path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorptr13372021-04-14 17:22:42 +0200
committerptr13372021-04-14 17:22:42 +0200
commit30a6a1e87b1b7c6e9096d85dd46dbc78aa833d4f (patch)
tree387f4187af3e68d918f5c8048f540f3b75dc10a6 /PKGBUILD
first push
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f41174175edc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# Maintainer: Joan Figueras <ffigue at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Torge Matthies <openglfreak at googlemail dot com>
+# Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
+# Contributor: Yoshi2889 <rick.2889 at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Tobias Powalowski <>
+# Contributor: Thomas Baechler <>
+## Set variable "use_numa" to: n to disable (possibly increase performance)
+## y to enable (stock default)
+if [ -z ${use_numa+x} ]; then
+ use_numa=n
+## For performance you can disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER. Limits debugging and analyzing of the kernel.
+## Stock Archlinux and Xanmod have this enabled.
+## Set variable "use_tracers" to: n to disable (possibly increase performance)
+## y to enable (stock default)
+if [ -z ${use_tracers+x} ]; then
+ use_tracers=y
+if [ -z ${_fsync+x} ]; then
+ _fsync=y
+if [ -z ${_futex2+x} ]; then
+ _futex2=y
+if [ -z ${_futex2+x} ]; then
+ _winesync=y
+### IMPORTANT: Do no edit below this line unless you know what you're doing
+pkgdesc='Linux-cacule. Branch with Cacule scheduler by Hamad Marri'
+ xmlto kmod inetutils bc libelf cpio
+ "config"
+ "${_patchsource}/cacule-patches/cacule-5.11.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/cacule-patches/0002-cacule-Change-default-preemption-latency-to-2ms-for-.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/cpu-patches/0001-cpu-5.11-merge-graysky-s-patchset.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/zen-patches/0001-ZEN-Add-sysctl-and-CONFIG-to-disallow-unprivileged-CLONE_NEWUSER.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/misc/0005-Disable-CPU_FREQ_GOV_SCHEDUTIL.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/zen-patches/0002-ZEN-intel-pstate-Implement-enable-parameter.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/futex-patches/"
+ "${_patchsource}/misc/0002-init-Kconfig-enable-O3-for-all-arches.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/bbr2-patches/0001-bbr2-5.11-introduce-BBRv2.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/btrfs-patches/0001-btrfs-patches.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/zswap-patches/0001-zswap-patches.patch"
+ "${_patchsource}/zstd-patches/0001-zstd-patches.patch")
+ '2622b27dc89e90688aa4b01bef7d9b4f93f3433085200fda08ae9f38a852b45d'
+ 'c539655de9eef5084b6349389b1a2fac3aaab274149c9b95667cca93570166ea'
+ 'cf00507d6881b737a9814d152e27b1db02f45a4d8a8ba3f4c9f542f0964ac697'
+ '1834ab3a65026ff76fe62e55eb18e325e656fbdc36472d3946f4955802dc396d'
+ '1158623c992e0bcf87e0b765554f15f367c5ff19148a111f0bc88f06fa4743cc'
+ '39a36b356e2452aa244f80700524c73884f995bd29ccabd3bdb760480f37ce8e'
+ 'eb17b2036e94faf59cd57f61cf3504080bd1b6b66255ac857f298645043a0242'
+ '05cebcd1dbab8d5f8d26b5351ba0237d36b8e848c830dad7a4f7d1c58cc7824c'
+ '15524321f6e532747be4145341dd6d426a4240bf190e85160bdf06ae6ea0ff20'
+ '68dcadab17c405335633e0ded03d13a78ee524311bc927df2a0f0fc1a1463caf'
+ '4e25daa2c11d9f24af8d34b7621689ab3beeb5af185b1178cdec7f610283b5be'
+ '251327be9627d8039e8c344d1beca19982676ba1eadc1b97251531fbd7611108'
+ '3fe144975c1b30b983fca9e34ba58e7b4704456a340130584a1aca0feabdc22e')
+prepare() {
+ cd linux-${_major}
+ # Apply any patch
+ local src
+ for src in "${source[@]}"; do
+ src="${src%%::*}"
+ src="${src##*/}"
+ [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue
+ msg2 "Applying patch $src..."
+ patch -Np1 < "../$src"
+ done
+ # Copy the config file first
+ # Copy "${srcdir}"/config to linux-${pkgver}/.config
+ msg2 "Copy "${srcdir}"/config to linux-$pkgver/.config"
+ cp "${srcdir}"/config-$major .config
+ # Customize the kernel
+ source "${startdir}"/cacule_config
+ cacule_config
+ cpu_arch
+ # User set. See at the top of this file
+ if [ "$use_tracers" = "n" ]; then
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER \
+ fi
+ if [ "$use_numa" = "n" ]; then
+ echo "Disable NUMA"
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NUMA
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_AMD_NUMA
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_X86_64_ACPI_NUMA
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NODES_SPAN_OTHER_NODES
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NUMA_EMU
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NEED_MULTIPLE_NODES
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_USE_PERCPU_NUMA_NODE_ID
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_ACPI_NUMA
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_NUMA_BALANCING
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT
+ scripts/config --undefine CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT
+ scripts/config --disable CONFIG_NEED_MULTIPLE_NODES
+ fi
+ if [ "$fsync" = "y" ]; then
+ echo "Enable Fsync support"
+ scripts/config --enable CONFIG_FUTEX
+ scripts/config --enable CONFIG_FUTEX_PI
+ fi
+ if [ "$futex2" = "y" ]; then
+ echo "Enable Futex2 support"
+ scripts/config --enable CONFIG_FUTEX2
+ fi
+ if [ "$futex2" = "y" ]; then
+ echo "Enable winesync support"
+ scripts/config --module CONFIG_WINESYNC
+ fi
+ # Setting localversion
+ msg2 "Setting localversion..."
+ scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion
+ echo "-${pkgbase}" > localversion
+ make olddefconfig
+ make -s kernelrelease > version
+ msg2 "Prepared $pkgbase version $(<version)"
+build() {
+ cd linux-${_major}
+ make -j$(nproc) all
+_package() {
+ pkgdesc="The Linux kernel and modules with Xanmod patches"
+ depends=(coreutils kmod initramfs)
+ optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country'
+ 'linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices')
+ cd linux-${_major}
+ local kernver="$(<version)"
+ local modulesdir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$kernver"
+ msg2 "Installing boot image..."
+ # systemd expects to find the kernel here to allow hibernation
+ #
+ install -Dm644 "$(make -s image_name)" "$modulesdir/vmlinuz"
+ # Used by mkinitcpio to name the kernel
+ echo "$pkgbase" | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$modulesdir/pkgbase"
+ msg2 "Installing modules..."
+ make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$pkgdir/usr" INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
+ # remove build and source links
+ rm "$modulesdir"/{source,build}
+_package-headers() {
+ pkgdesc="Headers and scripts for building modules for the $pkgdesc kernel"
+ depends=(pahole)
+ cd linux-${_major}
+ local builddir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$(<version)/build"
+ msg2 "Installing build files..."
+ install -Dt "$builddir" -m644 .config Makefile Module.symvers \
+ localversion.* version vmlinux
+ install -Dt "$builddir/kernel" -m644 kernel/Makefile
+ install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86" -m644 arch/x86/Makefile
+ cp -t "$builddir" -a scripts
+ # add objtool for external module building and enabled VALIDATION_STACK option
+ install -Dt "$builddir/tools/objtool" tools/objtool/objtool
+ # add xfs and shmem for aufs building
+ mkdir -p "$builddir"/{fs/xfs,mm}
+ msg2 "Installing headers..."
+ cp -t "$builddir" -a include
+ cp -t "$builddir/arch/x86" -a arch/x86/include
+ install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86/kernel" -m644 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s
+ install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/md" -m644 drivers/md/*.h
+ install -Dt "$builddir/net/mac80211" -m644 net/mac80211/*.h
+ #
+ install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/i2c" -m644 drivers/media/i2c/msp3400-driver.h
+ #
+ install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb" -m644 drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/*.h
+ install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/dvb-frontends" -m644 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/*.h
+ install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/tuners" -m644 drivers/media/tuners/*.h
+ msg2 "Installing KConfig files..."
+ find . -name 'Kconfig*' -exec install -Dm644 {} "$builddir/{}" \;
+ msg2 "Removing unneeded architectures..."
+ local arch
+ for arch in "$builddir"/arch/*/; do
+ [[ $arch = */x86/ ]] && continue
+ echo "Removing $(basename "$arch")"
+ rm -r "$arch"
+ done
+ msg2 "Removing documentation..."
+ rm -r "$builddir/Documentation"
+ msg2 "Removing broken symlinks..."
+ find -L "$builddir" -type l -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete
+ msg2 "Removing loose objects..."
+ find "$builddir" -type f -name '*.o' -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete
+ msg2 "Stripping build tools..."
+ local file
+ while read -rd '' file; do
+ case "$(file -bi "$file")" in
+ application/x-sharedlib\;*) # Libraries (.so)
+ strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
+ application/x-archive\;*) # Libraries (.a)
+ strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$file" ;;
+ application/x-executable\;*) # Binaries
+ strip -v $STRIP_BINARIES "$file" ;;
+ application/x-pie-executable\;*) # Relocatable binaries
+ strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
+ esac
+ done < <(find "$builddir" -type f -perm -u+x ! -name vmlinux -print0)
+ msg2 "Stripping vmlinux..."
+ strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$builddir/vmlinux"
+ msg2 "Adding symlink..."
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/src"
+ ln -sr "$builddir" "$pkgdir/usr/src/$pkgbase"
+pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-headers")
+for _p in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
+ eval "package_$_p() {
+ $(declare -f "_package${_p#$pkgbase}")
+ _package${_p#$pkgbase}
+ }"
+# vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 et: