path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorCaleb Maclennan2022-02-04 21:13:45 +0300
committerCaleb Maclennan2022-02-04 22:03:49 +0300
commitdd7159c87448362936730070fc6ab69ff9687a4b (patch)
tree93d1fe2c1842cb12ff6a9333811786ebe8f95c2a /PKGBUILD
parenta5f16450620620ac4b13e734f5855a087c973860 (diff)
Overhaul with an eye to migrating to [community]
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index c44c6f5c191f..8964573b81df 100644
@@ -1,170 +1,70 @@
-# Maintainer: BrLi <brli at chakralinux dot org>
# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan <>
-# Decide whether to include pandoc binary into zettlr package
-# Default to false, the application will use Arch's pandoc
+# Contributor: BrLi <brli at chakralinux dot org>
-pkgdesc="A markdown editor for writing academic texts and taking notes"
-license=('GPL' 'custom') # Noted that the icon and name are copyrighted
-makedepends=(git yarn nodejs-lts-gallium) # check .github/workflows/build.yml for NODE_VERSION
-optdepends=('pandoc: For exporting to various format'
- 'texlive-bin: For Latex support'
- 'ttf-lato: Display output in a more comfortable way')
-_csl_locale_commit=c38205618f1a23eb80e8c5f33c8086648ca3874b # Dec 23, 2021
-_csl_style_commit=ccb71844fdafb2b7a48cccb364f4b4c03d3cdce6 # Sep 19, 2021
-_pandoc_binary_ver=2.17 # check scripts/ for update
- '0001-Do-not-download-pandoc.patch'
- # citation style
- "locales-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}.zip::${_csl_locale_commit}.zip"
- "chicago-author-date-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}.csl::${_csl_style_commit}/chicago-author-date.csl")
+pkgdesc='A Markdown Editor for the 21st century'
+ otf-crimson-text
+ pandoc
+ ttf-inconsolata
+ ttf-liberation)
+ git
+ nodejs-lts-gallium # check .github/workflows/build.yml for NODE_VERSION
+ yarn)
+optdepends=('texlive-bin: For Latex support')
+ "$"
+ "$pkgname.xml")
- 'a0fe981dade0ce52be190d8e8a2fd7f6c05c32c7d44d96c63f6f494460d483ef'
- '275fc80a391b4002b52182deb12997a1408118b7753977ea69ef5256c6f3ff47'
- '1455e57b314fd13ba155f4ab93f061e3e6393c13cd0f16380adb9d73614f7930')
-if ${_bundle_pandoc} ; then
- # pandoc binary source
- source+=("${_pandoc_binary_ver}/pandoc-${_pandoc_binary_ver}-linux-amd64.tar.gz")
- sha256sums+=('3fe3d42179af289d4f5452b9317d2bc9cd139a4f33a37f68d70e128f1d415aa4')
-prepare() {
- cd "Zettlr-${pkgver}"
+ 'c96a7d8e8b538896721e1657aaa7a1fc79836c50f90888f77ccea23e90230326'
+ 'c3ecbb490a1d4fa5bc42f7166cc375e5629a452d25bb1d4facb5541938681292')
- # Use pacman mechanism to download pandoc binary instead of using upstream script
- patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/0001-Do-not-download-pandoc.patch
+_yarnargs="--cache-folder '$srcdir/cache' --link-folder '$srcdir/link'"
- # csl:refresh from package.json
- find "${srcdir}/locales-$_csl_locale_commit" -name "*.xml" \
- -exec cp {} static/csl-locales/ \;
- cp "${srcdir}/locales-$_csl_locale_commit/locales.json" static/csl-locales/
- cp "${srcdir}/chicago-author-date-${pkgver}-$pkgrel.csl" static/csl-styles/chicago-author-date.csl
-if ${_bundle_pandoc} ; then
- # Put pandoc binary in place
- cp "${srcdir}/pandoc-${_pandoc_binary_ver}/bin/pandoc" resources/pandoc-linux-x64
- ln -sf pandoc-linux-x64 resources/pandoc
- # Using Arch's pandoc, need to fake a link, otherwise npm/yarn complains
- ln -sf /usr/bin/pandoc resources/pandoc-linux-x64
- ln -sf /usr/bin/pandoc resources/pandoc
+prepare() {
+ local _electronVersion=$(electron --version | sed -e 's/^v//')
+ gendesk -q -f -n \
+ --pkgname "$pkgname" \
+ --pkgdesc "$pkgdesc" \
+ --name="$_pkgname" \
+ --categories=Office \
+ --custom StartupWMClass="$_pkgname"
+ cd "$_archive"
+ echo -ne '#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\nexit 0' > scripts/
+ sed -i -e '/"electron"/d' package.json
+ yarn $_yarnargs install --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts
+ yarn $_yarnargs add --dev --no-lockfile electron@$_electronVersion
+ yarn $_yarnargs install --pure-lockfile # postinstall script installs electron-builder deps
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/pandoc resources/pandoc-linux-x64
build() {
- cd "Zettlr-${pkgver}"
- local NODE_ENV=''
- yarn install --cache-folder "${srcdir}/cache" \
- --link-folder "${srcdir}/link"
- yarn reveal:build
- node node_modules/.bin/electron-forge package
- # Remove fonts
- cd "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}/.webpack"
- find . -type d -name "fonts" -exec rm -rf {} +
- # Remove references to $srcdir
- find renderer -type f -name '' -exec sed -i "s,${srcdir}/Zettlr,/usr/lib/${pkgname},g" {} +
- # Remove resources for other OSs and leftovers
- cd "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}/resources"
- rm -rfv NSIS
- rm -rfv icons/dmg
- rm -rfv icons/*icns
- rm -rfv icons/*.ico
- rm -rfv screenshots
- rm -r .gitignore
- # Remove fonts
- cd "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}/static"
- rm -rf fonts
+ cd "$_archive"
+ local NODE_ENV=''
+ yarn $_yarnargs reveal:build
+ yarn $_yarnargs package:linux-x64
-# check() {
-# cd "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}"
-# # Require electron module to test
-# yarn add --cache-folder "${srcdir}/cache" --link-folder "${srcdir}/link" electron
-# # The "test" function in package.json
-# node node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha
-# # The "test-gui" function in package.json, not useful in our case
-# node scripts/test-gui.js
-# # Clean up
-# yarn remove electron
-# rm yarn.lock
-# rm node_modules/.bin -rf
-# }
package() {
- local _destdir=usr/lib/"${pkgname}"
- install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/${_destdir}"
- cd "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}"
- # Copy the generated electron project
- cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode ./.webpack "${pkgdir}/${_destdir}/"
- cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode ./resources "${pkgdir}/${_destdir}/"
- cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode ./static "${pkgdir}/${_destdir}/"
- cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode ./package.json "${pkgdir}/${_destdir}/"
- # Install start script to /usr/bin
- install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/Zettlr" <<END
-exec electron /${_destdir} "\$@"
- # install icons of various sizes to hi-color theme
- for px in 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 256 512 1024; do
- install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}/resources/icons/png/${px}x${px}.png" \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${px}x${px}/apps/Zettlr.png"
- done
- # Generate desktop entry file
- # Based on descriptions in package.json and forge.config.js
- install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/Zettlr.desktop" <<END
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=A powerful Markdown Editor with integrated tree view
-Exec=Zettlr %U
- # Generate mimetype configuration file to associate with zettlr
- # Based on electron-builder.yml
- install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/Zettlr.xml" <<END
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<mime-info xmlns="">
- <mime-type type="text/markdown">
- <glob pattern="*.md"/>
- <comment>Markdown document</comment>
- <icon name="x-office-document" />
- </mime-type>
- <mime-type type="text/markdown">
- <glob pattern="*.markdown"/>
- <comment>Markdown document</comment>
- <icon name="x-office-document" />
- </mime-type>
- <mime-type type="text/markdown">
- <glob pattern="*.rmd"/>
- <comment>RMarkdown document</comment>
- <icon name="x-office-document" />
- </mime-type>
- # license
- install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" "${srcdir}/Zettlr-${pkgver}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm0755 "${source[1]}" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
+ install -Dm0644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/" "$pkgname.desktop"
+ cd "$_archive"
+ local _destdir="usr/lib/$pkgname"
+ install -Dm0644 -t "$pkgdir/$_destdir/resources/" \
+ "out/$_pkgname-linux-x64/resources/"{app.asar,icon.code.icns}
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/pandoc "$pkgdir/$_destdir/resources/pandoc"
+ for px in 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 256 512 1024; do
+ install -Dm0644 "resources/icons/png/${px}x${px}.png" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${px}x${px}/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ done
+ install -Dm0644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/mime/packages/" "../${source[2]}"