path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorDario Giovannetti2015-12-20 10:44:19 +0800
committerDario Giovannetti2015-12-20 10:52:34 +0800
commitc5c8c65f1237752b5127e05264083b36ddab1cad (patch)
tree85e29257ef9d7d58f719acff5d61bd9c54950955 /PKGBUILD
parentc62c6fe21ebf38bcb382f8f5d964847624cb07aa (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 99305b75f590..703e0fb9ec8c 100644
@@ -1,143 +1,76 @@
-# Maintainer: M Rawash <>
+# Contributor: Chris Dunder <echo Y2R1bmRlckBnbWFpbC5jb20K | base64 -d>
+# Contributor: M Rawash <>
# Contributor: olvar <beren dot olvar (at) gmail dot com>
# Contributor: Andrew Antle <andrew dot antle at gmail dot com>
# Contributor: joyfulgirl <joyfulgirl (at)>
# Contributor: Jonathan Friedman <>
pkgdesc="A tiling, keyboard-driven window manager written in common lisp"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-if pacman -Qq sbcl &>/dev/null; then
- depends=('sbcl' 'clx' 'cl-ppcre')
- _lisp=sbcl
-elif pacman -Qq clisp-new-clx &>/dev/null; then
- # If somebody compiled this specially, chances are they want to use it
- depends=('clisp-new-clx' 'cl-ppcre' 'cl-asdf')
- _lisp=clisp
- source=(
- md5sums=('0f172cc814e11054c37c29fa2acfbfae')
- # No, this isn't redundant.
- depends=('sbcl' 'clx' 'cl-ppcre')
- _lisp=sbcl
-makedepends=('git' 'texinfo' 'autoconf')
-optdepends=('emacs: Edit and eval stumpwm code with M-x stumpwm-mode'
- 'alsa-utils: Use contrib/amixer.lisp to control audio volume'
- 'aumix: Use contrib/aumix.lisp to control audio volume'
- 'mpd: Use contrib/mpd.lisp to control the mpd'
- 'surfraw: Use contrib/surfraw.lisp to surf the Internet')
+md5sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP')
+ ${_pkgname}-contrib::git+
+depends=('common-lisp' 'cl-asdf' 'clx-git' 'cl-ppcre')
+optdepends=('xorg-xprop: for stumpish (StumpWM Interactive Shell)'
+ 'rlwrap: for stumpish completion and history'
+ 'emacs: Edit and eval stumpwm code with M-x stumpwm-mode'
+ 'alsa-utils: for amixer.lisp (control audio volume)'
+ 'aumix: for aumix.lisp (control audio volume)'
+ 'mpd: for mpd.lisp (control the mpd)'
+ 'surfraw: for surfraw.lisp (surf the Internet)'
+ 'clx-truetype: for ttf-fonts.lisp (Xft fonts)')
+# Binary will not run other
options=(!strip) # Thanks to sidereus for pointing this out
-# this is necesary since the AUR packages do not modify the asdf's registry by default
-_sbcl_bopt=$(cat sbcl_bopt)
-_sbcl_iopt=$(cat sbcl_iopt)
+pkgver() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}
+ ( set -o pipefail
+ git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' ||
+ printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
+ )
build() {
- msg "Connecting to ${_gitroot}..."
- if [ -d ${srcdir}/${_gitname} ] ; then
- cd ${srcdir}/${_gitname} && git pull origin master
- else
- git clone $_gitroot
- fi
- msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
- msg "Starting make..."
- rm -rf ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build
- cp -a ${srcdir}/${_gitname} ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build
- cd ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build
+ cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}
- if [ "$_lisp" = "sbcl" ]; then
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --with-lisp=$_lisp \
- --with-ppcre=/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-ppcre
- make "$_sbcl_bopt" "$_sbcl_iopt"
- elif [ "$_lisp" = "clisp" ]; then
- _lisp_source=/usr/share/common-lisp/source/
- _ppcre_source=${_lisp_source}cl-ppcre/
- # Sometimes there are no compiled versions of ppcre.
- # in this case we need to compile and use our own, and then we install them
- if [ ! -f ${_ppcre_source}/api.fas ]; then
- _own_fas=1
- mkdir ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp
- mkdir ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/systems
- mkdir ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source
- export ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS="/usr/share/common-lisp/source/:${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source/"
- # for compiling we use the asdf source we donwloaded
- clisp -norc -K full -on-error exit \
- -x "(require 'asdf '(\"${srcdir}/asdf.lisp\"))" \
- -x "(pushnew #p\"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)" \
- -x "(asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op 'cl-ppcre)"
- # once we have cl-ppcre compiled we copy the necesary files to
- # this new location, and set the necessary options for make
- cp $_ppcre_source/cl-ppcre.asd ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source/cl-ppcre/
- cp $_ppcre_source/*.lisp ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source/cl-ppcre/
- _ppcre_source=${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source/cl-ppcre/
- _clisp_bopt="clisp_BUILDOPTS=-K full -on-error exit \
- -x \"(require 'asdf '(\\\"asdf.lisp\\\"))\" \
- -x \"(pushnew \\\"${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/systems/\\\" \
- asdf:*central-registry* \
- :test #'equal)\" \
- -x \"(load \\\"./make-image.lisp\\\")\""
- fi
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --with-lisp=$_lisp \
- --with-ppcre=$_ppcre_source
- if [ -z "$_clisp_bopt" ]; then
- make
- else
- make "$_clisp_bopt"
- fi
- fi
- make destdir=$pkgdir install
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-module-dir=${_contribdest}
+ make
- rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/share/info/dir
+package() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}
- # Installation of stumpish, the contributed lisp,
- # and the emacs stumpwm mode.
- install -m 755 ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build/contrib/stumpish ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ make destdir="$pkgdir/" install
- install -Dm 644 sample-stumpwmrc.lisp ${pkgdir}/etc/stumpwmrc.sample
- install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_gitname}
- install -m 644 ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build/contrib/*.lisp ${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_gitname}
+ install -Dm 644 sample-stumpwmrc.lisp ${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}/stumpwmrc.sample
- install -Dm 644 ${srcdir}/${_gitname}-build/contrib/stumpwm-mode.el \
- ${pkgdir}/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/stumpwm-mode.el
+ # contrib modules
+ install -d ${pkgdir}${_contribdest}
+ cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-contrib/* ${pkgdir}${_contribdest}
+ # stumpish
+ install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ mv ${pkgdir}${_contribdest}/util/stumpish/stumpish ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ rmdir ${pkgdir}${_contribdest}/util/stumpish
- # if we had to compile our own fas files, then we need to install them too.
- if [ "x$_own_fas" = "x1" ]; then
- install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-ppcre
- install -m 644 ${srcdir}/cl-ppcre_temp/source/cl-ppcre/*.fas \
- ${pkgdir}/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-ppcre/
- fi
+ # emacs mode
+ install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
+ mv ${pkgdir}${_contribdest}/util/swm-emacs/*.el ${pkgdir}/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
# vim:sw=2 ts=2 et si: