path: root/aegir.install
diff options
authorJames An2015-08-04 13:42:42 -0400
committerJames An2015-08-04 13:42:42 -0400
commit703835cdb69a7daa97baeb106426bab803ed9ac2 (patch)
tree456987663050b6b71ad973378b601b82743af1b8 /aegir.install
parent8580155e53937717ed5a0f6cebeb32eb2263a775 (diff)
Moved all systemd unit changes to their own aegir service units, set aegir user as an alias use of http, and reorganised PHP/-FPM configurations.
Diffstat (limited to 'aegir.install')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/aegir.install b/aegir.install
index bcc1da516ea6..d8f454be4ff5 100644
--- a/aegir.install
+++ b/aegir.install
@@ -1,39 +1,59 @@
post_install() {
- post_upgrade
+ echo -n ">>> Creating the aegir user as an alias of the http user... "
+ [ $(getent passwd aegir &>/dev/null; echo $?) -eq 0 ] && {
+ echo "User already exists; no action taken."
+ } || {
+ useradd --gid $(id --group http) --home-dir /usr/shared/webapps/aegir --non-unique --uid $(id --user http) aegir
+ echo "Done."
+ }
- echo ">>> 1. Ensure this machine's hostname is a FQDN that resolves one of its IP addresses:"
- echo " $ ip addr | grep inet | sed --regexp-extended 's/ *inet6? ([^\\/]*).*/\1/' | \\"
- echo " grep --quiet $(resolveip $(hostname) | cut --fields=6 --delimiter=' ') && echo Success!"
- echo ">>> 2. Ensure the http user and group exist (i.e. uid=gid=33):"
- echo " $ test \$(id --user http) -eq 33 -a \$(id --group http) -eq 33 && echo Success!"
- echo ">>> 3. Ensure PHP can successfully send outgoing emails (the supplied msmtprc template works for Google accounts):"
- echo " $ php -r 'mail(\"\", \"Test email from PHP\", \"Test email body.\");'"
- echo ">>> 4. Setup the MySQL instance (by running mysql_secure_installation, or the following shell commands):"
- echo " # systemctl start mysqld"
- echo " $ mysql --user=root --execute=\""
- echo " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';"
- echo " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1');"
- echo " DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%';"
- echo ">>> 5. (opt) Create a aegir MySQL user:"
- echo " $ mysql --user=root \\"
- echo " --execute=\"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'aegir'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwd' WITH GRANT OPTION;\""
- echo ">>> 6. Install hostmaster as the aegir user through its drush provision command:"
- echo " # su aegir -c \\"
- echo " \"drush hostmaster-install --yes --web_group=http --http_service_type=nginx \\"
- echo " --root=/var/lib/aegir/hostmaster --aegir_db_user=aegir --aegir_db_pass=passwd \\"
- echo " --aegir_host=\$(hostname) --client_email=aegir@\$(hostname) \$(hostname)\""
- echo ">>> 7. Connect nginx to the Unix socket used by php-fpm:"
- echo " # su aegir -c \"sed -i 's/\\/run\\/php-fpm\\/php-fpm.sock/' /var/lib/aegir/config/includes/nginx_vhost_common.conf\""
- echo ">>> 8. Start the entire web stack:"
- echo " # systemctl start mysqld nginx php-fpm"
- echo ">>> 9. (opt) Enable and start the hosting queue daemon:"
- echo " # su aegir -c \"drush @hostmaster pm-enable hosting_queued\" && systemctl start aegir"
+ echo -n ">>> Testing that localhost resolves to an IP address assigned to a network interface... "
+ [ $(ip addr | sed --quiet --regexp-extended 's/\s+inet6?\s([^\/]*).*/\1/p' | egrep '^(|::1)$' | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && echo "Failed." || echo "Passed."
+ echo -n ">>> Testing for successful outgoing mail by PHP... "
+ [ -z "$(php -r 'print_r(mail("", "Test email from PHP", "Test email body."));')" ] && echo "Failed." || echo "Passed."
+ echo ">>> Initialise Aegir with the following steps:"
+ echo " 1. Initialise the MariaDB data directory, e.g. with the mysql install db command, and start the MariaDB service:"
+ echo " # mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql && systemctl start mysqld.service"
+ echo " 2. Run mysql_secure_installation to:"
+ echo " - set a root password;"
+ echo " - remove anonymous users;"
+ echo " - disallow remote root logins; and"
+ echo " - remove the test database."
+ echo " 3. Create a database user for Aegir with the 'GRANT OPTION' privilege:"
+ echo " $ mysql --execute=\"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'aegir'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;\""
+ echo " 4. Install Aegir's frontend with the drush command, hostmaster-install, e.g.:"
+ echo " # sudo -Hu aegir drush hostmaster-install --web_group=http --http_service_type=nginx \\"
+ echo " --root=/usr/share/webapps/hostmaster \\"
+ echo " --aegir_db_user=aegir --aegir_db_pass=password \\"
+ echo " --client_email=aegir@$(hostname) \\"
+ echo " --aegir_host=$(hostname) aegir.$(hostname)\\"
+ echo " 5. Reconfigure Aegir's nginx configuration to use UNIX sockets instead of a network loopback port:"
+ echo " # sed -i 's#' /var/lib/aegir/config/includes/nginx_vhost_common.conf"
+ echo " 6. Start and start on boot the Aegir stack target:"
+ echo " # systemctl enable --now"
+ echo " 7. Enable the hosting_queued module/hosting feature, unmask the queue daemon service unit, and restart the Aegir stack:"
+ echo " # drush @hostmaster pm-enable hosting_queued"
+ echo " # drush @hostmaster vset --exact --format=integer hosting_feature_queued 1"
+ echo " # systemctl restart"
+pre_upgrade() {
+ [ $(systemctl --system is-active = active ] && {
+ touch /tmp/
+ systemctl --system stop --now
+ }
post_upgrade() {
- [ getent passwd aegir &>/dev/null ] || useradd --uid 696 --gid http --home-dir /var/lib/aegir aegir
- chmod 755 /var/lib/aegir
- pwconv
+ [ -f /tmp/ ] && {
+ rm /tmp/
+ systemctl --system stop --now
+ }
+pre_remove() {
+ [ $(systemctl --system is-enabled = enabled ] && systemctl --system disable --now
+ [ $(systemctl --system is-active = enabled ] && systemctl --system stop --now