_webrtc::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-tgcalls::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-lib_webview::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-jemalloc::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-dispatch::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-plasma-wayland-protocols::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-wayland-protocols::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-kimageformats::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-kcoreaddons::git+"
- "telegram-desktop-cld3::git+"
+ 'abseil-cpp'
+ 'ffmpeg'
+ 'gcc-libs'
+ 'glib2'
+ 'glibc'
+ 'glibmm-2.68'
+ 'hicolor-icon-theme'
+ 'hunspell'
+ 'jemalloc'
+ 'libdispatch'
+ 'libjpeg-turbo'
+ 'libpipewire'
+ 'libsigc++-3.0'
+ 'libvpx'
+ 'libx11'
+ 'libxcb'
+ 'libxcomposite'
+ 'libxdamage'
+ 'libxext'
+ 'libxfixes'
+ 'libxrandr'
+ 'libxtst'
+ 'lz4'
+ 'minizip'
+ 'openal'
+ 'openh264'
+ 'openssl'
+ 'opus'
+ 'protobuf'
+ 'qt6-svg'
+ 'qt6-wayland'
+ 'rnnoise'
+ 'wayland'
+ 'xcb-util-keysyms'
+ 'xxhash'
+ 'zlib'
+ 'qt6-imageformats'
+ 'ttf-opensans'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP'
- 'SKIP')
-pkgver() {
- cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
- git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+ 'cmake'
+ 'extra-cmake-modules'
+ 'git'
+ 'meson'
+ 'microsoft-gsl'
+ 'ninja'
+ 'pipewire'
+ 'plasma-wayland-protocols'
+ 'python'
+ 'range-v3'
+ 'tl-expected'
+ 'unzip'
+ 'wayland-protocols'
+ 'webkit2gtk'
+ 'yasm'
+ 'boost'
+ 'fmt'
+ 'gobject-introspection'
+ 'mm-common'
+ 'perl-xml-parser'
+ 'libepoxy'
+ 'libva'
+ 'unzip'
+ 'webkit2gtk: embedded browser features'
+ 'xdg-desktop-portal: desktop integration'
+ "$_pkgsrc"::"git+$url.git"
+ "$_pkgsrc_tgowt"::"git+"
+ ""
+ "tg_owt-fix.patch"
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'f4d26c1048a7fd1ac3419042009c3b52c001458e44309a765d42d7df9f45f1ef'
+ '8d3a1c4b2e40eef7a4cc8e6f498c416af47a91b878ec3762b51476e89695cb13'
+_source_telegram_desktop() {
+ source+=(
+ 'apple.swift-corelibs-libdispatch'::'git+'
+ 'cyan4973.xxhash'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.cmake_helpers'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.codegen'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.gsl'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_base'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_crl'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_lottie'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_qr'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_rpl'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_spellcheck'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_storage'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_tl'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_ui'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_webrtc'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.lib_webview'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.libprisma'::'git+'
+ 'desktop-app.rlottie'::'git+'
+ 'ericniebler.range-v3'::'git+'
+ 'fcitx.fcitx5-qt'::'git+'
+ 'gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland'::'git+'
+ 'gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland-protocols'::'git+'
+ 'google.cld3'::'git+'
+ 'hamonikr.nimf'::'git+'
+ 'hime-ime.hime'::'git+'
+ 'hunspell'::'git+'
+ 'jemalloc'::'git+'
+ 'kde.kcoreaddons'::'git+'
+ 'kde.kimageformats'::'git+'
+ 'kde.plasma-wayland-protocols'::'git+'
+ 'lz4'::'git+'
+ 'nayuki.qr-code-generator'::'git+'
+ 'tartanllama.expected'::'git+'
+ 'telegramdesktop.libtgvoip'::'git+'
+ 'telegrammessenger.tgcalls'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_telegram_desktop() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['apple.swift-corelibs-libdispatch']='Telegram/ThirdParty/dispatch'
+ ['cyan4973.xxhash']='Telegram/ThirdParty/xxHash'
+ ['desktop-app.cmake_helpers']='cmake'
+ ['desktop-app.codegen']='Telegram/codegen'
+ ['desktop-app.gsl']='Telegram/ThirdParty/GSL'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_base']='Telegram/lib_base'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_crl']='Telegram/lib_crl'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_lottie']='Telegram/lib_lottie'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_qr']='Telegram/lib_qr'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_rpl']='Telegram/lib_rpl'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_spellcheck']='Telegram/lib_spellcheck'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_storage']='Telegram/lib_storage'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_tl']='Telegram/lib_tl'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_ui']='Telegram/lib_ui'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_webrtc']='Telegram/lib_webrtc'
+ ['desktop-app.lib_webview']='Telegram/lib_webview'
+ ['desktop-app.libprisma']='Telegram/ThirdParty/libprisma'
+ ['desktop-app.rlottie']='Telegram/ThirdParty/rlottie'
+ ['ericniebler.range-v3']='Telegram/ThirdParty/range-v3'
+ ['fcitx.fcitx5-qt']='Telegram/ThirdParty/fcitx5-qt'
+ ['gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland']='Telegram/ThirdParty/wayland'
+ ['gitlab-freedesktop-mirrors.wayland-protocols']='Telegram/ThirdParty/wayland-protocols'
+ ['google.cld3']='Telegram/ThirdParty/cld3'
+ ['hamonikr.nimf']='Telegram/ThirdParty/nimf'
+ ['hime-ime.hime']='Telegram/ThirdParty/hime'
+ ['hunspell']='Telegram/ThirdParty/hunspell'
+ ['jemalloc']='Telegram/ThirdParty/jemalloc'
+ ['kde.kcoreaddons']='Telegram/ThirdParty/kcoreaddons'
+ ['kde.kimageformats']='Telegram/ThirdParty/kimageformats'
+ ['kde.plasma-wayland-protocols']='Telegram/ThirdParty/plasma-wayland-protocols'
+ ['lz4']='Telegram/ThirdParty/lz4'
+ ['nayuki.qr-code-generator']='Telegram/ThirdParty/QR'
+ ['tartanllama.expected']='Telegram/ThirdParty/expected'
+ ['telegramdesktop.libtgvoip']='Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip'
+ ['telegrammessenger.tgcalls']='Telegram/ThirdParty/tgcalls'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_desktop_app_tg_owt() {
+ source+=(
+ 'abseil.abseil-cpp'::'git+'
+ 'chromiumsrc.libyuv'::'git+'
+ 'cisco.libsrtp'::'git+'
+ 'google.crc32c'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_desktop_app_tg_owt() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc_tgowt"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['abseil.abseil-cpp']='src/third_party/abseil-cpp'
+ ['chromiumsrc.libyuv']='src/third_party/libyuv'
+ ['cisco.libsrtp']='src/third_party/libsrtp'
+ ['google.crc32c']='src/third_party/crc32c/src'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ apply-patch "${srcdir:?}/101.patch"
+ apply-patch "${srcdir:?}/tg_owt-fix.patch"
+ )
+_source_ericniebler_range_v3() {
+ source+=(
+ 'ericniebler.range-v3'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_ericniebler_range_v3() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd "Telegram/ThirdParty/range-v3"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['ericniebler.range-v3']='doc/gh-pages'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_telegramdesktop_libtgvoip() {
+ source+=(
+ 'desktop-app.cmake_helpers'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_telegramdesktop_libtgvoip() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd "Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['desktop-app.cmake_helpers']='cmake'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_desktop_app_cmake_helpers() {
+ source+=(
+ 'mnauw.cppgir'::'git+'
+ ''::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_desktop_app_cmake_helpers() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd "cmake"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['mnauw.cppgir']='external/glib/cppgir'
+ ['']='external/'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
+_source_mnauw_cppgir() {
+ source+=(
+ 'martinmoene.expected-lite'::'git+'
+ )
+ sha256sums+=(
+ 'SKIP'
+ )
+ _prepare_mnauw_cppgir() (
+ cd "${srcdir:?}/$_pkgsrc"
+ cd "cmake"
+ cd "external/glib/cppgir"
+ local -A _submodules=(
+ ['martinmoene.expected-lite']='expected-lite'
+ )
+ _submodule_update
+ )
prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
- ## git config generated by
- # python -c 'import configparser, os.path; c=configparser.ConfigParser();".gitmodules"); print("\n".join(f" git config submodule.{path}.url \"$srcdir/telegram-desktop-{p}\"" for s in c.sections() if (url:=c[s]["url"], path:=c[s]["path"], p:=os.path.basename(path))))'
- git submodule init
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-libtgvoip"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/GSL.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-GSL"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/xxHash.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-xxHash"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/rlottie.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-rlottie"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/lz4.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lz4"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_crl.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_crl"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_rpl.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_rpl"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_base.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_base"
- git config submodule.Telegram/codegen.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-codegen"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_ui.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_ui"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_lottie.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_lottie"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_tl.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_tl"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_spellcheck.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_spellcheck"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_storage.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_storage"
- git config submodule.cmake.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-cmake"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/expected.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-expected"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/QR.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-QR"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_qr.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_qr"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/hunspell.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-hunspell"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/range-v3.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-range-v3"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/fcitx-qt5.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-fcitx-qt5"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/nimf.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-nimf"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/hime.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-hime"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/fcitx5-qt.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-fcitx5-qt"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_webrtc.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_webrtc"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/tgcalls.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-tgcalls"
- git config submodule.Telegram/lib_webview.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-lib_webview"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/jemalloc.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-jemalloc"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/dispatch.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-dispatch"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/plasma-wayland-protocols.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-plasma-wayland-protocols"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/wayland-protocols.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-wayland-protocols"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/kimageformats.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-kimageformats"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/kcoreaddons.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-kcoreaddons"
- git config submodule.Telegram/ThirdParty/cld3.url "$srcdir/telegram-desktop-cld3"
- git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update
+ apply-patch() {
+ printf '\nApplying patch %s\n' "$1"
+ patch -Np1 -F100 -i "$1"
+ }
+ _submodule_update() {
+ local key
+ for key in ${!_submodules[@]} ; do
+ git submodule init "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ git submodule set-url "${_submodules[${key}]}" "${srcdir}/${key}"
+ git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update "${_submodules[${key}]}"
+ done
+ }
+ _prepare_telegram_desktop
+ _prepare_ericniebler_range_v3
+ _prepare_telegramdesktop_libtgvoip
+ _prepare_desktop_app_cmake_helpers
+ _prepare_mnauw_cppgir
+ _prepare_desktop_app_tg_owt
+pkgver() {
+ cd "$_pkgsrc"
+ git describe --long --tags --exclude='*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*' 2>/dev/null \
+ | sed -E 's/^v//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+_build_tg_owt() (
+ local _cmake_options=(
+ -B "build-tg_owt"
+ -S "$_pkgsrc_tgowt"
+ -G Ninja
+ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CFLAGS} -ffat-lto-objects"
+ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -ffat-lto-objects -I/usr/include/libdrm"
+ )
+ cmake "${_cmake_options[@]}"
+ cmake --build "build-tg_owt"
+_build_telegram() (
+ # Turns out we're allowed to use the official API key that telegram uses for their snap builds:
+ #
+ # Thanks @primeos!
+ local _cmake_options=(
+ -B build
+ -S "$_pkgsrc"
+ -G Ninja
+ -Dtg_owt_DIR="${srcdir:?}/build-tg_owt"
+ -DTDESKTOP_API_HASH=d524b414d21f4d37f08684c1df41ac9c
+ -Wno-dev
+ )
+ cmake "${_cmake_options[@]}"
+ cmake --build build
build() {
- cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH='/usr/lib/ffmpeg4.4/pkgconfig'
- # Turns out we're allowed to use the official API key that telegram uses for their snap builds:
- #
- # Thanks @primeos!
- cmake \
- -B build \
- -G Ninja \
- -DTDESKTOP_API_ID=611335 \
- -DTDESKTOP_API_HASH=d524b414d21f4d37f08684c1df41ac9c
- # Use Qt5 for the time being until kwayland has an easier way to work with Qt6.
- ninja -C build
+ _build_tg_owt
+ _build_telegram
package() {
- cd "$srcdir/tdesktop"
- DESTDIR=$pkgdir ninja -C build install
+ DESTDIR="${pkgdir:?}" cmake --install build
diff --git a/tg_owt-fix.patch b/tg_owt-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a8bedb5ce53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tg_owt-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+diff --git a/src/common_video/h265/h265_pps_parser.h b/src/common_video/h265/h265_pps_parser.h
+index 28c95ea9..790b0b73 100644
+--- a/src/common_video/h265/h265_pps_parser.h
++++ b/src/common_video/h265/h265_pps_parser.h
+@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ #include "absl/types/optional.h"
++#include <stdint.h>
+ namespace rtc {
+ class BitBuffer;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/modules/audio_processing/transient/file_utils.h b/src/modules/audio_processing/transient/file_utils.h
+index b7483377..56696708 100644
+--- a/src/modules/audio_processing/transient/file_utils.h
++++ b/src/modules/audio_processing/transient/file_utils.h
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "rtc_base/system/file_wrapper.h"
++#include <cstdint>
+ namespace webrtc {
+diff --git a/src/modules/include/module_common_types_public.h b/src/modules/include/module_common_types_public.h
+index 345e45ce..8338a514 100644
+--- a/src/modules/include/module_common_types_public.h
++++ b/src/modules/include/module_common_types_public.h
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
++#include <cstdint>
+ #include <limits>
+ #include "absl/types/optional.h"
+diff --git a/src/rtc_base/third_party/base64/base64.h b/src/rtc_base/third_party/base64/base64.h
+index ca249541..b5cf3f73 100644
+--- a/src/rtc_base/third_party/base64/base64.h
++++ b/src/rtc_base/third_party/base64/base64.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include <vector>
+ #include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
++#include <cstdint>
+ namespace rtc {