path: root/
diff options
authorxsmile2018-06-04 15:20:31 +0200
committerxsmile2018-06-04 15:20:31 +0200
commitd5f9faa36269d5ce2144d93ab4622f3d67e102fb (patch)
treeee3300867bac5924804e985b1105a1425580ecb8 /
parent8a6e454d1f806fd9e7ca74d922b24e76e7a5e79e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 480158e09294..98e854329701 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>
#include <ctime>
+#include <cwchar>
+#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <rak/path.h>
+#include <rak/algorithm.h>
#include <rak/functional.h>
#include <rak/functional_fun.h>
-#if RT_HEX_VERSION < 0x000904
- #include <sigc++/adaptors/bind.h>
#include "core/download.h"
#include "core/manager.h"
@@ -46,12 +46,13 @@
#include "control.h"
#include "command_helpers.h"
-#if (RT_HEX_VERSION >= 0x000901)
- #define _cxxstd_ tr1
- #define _cxxstd_ std
+// In 0.9.x this changed to 'tr1' (dropping sigc::bind), see
+// "C++ Technical Report 1" was later added to "C++11", using tr1 makes stuff compile on older GCC
+#define _cxxstd_ tr1
+// List of system capabilities for `system.has` command
+static std::set<std::string> system_capabilities;
// handle for message log file
namespace core {
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ torrent::Tracker* get_active_tracker(torrent::Download* item) {
torrent::TrackerList* tl = item->tracker_list();
torrent::Tracker* tracker = 0;
- for (int trkidx = 0; trkidx < tl->size(); trkidx++) {
+ for (size_t trkidx = 0; trkidx < tl->size(); trkidx++) {
tracker = tl->at(trkidx);
if (tracker->is_usable() && tracker->type() == torrent::Tracker::TRACKER_HTTP
&& tracker->scrape_complete() + tracker->scrape_incomplete() > 0) {
@@ -224,6 +225,29 @@ std::string get_active_tracker_domain(torrent::Download* item) {
+// return various scrape information of the "main" tracker for this download item
+int64_t get_active_tracker_scrape_info(const int operation, torrent::Download* item) {
+ int64_t scrape_num = 0;
+ torrent::Tracker* tracker = get_active_tracker(item);
+ if (tracker) {
+ switch (operation) {
+ case 1:
+ scrape_num = tracker->scrape_downloaded();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ scrape_num = tracker->scrape_complete();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ scrape_num = tracker->scrape_incomplete();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return scrape_num;
/* @DOC
`compare = <order>, <sort_key>=[, ...]`
@@ -355,12 +379,8 @@ torrent::Object apply_ui_bind_key(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object
switch (displayType) {
case ui::DownloadList::DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD_LIST:
display->bindings()[key] =
-#if RT_HEX_VERSION < 0x000904
- sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*(ui::ElementDownloadList*)display, &ui::ElementDownloadList::receive_command),
_cxxstd_::bind(&ui::ElementDownloadList::receive_command, (ui::ElementDownloadList*)display,
- bound_commands[displayType][key].c_str());
+ bound_commands[displayType][key].c_str());
return torrent::Object();
@@ -471,6 +491,46 @@ torrent::Object cmd_log_messages(const torrent::Object::string_type& arg) {
+torrent::Object cmd_import_return(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object& args) {
+ // Handled in src/rpc/ via patch
+ throw torrent::input_error("import.return");
+torrent::Object retrieve_d_custom_if_z(core::Download* download, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ if (itr == args.end())
+ throw torrent::bencode_error("d.custom.if_z: Missing key argument.");
+ const std::string& key = (itr++)->as_string();
+ if (key.empty())
+ throw torrent::bencode_error("d.custom.if_z: Empty key argument.");
+ if (itr == args.end())
+ throw torrent::bencode_error("d.custom.if_z: Missing default argument.");
+ try {
+ return download->bencode()->get_key("rtorrent").get_key("custom").get_key_string(key);
+ } catch (torrent::bencode_error& e) {
+ return itr->as_string();
+ }
+torrent::Object retrieve_d_custom_map(core::Download* download, bool keys_only, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.begin() != args.end())
+ throw torrent::bencode_error("d.custom.keys/items takes no arguments.");
+ torrent::Object result = keys_only ? torrent::Object::create_list() : torrent::Object::create_map();
+ torrent::Object::map_type& entries = download->bencode()->get_key("rtorrent").get_key("custom").as_map();
+ for (torrent::Object::map_type::const_iterator itr = entries.begin(), last = entries.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ if (keys_only) result.as_list().push_back(itr->first);
+ else result.as_map()[itr->first] = itr->second;
+ }
+ return result;
d_multicall_filtered(const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
if (args.size() < 2)
@@ -534,6 +594,99 @@ torrent::Object cmd_throttle_names() {
+static const std::string& string_get_first_arg(const char* name, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() < 1) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("string." + std::string(name) + " needs a string argument!");
+ }
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ return itr->as_string();
+static int64_t string_get_value_arg(const char* name, torrent::Object::list_const_iterator& itr) {
+ int64_t result = 0;
+ if (itr->is_string()) {
+ char* junk = 0;
+ result = strtol(itr->as_string().c_str(), &junk, 10);
+ if (*junk) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("string." + std::string(name) + ": "
+ "junk at end of value: " + itr->as_string());
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = itr->as_value();
+ }
+ ++itr;
+ return result;
+torrent::Object cmd_string_len(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ std::mbstate_t mbs = std::mbstate_t();
+ std::string text = string_get_first_arg("len", args);
+ const char* pos = text.c_str();
+ int glyphs = 0, bytes = 0, skip;
+ while (*pos && (skip = std::mbrlen(pos, text.length() - bytes, &mbs)) > 0) {
+ pos += skip;
+ bytes += skip;
+ ++glyphs;
+ }
+ return (int64_t) glyphs;
+torrent::Object cmd_string_substr(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ const std::string text = string_get_first_arg("substr", args);
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin() + 1;
+ int64_t glyphs = 0, count = text.length();
+ std::string fallback;
+ if (itr != args.end()) glyphs = string_get_value_arg("substr(pos)", itr);
+ if (itr != args.end()) count = string_get_value_arg("substr(count)", itr);
+ if (itr != args.end()) fallback = (itr++)->as_string();
+ if (count < 0) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("string.substr: Invalid negative count!");
+ }
+ std::mbstate_t mbs = std::mbstate_t();
+ const char* pos = text.c_str();
+ int bytes = 0, skip;
+ if (glyphs < 0) {
+ std::string::size_type offsets[text.length() + 1];
+ int64_t idx = 0;
+ while (*pos && (skip = std::mbrlen(pos, text.length() - bytes, &mbs)) > 0) {
+ offsets[idx++] = bytes;
+ pos += skip;
+ bytes += skip;
+ }
+ offsets[idx] = bytes;
+ int64_t begidx = std::max(idx + glyphs, 0L);
+ int64_t endidx = std::min(idx, begidx + count);
+ return text.substr(offsets[begidx], offsets[endidx] - offsets[begidx]);
+ }
+ while (glyphs-- > 0 && *pos && (skip = std::mbrlen(pos, text.length() - bytes, &mbs)) > 0) {
+ pos += skip;
+ bytes += skip;
+ }
+ if (!*pos) return fallback;
+ int bytes_pos = bytes, bytes_count = 0;
+ while (count-- > 0 && *pos && (skip = std::mbrlen(pos, text.length() - bytes, &mbs)) > 0) {
+ pos += skip;
+ bytes += skip;
+ bytes_count += skip;
+ }
+ return text.substr(bytes_pos, bytes_count);
torrent::Object::value_type apply_string_contains(bool ignore_case, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
throw torrent::input_error("string.contains[_i] takes at least two arguments!");
@@ -603,6 +756,70 @@ torrent::Object cmd_string_replace(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Objec
+torrent::Object cmd_array_at(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() != 2) {
+ throw torrent::input_error(" takes at exactly two arguments!");
+ }
+ torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin();
+ torrent::Object::list_type array = (itr++)->as_list();
+ torrent::Object::value_type index = (itr++)->as_value();
+ if (array.empty()) {
+ throw torrent::input_error(" array is empty!");
+ }
+ if (index < 0 || int(array.size()) <= index) {
+ throw torrent::input_error(" index out of bounds!");
+ }
+ return;
+void add_capability(const char* name) {
+ system_capabilities.insert(name);
+torrent::Object cmd_system_has(const torrent::Object::string_type& arg) {
+ if (arg.empty()) {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Passed empty string to 'system.has'!");
+ }
+ bool result = (system_capabilities.count(arg) != 0);
+ if (!result && '=' == {
+ result = rpc::commands.has(arg.substr(0, arg.size()-1));
+ }
+ return (int64_t) result;
+torrent::Object cmd_system_has_list() {
+ torrent::Object result = torrent::Object::create_list();
+ torrent::Object::list_type& resultList = result.as_list();
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator itr = system_capabilities.begin(); itr != system_capabilities.end(); itr++) {
+ resultList.push_back(*itr);
+ }
+ return result;
+torrent::Object cmd_system_has_methods(bool filter_public) {
+ torrent::Object result = torrent::Object::create_list();
+ torrent::Object::list_type& resultList = result.as_list();
+ for (rpc::CommandMap::const_iterator itr = rpc::commands.begin(), last = rpc::commands.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ if (bool(itr->second.m_flags & rpc::CommandMap::flag_public_xmlrpc) == filter_public) {
+ resultList.push_back(itr->first);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
torrent::Object cmd_value(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
if (args.size() < 1) {
throw torrent::input_error("'value' takes at least a number argument!");
@@ -630,40 +847,130 @@ torrent::Object cmd_value(rpc::target_type target, const torrent::Object::list_t
-// Backports from 0.9.2
-#if (API_VERSION < 3)
-template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> OutputIterator
-pyro_transform_hex(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator dest) {
- const char* hex = "0123456789abcdef";
- while (first != last) {
- *(dest++) = (*first >> 4)[hex];
- *(dest++) = (*first & 15)[hex];
+torrent::Object cmd_d_tracker_domain(core::Download* download) {
+ return get_active_tracker_domain(download->download());
- ++first;
- }
- return dest;
+torrent::Object cmd_d_tracker_scrape_info(const int operation, core::Download* download) {
+ return get_active_tracker_scrape_info(operation, download->download());
-torrent::Object d_chunks_seen(core::Download* download) {
- const uint8_t* seen = download->download()->chunks_seen();
- if (seen == NULL)
- return std::string();
+inline std::vector<int64_t> as_vector(const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong argument count in as_vector.");
- uint32_t size = download->download()->file_list()->size_chunks();
- std::string result;
- result.resize(size * 2);
- pyro_transform_hex((const char*)seen, (const char*)seen + size, result.begin());
+ std::vector<int64_t> result;
+ for (torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin(), last = args.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ if (itr->is_value()) {
+ result.push_back(itr->as_value());
+ } else if (itr->is_string()) {
+ result.push_back(rpc::convert_to_value(itr->as_string()));
+ } else if (itr->is_list()) {
+ std::vector<int64_t> subResult = as_vector(itr->as_list());
+ result.insert(result.end(), subResult.begin(), subResult.end());
+ } else {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong type supplied to as_vector.");
+ }
+ }
return result;
-torrent::Object cmd_d_tracker_domain(core::Download* download) {
- return get_active_tracker_domain(download->download());
+int64_t apply_math_basic(const char* name, const std::function<int64_t(int64_t,int64_t)> op,
+ const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ int64_t val = 0, rhs = 0;
+ bool divides = !strcmp(name, "math.div") || !strcmp(name, "math.mod");
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string(name) + ": No arguments provided!");
+ for (torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin(), last = args.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ if (itr->is_value()) {
+ rhs = itr->as_value();
+ } else if (itr->is_string()) {
+ rhs = rpc::convert_to_value(itr->as_string());
+ } else if (itr->is_list()) {
+ rhs = apply_math_basic(name, op, itr->as_list());
+ } else {
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string(name) + ": Wrong argument type");
+ }
+ if (divides && !rhs && itr != args.begin())
+ throw torrent::input_error(std::string(name) + ": Division by zero!");
+ val = itr == args.begin() ? rhs : op(val, rhs);
+ }
+ return val;
+int64_t apply_arith_basic(const std::function<int64_t(int64_t,int64_t)> op,
+ const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong argument count in apply_arith_basic.");
+ int64_t val = 0;
+ for (torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin(), last = args.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ if (itr->is_value()) {
+ val = itr == args.begin() ? itr->as_value()
+ : (op(val, itr->as_value()) ? val : itr->as_value());
+ } else if (itr->is_string()) {
+ int64_t cval = rpc::convert_to_value(itr->as_string());
+ val = itr == args.begin() ? cval : (op(val, cval) ? val : cval);
+ } else if (itr->is_list()) {
+ int64_t fval = apply_arith_basic(op, itr->as_list());
+ val = itr == args.begin() ? fval : (op(val, fval) ? val : fval);
+ } else {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong type supplied to apply_arith_basic.");
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+int64_t apply_arith_count(const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong argument count in apply_arith_count.");
+ int64_t val = 0;
+ for (torrent::Object::list_const_iterator itr = args.begin(), last = args.end(); itr != last; itr++) {
+ switch (itr->type()) {
+ case torrent::Object::TYPE_VALUE:
+ case torrent::Object::TYPE_STRING:
+ val++;
+ break;
+ case torrent::Object::TYPE_LIST:
+ val += apply_arith_count(itr->as_list());
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong type supplied to apply_arith_count.");
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+int64_t apply_arith_other(const char* op, const torrent::Object::list_type& args) {
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong argument count in apply_arith_other.");
+ if (strcmp(op, "average") == 0) {
+ return (int64_t)(apply_math_basic(op, std::plus<int64_t>(), args) / apply_arith_count(args));
+ } else if (strcmp(op, "median") == 0) {
+ std::vector<int64_t> result = as_vector(args);
+ return (int64_t)rak::median(result.begin(), result.end());
+ } else {
+ throw torrent::input_error("Wrong operation supplied to apply_arith_other.");
+ }
@@ -688,16 +995,14 @@ torrent::Object cmd_ui_current_view() {
void initialize_command_pyroscope() {
-// Backports from 0.9.2
-#if (API_VERSION < 3)
- //
- //
- CMD2_DL("d.chunks_seen", _cxxstd_::bind(&d_chunks_seen, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
- //
- CMD2_TRACKER("t.is_usable", _cxxstd_::bind(&torrent::Tracker::is_usable, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
- CMD2_TRACKER("t.is_busy", _cxxstd_::bind(&torrent::Tracker::is_busy, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ /*
+ *_ANY – no arguments (signature `cmd_*()`)
+ *_ANY_P – the 'P' means 'private'
+ *_STRING – takes (one?) string argument
+ *_LIST – takes any number of arguments
+ *_DL, *_DL_LIST – function gets a `core::Download*` as first parameter
+ *_VAR_VALUE – define a value, with getter and setter, and a default
+ */
#if RT_HEX_VERSION <= 0x000906
// these are merged into 0.9.7+ mainline! (well, maybe, PRs are ignored)
@@ -707,20 +1012,69 @@ void initialize_command_pyroscope() {
CMD2_ANY_LIST("d.multicall.filtered", _cxxstd_::bind(&d_multicall_filtered, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
- CMD2_ANY("throttle.names", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_throttle_names));
+ // string.* group
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("string.len", &cmd_string_len);
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("string.substr", &cmd_string_substr);
CMD2_ANY_LIST("string.contains", &cmd_string_contains);
CMD2_ANY_LIST("string.contains_i", &cmd_string_contains_i);
CMD2_ANY_LIST("", &cmd_string_map);
CMD2_ANY_LIST("string.replace", &cmd_string_replace);
+ // array.* group
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("", &cmd_array_at);
+ // math.* group
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.add", std::bind(&apply_math_basic, "math.add", std::plus<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.sub", std::bind(&apply_math_basic, "math.sub", std::minus<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.mul", std::bind(&apply_math_basic, "math.mul", std::multiplies<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.div", std::bind(&apply_math_basic, "math.div", std::divides<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.mod", std::bind(&apply_math_basic, "math.mod", std::modulus<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.min", std::bind(&apply_arith_basic, std::less<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.max", std::bind(&apply_arith_basic, std::greater<int64_t>(), std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.cnt", std::bind(&apply_arith_count, std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("math.avg", std::bind(&apply_arith_other, "average", std::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY_LIST("", std::bind(&apply_arith_other, "median", std::placeholders::_2));
+ // ui.focus.* – quick paging
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.home", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_home));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.end", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_end));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgup", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgup));
+ CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgdn", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgdn));
+ CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.focus.page_size", 50);
+ // system.has.*
+ CMD2_ANY_STRING("system.has", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_system_has, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_ANY("system.has.list", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_system_has_list));
+ CMD2_ANY("system.has.private_methods", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_system_has_methods, false));
+ CMD2_ANY("system.has.public_methods", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_system_has_methods, true));
+ // d.custom.* extensions
+ CMD2_DL_LIST("d.custom.if_z", _cxxstd_::bind(&retrieve_d_custom_if_z,
+ _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_DL_LIST("d.custom.keys", _cxxstd_::bind(&retrieve_d_custom_map,
+ _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1, true, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ CMD2_DL_LIST("d.custom.items", _cxxstd_::bind(&retrieve_d_custom_map,
+ _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1, false, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
+ // Misc commands
CMD2_ANY_LIST("value", &cmd_value);
CMD2_ANY_LIST("compare", &apply_compare);
CMD2_ANY("ui.bind_key", &apply_ui_bind_key);
CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.bind_key.verbose", 1);
+ CMD2_ANY("throttle.names", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_throttle_names));
CMD2_DL("d.tracker_domain", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_d_tracker_domain, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ CMD2_DL("d.tracker_scrape.downloaded", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_d_tracker_scrape_info, 1, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ CMD2_DL("d.tracker_scrape.complete", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_d_tracker_scrape_info, 2, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
+ CMD2_DL("d.tracker_scrape.incomplete", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_d_tracker_scrape_info, 3, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1));
CMD2_ANY_STRING("log.messages", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_log_messages, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_2));
- CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.home", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_home));
- CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.end", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_end));
- CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgup", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgup));
- CMD2_ANY("ui.focus.pgdn", _cxxstd_::bind(&cmd_ui_focus_pgdn));
- CMD2_VAR_VALUE("ui.focus.page_size", 50);
+ CMD2_ANY_P("import.return", &cmd_import_return);
+ CMD2_DL("d.is_meta", _cxxstd_::bind(&torrent::DownloadInfo::is_meta_download,
+ _cxxstd_::bind(&core::Download::info, _cxxstd_::placeholders::_1)));
+ // List capabilities of this build
+ add_capability("system.has"); // self
+ add_capability("rtorrent-ps"); // obvious
+ add_capability("colors"); // not monochrome
+ add_capability("canvas_v2"); // new PS 1.1 canvas with fully dynamic columns