path: root/Makefile
diff options
authorJonathan Wright2021-01-11 12:45:30 +0000
committerJonathan Wright2021-01-11 12:45:30 +0000
commit279b5ac94741140f252db95dada1fbd9a5cde457 (patch)
tree0c8215444723c2284143da6e434e32f1988dd1d2 /Makefile
parent73c943cfe321472f2cfa7b3f8758e89b9eeadbbb (diff)
Replace the build script with a Makefile
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3721b908155b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
+SHELL := bash
+.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c
+.DEFAULT_GOAL := push
+# Simple ANSI colours
+# Get the version information
+current_pkgver=$(shell cat PKGBUILD | awk -F = '/^pkgver/ { print $$2 }')
+current_pkgrel=$(shell cat PKGBUILD | awk -F = '/^pkgrel/ { print $$2 }')
+ifneq ($(strip $(pkgver)),)
+ use_pkgver=$(pkgver)
+ifdef ($(string $(pkgrel)),)
+ use_pkgrel=$(pkgrel)
+ ifeq ($(pkgver),$(current_pkgver))
+ use_pkgrel=$(current_pkgrel)+1
+ else
+ use_pkgrel=1
+ endif
+.PHONY: help
+help: ## Show this help message
+ @grep '.*:.*##' Makefile | grep -v grep | sort | sed 's/:.* ##/:/g' | column -t -s :
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: ## Clean the current workspace
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Cleaning up old package files${CC_END}"
+ rm -f *.pkg.tar.{xz,zst} *.zip{,.part}
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Cleaning up old working directories${CC_END}"
+ rm -rf ./pkg ./src
+.PHONY: pull
+pull: clean ## Pull changes from the AUR
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Check for, and pull, changes from AUR${CC_END}"
+ git pull --ff-only
+.PHONY: update-version
+update-version: pull ## Update the package version in PKGBUILD (use pkgver and pkgrel)
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Update the package to $(use_pkgver)-$(use_pkgrel)"
+ sed -i -e 's/^pkgver=.*$$/pkgver=$(use_pkgver)/' -e 's/^pkgrel=.*$$/pkgrel=$(use_pkgrel)/' PKGBUILD
+.PHONY: update-pkgbuild
+update-pkgbuild: update-version ## Update the checksums in the PKGBUILD
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Update the checksums in PKGBUILD${CC_END}"
+ updpkgsums
+.PHONY: build
+build: update-pkgbuild ## Build the package (as a test)
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Build the package as a test${CC_END}"
+ makepkg -s
+.PHONY: update-srcinfo
+update-srcinfo: build ## Update the .SRCINFO file
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Update the .SRCINFO file${CC_END}"
+ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
+.PHONY: commit
+commit: update-pkgbuild update-srcinfo ## Commit the changes to the repository
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Commit the PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO files${CC_END}"
+ git commit -m "Bump package to $$(
+ cat .SRCINFO \
+ | awk -F ' = ' \
+ ' /\s+pkgver/ { version=$$2 }
+ /\s+pkgrel/ { release=$$2 }
+ END { printf "%s-%s", version, release }'
+ )"
+.PHONY: push
+push: commit ## Push the changes back to up the AUR
+ @echo -e "${CC_YELLOW}==>${CC_WHITE} Push the changes up to the AUR${CC_END}"
+ git push