path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorKrzysztof (3ED) AS2015-07-02 10:03:49 +0200
committerKrzysztof (3ED) AS2015-07-02 10:03:49 +0200
commit17e248a94f050378cff0fc3063eeea051aaafdc1 (patch)
treee3b9f9ed82d6f9f3e0507c5248ac633cdf751001 /PKGBUILD
moving files, making space for additional scripts, aur4 and other stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c3543857f27
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Maintainer: 3ED <krzysztof1987 _at_ gmail _dot_ com>
+true && pkgname=(rhythmcat rhythmcat-plugins rhythmcat-plugins-extra)
+pkgdesc="A Audio Player in GTK3 with plug-in support"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('gtk-doc' 'gtksourceview3')
+depends=('gtk3' 'gstreamer0.10-base-plugins' 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins' 'dbus-glib')
+_plugins_base=(desktop-lyric lyric-show music-locator notify)
+_plugins_extra=(lyric-crawler lyric-editor tageditor)
+prepare() {
+ gendesk -n -f \
+ --pkgname="${_pkgname}" \
+ --pkgdesc="${pkgdesc}" \
+ --genericname="RhythmCat Music Player" \
+ --categories="AudioVideo;Player;GTK" \
+ --mimetypes='application/x-ogg;application/ogg;audio/x-vorbis+ogg;audio/x-scpls;audio/x-mp3;audio/x-mpeg;audio/mpeg;audio/x-mpegurl;audio/x-flac'
+build() {
+ cd ${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-gtk3
+ make
+ for i in "${_plugins_base[@]}"; do
+ make --makefile=Makefile3 -C plugins/base/$i
+ done
+ for i in "${_plugins_extra[@]}"; do
+ make --makefile=Makefile3 -C plugins/extra/$i
+ done
+check() {
+ cd ${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}
+ make check
+package_rhythmcat() {
+ pkgdesc="A Audio Player in GTK3"
+ optdepends=('gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins: Extra media codecs'
+ 'gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins: Extra media codecs'
+ 'gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: Extra media codecs'
+ 'rhythmcat-plugins: Base plugins'
+ 'rhythmcat-plugins-extra: Extra plugins')
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{applications,pixmaps}/
+ install -m 644 ${_pkgname}.desktop "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/"
+ cd ${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
+ ln -s ../RhythmCat/images/RhythmCat_128x128.PNG \
+ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/${_pkgname}.png
+package_rhythmcat-plugins() {
+ pkgdesc="Base plugins for RhythmCat"
+ depends=(rhythmcat gtksourceview3)
+ cd ${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}
+ for i in "${_plugins_base[@]}"; do
+ make INSTALL_DIR="$pkgdir/usr/share/RhythmCat/plugins/$i" -C plugins/base/$i install
+ done
+package_rhythmcat-plugins-extra() {
+ pkgdesc="Extra plugins for RhythmCat"
+ depends=(rhythmcat)
+ cd $srcdir/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}
+ for i in "${_plugins_extra[@]}"; do
+ make INSTALL_DIR="$pkgdir/usr/share/RhythmCat/plugins/$i" -C plugins/extra/$i install
+ done
+# AUR:
+pkgdesc="A Audio Player in GTK3 with plug-in support"
+depends=('gtk3' 'gstreamer0.10-base-plugins' 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins' 'dbus-glib')
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: