path: root/
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authorCarlos Aznarán Laos2023-05-21 16:57:29 -0500
committerCarlos Aznarán Laos2023-05-21 16:57:29 -0500
commitc0b06f1586da5104d90b699c81dcd4509b442a17 (patch)
treefbabf3e25e43e262650f45979b8e51f3924c6d78 /
parent364bc4aa03d4962fcee2156c02e6c5275092d7a6 (diff)
Bump version to 0.1.22
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
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index 36f02a6e4588..000000000000
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-# Changelog
-All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
-and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
-## [0.1.20] - 2022-09-30
-### Added
-1. `BayesianNetwork.get_random_cpds` method to randomly parameterize a network structure.
-2. Faster Variable Elimination using tensor contraction.
-3. `factors.factor_sum_product` method for faster sum-product operations using tensor contraction.
-### Fixed
-1. Bug in `DynamicBayesianNetwork.initialize_initial_state`. #1564
-2. Bug in `factors.factor_product`. #1565
-### Changed
-1. Runtime improvements in `DiscreteFactor.marginalize` and `DiscreteFactor.copy` methods.
-## [0.1.19] - 2022-06-30
-### Added
-1. Adds checks for arguments to `BayesianNetwork.simulate` method.
-### Fixed
-1. Fixes TAN algorithm to use conditional information metric.
-2. Speed ups for all estimation and inference methods.
-3. Fix in stable variant of PC algorithm to give reproducible results.
-4. Fix in `GibbsSampling` for it to work with variables with integral names.
-5. `DAG.active_trail_nodes` allows tuples as variable names.
-6. Fixes CPD and edge creation in `UAIReader`.
-## [0.1.18] - 2022-03-30
-### Fixed
-1. Fixes `CausalInference.is_valid_backdoor_adjustment_set` to accept str arguments for `Z`.
-2. Fixes `BayesianNetwork.remove_cpd` to work with integral node names.
-3. Fixes `MPLP.map_query` to return the variable states instead of probability values.
-4. Fixes BIFWriter to generate output in standard BIF format.
-## [0.1.17] - 2021-12-30
-### Added
-1. Adds BayesianNetwork.states property to store states of all the variables.
-2. Adds extra checks in check model for state names
-### Fixed
-1. Fixes typos in BayesianModel deprecation warning
-2. Bug fix in printing Linear Gaussian CPD
-3. Update example notebooks to work on latest dev.
-## [0.1.16] - 2021-09-30
-### Added
-1. Adds a `fit_update` method to `BayesianNetwork` for updating model using new data.
-2. Adds `simulate` method to `BayesianNetwork` and `DynamicBayesianNetwork` to simulated data under different conditions.
-3. Adds `` method to learn model paramters from data.
-4. `ApproxInference` class to do approximate inference on models using sampling.
-5. Robust tests for all sampling methods.
-6. Adds `BayesianNetwork.load` and `` to quickly read and write files.
-### Changed
-1. `BayesianModel` and `MarkovModel` renamed to `BayesianNetwork` and `MarkovNetwork` respectively.
-2. The default value of node position in `DAG.to_daft` method.
-3. Documentation updated on the website.
-### Fixed
-1. Fixes bug in `DAG.is_iequivalent` method.
-2. Automatically truncate table when CPD is too large.
-3. Auto-adjustment of probability values when they don't exactly sum to 1.
-4. tqdm works both in notebooks and terminal.
-5. Fixes bug in `CausalInference.query` method.
-## [0.1.15] - 2021-06-30
-### Added
-1. Adds network pruning for inference algrithms to reduce the size of network before
- running inference.
-2. Adds support for latent variables in DAG and BayesianModel.
-3. Parallel implementation for parameter estimation algorithms.
-4. Adds `DAG.get_random` and `BayesianModel.get_random` methods to be able to generate random models.
-5. Adds `CausalInference.query` method for doing do operation inference with or without adjustment sets.
-6. Adds functionality to treesearch to do auto root and class node selection (#1418)
-7. Adds option to specify virtual evidence in bayesian network inference.
-8. Adds Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for parameter estimation in latent variable models.
-9. Add `BDeuScore` as another option for structure score when using HillClimbSearch.
-10. Adds CausalInference.get_minimal_adjustment_set` for finding adjustment sets.
-### Changed
-1. Renames `DAG.is_active_trail` to `is_dconnected`.
-2. `` can accept multiple variables in the argument.
-3. Optimizes sampling methods.
-4. CI moved from travis and appveyor to github actions.
-5. Drops support for python 3.6. Requires 3.7+.
-### Fixed
-1. Example model files were not getting included in the pypi and conda packages.
-2. The order of values returned by CI tests was wrong. #1403
-3. Adjusted and normalized MI wasn't working properly in TreeSearch.
-4. #1423: Value error in bayesian estimation.
-5. Fixes bug in `DiscreteFactor.__eq__` to also consider the state names order.
-## [0.1.14] - 2021-03-31
-### Added
-1. Adds support for python 3.9.
-2. `BayesianModelProbability` class for calculating pmf for BNs.
-3. BayesianModel.predict has a new argument `stochastic` which returns stochastic results instead of MAP.
-4. Adds new method pgmpy.base.DAG.to_daft to easily convert models into publishable plots.
-### Changed
-1. `pgmpy.utils.get_example_model` now doesn't need internet connection to work. Files moved locally.
-### Fixed
-1. Latex output of `pgmpy.DAG.get_independencies`.
-2. Bug fix in PC algorithm as it was skipping some combinations.
-3. Error in sampling because of seed not correctly set.
-## [0.1.13] - 2020-12-30
-### Added
-1. New conditional independence tests for discrete variables
-### Changed
-1. Adds warning in BayesianEstimator when using dirichlet prior.
-### Fixed
-1. Bug in `PC.skeleton_to_pdag`.
-2. Bug in `HillClimbSearch` when no legal operations.
-### Removed
-## [0.1.12] - 2020-09-30
-### Added
-1. PC estimator with original, stable, and parallel variants.
-2. PDAG class to represent partially directed DAGs.
-3. `pgmpy.utils.get_example_model` function to fetch models from bnlearn repository.
-4. Refactor HillClimbSearch with a new feature to specify fixed edges in the model.
-5. Adds a global `SHOW_PROGRESS` variable.
-6. Adds Chow-Liu structure learning algorithm.
-7. Add `pgmpy.utils.get_example_model` to fetch models from bnlearn's repository.
-8. Adds `get_value` and `set_value` method to `DiscreteFactor` to get/set a single value.
-9. Adds `get_acestral_graph` to `DAG`.
-### Changed
-1. Refactors ConstraintBasedEstimators into PC with a lot of general improvements.
-2. Improved (faster, new arguments) indepenedence tests with changes in argument.
-3. Refactors `sample_discrete` method. Sampling algorithms much faster.
-4. Refactors `HillClimbSearch` to be faster.
-5. Sampling methods now return dataframe of type categorical.
-### Fixed
-### Removed
-1. `Data` class.
-## [0.1.11] - 2020-06-30
-### Added
-- New example notebook: Alarm.ipynb
-- Support for python 3.8
-- Score Caching support for scoring methods.
-### Changed
-- Code quality check moved to codacy from landscape
-- Additional parameter `max_ci_vars` for `ConstraintBasedEstimator`.
-- Additional parameter `pseudo_count` for K2 score.
-- Sampling methods return state names instead of number when available.
-- XMLBIFReader and BIFReader not accepts argument for specifying state name type.
-### Fixed
-- Additional checks for TabularCPD values shape.
-- `DiscreteFactor.reduce` accepts both state names and state numbers for variables.
-- `BeliefPropagation.query` fixed to return normalized CPDs.
-- Bug in flip operation in `HillClimbSearch`.
-- BIFWriter to write the state names to file if available.
-- `BayesianModel.to_markov_model` fixed to work with disconnected graphs.
-- VariableElimination fixed to not ignore identifical factors.
-- Fixes automatic sorting of state names in estimators.
-### Removed
-- No support for ProbModelXML file format.
-## [0.1.10] - 2020-01-22
-### Added
-- Documentation updated to include Structural Equation Models(SEM) and Causal Inference.
-- Adds Mmhc estimator.
-### Changed
-- BdeuScore is renamed to BDeuScore.
-- Refactoring of NaiveBayes
-- Overhaul of CI and setup infrastructure.
-- query methods check for common variabls in variable and evidence argument.
-### Fixed
-- Example notebooks for Inference.
-- DAG.moralize gives consistent results for disconnected graphs.
-- Fixes problems with XMLBIF and BIF reader and writer classes to be consistent.
-- Better integration of state names throughout the package.
-- Improves remove_factors and add_factors methods of FactorGraph
-- copy method of TabularCPD and DiscreteFactor now makes a copy of state names.
-### Removed
-- six not a dependency anymore.