path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorTorge Matthies2019-07-01 22:25:41 +0200
committerTorge Matthies2019-07-01 22:25:41 +0200
commit1bd368c7472afd1b3b3ca59049d6165a92957996 (patch)
tree51a804b9cd6afc360286082818c39c3559a034a8 /PKGBUILD
parent0576ad2f3e28a17489b27e67e81a951b34c6386f (diff)
Version 9.4.99.r2255.g6ac1aabf-1
I really hope this works for others...
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index e74ef5ca839e..8cd61a5daadd 100644
@@ -1,209 +1,414 @@
-pkgdesc="Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages such as C#. (git version)"
+# Maintainer: Torge Matthies <openglfreak at googlemail dot com>
+# Maintainer: PedroHLC <>
+# This PKGBUILD does not work without internet acces.
+# The AUR repository contains just the files needed to build this package.
+# For additional maintainer tools for this package, see:
+# Set this to true to include proprietary components.
+# You can also set it as an environment variable.
+pkgdesc="Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use with .NET managed languages (Git version)"
+ 'ant'
+ 'cmake'
+ 'git'
+ 'gtk-sharp-2'
+ 'jdk8-openjdk'
+ 'libzip'
+ 'ninja'
+ 'nuget'
+ 'referenceassemblies-pcl'
+ 'unzip'
+ 'zip'
+ 'p7zip'
+ 'lsb-release')
+ 'mono>=3.0.0'
+ 'glibc>=2.28'
+ 'libzip>=1.5.1'
+ 'gcc-libs>=5.2'
+ 'lib32-gcc-libs>=5.2'
+ 'ncurses>=6'
+ 'zlib>=1:1.2.0')
+optdepends=('jdk8-openjdk: For building Xamarin.Android Apps'
+ 'jdk8: For building Xamarin.Android Apps'
+ 'fsharp: For compiling Xamarin.Android F# projects')
- 'mono>=5.18'
- 'java-environment=8'
- 'gtk-sharp-2' 'libzip' 'referenceassemblies-pcl' 'unzip' 'zip'
- # these should be reused, but it looks like makefile doesn't care
- #'android-ndk' 'android-sdk'
- #"android-platform-"{}
- #"android-x86-64-system-image-"{}
- #'android-support-repository'
- #'apache-ant'
- #base-devel: autoconf (autotools)
- )
- 'git'
- 'cmake' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'wget'
- 'lsb-release' 'openssh'
- 'nuget' 'msbuild'
- # these should be also reused, but the same happens
- #'llvm' 'nuget'
- )
- "${_pkgname}::git+${url}.git"
- 'ext_debugger-libs::git+git://'
- 'ext_dlfcn-win32::git+'
- 'ext_Java.Interop::git+'
- 'ext_libzip::git+'
- 'ext_LibZipSharp::git+'
- 'ext_llvm::git+'
- 'ext_mman-win32::git+'
- 'ext_mono::git+'
- 'ext_mxe::git+'
- 'ext_nrefactory::git+git://'
- 'ext_opentk::git+'
- 'ext_proguard::git+'
- 'ext_sqlite::git+'
- 'ext_xamarin-android-api-compatibility::git+'
- 'ext_xamarin-android-tools::git+'
- 'ext_aspnetwebstack::git+git://'
- 'ext_Newtonsoft.Json::git+git://'
- 'ext_cecil::git+git://'
- 'ext_rx::git+git://'
- 'ext_ikvm::git+git://'
- 'ext_ikdasm::git+git://'
- 'ext_reference-assemblies::git+git://'
- 'ext_nunit-lite::git+git://'
- 'ext_nuget-buildtasks::git+git://'
- 'ext_cecil-legacy::git+git://'
- 'ext_boringssl::git+git://'
- 'ext_corefx::git+git://'
- 'ext_bockbuild::git+git://'
- 'ext_linker::git+git://'
- 'ext_roslyn-binaries::git+git://'
- 'ext_corert::git+git://'
- 'ext_xunit-binaries::git+git://'
- 'ext_api-doc-tools::git+git://'
- 'ext_api-snapshot::git+git://'
- "${_android_repo}/android-ndk-r${_ndk_ver}"
- "${_android_repo}/build-tools_r${_build_ver}"
- "${_android_repo}/platform-tools_r${_plat_ver}"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/emulator-linux-${_emu_ver}.zip"
- "${_android_repo}/cmake-${_cmake_ver}"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/"
- "${_android_repo}/sys-img/android/"
- "${_apache_repo}/"
- )
- "android-ndk-r${_ndk_ver}"
- "build-tools_r${_build_ver}"
- "platform-tools_r${_plat_ver}"
- ''
- "emulator-linux-${_emu_ver}.zip"
- "cmake-${_cmake_ver}"
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- )
-for i in "${source[@]}"; do sha256sums+=('SKIP'); done
+_android_source=('' # src/xamarin-android/build-tools/xaprepare/xaprepare/ConfigAndData/Dependencies/AndroidToolchain.cs
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ '' # build-tools/xaprepare/xaprepare/ConfigAndData/Configurables.Linux.cs
+ '' # build-tools/xaprepare/xaprepare/ConfigAndData/Configurables.cs
+ ''
+ '' # src/aapt2/aapt2.targets
+ ''
+ ''
+ '') # src/bundletool/bundletool.targets
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'binary-reference-assemblies::git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'ikvm::git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'Java.Interop::git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'nrefactory::git+'
+ 'nuget-buildtasks::git+'
+ 'nunit-lite::git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ 'git+'
+ "${_android_source[@]}"
+ ''
+ Configuration.Override.props
+ xaprepare-arch.patch
+ api-xml-adjuster-fix.patch)
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'SKIP'
+ '54bdb0f1ca06ba5747061ddeea20f431af72c448334fd4d3d7f84ea2ccd29fea'
+ '5bc1f93aae86b4336ffc4cae9eb8ec41a9a8fd677582dd86a9629798f019bed9'
+ 'fd7f269a423d1f1d079eabf9f918ceab49108702a1c6bb2589d57c23393503d3'
+ 'b66e73fb2639f8c916fde4369aa29012a5c531e156dbb205fe3788fe998fbbe8'
+ '166ae9cf299747a5faa8f04168f0ee47cd7466a975d8b44acaaa62a43e767568'
+ '5efc3a3a682c1d49128daddb6716c433edf16e63349f32959b6207524ac04039'
+ 'ef08c453e16ab6e656cf5d9413ef61cb8c650607d33b24ee4ce08dafdfe965a7'
+ 'a76cd7ad3080ac6ce9f037cb935b399a1bad396c0605d4ff42f693695f1dcefe'
+ '45eb581bbe53c9256f34c26b2cea919543c0079140897ac721cf88c0b9f6789e'
+ '4b4bcddead3319708275c54c76294707bfaa953d767e34f1a5b599f3edd0076c'
+ 'f268f5945c6ece7ea95c1c252067280854d2a20da924e22ae4720287df8bdbc9'
+ '9b742d34590fe73fb7229e34835ecffb1846ca389d9f924f0b2a37de525dc6b8'
+ '2aafa7d19c5e9c4b643ee6ade3d85ef89dc2f79e8383efdb9baf7fddad74b52a'
+ '020c4c090bc82ce87ebaae5d1a922e21b39a1d03c78ffa43f0c3e42fc7d28169'
+ '967f8ca99b71d337aa9c7781f9d65dd8110bf5c4746f44304047bf71b20d0ded'
+ '041198ae2cc7cd82d15d0d00ac3e69e814e9081bda7e964d788bb4ecc5bebdc2'
+ '68db2690cb92e4ee5373ac9b792642c90717d8f417d83eccea48781171b3182a'
+ 'a3f91808dce50c1717737de90c18479ed3a78b147e06985247d138e7ab5123d0'
+ '7c3615c55b64713fe56842a12fe6827d6792cb27a9f95f9fa3aee1ff1be47f16'
+ '57435158f109162f41f2f43d5563d2164e4d5d0364783a9a6fab3ef12cb06ce0'
+ '97d25d76d7ef5f545c5f034fd77479b56d2e846c59c03756178db99443741d8f'
+ '16d2543ac5fb840e1e7c54735591fd0a9552cef128f3e14a9baffe9560acbc69'
+ '92ffee5a1d98d856634e8b71132e8a95d96c83a63fde1099be3d86df3106def9'
+ '523bf2fae0d93f19b93b0839243acadcca1d8cea8f3946f13651d6989dd1bb6d'
+ '763572c87f77d3ddbf7e72d080e8b45184d5c368bfdd170f2589f08a089570fd'
+ '84241d523798c1df5b7c5e2e57615a8761b6eb8386eb87026895803319d3c5ce'
+ '3db0be7b1a821298cd6605357921e4e9bb5390425fa8e8d6605a81fde9dd2518'
+ '9d0d854a2c9f849db21aa8f3f94a1e0bcb83b079239245e4d4d96304c438b958'
+ 'a83c37de4891595fb2c1c5868d4485b7360bdfc0acb4a300aed201174f458420'
+ '408852a986886f37e833ab75a6ec58771ee8f1154d477fc0d4d971a3b3951a33'
+ 'c7d5f5085f918e9a38a328857beb8e599ca907ebfc2edd553222c99dc20e33e1'
+ '5ea68a00f2fe0667d9d66dbf05181828d405a205732221751310dd0c1b5abe64'
+ '0ace4f53493332c9a75291ee96acd76b371b4e687175e4852bf85948176d7152'
+ 'c633ea19a84a5b638fb60d6421d8c2b10fdd6f1a5b455c4f0fe0fa0b0628878b'
+ '809792dbe7384634e82406b724c3f4f452af0c536f75bf115deb93aa682a7142'
+ '2057d5dafe366476075fefb34787b4ce848ccf3b6835321f33ba25d63edefa80')
+if [ true = "${_include_proprietary}" ]; then
+ pkgname=xamarin-android-proprietary-git
+ pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (Including proprietary components)"
+ source+=(''
+ runtime-xml.patch)
+ sha256sums+=('15a42e686b6491b4aaf2bfa7656bf3297908573968fb910095e52eeb7c9aaeb0'
+ '48e5378c14adb3316d504df39e23c331fe9ff28ff3d1d9593ff995caa7d8eb69')
+ provides+=('xamarin-android-git')
+ conflicts+=('xamarin-android-git')
pkgver() {
- cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
- printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
+ local ProductVersion _VCSVersion VCSVersion CommitCount CommitHash
+ cd "${srcdir}/xamarin-android"
+ ProductVersion="$(xml sel -N msb='' -t -v '/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:ProductVersion' ./Configuration.props)"
+ if _VCSVersion="$(git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ VCSVersion="$(printf '%s' "${_VCSVersion}" | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g')"
+ else
+ CommitCount="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)"
+ CommitHash="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
+ VCSVersion="r${CommitCount}.g${CommitHash}"
+ fi
+ printf '%s.%s\n' "${ProductVersion}" "${VCSVersion}"
+_prepare_Java_Interop() {
+ local Submodules
+ cd external/Java.Interop
+ Submodules=(cecil
+ xamarin-android-tools)
+ for Submodule in "${Submodules[@]}"; do
+ git submodule init "external/${Submodule}"
+ git config "submodule.external/${Submodule}.url" "${srcdir}/${Submodule}"
+ git submodule update "external/${Submodule}"
+ done
+ git submodule init 'lib/mono.linq.expressions'
+ git config 'submodule.lib/mono.linq.expressions.url' "${srcdir}/mono.linq.expressions"
+ git submodule update 'lib/mono.linq.expressions'
+ cd ../..
+_prepare_mono() {
+ local Submodules
+ cd external/mono
+ Submodules=(Newtonsoft.Json
+ api-doc-tools
+ api-snapshot
+ aspnetwebstack
+ bockbuild
+ boringssl
+ cecil
+ corefx
+ corert
+ helix-binaries
+ ikdasm
+ ikvm
+ illinker-test-assets
+ linker
+ llvm
+ nuget-buildtasks
+ nunit-lite
+ roslyn-binaries
+ rx
+ xunit-binaries)
+ for Submodule in "${Submodules[@]}"; do
+ git submodule init "external/${Submodule}"
+ git config "submodule.external/${Submodule}.url" "${srcdir}/${Submodule}"
+ git submodule update "external/${Submodule}"
+ done
+ git submodule init "external/cecil-legacy"
+ git config "submodule.external/cecil-legacy.url" "${srcdir}/cecil"
+ git submodule update "external/cecil-legacy"
+ git submodule init "external/binary-reference-assemblies"
+ git config "submodule.external/reference-assemblies.url" "${srcdir}/binary-reference-assemblies"
+ git submodule update "external/binary-reference-assemblies"
+ cd external/api-doc-tools
+ git submodule init "external/Lucene.Net.Light"
+ git config "submodule.external/Lucene.Net.Light.url" "${srcdir}/Lucene.Net.Light"
+ git submodule update "external/Lucene.Net.Light"
+ git submodule init "external/SharpZipLib"
+ git config "submodule.external/SharpZipLib.url" "${srcdir}/SharpZipLib"
+ git submodule update "external/SharpZipLib"
+ cd ../..
+ cd external/linker
+ git submodule init "external/cecil"
+ git config "submodule.cecil.url" "${srcdir}/cecil" # Why is this different?
+ git submodule update "external/cecil"
+ cd ../..
+ cd ../..
+_prepare_submodules() {
+ local Submodules
+ Submodules=(Java.Interop
+ LibZipSharp
+ debugger-libs
+ dlfcn-win32
+ libzip
+ mman-win32
+ mono
+ mxe
+ nrefactory
+ opentk
+ proguard
+ sqlite
+ xamarin-android-api-compatibility
+ xamarin-android-tools)
+ for Submodule in "${Submodules[@]}"; do
+ git submodule init "external/${Submodule}"
+ git config "submodule.external/${Submodule}.url" "${srcdir}/${Submodule}"
+ git submodule update "external/${Submodule}"
+ if declare -Ffp "_prepare_${Submodule//[^0-9A-Za-z_]/_}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ "_prepare_${Submodule//[^0-9A-Za-z_]/_}"
+ fi
+ done
prepare() {
- cd "${srcdir}"
- mkdir -p cache
- mv ${noextract[@]} ./cache/
- cd "${_pkgname}"
- git submodule init
- git config submodule.external/debugger-libs.url "$srcdir/ext_debugger-libs"
- git config submodule.external/dlfcn-win32.url "$srcdir/ext_dlfcn-win32"
- git config submodule.external/Java.Interop.url "$srcdir/ext_Java.Interop"
- git config submodule.external/libzip.url "$srcdir/ext_libzip"
- git config submodule.external/LibZipSharp.url "$srcdir/ext_LibZipSharp"
- git config submodule.external/llvm.url "$srcdir/ext_llvm"
- git config submodule.external/mman-win32.url "$srcdir/ext_mman-win32"
- git config submodule.external/mono.url "$srcdir/ext_mono"
- git config submodule.external/mxe.url "$srcdir/ext_mxe"
- git config submodule.external/nrefactory.url "$srcdir/ext_nrefactory"
- git config submodule.external/opentk.url "$srcdir/ext_opentk"
- git config submodule.external/proguard.url "$srcdir/ext_proguard"
- git config submodule.external/sqlite.url "$srcdir/ext_sqlite"
- git config submodule.external/xamarin-android-api-compatibility.url "$srcdir/ext_xamarin-android-api-compatibility"
- git config submodule.external/xamarin-android-tools.url "$srcdir/ext_xamarin-android-tools"
- git submodule update
-cat <<EOF > Configuration.Override.props
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
- <PropertyGroup>
- <AndroidToolchainCacheDirectory>${srcdir}\cache</AndroidToolchainCacheDirectory>
- <AndroidToolchainDirectory>${srcdir}\cache\toolchain</AndroidToolchainDirectory>
- <AndroidMxeInstallPrefix>\$(AndroidToolchainDirectory)\mxe</AndroidMxeInstallPrefix>
- </PropertyGroup>
- pushd 'external/mono'
- git submodule init
- git config submodule.external/aspnetwebstack.url "$srcdir/ext_aspnetwebstack"
- git config submodule.external/Newtonsoft.Json.url "$srcdir/ext_Newtonsoft.Json"
- git config submodule.external/cecil.url "$srcdir/ext_cecil"
- git config submodule.external/rx.url "$srcdir/ext_rx"
- git config submodule.external/ikvm.url "$srcdir/ext_ikvm"
- git config submodule.external/ikdasm.url "$srcdir/ext_ikdasm"
- git config submodule.external/reference-assemblies.url "$srcdir/ext_reference-assemblies"
- git config submodule.external/nunit-lite.url "$srcdir/ext_nunit-lite"
- git config submodule.external/nuget-buildtasks.url "$srcdir/ext_nuget-buildtasks"
- git config submodule.external/cecil-legacy.url "$srcdir/ext_cecil-legacy"
- git config submodule.external/boringssl.url "$srcdir/ext_boringssl"
- git config submodule.external/corefx.url "$srcdir/ext_corefx"
- git config submodule.external/bockbuild.url "$srcdir/ext_bockbuild"
- git config submodule.external/linker.url "$srcdir/ext_linker"
- git config submodule.external/roslyn-binaries.url "$srcdir/ext_roslyn-binaries"
- git config submodule.external/corert.url "$srcdir/ext_corert"
- git config submodule.external/xunit-binaries.url "$srcdir/ext_xunit-binaries"
- git config submodule.external/api-doc-tools.url "$srcdir/ext_api-doc-tools"
- git config submodule.external/api-snapshot.url "$srcdir/ext_api-snapshot"
- git submodule update
- popd
- NO_SUDO=true make prepare MSBUILD=msbuild
+ local AndroidSourceArchives ProprietaryParams
+ cd "${srcdir}/xamarin-android"
+ _prepare_submodules
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}/xamarin-android/.nuget"
+ mv "${srcdir}/nuget.exe" "${srcdir}/xamarin-android/.nuget/NuGet.exe"
+ mv "${srcdir}/Configuration.Override.props" "${srcdir}/xamarin-android/"
+ # Add Arch Linux support to xaprepare.
+ git -C "${srcdir}/xamarin-android" apply "${srcdir}/xaprepare-arch.patch"
+ # Fix overlooked ProjectReference to a removed project.
+ git -C "${srcdir}/xamarin-android" apply "${srcdir}/api-xml-adjuster-fix.patch"
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}/android-archives"
+ AndroidSourceArchives=("${_android_source[@]##*/}")
+ mv "${AndroidSourceArchives[@]/#/${srcdir}/}" "${srcdir}/android-archives/"
+ # The aapt2 archives have to be renamed for some reason.
+ for Aapt2Archive in "${srcdir}/android-archives"/aapt2-*.jar; do
+ mv "${Aapt2Archive}" "${Aapt2Archive%.jar}.zip"
+ done
+ # TODO: download bundle and move it to "${srcdir}/android-archives/"
+ # The bundle currently 404's.
+ if [ true = "${_include_proprietary}" ]; then
+ mv "${srcdir}/\$MSBuild/Xamarin/Android" "${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android"
+ rm -rf "${srcdir}/"{Resources,_rels,package,\$ReferenceAssemblies,\$MSBuild,Xamarin.Android.Sdk.pkgdef,Xamarin.Android.Sdk.dll,ThirdPartyNotices.txt,manifest.json,extension.vsixmanifest,\[Content_Types\].xml,catalog.json}
+ # Fixes proprietary .xml files not being copied.
+ git -C "${srcdir}/xamarin-android" apply "${srcdir}/runtime-xml.patch"
+ fi
+ if [ true = "${_include_proprietary}" ]; then
+ # This breaks if srcdir includes a single quote
+ ProprietaryParams=(PREPARE_MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True" MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True")
+ fi
+ TERM=dumb srcdir="${srcdir}" make prepare PREPARE_ARGS='--no-emoji --run-mode=CI' ${ProprietaryParams+"${ProprietaryParams[@]}"} CONFIGURATION=Release
build() {
- cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
- NO_SUDO=true make MSBUILD=msbuild all
+ local ProprietaryParams
+ cd "${srcdir}/xamarin-android"
+ if [ true = "${_include_proprietary}" ]; then
+ # This breaks if srcdir includes a single quote
+ ProprietaryParams=(PREPARE_MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True" MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True")
+ fi
+ # Basically make jenkins but without all the Windows stuff
+ TERM=dumb srcdir="${srcdir}" make all ${ProprietaryParams+"${ProprietaryParams[@]}"} CONFIGURATION=Release
+ TERM=dumb srcdir="${srcdir}" make -f Makefile -f bin/BuildRelease/ framework-assemblies _MSBUILD_ARGS= ${ProprietaryParams+"${ProprietaryParams[@]}"} CONFIGURATION=Release
+ TERM=dumb srcdir="${srcdir}" make -f Makefile opentk-jcw _MSBUILD_ARGS= ${ProprietaryParams+"${ProprietaryParams[@]}"} CONFIGURATION=Release
package() {
- cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
- make prefix="${pkgdir}/opt/xamarin-android" install
+ cd "${srcdir}/xamarin-android"
+ if [ true = "${_include_proprietary}" ]; then
+ # This breaks if srcdir includes a single quote
+ ProprietaryParams=(PREPARE_MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True" MSBUILD_FLAGS="/p:_SourceDir='${srcdir}/Xamarin.Android/' /p:XAIncludeProprietaryBits=True")
+ fi
+ TERM=dumb srcdir="${srcdir}" make install prefix="${pkgdir}/usr" ${ProprietaryParams+"${ProprietaryParams[@]}"} CONFIGURATION=Release
+ # Correct links
+ find "${pkgdir}" -type l -exec sh -c 'prefix="${1}"; shift; for link; do target="$(readlink "${link}"; echo x)"; target="${target%?x}"; new_target="${target#${prefix}}"; if [ "${new_target}" != "${target}" ]; then rm -f "$link"; ln -s "$new_target" "$link"; fi; done' x "${pkgdir}" \{\} \+;
+ # build-tools/debian-metadata/rules
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/*.exe*
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/*-as.exe*
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/