path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorChris Severance2018-06-18 21:40:49 -0400
committerChris Severance2018-06-18 21:40:49 -0400
commitd344b6dc0bf1d821482ea95a5f513588646c1211 (patch)
treed8be3780dbd9c86d1ec7462fe09ae49b41796cbc /PKGBUILD
parentafa6f1c72ec37a79471476400a05033080dbe77e (diff)
autu: Update to 1.9.38-5
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 32e855d910d8..0261072cd47f 100644
@@ -106,8 +106,10 @@ source 'PKGBUILD.local'
set -u
+#_pkgver='1.9-36'; _dl='81000137_X.tgz'
+_pkgver='1.9-38'; _dl='81000137_Y.tgz'
pkgdesc="tty driver for Digi ${_opt_RealPort} ConnectPort EtherLite Flex One CM PortServer TS IBM RAN serial console terminal servers"
#_pkgdescshort="Digi ${_opt_RealPort} driver for Ethernet serial servers" # For when we used to generate the autorebuild from here
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -170,11 +172,10 @@ _srcdir="dgrp-${_filever%%-*}"
- "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-81000137_Y.tgz::"
+ "${pkgname##*-}-${pkgver}-${_dl}::${_dl}"
'drpadmin' 'drpadmin.1' # "autorebuild-${pkgname}.sh"
- 'dgrp-patch-signal_pending-kernel-4-11.patch'
'0000-Kernel-4-13-CLASS_ATTR_STRING.patch' #
'0001-Kernel-4-15-timers.patch' #
@@ -188,7 +189,6 @@ sha256sums=('e474518da5b3feddd1f4dd0083ac8125e34ba07da9884cbd3ebd1955006891d7'
- '83c90a2a9518fde5f500f336a181e86662b62065929bedd60fbd380dc2f4a9da'
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ else
# Check for updates and case errors to the 2 mib lists
_fn_mibcheck() {
echo 'Checking for newer and misnamed MIB'
@@ -284,11 +286,30 @@ prepare() {
set -u
cd "${_srcdir}"
- rm -f daemon/openssl-*.tar.gz # I don't want their version to build if OpenSSL version detection fails in the future
+ #cp -pr "${srcdir}/${_srcdir}"{,.orig-0000}
+ #diff -pNaru5 dgrp-1.9{.orig,} > '0000-Kernel-4-13-CLASS_ATTR_STRING.patch'
+ patch -Nup1 -i "${srcdir}/0000-Kernel-4-13-CLASS_ATTR_STRING.patch"
+ test ! -d "${srcdir}/${_srcdir}.orig-0000" || echo "${}"
+ #cp -pr "${srcdir}/${_srcdir}"{,.orig-0001}
+ #diff -pNaru5 dgrp-1.9{.orig-0001,} > '0001-Kernel-4-15-timers.patch'
+ patch -Nup1 -i "${srcdir}/0001-Kernel-4-15-timers.patch"
+ test ! -d "${srcdir}/${_srcdir}.orig-0001" || echo "${}"
+ # Version check
+ if [ "${_pkgver}" != "$(grep -e 'TRUE_VERSION=' ./ | cut -d'"' -f2)" ]; then
+ set +u
+ echo 'Version mismatch'
+ false
+ fi
# Standardize name of RealPort
sed -e "s/RealPort/${_opt_RealPort}/gI" -i $(grep -lrF $'RealPort\nRealport' .)
# grep -ri realport . | grep -vF $'RealPort\nRealport'
+ rm -f daemon/openssl-*.tar.gz # I don't want their version to build if OpenSSL version detection fails in the future
+ # Fix configure
sed -e '# Cosmetic fix for newer gcc compilers' \
-e 's:\(3.9\*|4.\*\))$:\1|5.*|6.*|7.*|8.*):g' \
-e "# I can't find any other way to fix the modules dir" \
@@ -296,10 +317,13 @@ prepare() {
-e '# Kill a harmless mkdir error. They mkdir the folder then dont use it.' \
-e 's@^\(\s\+\)\(mkdir -p /usr/lib/modules/${osrel}/misc\)$@\1: #\2@g' \
-i 'configure'
- # Eradicate sbin before we even get started
+ # Some files ignore configure --sbindir
sed -e 's:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:g' -e 's:/sbin/:/usr/bin/:g' -i 'configure' Makefile* */Makefile scripts/{preun,post}install
- # Fix the installers. We do in PKBGUILD what we can and the just a little in install.
- # cp -p 'scripts/postinstall' 'scripts/postinstall.Arch' # DEBUG for comparison
+ # make postinstall package compatible
+ # some postinstall is done in install
+ # cp -p 'scripts/postinstall'{,.Arch} # DEBUG for comparison
sed -e '# Some security for root' \
-e 's:^#!\s*/bin/sh$:&\nif [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then\n echo "Must be root!"\n exit 1\nfi:g' \
-e '# Remove Install noise' \
@@ -320,6 +344,7 @@ prepare() {
-e 's:^\(\s\+\)ln -s /usr/bin/\([^ ]\+\) \(.\+\)$:\1ln -sf "\2" "${_DESTDIR}\3":g' \
-e "# All that's left is config conversion" \
-i 'scripts/postinstall'
+ test ! -s 'scripts/postinstall.Arch'
#cp -p 'scripts/preuninstall' 'scripts/preuninstall.Arch' # For comparison
sed -e '# Some security for root' \
-e 's:^#!\s*/bin/sh$:&\nif [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then\n echo "Must be root!"\n exit 1\nfi:g' \
@@ -336,7 +361,7 @@ prepare() {
-e 's;^\(\s*\)\(rm -f \);\1: #\2;g' \
-e '# Fixing this file was almost useless. All it does after we disable everything is an rmmod' \
-i 'scripts/preuninstall'
- test ! -f 'scripts/postinstall.Arch' -a ! -f 'scripts/preuninstall.Arch'
+ test ! -s 'scripts/preuninstall.Arch'
# Change insmod to modprobe
sed -e 's:\${INSMOD}.*$:modprobe "${DGRP_DRIVER}" # &:g' -i 'config/dgrp_cfg_node'
@@ -354,20 +379,10 @@ prepare() {
-e '/^dgrp_init_module/,/^$/ s@version: %s@& Arch Linux@g' \
-i driver/[0-9]*/dgrp_driver.c
- #diff -pNaru5 dgrp-1.9{.orig,} > '0000-Kernel-4-13-CLASS_ATTR_STRING.patch'
- patch -Nup1 < "${srcdir}/0000-Kernel-4-13-CLASS_ATTR_STRING.patch"
- #cp -pr "${srcdir}/${_srcdir}"{,.orig}
- #diff -pNaru5 dgrp-1.9{.orig,} > '0001-Kernel-4-15-timers.patch'
- patch -Nup1 < "${srcdir}/0001-Kernel-4-15-timers.patch"
set +u
-build() {
- set -u
- cd "${_srcdir}"
+_configure() {
if [ ! -s 'Makefile' ]; then
# this generates a harmless error as it tries to make a folder in /usr/lib/modules...
# --with-ssl-dir supplies to -I but mainly for configure. CFLAGS goes everywhere.
@@ -376,6 +391,12 @@ build() {
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib/openssl-1.0" \
./configure -q --sbindir='/usr/bin' --prefix='/usr' --mandir='/usr/share/man' --with-ssl-dir='/usr/include/openssl-1.0'
+build() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_srcdir}"
+ _configure
#. 'config/file_locations.Arch'
make -s all -j1 # This package doesn't support threaded make and it's too small to fix
@@ -387,23 +408,25 @@ _daemons=('daemon' 'ditty')
package() {
set -u
+ cd "${_srcdir}"
if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -eq 0 ]; then
# I don't want Linux version info showing on AUR web. After a few months 'linux<0.0.0' makes it look like an out of date package.
local _kernelversionsmall="$(uname -r)"
_kernelversionsmall="${_kernelversionsmall%\.0}" # trim 4.0.0 -> 4.0, 4.1.0 -> 4.1
# prevent the mksrcinfo bash emulator from getting these vars!
- eval 'conf''licts=("linux>${_kernelversionsmall}" "linux<${_kernelversionsmall}")'
+ #eval 'conf''licts=("linux>${_kernelversionsmall}" "linux<${_kernelversionsmall}")'
eval 'dep''ends+=("linux=${_kernelversionsmall}")'
- cd "${_srcdir}"
#. 'config/file_locations.Arch'
make -s -j1 RPM_BUILD_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install
install -m644 'dinc/dinc.1' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/" # They bypass the Makefile that does this
chmod 644 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/dgrp/config"/{dgrp.gif,file_locations}
chmod 744 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"{dgelreset,dgipserv}
+ # Postinstall
# Create the links, customized for us by prepare above
grep 'ln -sf ' 'scripts/postinstall' |\
_DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \
@@ -527,7 +550,7 @@ EOF
if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -ne 0 ]; then
- rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/"
+ rm -r "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/"
local _dkms="${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
# Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
@@ -537,7 +560,7 @@ PACKAGE_NAME="${pkgname}"
# Using all processors doesn't compile this tiny module any faster.
MAKE[0]="make -j1 -C 'driver/build'"