path: root/
diff options
authorAdrien Sohier2015-06-08 15:29:50 +0200
committerAdrien Sohier2015-06-08 15:29:50 +0200
commit90ebc1a88410fe3534f18fca0614564d12327514 (patch)
tree0f70542d1c40e6fb15e8cdc4aba9cbdf7ac6630a /
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..54b857e3d958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: foldlevel=0
+from math import log
+from os import environ, listdir, mkdir, stat, unlink
+from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, islink, realpath
+from subprocess import call, getoutput
+from sys import argv
+from time import localtime, strftime
+import gettext
+trashDir = environ["HOME"] + "/.Trash"
+dataDir = trashDir + "/files"
+pathDir = trashDir + "/path"
+##### Actions #####
+def putToTrash(files):
+ _id = _getNextId_()
+ for item in files:
+ pathItem = ""
+ # Get full item path, without following links (ie trash put [link] delete the link, not the link target)
+ if not islink(item):
+ pathItem = realpath(item)
+ else:
+ if dirname(item) == "":
+ item = "./" + item
+ pathItem = realpath(dirname(item)) + "/" + basename(item)
+ # FIXME: Find a better way to do this
+ call(['mv', pathItem, dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=_id)])
+ # Write metadata
+ with open(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=_id), "w") as f:
+ f.write("{path}".format(path=pathItem))
+ print(_("Trashed [{itemId}] {path}").format(path=item, itemId=_id))
+ _id += 1
+def listTrash():
+ items = [int(i) for i in listdir(pathDir)]
+ items.sort()
+ itemLen = len("%d" % max(items+[1]))
+ print(_("Total size : %s\n") % _trashSize_()[1])
+ for item in items:
+ with open(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), "r") as f:
+ path ="\n", "")
+ dataItem = dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)
+ if exists(dataItem) and not islink(dataItem):
+ print("\x1B[1;33m%*d: \x1B[0;32m[%s]\x1B[0m %s" % (itemLen, item, strftime("%F %T", localtime(stat(dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)).st_mtime)), path))
+ elif islink(dataItem):
+ print("\x1B[1;33m%*d: \x1B[0;37m[link]\x1B[0m %s" % (itemLen, item, path))
+ else:
+ print("\x1B[1;33m%*d: \x1B[1;31m[invalid]\x1B[0m %s" % (itemLen, item, path))
+def dropItems(ids):
+ for item in ids:
+ path=""
+ dataItem = dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)
+ if not exists(dataItem) and not islink(dataItem):
+ print(_("ERR: Item #{itemId} was not found in the trash.").format(itemId=item))
+ if isfile(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)):
+ with open(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), "r") as f:
+ path ="\n", "")
+ unlink(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item))
+ call(['rm', '-r', '{d}/{item}'.format(d=dataDir, item=item)])
+ print(_("Dropped [{itemId}] {itemPath}").format(itemId=item, itemPath=path))
+def restoreItems(ids):
+ for item in ids:
+ path = ""
+ dataItem = dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)
+ if not exists(dataItem) and not islink(dataItem):
+ print(_("ERR: Item #{itemId} was not found in the trash.").format(itemId=item))
+ continue
+ if isfile(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)):
+ with open(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), "r") as f:
+ path ="\n", "")
+ call(['mv', dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), path])
+ unlink(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item))
+ print(_("Restored [{itemId}] {itemPath}").format(itemId=item, itemPath=path))
+def orderIds():
+ notFound = 0
+ for num, item in enumerate([int(i) for i in listdir(pathDir)]):
+ print(_("Ordering items… %s") % "|/—\\"[num%4], end="\r")
+ dataItem = dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item)
+ if exists(dataItem) or islink(dataItem):
+ if num+1 != item:
+ print(_("\rMoved {old} to {new}\x1B[0K").format(old=item, new=num+1))
+ call(['mv', dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), dataDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=num+1)])
+ else:
+ print(_("\r\x1B[1;31mERR:\x1B[0m Item #{itemId} does not exist under {path}, deleting its metadata\x1B[0K").format(itemId=item, path=dataDir))
+ unlink(pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item))
+ notFound += 1
+ if num+1 != item:
+ call(['mv', pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=item), pathDir+"/{itemId}".format(itemId=num+1)])
+ if notFound > 0:
+ print(_("\x1B[1;33mWARNING:\x1B[0m {items} item(s) were not found in {place} and cleaned.").format(items=notFound, place=dataDir))
+def showHelp():
+ print(basename(argv[0])+" [put <path [path [...]]> | list | drop <id [id [...]]> | restore <id [id [...]]> | gc]")
+ print(_("\n- put:\t\tPut items to trash\n- list:\t\tList trashed items with their id\n- drop:\t\tDrop items from the trash\n- restore:\tRestore items from the trash to their original path\n- gc:\t\tReorder items"))
+##### Useful stuff #####
+def _checkTrashDir_():
+ if not isdir(trashDir):
+ mkdir(trashDir, 0o755)
+ if not isdir(dataDir):
+ mkdir(dataDir, 0o755)
+ if not isdir(pathDir):
+ mkdir(pathDir, 0o755)
+def _trashSize_():
+ b = int(getoutput('du -sb {path}/'.format(path=dataDir)).split()[0])
+ if b == 0:
+ return (0, "0 B")
+ exp = int(log(b, 1024))
+ return (b, "%3.2f %s" % (b/(1024**exp), ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"][exp]))
+def _getNextId_():
+ return 1 + max([int(item) for item in listdir(pathDir)]+[0])
+##### MAIN #####
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = argv[1:]
+ _checkTrashDir_()
+ while len(args) > 0:
+ arg = args[0]
+ args = args[1:]
+ if arg == "put":
+ putToTrash(args)
+ break
+ if arg == "list":
+ listTrash()
+ continue
+ if arg == "drop":
+ dropItems(args)
+ break
+ if arg == "restore":
+ restoreItems(args)
+ break
+ if arg == "gc":
+ orderIds()
+ continue
+ showHelp()
+ break